We call him Happy Vaati.
EDIT: While I'm here I might as well respond to Kupo15.
Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Its still an extremely hard temple. I get the feeling that dismissing the water temple as a credible challenge because it was "designed terribly" is a bad excuse.
Compare the easily understood Forest Temple or even the Bottom of the Well. Then look at the Water Temple, it was hard because the layout was a mess.
The mini boss in that temple was scary challenging as well as the main boss in comparison to much of the later games.
Remind me what the mini boss was again?
And also if you want to talk complex, look at the 4th temple in MM. Or was that also poorly designed?
Complex =/= challenging. And yes, I do think Stone Tower was well designed. Although it's been years since I played it.
Did you play it when it first came out or was it like goldeneye where you played it 2 years afterwards?
I played it at the age of seven around the time it came out, and I loved it. And for the record, I first played Goldeneye in 2008, a good elven years after it came out.
I remember you didn't grow up with Nintendo the way I did. In any case, you can't just dismiss this likee you did.
I would say nostalgia but people seem to not like it when I do.
What we are arguing has its relevance in the initial reception when the game comes out. You have to compare the difficulty and stuff when the game first came out otherwise its not a fair comparison.
I believe it's fair enough. Sure, WW wasn't revolutionary like OoT was but it played a lot better. Besides, the problem with claiming a game is the best in the world because what it did at the time is irrelevant because newer games will come by and improve on what said revolutionary game did. This means that people playing it for the first time won't see a world-breaking phenomenon but rather a primitive version of the games they know.
It would be like me saying that OOT should be rated lower than TP because the graphics are worse. Well duh. You can't fault OOT for having bad graphics in comparison to TP because it was made 14 odd years ago.
Why is it that everyone thinks that I'm always talking about graphics?
You need to think back to when the game was first released because back then, the graphics looked just as good to our immature eyes as TP looks now to our mature eyes.
Back then.
Similarly you can't say that OOT is no more difficult than TP is because its been out for 14 years. No kidding! I would hope that us gamers have gotten better since then which would mean that TP should be harder than OOT or at the very least as hard as OOT was when it first came out. The fact that I'm not struggling with the newer Zelda's the way I did with OOT or MM is kinda shameful.
Either that or it might have felt like OoT was harder than it actually was because of how much younger you were.
And for the record, even IGN (for what its worth) always deducts points from present N games due to being easy.
Again, above.
You are not understanding what I mean and where my priorities lie. You think that because I'm against the motionness that I'm also against new things. I'm not. I've made this distinction several times throughout our history but I think I should repeat myself yet again.
I have yet to see you accept very many new ideas.
There is a very big difference between gameplay (design) and controls. I even said that SS should introduce a new collectible item that we haven't seen before. I also loved MM which proves that I like new things. But all of these things are gameplay things. Not control things. Maybe this will clear things up.
Alright, I get where you're coming from with this. And I do agree that it would be nice to see some more collectibles.
SS is the best zelda game ever. It is better than OOT and tons better than MM. The game is the best but the controls suck so much that the game is just terrible.
How can yous say that the controls suck if the game isn't even out yet? Unless I'm forgetting another LoZ with the initials SS.
They give you everything you need when you need it. I'm not saying it should pull a Lttp where you run out of magic and you have to mirror out of the boss fight. They give you the items you need when you need them and then you never need them again.
So giving you the items you need to proceed is "playing itself?" What?
Examples include like the water bombs. It would be much different if there was only one all purpose bomb that you got early on then you had to figure out that you need to use the bomb underwater instead of getting the water bombs at the water temple.
I really don't miss the days when game's were "challenging" because they hit information from you.
If you look at OOT, its been a while but off the top of my head, I can't think of an item that was only used when it was originally needed like TP was. Look at items like the ball and chain. Temple specific. Water bomb. Temple specific IIRC. They give you tons of items that are only used once.
So? I really don't mind that.
Skulltulahs. Magic spells, arrow type upgrades, Biggoron sword. Extra bottles. (little more rewarding because in the n64 ones bottles mattered a lot more than just faeries and potions. You had blue fire, fish, bugs, Princess ect)
You are going to hate this because its more of the originality argument, but with the skulltuluhs, you can get a bigger wallet, the rumble feature that helped with getting more skulltuluhs, ect You are probably saying "but this game also has quiver and wallet upgrades" and you'd be right. The difference is that at the time, this was new. So if SS wants to be new and equally impacting, it needs to come up with new items and new upgrades worth seeking out. It needs to add on to old instead of removing old things that were great or just keeping things the same.
You're using those words again. Plus you could upgrade a number of things back in AlttP if I recall.
Ice rod, ice arrows (except for MM), deku nuts, Blue cane, Magic cape, Farore's wind, nayrues love, masks, bombchu, biggoron sword, bombos medallion, magic dust, upgraded mails......
These things were in the newer installments too.
It was kinda like the stamp collection. The bombers notebook is more connected to the rewards of the masks.
I used to be that way but for many of us, its the whole picture. That is what Zelda is. The side quests is half the exploration and half the challenge of the game maybe even more.
For you maybe, I personally enjoy the dungeon crawling the most myself.
Sure I guess but remember that unless the graphics are Atari, they really don't impact the gameplay at all. Surely you can agree that the tech demo you claim found in Super Mario 64 is nothing compared to the tech demo SS has? I hope you can agree that the tech demo feature of SS is extremely risky compared to showing off graphics like SM64
Nintendo knows what they're doing with the Wiimote, SWS isn't a tech demo the show off graphics because the Wii isn't about graphics, and it isn't about showing off the wiimote either. Wii Play was a tech demo showing off the Wiimote, Wii Sports resort was a tech demo showing off the motion plus, SWS is the motion plus put into action.
I don't.
Tony Hawk
Four Swords
Luigi's Mansion
Time Splitters
Second Sight
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals
Some more GC I can't remember
Super Princess Peach
Phantom Hourglass
Kirby Canvas Curse
Excitetruck WII
DKCR (bad controls though)
Galaxy (not bad not amazing, annoying controls)
I'm seeing a major lack of non-Nintendo titles here. Especially key titles that have defined modern gaming such as Bioshock or Portal.