There's no one "sure-fire" style of playing.
Mix it up.
Are you playing EXTREMELY defensive? Have you connected 3 PK Fires only to let your opponent recollect himself after each and every one? Throw out another, but this time how about a follow-up? If you've done the same thing (successfully) you've done well, but now take it one step further. Juggle him, punish him even harder for making that one tiny mistake.
Even if you don't take that to heart- please at least hear me out here; stop thinking in terms of black and white, you'll never be great if you think "X" is THE BEST thing to do in "Y" scenario- as your opponent isn't a CPU, (there are patterns, no one can deny this) but they're also capable of mixing it up whenever they **** well please, and it's not a pretty sight to see a flowchart player get picked apart by someone who actually THINKS while playing.
tl;dr mix it up, scrubbies