Can't we leave it at that ATs are good for some players, but others don't care for it. As long as ATs exist in games there WILL be some players who use them and some who don't. I don't use them, but I don' care is others do. Unless they get infinite health and ammo, I don't care. I personally don't care if they have 1 extra shotgun slug, because in all of my shotgun experiences, I have never had to reload before killing someone or being killed by that person.
That doesn't apply to all ATs of course, and yes some are incredibly cheap, but you only have 2 choices, stick to the high road and don't use them, or use them. Nothing else is up to you. If a developer makes a game with ATs available, then you can't fix that, people WILL USE THEM. If a developer makes a game without ATs, and you are a strictly AT based player, then LIVE WITH IT, learn to play the game. Both sides are going to be somewhat miserable depending on the game.
Sure, some people use really cheap ATs, and they are n00bs, or they are ********, or they are idiots, but you may be happy to know that you have a 3rd choice as long as it isn't a super cheap AT: You play the game normally, and show them you don't need ATs to be good. Show them what they are hiding behind, and that will hit them, if it doesn't, ignore them, because you can ignore them with the knowledge that because of that blockheadedness they are going to miss big opportunities in their life.
As for AT users, if you are tired of being flamed for using them, you have two choices as well, deal with it, or stop using them. Some ATs make you a better player fairly, and that is fine, then you are justified.
But in the end, plenty of people aren't going to like you if you use them, so deal, or switch.
Personally, I suggest the AT users man up and play the game right. I never played Melee with wavedashing, and you can bet I knew how, and I even tried a few matches, but I wanted to beat them out of skill, not technical knowledge of a problem in the game. If they knew how to wavedash though, I would use it, but I wouldn't beat someone knowing I had the upper hand to begin with.
This Argument WILL never end, as long as ATs exist, people will use them, and people will not. The choice is ultimately up to you. Some take skill, and are deserved, some don't so it also depends on what games you are playing, and what ATs you are using.
I will make one final comment though: ATs do not improve a game ever, I have knowledge of all sorts of ATs, and none improve the game, all they do is force players to cheat the game to win.
If the game implements cool features, great, but ATs aren't needed, ever. When developers add things, that is depth, a glich is not depth.