Smash Lord
I don't mean to sound elitist. I'm just used to debating with people who know the Japanese translations, know the Seal War, know more about the AoL BS etc. I'm not used to people disregarding OoX as canon when the Japanese text as huge timeline indicators.No need to be an elitist, Sign of Madness, and the same can go for you Vulcan. No need in marking others with slander and complete objection when none of us can truly be correct. There's a difference between dissecting, analyzing, and distributing information and forcibly disproving another to rectify your own belief. Is it joyous to shoot down another so that your belief may be upheld? Let me use a grand metaphor for this situation.
Well to a certain extent. There are some things that are just plain wrong. I've seen timelines that go LoZ-MM. And stuff like that.any timeline theory is true, as it lies simply in the reader's interpretation of the concepts held within the saga
If you think land is that important then I suggest looking at the FSA map then the LttP map. They look eerily similar. And FSA takes place on an island.For instance, what matters most to me is the land. Not the people, but the land and how it changes, which is why - in the past - I've constructed so many theories based on it. If the land is more important to me than Ganon's mortality, then a timeline I construct around it is as true as any other.
Also note that there is more water in the past of OoA than the present. Hinting towards the Deku Tree's success.
1) Well the flood can explain a lot of the evolution. The changes from water octorok's to land octorok's. There's more, but I'm lazy.1. enemy structure - enemies of the same name undergo a million years of evolution within a timeline that suggests only a 100 between games.
2. Geography - once again, if there is a timeline, then there must be at least 500 years between games with significantly different geographies.
3. nature of the triforce - no amount of timelining will explain how in some games the triforce is a birthright in some games and a physical object in others.
2) There very well could be 500 years between the majority of games.
3) Not timeline theorizing. But theorizing on the individual games can. When (if ever) ZeldaInformer comes back up I'll link you to an excellent article which explains the Triforce very well using facts that we know.
About the no timeline thing being "truer" I have to disagree on that. There are certain confirmed arcs that we know of.
The rest aren't confirmed, but can be put together with a little thought.