Wait, Four Swords is in the Adult Timeline just because the castle looks similar to Wind Waker's? I thought we weren't using graphical similarities as ways to determine timeline places.
I already know Four Swords/LttP/Oracles/LA all go together, I just figured they were in a different timeline. Here are two arguments for the child timeline we've already discussed:
In LttP, they reference the "Ancient" Sages instead of the Sages awakened in OoT, just like Twilight Princess did.
Twinrova's in Oracles, and she's dead in the adult timeline.
Hmm, I'll go back and read previous posts to see what changed everyone's minds lol.
Also, here's my list:
Best Story: Ocarina of Time
Best Concept: Link's Awakening
Best Art Design: Majora's Mask (I really like the concept art for this game for some reason. I know it's the same models as OoT lolol)
Best Characterization: Hmm? You mean... best presentation? best cutscenes? best characters? Umm, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and Majora's Mask respectively
Best Music: TOO HARD OF A CHOICE I DUNNO LOL (Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time are top 3 I think)
"Best" is such a strong word, lol. It's hard to pick the "best" out of the Zelda series...
Edit: Oh, that old quote by Miyamato saying that Zelda 1 comes after LttP. I know it's Miyamato, but I really think that quote is outdated. It was before the timeline was split and we have all this new evidence that says otherwise. The quote could still be true in a way, if we say that Zelda 1 comes after LttP, but on a different Timeline.
We should really go with the most recent quotes as sources first, such as the one that said the timeline is split.
And about there being more water in Oracle of Ages past... I'm actually a bit worried about that too, lol. I'm not altogether certain what to make of it. Except that we have other evidence to explain the contrary, saying that Oracles in the child timeline, and that Oracles came out before Wind Waker.