very noobish question but I think it should be answered.
Why do people say Lucas has a poor recovery? He has many different options to get back and yet people still say it is bad.
-Plus a pretty good Double jump that is almost like a recovery in it's own.
Can someone explain to me how this is a horrid recovery so I can get it through my thick skull? The only way I can see is that if you don't mix it up it can get predictible but otherwise i think his recovery isn't half bad at all in the slighest. Plus his air mobility is decent as well.
*sorry little recovery rant =P*
The problem with these, is that they aren't very safe.
With wavebouncing, you get an large amount of lag at the end of PSI Magnet. This can allow several characters to use high knockback U-airs to hit you out of it and get a kill (since you're near the ceiling). If you want examples, I remember at a low tier tournament, PF had trouble not getting U-aired by Boss' Mario when he wavebounced.
Tether is pro, but it has pretty short ranged and he doesn't get invincibility until his hand touches the ledge, this can lead to a lot of stuff happening like BS spikes being pulled off or even stage spikes.
Zapjumping seems really cool at first. Like ZOMG look how far up I go. Then you get into the lag it puts you in. It's sort of like Zelda's Up-B in a sense. At the end you're put into major lag where you have nearly no air mobility. Then you're falling without a second jump, which is horrible. This forces you to do PKT2 immediately or air-dodge to tether which is pretty easy to predict and ****.
In theory wave-zapping is amazing, but it's extremely hard to pull off.
PKT2 has it's own problems in that they opponent can go after you offstage in your 1.5 seconds of standing still. And even if they miss their punishment isn't much as long as they DI. Usually taking 8 damage max.
Lucas double-jump is a double edged blade. On one side, it has great height. On the other, he loses it as soon as he does a special or gets hit. Which makes doing PKF on the rise unviable. If a MK spams D-tilt at the edge, you also have to be really careful. Luckily Lucas can cancel DJ into tether, something Ness can't do, which makes gimping his DJ much harder.