Twice in a row now I've had a strong start to the week.
I must say that now that I am no longer so worried about getting fried, I'm actually enjoying my job. It's no longer dreadful at all(hopefully this feeling lasts)
One of my best friends and I fully made up today(at least I think so), we had dinner together and then we chilled in her room and chat for while, where as just last week I felt like our friendship had truly ended. I have to be mindful that the damage to our friendship hasn't disappeared, but as of right now there are no problems between us.
On a less good, but slightly funny note another one of my friends(friend b) is really pissed off at me. I told that other friend(friend a) I made up with, what friend b said about her and she texted friend b a very sarcastic and angry message; so now friend b is pissed with me. I lied to friend b and told her that I didn't tell friend a, but instead I told another friend(friend c) about what she said, because friend c didn't like friend b and I wanted to defend friend b(it would make more sense if I went into more detail).
To be honest, I really don't care if friend b stops talking to me, I just hope that my relationship with friend a isn't hampered because of this. This might sound assholish but I really don't like friend b. I think she is superficial, shallow, immature and kinda crazy. I just hang around her now because we used to be really close and I know she cares about me a lot(I don't like pushing people away when I know they care). I pride myself on being a very good friend so regardless of how this all turns out I screwed up. I know better. Perhaps I may be bothered by some of this in the future, but as of right now all I can do is laugh.
I'm looking forward to an enjoyable and productive day tomorrow.