shut up man!....I'm sick of you rage posting on Hbox hate. I'm not hating i'm observing. Hbox makes you feel incapable of getting an erection after his sets.

Thats just life. You always going on about stop hating and just beat him. It sounds to me like you want to beat him...in the homo way. Get off his **** and get off my back dude. I mean you can comeback with the your not good but honestly. Your not good. I don't even think you get the notable "Oh he's good for a "Samus" Pat on the back. You should stop Rage posting about people hating instead of improving and focus on your own improvement.
You think what, because some butthurt hbox haters agree'd with you people respect you now?
No, kid, I remember you back from the genesis thread, nothing has changed, you're still a noob and it'll always be that way with that mindset.
In fact you're a great testament to the general mindset of anyone who *****es about Hbox 'I'm a scrub and I'm looking for any reason (excuse) to belittle the game I can't succeed at because it's too hard'.
Just because you and your little like minded scrub group are thinking of abandoning this great game doesn't mean it's dying, as far as I'm concerned it's getting cleansed.
It's hard for me to believe that you can even lie to yourself enough to think that you're in any kind of position to call someone else bad. If you're really sick of getting schooled at your locals and by any random on the streets then feel free to MM me, I'm short on funds and could use some pocket change.
p.s. try not to jerk off too hard to the fact that I directed a post at you, it'll be the last one.