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The GtaN Brawl General discussion thread! -Wait, did the title change?


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
snake won 2 tournies!!!??
mk won over 9000 tournies
National tourneys.

Apex, CoT4, those type of things. But your right, MK won more. Im just saying, if you want to go logically for banning stuff, snake should be next ^.^

Then ice climbers reign shall commence

/diabolical laughing!!!


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
mikey buy a ps3 and we'll talk. :)
GI dont respond LOLOL

lol snake is soft
buuuddddyyy, don't try to spread that garbage onto others. Although PS3 is a BEAST system, 360 still has most of its ****. And btw, you probably scrub at MvC2, get raaappeeedd.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
I will destroy you all in marvel, let it be known.

And seriously, the 360 is weak compared to the ps3 for fighting games, unless you've got your own stick. If you play pad on 360, you're screwed.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008

Okay, I know I am going to be hated...but what the **** is this ****...?

Is MK reeaallyy banned here now officially?

And man, the attacks on Swordgard are getting ridiculous, he is only bringing up points and warning us of the consequences of banning MK. It is true, it probably won't increase attendance, it won't make other characters tourney viable, we will continue being scrubs and ***** about other things to ban, and get ***** by any other region's players' MKs.

We should either wait for what happens with the SBR's decision, or admit we are scrubs and suck too hard to train, read, and concentrate on how to beat MKs and overall just get better. MK kinda does make this game suck, he is overpowered in many ways, but he is still legal and we are being called scrubs for this ****? And worst of all, denying it? Seriously, like I stated before, let's admit we are scrubs who just want to have fun with the game rather than care so much for it's competitive nature.

**** man, too many attacks on Swordgard when he is just trying to talk sense into the community, even if he IS being annoying at times.

SG, one thing, Ambrose pwned you in a hyyyppeee MM, which should stand for it being DAYUM important, don't try to disregard it with johns or whatever else. You own to, I learned some techniques and a good desync from you, but in the end, Ambrose pwned you. One DEFINITE thing is that you have the grabs way more down than Ambrose, he sucks at cgs now and it disappoints his fans...oh well.

Lawlbot just pwned this thread, that was hilarious.

Maaann, I don't know what to say, I hate MK, but I still want to have hope for this scene to kick back into shape like it once was. Let's just continue and pwn these MKs. ****, even I have been trying to think of ways to own MKs and I hate him and this game.

The ONLY thing that pisses me off about MK the most(what I truly hate and would wish for this ban to happen) is how it helps people place soooo much better in mere weeks. People like TO Joe beforehand, LKP, PoisonMist, Anthony, and now I'm hearing Sauc3. It just DOES feel unfair losing to them in such a short span of time because it then looks like it is the char, because how do they surpass us soooo **** quickly? BUT, then again, those players are ****ing legit, so what can you say?

Wow....my head hurts. This does sound ****ing random but i just wanted to type something and say anthing. This came out as a stream of consciousness so sorry about how random the structure is.

Okay, now you can hate me.
This has become a joke. After MK, and now on to ICs, do you guys know how ****ing hard it is to do that ****? Do you not see Avarice practicing his cgs EVERY chance he has at tournies?

I know I'm bad at the game but I would like to use myself as an example. I have been using ICs on the sidelines (once mained them) since the release of this ****ing game (ask minus, brose, phil, etc) and it took me nearly a year to get okay with them. You need to know when to desync, how to desync, which ones to use and why, practice that cg like madman cause there are a lot of different timings to many chars. They have many weakness, etc, you guys know that ****e.

Although I do hate when I see IC players who suck or don't do much with the characters ad just master the grab, but you know what? They practiced that ****.

There is also another point I need to bring out, and this one is jokes cause it is soooo true. how many of us actually practice? LOL. You know it is true. No one here wifis anymore except a handful( I can even name them; Joe, hype, Doc, Fatal...once in a blue moon phil and ambrose will). We don't train at matchups, or even read that much on the boards. I talk to you guys and see your posts about the amount of time you guys play and ****, we don't practice. So maybe if we actually tried again we would actually take on these MKs and ICs.

Just imagine Ambrose practicing again....he wouldn't screw up those grabs, it would be three not twelve (get *****!).

Regardless, as it stands, it is up to TOs to decide on bans and such. I'll try to host another with 5ive and have MK legal. And for the grabs, we should honestly leave those alone, they are actually hard, just punish those mafawcking grab spammers, they'll miss a lot and you **** them.

I got mad respect for you Gi after these posts, good stuff.

So guys. Hows about this ****ed up weather eh?

I guess Al Gore was totally serial you guys about global warming.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Mikey you're talkin up 360 for it's massive game selectopm, but your sole reason to play ps3 would be for a final fantasy meets disney game?

logical mikey is logical


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
Apparently a pretty big nerd. Oh darn. Sorry that I want to stick up for Swordgard, because I don't want him to get screwed over from stupid ruling.

Do I live in this region? No. Does this affect me? No. Does that allow you to ignore my arguments and attack my join date and where I live? No. Is banning ICs CGs stupid as hell? Yes. People seriously feel that they should be banned just because they don't like it, even though it's clearly not broken, certain characters can clearly beat it, and there's clearly not even a dominance of it in this region.

But instead, because you don't like something, you're unjustly going to take away both of the mains of a smasher in the region, and I happen to actually care.
No, you're stupid because you don't know jack **** about our scene. You're saying how if MK gets banned in our area all the MK mains would still do well.

how the hell would you know that? you don't even know who our MK mains or they're secondaries so please get lost lol

as for the MK ban situation in our area, we'll make the decisions, thanks.

edit: ah **** you guys are talking about other fighers now.

...CS:S MM?!1 nah i suck, ask niagara nate lolz


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Yeah.. I'm probably gonna try investing in a stick first.

lol I should've put a sarcasm tag on that dpad clockwork part. I'm okay on keyboard and stick, but dpad clockwork is weird for me. Though if I did have 5$, I'd take it and get owned.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
No, you're stupid because you don't know jack **** about our scene. You're saying how if MK gets banned in our area all the MK mains would still do well.

how the hell would you know that? you don't even know who our MK mains or they're secondaries so please get lost lol

as for the MK ban situation in our area, we'll make the decisions, thanks.

edit: ah **** you guys are talking about other fighers now.

...CS:S MM?!1 nah i suck, ask niagara nate lolz
Er yes, i can tell you they would still place high. Unless they choose to use unviable chars(TO Joe >..>), which has nothing to do with MK being broken.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
hmmmm, I gotta get myself a 360, my bros leaving, so it means i cant play MVC2 :(
Guile,Cable,and Ken ftw


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
looooool im kinda drunk, i;ve kinda drunk eight now, biut who cares...

ive been playign brawl with nbuncuk and wii remote tonight looool, gettingt okay with snake. fuuuuuuck meta cuuunt loooooool.

srsly hes broken. we're gonna look like scrubs compared to the americans thou seriously...but w.e we barely go to america, and my man phil will still **** those giys. and ambrose. and percon aka jesus. :)

w.e if we arent having fun with meta **** its okay just ban him for a while, i like snakle so i geeeeeeve. ill be like ally hahhahaha...naww ill get close though i think grabbing is tooo good. grab to tech chase to raaaape :):):)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
Yo Bowser, You still owe me some wifi matches =), Yes i know you dont wifi much lol
btw, whats with the mk avatar :S?


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
looooool im kinda drunk, i;ve kinda drunk eight now, biut who cares...

ive been playign brawl with nbuncuk and wii remote tonight looool, gettingt okay with snake. fuuuuuuck meta cuuunt loooooool.

srsly hes broken. we're gonna look like scrubs compared to the americans thou seriously...but w.e we barely go to america, and my man phil will still **** those giys. and ambrose. and percon aka jesus. :)

w.e if we arent having fun with meta **** its okay just ban him for a while, i like snakle so i geeeeeeve. ill be like ally hahhahaha...naww ill get close though i think grabbing is tooo good. grab to tech chase to raaaape :):):)
Dont drink and drive though, i dont want you to get in a car accident :S

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
finding a new main to back up my Fox has been tricky as ****....no chars appeal to me =[

if anyone wants to help me decide,msg me on msn for wifi matches ;D


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Avarice Panda - get off my sin!

I just got back from a friend's place where I played 5 straight hours of MvC2....my hands hurt SO MUCH...then I came home and immediately downloaded it on my 360 and continued playing... why do I torture myself like this? lol... My brother got bored already (what a cancer) so now I'm stuck here practicing my Morrigan infinite (lol I refuse to acknowledge the tier list in this game, it's legit of course but this game is way too fun to want to play high tiers when I could play my fun characters instead.... Tron Bonne/Sonson/Morrigan ftw... my team is all smiles lol).


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
finding a new main to back up my Fox has been tricky as ****....no chars appeal to me =[

if anyone wants to help me decide,msg me on msn for wifi matches ;D
Ice climbers are incredibly fun to play.

Prepare to be stalled, planked, and whatever else most people would find annoying. Then youl realize how incredibly usefull it is to learn to space. And how incredibly satisfying it is to then take away the stock of those who you just beat despite these tactics by getting a grab >.<

EDIT: You need to give up your soul to start maining them though ; )


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
I remember the other night spending a good amount of time reading through pages about MK banning.

At the moment, MK will not be banned at the tournaments that I will be hosting. I think most of the reasons are just QQ posts. I won't be ignorant to arguements and suggestions but banning a character is so stupid to me, especially since Meta doesn't dominate here like other regions.

LOL @ TO Plank and ****.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
No, you're stupid because you don't know jack **** about our scene. You're saying how if MK gets banned in our area all the MK mains would still do well.

how the hell would you know that? you don't even know who our MK mains or they're secondaries so please get lost lol

as for the MK ban situation in our area, we'll make the decisions, thanks.

edit: ah **** you guys are talking about other fighers now.

...CS:S MM?!1 nah i suck, ask niagara nate lolz
Well forget that I said anything for the MK ban (even though good players who place high should still place high with other tournament viable characters, given that MK isn't 32980238 easier to place high than other S and A tier characters), because I'm not a part of your scene and don't know the tournament results (even though my base arguments were NEVER targetted, nor were really any anti-ban arguments, you kinda just said you wanted to ban him and then ignored the opposition).

But really, banning ICs chaingrabs? They're flat out aren't banworthy, and they don't need limitations, like I said. But instead of actually debating on either of these two points, people say that they're broken and it's not fair, then decide to personally attack Swordgard and I, rather than debate the issue at hand, then get mad when Swordgard acts insulting?

Saying "you're not going to forget how Swordgard insulted 20 of our members," is kinda funny, given that you insulted him and this random "indiana boy" just as much because we disagree with you, and completely ignored the arguments that Swordgard, Gichan, and I posted.

Nobody's going to take you seriously if you don't have definitive reasoning for your actions and insult random people for disagreeing with you.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Well forget that I said anything for the MK ban (even though good players who place high should still place high with other tournament viable characters, given that MK isn't 32980238 easier to place high than other S and A tier characters), because I'm not a part of your scene and don't know the tournament results (even though my base arguments were NEVER targetted, nor were really any anti-ban arguments, you kinda just said you wanted to ban him and then ignored the opposition).

But really, banning ICs chaingrabs? They're flat out aren't banworthy, and they don't need limitations, like I said. But instead of actually debating on either of these two points, people say that they're broken and it's not fair, then decide to personally attack Swordgard and I, rather than debate the issue at hand, then get mad when Swordgard acts insulting?

Saying "you're not going to forget how Swordgard insulted 20 of our members," is kinda funny, given that you insulted him and this random "indiana boy" just as much because we disagree with you, and completely ignored the arguments that Swordgard, Gichan, and I posted.

Nobody's going to take you seriously if you don't have definitive reasoning for your actions and insult random people for disagreeing with you.
And once again they will ignore your arguments, use personal attacks, then say your just making an idiot out of yourself when anyone non biased can clearly see they are the ones acting in the most childish manner.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
looooool im kinda drunk, i;ve kinda drunk eight now, biut who cares...

ive been playign brawl with nbuncuk and wii remote tonight looool, gettingt okay with snake. fuuuuuuck meta cuuunt loooooool.

srsly hes broken. we're gonna look like scrubs compared to the americans thou seriously...but w.e we barely go to america, and my man phil will still **** those giys. and ambrose. and percon aka jesus. :)

w.e if we arent having fun with meta **** its okay just ban him for a while, i like snakle so i geeeeeeve. ill be like ally hahhahaha...naww ill get close though i think grabbing is tooo good. grab to tech chase to raaaape :):):)
LOL drunk anth is drunk

wtf yo ban d3, that was awesome lol
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