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The GtaN Brawl General discussion thread! -Wait, did the title change?


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I guess it comes down to a matter of opinion, as you're obviously never going to see yourself as a douche. Unfortunately for you though, pretty much everyone in here does.

Surprised you give us that much attention? The fact of the matter is you care more than the majority of people in this thread and your ego never lets you back down from a potential argument. If you were surprised about that then you truly don't know yourself.

If we're not important on your priority list then get your priorities straight and get the **** out of here already!
Well, it all depends on your definition of douche. Did I ever let someones opinion of me influence on what I should post? Hell no, that would be bias, and bias is bad.

I am surprised I have given GTA this much attention since I have other people that say stuff that is completely illogical and they should be rectified. My ego never stops me from backing down from a potential argument? My ego has nothing to do with that at all, I just think everyone should be able to justify their points logically(rather than through flaming like some of you seem to enjoy doing ^.^ ). I got a list of priorities to attend to, but I just don't realize sometimes how much time you guys take to answer to, especially since sometimes I get very long posts as answers with a whole lot of biased information or complete misinformation that needs to be corrected. I don't like people spreading misinformation, that is all. I believe everyone should have the right to accurate information, and debating and comparing facts is the only way to achieve this.

Now I will reply once again, public boards, I can post anywhere I would like. If you don't like that, report me for any infraction I do because I never flame anyone or troll them. GTA on the other hand...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
I seem to remember brose and SG having an IC ditto mm, but I forgot who won.
Can anyone help me out?


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I seem to remember brose and SG having an IC ditto mm, but I forgot who won.
Can anyone help me out?
IIRC it was ambrose, GJ to him for that. Made me realize I had to work on that matchup, would have been stupid of me to simply call it a fluke and not realize that. I did and improved on it, rather than finding myself excuses. But once again, what does that have to do with the question at hand. And if you really wanna go this way, should we compare achievements between me and ambrose, I can tell you who has better ones straight away.

Its lain


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
I wonder if i can hit 10 by the end of Jan.

You guys can help out too. It's easy, just ask who won in the SG vs brose mm, bonus points for mentioning SG cping snake. In 1 min tops, SG will scurry over to wherever you posted and try to defend himself.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I wonder if i can hit 10 by the end of Jan.

You guys can help out too. It's easy, just ask who won in the SG vs brose mm, bonus points for mentioning SG cping snake. In 1 min tops, SG will scurry over to wherever you posted and try to defend himself.
Depends, if its not in canada thread, I probably won't as I don't namesearch myself. This is a free bonus tip.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
I wonder if i can hit 10 by the end of Jan.

You guys can help out too. It's easy, just ask who won in the SG vs brose mm, bonus points for mentioning SG cping snake. In 1 min tops, SG will scurry over to wherever you posted and try to defend himself.
LMAO man i forgot SG went snake in that MM,**** that was lulz


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
wait swordguard plays brawl. Dam i thought it was his first time judging by his performance against ambrose.
Side note: Guys ive been improving my smash di on jungle japes to live the falco spike. Its so easy, i watched swordguard do it vs minus and im like wow... godlike


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
wait swordguard plays brawl. Dam i thought it was his first time judging by his performance against ambrose.
Side note: Guys ive been improving my smash di on jungle japes to live the falco spike. Its so easy, i watched swordguard do it vs minus and im like wow... godlike
Ahah that was fail considering I forgot to do it XD Seriously though, the spike is kinda easy to avoid if you think about it.

Wait, are there vids of me vs minus O.o I thought there was almost no vids of SBaN >.<

EDIT: Wait, a totally new ice climber player could bring ambrose to his last stock with ics twice O.o, did I miss something nickam? And holy crap, looking at the vids, I sucked back then.

Double edit: If anyone in here is willing to come to quebec and prove to us how bad we are, be my guest:

Free money for all of GTA PR since top 5 pays. You got this. : ) Especially if ambrose comes to beat me in tourney!


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
I love this thread more and more every day. Skip to the bottom "Moral of the story" if you don't want to read a rant.

Obviously we need to work on ****, we're behind as a whole behind alot of the US metagame, I'm not blind to that.

But I mean, just because the US has mad good top tier matchup experience =/= them being levels ahead of us. Mikey has a beast marth, and I nearly ***** slapped it back to bangkok with Link. Does that make me better than him? lol no. It means he doesn't know the matchup and I do. I **** every iceclimber in this scene and make them not want to play me, does that make me better than Jaske, sauc3, or Raidos? lol no. It means I know the matchup really ****ing well.

Considering one of the top if not the top 3 marth mains in the states, was getting dangled on by Culex's DK, and that one of top 3 diddy mains in the states gave up a match and lost out in set-count during pools to Culex doesn't say to me that we're THAT far behind. Considering I go toe to toe with Lombardo's DK, and often beat it with MY MARTH. Does that make me better than pierceD? lol yes lol no. It means I KNOW THE ****ING MATCHUP.

Moral of the story: Mikey, you went back and forth with a top MK in florida according to Ally, iirc. And then you struggled against an Olimar and a Wolf? Whens the last ****ing time you played an olimar or a wolf in tourney that was legit? This isn't a sign of the states being better. It's that you didn't know a matchup and got ****ed up. Plain and simple. Same deal for why Phil got spanked, and why Culex's falco and DK made it further.

Oh yeah. I beat Cruxis' snake, and got ****ing dangled on by Mikey's snake. Take a wild guess why that is kids? I repeated it about 10 ****ing times in this post.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
after minus/fools/nickcams posts, i was about to say all this thread needs is a tinman post... rofl and thereis is... this thread delvers.

Now all i need to see is Nasir saying that he'll 3 stalk swordgard and i can die a happy man


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
after minus/fools/nickcams posts, i was about to say all this thread needs is a tinman post... rofl and thereis is... this thread delvers.

Now all i need to see is Nasir saying that he'll 3 stalk swordgard and i can die a happy man
Nasir still posts?!? O.o


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON

If people want to get REALLY good, going to tourneys with no casuals or nothing to be prompt for a tournament will keep you at admittingly low levels of game play with hardly any noticeable progression (for it's a slower process that way), if you want to be pro you need casuals, tourney experiance, wifi, and another thing people need to start doing is searching the boards for strategies / matchup experience that can help you understand your character better..

Simple as that don't tell me otherwise, the handful I listed are the only ones who do those things, I don't care if it sounds insulting I want my scene to get better and said what needs to be done and I'll be there for my scene, like the legend they call MDK..
firstly, not everyone wants to get "REALLY good".

i will tell you otherwise, given that the things you have said above are your opinion.

another thing you might learn in university. in debate:

we cannot debate opinions. they are dead ends. you have to take a position to have constructive debate.

that is important because your opinion about how much people are working to improve is meaningless. you might argue that your position is that you feel people haven't improved because they have put in no effort. but your position is ill founded for two reasons. one, it is not certain that effort = improvement. the degree to which that improvement manifests itself is less so. two, you have no idea what work they are doing.

for example. personally i like the game, want to improve at it, but am perfectly satisfied my current ratio of effort going into smash and real life. i also feel that i do the things that you have listed i should, but have simply not become as good as other players. what i dont understand, however, is how you can speak for the things i have done.

again, i will grant you that everyone has not improved as much as as quickly as you have, so maybe they aren't doing as much work as you. maybe they can't learn as quickly. maybe you're just special. who knows. the results have not been the same, but i see no reason to say that everyone is just sitting around and doing nothing. it makes people who have been putting in effort seem like they are lazy and uninterested. in essence, all i really see is you calling people out for not being as good as you.

I want my scene to get better and said what needs to be done and I'll be there for my scene, like the legend they call MDK..
i quote myself here, about direct action..

more power to you, do what you can to improve it.

but firstly, theres no action like direct action (look it up, and if there are any anarchists here i salute you). this scene has been the way it is for a long time, and i'm pretty sure that no one plans to do something. the only real answer is direct action. that would be to do it yourself instead of talking about it. indirect action has gone on long enough as i'm sure you know. i'm not saying its your responsibility to fix everything, but if youre going to complain about it and propose solutions, IMO you shouldn't waste any time before acting on them.
so if you want to make casuals, make them. if you want people to train with you online, ask them. if people dont want to ask you, they won't.

i dont understand man. i said it before and i'll say it again.

youre skills man no doubt. none at all. im sure anyone who objects would be laughed out of this thread.number one in our region and im willing to be pretty **** good anywhere else.

but just because people aren't as good as you doesn't mean they aren't trying to get better.
also, to close, im just saying i dont think joe's an "idiot".


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I really think we should rally a GTA car to Quebec and beat them. enough saying we are better and just show it. Mikey, PLEASE drive Sauga there, lol. That is a futile question but whatever, someone try to convince him.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I really think we should rally a GTA car to Quebec and beat them. enough saying we are better and just show it. Mikey, PLEASE drive Sauga there, lol. That is a futile question but whatever, someone try to convince him.
If that happens, I am taking MMs from any GTA player : ) Anything up to 20$

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
I'mma going away on vacation, puerto vallarta, Mexico, and I probably wont have Internet access, so Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays everyone, Happy new year, and most of all

I <3 U ALL 8D


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Merry Christmas everyone!

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