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The GtaN Brawl General discussion thread! -Wait, did the title change?


Deleted member

Maybe not, but we can still host tournaments without MK and not have half our community squabble. It's pretty unanimous, save for the MK mains themselves


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
Dont you have 6 months foresight abilities.

Oh wait, thats only ally. **** him!!!
im just saying, not all MK mains will do good w/out MK. some will some won't

aren't you a prick? :)


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Alright no one wants it so no IC limitation til crap gets out of hand lol

I would go to those biweeklies lol (plz make $5 entrance fee lol)


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
swordguard what did u get banned for spamming in a thread where ur not needed. Hows that IC ditto training going. Not gonna get killed by a taunt this time?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Canada, Qc
swordguard what did u get banned for spamming in a thread where ur not needed. Hows that IC ditto training going. Not gonna get killed by a taunt this time?
Im at a friends house. Good job on being the king of ad hominem when you cant place yourself in singles.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2006
St. Catharines, ON, CA
For the record, guys, I'm rather neutral on the whole MK thing; I'm indifferent on a personal level.

As an SBR member, though a lot goes into the vote I cast back there. There's my personal thoughts about if he's broken, if he should be banned and there's the other side where I need to be the voice of the region I represent. Is it a healthy decision for my region? For the community as a whole? Does my region favor it (why or why not)? Will tournament attendance go up or down? Out of the Pro/Anti ban teams, who did the better job? etc.

After the results are released I'll tell you what I voted and why... it was not an easy decision though.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
wait how can you say no one wants ic limitation.

i can think of some people like...me...you...joe...nick...why not put it to a vote? even brose (as i think you said before mikey) suggested the idea of 2 grabs to death.

also @ niko just because there aren't so many ic mains doesn't detract from the objective broken-ness of the technique.

we banned mk, why not consider this?

in the community vote thread, the pro-ban side lists that in order to ban something in the game:

[1] That aspect of the game must be so different from everything else in the game that it is an alien to the rest of the game.
[2] That aspect of the game must decrease the quality of every aspect of Brawl.

i think that ic's being the only character in the game to 0-death you legally is entirely alien (that is "alien to the rest of the skills of the game – mind games, spacing, tech skill, and so on") and, using our now seemingly favourite adjective, broken.

i agree that spacing and mindgames and such are necessary before grabbed however once grabbed you have zero tools for escape, except maybe jesus and physical violence.

given that once grabbed you cannot use any skill to escape or change the outcome of said grab (that is, your death), i would suggest that it decreases the quality of the game in that it makes it a one player game instead of two. so fun right.

anyway, why not vote on it. we voted on mk. if the community wants it, lets do it. at least put it to a vote. we as a community we considered banning mk. we did so without waiting for sbr's decision. why not consider this? just becuase sbr hasn't tabled it at present doesn't mean we shouldn't.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
The reason I said that is because I could name 10 people who wouldn't want them banned, so I don't think it would be worth the drama lol


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Honestly I believe he should be banned if he makes the health of the community bad, I understand if people want to ban him but if it comes down to the point where keeping MK will make players in the region quit, than might as well ban him to keep people in right?

Also Percon... What's with the tophat and monocle with everyone and the SBR?


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2006
Parts Unknown
I stayed neutral with the ban on MK.

Can we at least wait till after the next tournament before we start thinking up ways to limit the ICs and so on......just my take on things.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Canada, Qc
wait how can you say no one wants ic limitation.

i can think of some people like...me...you...joe...nick...why not put it to a vote? even brose (as i think you said before mikey) suggested the idea of 2 grabs to death.

also @ niko just because there aren't so many ic mains doesn't detract from the objective broken-ness of the technique.

we banned mk, why not consider this?

in the community vote thread, the pro-ban side lists that in order to ban something in the game:

[1] That aspect of the game must be so different from everything else in the game that it is an alien to the rest of the game.
[2] That aspect of the game must decrease the quality of every aspect of Brawl.

i think that ic's being the only character in the game to 0-death you legally is entirely alien (that is "alien to the rest of the skills of the game – mind games, spacing, tech skill, and so on") and, using our now seemingly favourite adjective, broken.

i agree that spacing and mindgames and such are necessary before grabbed however once grabbed you have zero tools for escape, except maybe jesus and physical violence.

given that once grabbed you cannot use any skill to escape or change the outcome of said grab (that is, your death), i would suggest that it decreases the quality of the game in that it makes it a one player game instead of two. so fun right.

anyway, why not vote on it. we voted on mk. if the community wants it, lets do it. at least put it to a vote. we as a community we considered banning mk. we did so without waiting for sbr's decision. why not consider this? just becuase sbr hasn't tabled it at present doesn't mean we shouldn't.

The ban criterias are actually bad.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
I predict since MK is banned, more people will hop on IC's and probably Snakes ****. I hate getting CGd by IC's unless your Broski xD. At least you THINK you can get out cuz it's not the handoff and it's footstooling. I guess It's better than fighting a MK. Here comes more CG's noobs and pros alike. I think two 0-death should be enough btw. The last stock should be pure skill & mindgames. Instead of 3 mistakes of spacing=death.

MK is gone from some tournies in Ont, satisfied me and made me bust a nut!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Canada, Qc
Avarice owned teh pro Ics cg limitation. Its not because you dont like it that it should be banned.

Ics have a huge learning curve, so stop being stupid and dont limit this.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Canada, Qc
oh sorry. i didn't know that. my bad. you are great.

edit: i bow to you.
The only reason to ban a character is if he overcentralizes the metagame, that was the reason akuma was banned. Or any other character.

This means that the whole game will either be pick him or be unviable. You can debate about this with metakight, not with ics.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Because IC are very stage dependent and trying to correctly time every grab in every GC takes a whole amount of skill (Timing, memorization, ect.), and in previous matches, there have been instances where people do know how to CG perfectly but still they lose to basic people because ICs are have like the most crappiest grab range most to all characters can really prevent ICs from grabbing them (Expect Ganondorf :3)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
eh *** clown, did I say I want it banned? God ****, go get laid or something son. I don't care if it gets banned or not, I was stating my opinion. I swear, the only reason your "good" is cuz you can wait it out, mindgames, etc till you get a grab and own. Try using another character your high tiers, I dont give a ****. A character that takes more skill than waiting for ones mistakes. I'm almost positive you wont be half as "good" as you IC's.

Like S*** N****, I don't get pissed unless someone is being a ****ing idiot. I met you face to face, you seemed cool, you were with Holy, we were shooting the S*** but you got a different online personality, it's annoying bro. I ain't trying to offend Brose ICs because I know he can still **** me up with his other chars.
And please, stop saying ICs got bad match ups, you don't have to say that, cuz it's not new. There gimpable, etc, I know. Bad match ups or not, in the end you need a grab. It's not like your going to rack up damage and take a stock off without wanting a grab.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
I swear I'll mushroom slap and real life tea bag people XD. My **** is JUST that BIG to mush slap. No, i rarly get angry, but some people don't know when to shut up >_>.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Canada, Qc
eh *** clown, did I say I want it banned? God ****, go get laid or something son. I don't care if it gets banned or not, I was stating my opinion. I swear, the only reason your "good" is cuz you can wait it out, mindgames, etc till you get a grab and own. Try using another character your high tiers, I dont give a ****. A character that takes more skill than waiting for ones mistakes. I'm almost positive you wont be half as "good" as you IC's.

Like S*** N****, I don't get pissed unless someone is being a ****ing idiot. I met you face to face, you seemed cool, you were with Holy, we were shooting the S*** but you got a different online personality, it's annoying bro. I ain't trying to offend Brose ICs because I know he can still **** me up with his other chars.
And please, stop saying ICs got bad match ups, you don't have to say that, cuz it's not new. There gimpable, etc, I know. Bad match ups or not, in the end you need a grab. It's not like your going to rack up damage and take a stock off without wanting a grab.
They have bad matchups even WITH the chaingrab. So if you remove/limit, then i should call the same on any other character that pisses me off.

Oh and seriously, if you believe my other characters are crap, then i guess your ignorant, anyone who places top 4 with one char is usually proefficient(spell check) with other chars. I can use snake or lucario too, my ice climbers are just better.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
MUCH better SG, i applaude ya (claps) thats the SG i met in rl. But I heard your snake got 3 stocked no? Dunno bout your Lucario though. I'd like to hope it's as good as you say, then again It's brawl, I'm mindgaming myself >_> I'd love to brawl your non IC's on wifi, Yes wifi is ****, but I won't see you for awhile I'm sure. That is, If you accept my challenge of 25 characters against your Lucario, Snake and others. Yes, I'm a scrub :3! People off and on PR can vouche for that.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Canada, Qc
swordgard i love you
post in our thread more
Alright il stop posting now.

WAIT A MINUTE. I see what you did thar with teh reverse psychology.

Close, but no cigar.

Sincerely, i still <3 ontario people. Just feels to me like you guys are starting to ban random stuff.

Ok, so, now, lets say we ban ice climbers infinites

1 ) D3s chaingrab is alien to the game because it is currently the only chaingrab which can be performed regardless of %.

2) In the future, D3 will become the new character to beat as he makes so many ones unviable, with his cg counter so many characters and degrading the matchup.

Now that D3 was banned.

1) Diddys banana are alien to the game as they are the only spawnable item which induces tripping.

2) The metagame will be boring with only Diddy dittoes.

Ban diddy.

See what i did there. You can fit anything to these 2 criterias, hence why they arent valid.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
How would you know that, Mr.Indiana boy?
Double post for lol Indiana/January 09

And you're calling someone else a prick?

Oh wait, I live in Indiana and joined this site in January of 2009. That obviously means that I'm stupid and/or incompetent, can't in any way know enough of the subject I'm talking about, and am completely unable to form any type of competent argument.

Furthermore, it means that people who don't live in Indiana and joined earlier than me can dismiss my argument by simply insulting the date I joined and where I live.

Yup, that's logic. And you're mad at Swordgard for being "mean" and trying to defend his belief that MK shouldn't be banned, and ICs chaingrabs CERTAINLY shouldn't be banned?

Swordgard and I post somewhat valid arguments that you could respond to, but instead you say, "Lol, you're from Indiana," "stop flaming this thread," and "You can't see the future, this was for the better of our community."

If you're going to make a bold stance such as this, you'd better have solid reasoning to back it up. Because people will disagree. And it's hardly convincing when you don't address any of the disagreements, because then it makes you seem elitists who go, "I don't like MK, so I'll ban him, and I'm a TO! I don't have to have reasoning, and there's nothing you can do about it!"


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
The reason people are laughing at your location is cause you have nothing to do with this scene at all. How much of a nerd do you have to be to come in here un provoked argueing with a bunch of people you've never met, about things which don't even concern you in the slightest?


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Ics have a huge learning curve, so stop being stupid and dont limit this.
LOL! IC' like brose who dont really on CG only and actually have skill with their character take alot of skill. IC like u who just grab to death and have no real skill other then maybe getting a grab which isnt to dam hard in brawl take very little skill. I mean jesus all u gotta do is press z and directions. Tell me one other fighting game where u can pick a character and press one button and get an infinite combo. Stop posting and keep practicing those dittos!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Canada, Qc
Nickam, i dont know what to say. Your either trolling very bad, or your super biased, or your very very stupid.

Either way nate why so angry at a newcomer your just proving his point. Good stuff to showing how scrubby you guys are. At least niko and others had some type of argument instead of just flaming.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
The reason people are laughing at your location is cause you have nothing to do with this scene at all. How much of a nerd do you have to be to come in here un provoked argueing with a bunch of people you've never met, about things which don't even concern you in the slightest?
Apparently a pretty big nerd. Oh darn. Sorry that I want to stick up for Swordgard, because I don't want him to get screwed over from stupid ruling.

Do I live in this region? No. Does this affect me? No. Does that allow you to ignore my arguments and attack my join date and where I live? No. Is banning ICs CGs stupid as hell? Yes. People seriously feel that they should be banned just because they don't like it, even though it's clearly not broken, certain characters can clearly beat it, and there's clearly not even a dominance of it in this region.

But instead, because you don't like something, you're unjustly going to take away both of the mains of a smasher in the region, and I happen to actually care.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Canada, Qc
swordgard you are the best evar
you should be a panelist for our pr too
You should be one of montreals too.

Seriously though, someone who is outside of the influence can often see better than the people who are in the middle of it.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
I almost feel like we'll never get you guys out of here, the debate has already been done. Let it go.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Lol, then cool kid swordic posts that he likes us all...guess what, internet or rl, you're behaving like a complete idiot and we're remember this sort of thing in person.

Do you think this is going to just go over nicely and we're just going to forget about it? You've called us all scrubs, sited other people calling us scrubs, brought in some Indiana guy to help with your argument, and called 20+ people in Ontario bad for our opinion on the ban. You've made it personal.

You're a complete idiot


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
This has become a joke. After MK, and now on to ICs, do you guys know how ****ing hard it is to do that ****? Do you not see Avarice practicing his cgs EVERY chance he has at tournies?

I know I'm bad at the game but I would like to use myself as an example. I have been using ICs on the sidelines (once mained them) since the release of this ****ing game (ask minus, brose, phil, etc) and it took me nearly a year to get okay with them. You need to know when to desync, how to desync, which ones to use and why, practice that cg like madman cause there are a lot of different timings to many chars. They have many weakness, etc, you guys know that ****e.

Although I do hate when I see IC players who suck or don't do much with the characters ad just master the grab, but you know what? They practiced that ****.

There is also another point I need to bring out, and this one is jokes cause it is soooo true. how many of us actually practice? LOL. You know it is true. No one here wifis anymore except a handful( I can even name them; Joe, hype, Doc, Fatal...once in a blue moon phil and ambrose will). We don't train at matchups, or even read that much on the boards. I talk to you guys and see your posts about the amount of time you guys play and ****, we don't practice. So maybe if we actually tried again we would actually take on these MKs and ICs.

Just imagine Ambrose practicing again....he wouldn't screw up those grabs, it would be three not twelve (get *****!).

Regardless, as it stands, it is up to TOs to decide on bans and such. I'll try to host another with 5ive and have MK legal. And for the grabs, we should honestly leave those alone, they are actually hard, just punish those mafawcking grab spammers, they'll miss a lot and you **** them.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Lol, then cool kid swordic posts that he likes us all...guess what, internet or rl, you're behaving like a complete idiot and we're remember this sort of thing in person.

Do you think this is going to just go over nicely and we're just going to forget about it? You've called us all scrubs, sited other people calling us scrubs, brought in some Indiana guy to help with your argument, and called 20+ people in Ontario bad for our opinion on the ban. You've made it personal.

You're a complete idiot
Either way you havent answered to my arguments once, used so many personal attacks that i dont care anymore about it. Seriously, being pro ban is one thing i can accept. What i cant is people who are simply angry because they lose and are unable to step it up. It would have been ok if you guys stopped at metaknight, but you feel like you need to restrict ice climbers too now.

You havent answered any of my arguments or avarice yet expect not to be taken as a total joke.

A) If a technique is broken, dont limit it, ban it. Because if you try to limit it, where does the limit lie between whats broken and what isnt? Its way too subjective, just ban ice climbers infinite if your going to limit them.

B) I didnt bring out the fact that someone called you scrub, i told you it WOULD happen. Now mike brought it up.

C) Bringing someone here to argue makes it personal? Guess your not willing to defend your point in a debate uh? You didnt bring up any single valid point as to why stuff is broken or not.

D) Nickam, you know, i should just ask for banning ics dittos since i find it gay and unfair, it blocks my infinites. See what i did there? (Unlike you who is just gonna insult me again, il actually try to improve at the matchup. Ambrose beat me to it, doesnt mean hes better than me overall, just that he knows this matchup better. Il simply learn to be better at it).

E) Mikey, guess what, I dont regret calling you a scrub once. And by scrub i mean sirlins definition of one, someone who is blinded by honor or "fairness" and who instead of aknowledging his own lack of skills blames it on characters/techniques. You can debate for metaknight, but ics infinites isnt broken. I have yet to see ics win a national tourney. Guess what? Snake did, and twice. Ban snake?

Gichan, aim/msn?

And its not an alt account, my friend is coincidently named guard(creates confusion at tourney, he uses fox though.)
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