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The Conduit (FC's First Page)


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Sorry pal, but no, there isn't a custom weapon set ability. The limits of wifi prevents this. Human or near/far will likely be the typical ruleset, but that's just a guess.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

Near/Far and Human make the most sense, they're both fairly balanced.

Oh, and Halloween, the 3 shot burst weapon is the scar, and it saps around 1/2 of a person's health bar if it connects, meaning you only need two head shots (or 4 body shots). In this game, the headshot mechanic is apparently weapons that can achieve head shots do double damage if they connect with the head as opposed to another part of the body (The Pistol, Scar, & Strike Rifle [what you said] are the only weapons that can do so [that I know of]) (In Halo, the head shot mechanic is that the shot that depletes the shield will Kill if it hits the head [1 for the sniper weapons, 5 for the Magnum, 8 For the Carbine, and 12{4} with the BR])
Lol and those happen to be like my favorite weapons, nice to know.

Some time, somebody (probably me) should write up some guide to the weapons with details like power and how to use [properly will come later]). Of course I'm going to ask you guys for help.
That's a good idea, I can help someone do this if they don't want to do it alone.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
It doesn't look like a reason to leave my PC either. But it still looks like a nice game.
I think its worth it to have. Its no CoD4, but its still good. It best resembles an improved version of Halo imo.

My longest kill streak has been like 6 or 7....and as for rulset, near/far or human/trust make most sense.

Also, can the TC add my FC to the front page?



Oct 1, 2005
I'm all about near/far, human, and either trust or long range. And FYI, we should a bunch on tonight. around 8 ET. That would be nice.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Well, I'm going to write the guide in phases, and recommendations (including terms) will be accepted.

Part 1: the Basics

The Conduit has a total of 12 weapons, and they fall into three separate group with a general theme, Human (conventional), Trust, and Drudge.

Human weapons:
Human weapons are based off weapons from the real world, and use ammo. There are 5 human weapons, making it the largest group. They are also the least "advanced", with only the simple function of firing straight and hurting the guy at the receiving end. Human Weapons can also be stocked up easily, as Human weapons Caches are easy to find and are always at your base (in Teams). Their grenade type is the Frag grenade.

Trust weapons:
Because the Trust have access to advanced weapons ordinary government sections don't have access to (for "reasons" that contain plot spoilers for even a simple adjective), their weapons are more "advanced" than human ones, but are less so than the Alien Drudge. Trust weapons use energy cells to power their sci-fi weapons. They also have stun grenades.

Drudge weapons:
Being Alien, their weapons also aesthetically show this with an organic feel. They are also the most "advanced" with Charge weapons for half of them and special stuff you can do with the Wii-mote with the other half. They have developed radiation Grenades witch also uses Bio-mass.

Weapon Tier/level/whatyamacallit/(place good term here):
Along with 3 groups, Weapons also come in 3 levels of sort, 1 (which I call standard), 2 (advanced), and 3 (Power).

Level 1: Standard:
These weapons you almost always start out with, so finding them is not of an issue. They are typically the weakest weapons you have access to, and are generally ditched once better weapons are available. It isn't that they are bad, it's that they don't shine compared to other weapons in their group, and if that's not the case, it's that everyone else has one.

Level 2: Advanced:
Essentially a step up from the Standard weapons, they are relatively easy to find (if you remember where High voltage placed them) and are a step up from the weapons you start with in most game types. Occasionally, you do start with them (in game types like Near/Far), but in general, you need to find them. They do respawn fast, so if a person took one, you can just wait around a bit to get your own.

Level 3: Power:
There are only 3 power weapons in this game that are power weapons, and for good reason. These are extremely powerful, able to kill with little effort, and can even kill multiple foes. They do not respawn quickly (if at all), and are found in the middle of the map, either in the middle of everything (like the streets), or under everything (Like the Pentagon). There is only ONE game type where you start with a power weapon, and that is the explosives one.

Level 1.5: Strike rifle:
The Drudge not only are trying to take over Earth, but they make it hard for us to classify their own weapons. On one hand, a good portion of the time, the Strike rifle is the weapon you start with, making it a standard weapon, but it is just too powerful to be classified as so. Sure, the Deatomizer can claim the same, but it doesn't shine against Trust weapons like The Strike Rifle does against Drudge weapons. As such, The Strike rifle is in it's own category Between Standard and advanced weapons.

Human weapons:

The USP45 is the Conduit's Pistol, and shares pretty much every trait with every other pistol in every other FPS in existence (sans clip size and ammo count of course). This translates to a couple of good positives, and a couple of glaring weaknesses. As the standard secondary weapon for several weapon sets, the Pistol has an 18 round clip (the most of any FPS I have seen). It also is pretty accurate and can even headshot. The problem is that as good as it is, pretty much every weapon is better, and the decision of which weapon to keep almost always leaves the pistol at the short end of the stick (except with the shotgun in the Human weapon set). It just doesn't shine. Sure you can hit someone across the street, but the SCAR can do so better. Sure it takes a couple of headshots to kill someone, but the SCAR only needs 2, less than the pistol. It just doesn't shine.

The MP5KA4 is a sub machine gun with a 32 round clip. Unlike pistols, SMGs aren't standardized, and outside rapidly firing weak rounds and loses accuracy when held, they are all over the board. Left 4 Dead's SMG is incredibly accurate, while Halo's is not. Halo's SMG can be dual wielded, while the TF2 Sniper's can't. The SMG in the conduit Holds 32 rounds, each individually weak, but do more damage when put together. Because it needs a lot of bullets to kill someone, you need to rapidly fire at someone to kill them. But this loses accuracy, so you should burst fire to hit them from afar. But this weakens it, so it is recommended to find some other weapon to use for far ranges. The SMG is sparred from the pistol only because the pistol is there. In close combat, or when winding the shotgun, I actually trade this for another weapon. In the Human weapon set, this spares my pistol from being ditched at first sight.

The SCAR is extremely similar to the BR of Halo, both use 3 round burst, both can be used as (makeshift) sniper weapons, both can kill with 4 shots, and both have a 36 round clip (or 12 shots if you count for the fact that you use 3 of them at a time). The SCAR is a bit more powerful for a couple of reasons. 1: It can kill with 2 headshots, in contrast to the BR which needs 3 shots to deplete the shield and a 4th one to kill. 2: It holds DOUBLE the ammo of the BR. and 3: it is kinda cooler (IMO). This is the Human long range weapon, being able to serve as a sniper (and counter sniper) weapon. The real fault with the SCAR is at short range. It is not the best weapon for close combat, and keeping your SMG/switching to your other weapon is preferable to counter this.

SPAS 12:
As a shotgun, it is an FPS weapon everybody and their friends, even the ones who have never wielded any form of shotgun, knows how it works. It uses buckshot (although there are other round types, that can hit people farther), so it is outright lethal at close ranges but loses power with distance. It also reloads shots individually, coining the term "shotgun reloading", which refers to ANYTHING that has to be reloaded round by round instead of by a single clip. Also, it doesn't respawn as fast as the SCAR, but you do get the luxury of having this closer to your base. Being pump action, it is kind of troublesome to use this against someone with an SMG, who can still hurt (and kill you) faster than you can fire and repump. However, you can melee the remaining health out of them in case it doesn't kill them.

A rocket launcher. The general description in 3 words! you can carry 8 rounds (like Halo's version), and it has splash damage. It travels straight, and kills anyone it hits (or is close to it) and hurts anyone in it's blast radius. However, the rockets take some time to reach an opponent, meaning at far ranges this can only catch unguarded foes or those who think they are safe in an open doorway at far ranges. Since this can also hurt (and kill ) you, that means only mid ranges should be used with this weapon. This weapon can only fire one shot too, before it (relatively slowly) reloads. It is, however, the only power weapon that can kill multiple foes at once, and the only one you start with too (this is your primary weapon during explosive weapon sets), so while it is the most "inferior" of the power weapons, it is still really powerful, and scary to be at the other end.

Trust weapons coming soon.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Nice guide Zard92, I pretty much knew all this already, but nice to have it here instead of stored in my brain.

EDIT: Add me lonejedi, and also put my FC on the front page please, I posted it a few pages back.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
Why did you post that on Gamefaqs? All there going to is get mad at you for spreading gamebreaking glitches. Does this work for other weapons like the rocket launcher? Pretty nice find


Oct 1, 2005
Alrighty, added Solid and Faith to the first page, and I'm going to add them to my FC's now and get online.


Oct 1, 2005
I tried getting on Wifi, but I glitched 4 straight times. I'm going to try and get on again in a few.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
I just got off, I was on for a while playing random Team Deathmatch or whatever they call it and now I'm gonna go watch TV.

Just curious, what rank are all of you guys online?


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
Mid-State NY
Hey Lonejedi, could you put my FC on the front page? thnx (1677-1554-0909)

And that shotgun trick is really awesome looking, I'll have to try that out (although where my reload is makes it really akward)


formerly VaBengal
Apr 20, 2008
Fairfax, VA
It actually goes much faster than a regular reload. It's pretty awesome.

I posted it on GFaqs because there is no established TCon community that I know of besides GFaqs. One will sprout eventually, I suppose.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Oh **** RDK your Shotty days are over >:D

Lol nah don't even use shotty that much, but I'll give it a try if I end up using it.

Today I went to a team reaper game, me and 2 guys vs 1, it was hilarious, near the end he was crouching in a corner so we wouldn't find him on the radar, I too was crouching, got real close, stick a radiation grenade on his face and ran like hell XD


Oct 1, 2005
Was playing around with the shotgun "advance technique" today. It's very easy to do, but I'm not sure if it's very accurate. I'm not a pro with a shotgun, but I was having a hard time hitting shots with the repeater shots.

Also, I sucked it up today, couldn't land hits or shots...


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
This part I edited and copied from my last guide.

Part 1: the Basics

The Conduit has a total of 12 weapons, and they fall into three separate group with a general theme, Human (conventional), Trust, and Drudge.

Human weapons:
Human weapons are based off weapons from the real world, and use ammo. There are 5 human weapons, making it the largest group. They are also the least "advanced", with only the simple function of firing straight and hurting the guy at the receiving end. Human Weapons can also be stocked up easily, as Human weapons Caches are easy to find and are always at your base (in Teams). Their grenade type is the Frag grenade.

Trust weapons:
Because the Trust have access to advanced weapons ordinary government sections don't have access to (for "reasons" that contain plot spoilers for even a simple adjective), their weapons are more "advanced" than human ones, but are less so than the Alien Drudge. Trust weapons use energy cells to power their sci-fi weapons. They also have stun grenades.

Drudge weapons:
Being Alien, their weapons also aesthetically show this with an organic feel. They are also the most "advanced" with Charge weapons for half of them and special stuff you can do with the Wii-mote with the other half. They have developed radiation Grenades which also uses Bio-mass.

Weapon Tier/level/whatyamacallit/(place good term here):
Along with 3 groups, Weapons also come in 3 levels of sort, 1 (which I call standard), 2 (advanced), and 3 (Power).

Level 1: Standard:
These weapons you almost always start out with, so finding them is not of an issue. They are typically the weakest weapons you have access to, and are generally ditched once better weapons are available. It isn't that they are bad, it's that they don't shine compared to other weapons in their group, and if that's not the case, it's that everyone else has one.

Level 2: Advanced:
Essentially a step up from the Standard weapons, they are relatively easy to find (if you remember where High voltage placed them) and are a step up from the weapons you start with in most game types. Occasionally, you do start with them (in game types like Near/Far), but in general, you need to find them. They do respawn fast, so if a person took one, you can just wait around a bit to get your own.

Level 3: Power:
There are only 3 weapons in this game that are power weapons, and for good reason. These are extremely powerful, able to kill with little effort, and can even kill multiple foes. They do not respawn quickly (if at all), and are found in the middle of the map, either in the middle of everything (like the streets), or under everything (Like the Pentagon). There is only ONE game type where you start with a power weapon, and that is the explosives one.

Level 1.5: Strike rifle:
The Drudge not only are trying to take over Earth, but they make it hard for us to classify their own weapons. On one hand, a good portion of the time, the Strike rifle is the weapon you start with, making it a standard weapon, but it is just too powerful to be classified as so. Sure, the Deatomizer can claim the same, but it doesn't shine against Trust weapons like The Strike Rifle does against Drudge weapons. As such, The Strike rifle is in it's own category Between Standard and advanced weapons.

Human weapons:

The USP45 is the Conduit's Pistol, and shares pretty much every trait with every other pistol in every other FPS in existence (sans clip size and ammo count of course). This translates to a couple of good positives, and a couple of glaring weaknesses. As the standard secondary weapon for several weapon sets, the Pistol has an 18 round clip (the most of any FPS I have seen). It also is pretty accurate and can even headshot. The problem is that as good as it is, pretty much every weapon is better, and the decision of which weapon to keep almost always leaves the pistol at the short end of the stick (except with the shotgun in the Human weapon set). It just doesn't shine. Sure you can hit someone across the street, but the SCAR can do so better. Sure it takes a couple of headshots to kill someone, but the SCAR only needs 2, less than the pistol. It just doesn't shine.

The MP5KA4 is a sub machine gun with a 32 round clip. Unlike pistols, SMGs aren't standardized, and outside rapidly firing weak rounds and loses accuracy when held, they are all over the board. Left 4 Dead's SMG is incredibly accurate, while Halo's is not. Halo's SMG can be dual wielded, while the TF2 Sniper's can't. The SMG in the conduit Holds 32 rounds, each individually weak, but do more damage when put together. Because it needs a lot of bullets to kill someone, you need to rapidly fire at someone to kill them. But this loses accuracy, so you should burst fire to hit them from afar. But this weakens it, so it is recommended to find some other weapon to use for far ranges. The SMG is sparred from the pistol only because the pistol is there. In close combat, or when Finding the shotgun, I actually trade this for another weapon. In the Human weapon set, this spares my pistol from being ditched at first sight.

The SCAR is extremely similar to the BR of Halo, both use 3 round burst, both can be used as (makeshift) sniper weapons, both can kill with 4 shots, and both have a 36 round clip (or 12 shots if you count for the fact that you use 3 of them at a time). The SCAR is a bit more powerful for a couple of reasons. 1: It can kill with 2 headshots, in contrast to the BR which needs 3 shots to deplete the shield and a 4th one to kill. 2: It holds DOUBLE the ammo of the BR. and 3: it is kinda cooler (IMO). This is the Human long range weapon, being able to serve as a sniper (and counter sniper) weapon. The real fault with the SCAR is at short range. It is not the best weapon for close combat, and keeping your SMG/switching to your other weapon is preferable to counter this.

SPAS 12:
As a shotgun, it is an FPS weapon everybody and their friends, even the ones who have never wielded any form of shotgun, knows how it works. It uses buckshot (although there are other round types, that can hit people farther), so it is outright lethal at close ranges but loses power with distance. It also reloads shots individually, coining the term "shotgun reloading", which refers to ANYTHING that has to be reloaded round by round instead of by a single clip. Also, it doesn't respawn as fast as the SCAR, but you do get the luxury of having this closer to your base. Being pump action, it is kind of troublesome to use this against someone with an SMG, who can still hurt (and kill you) faster than you can fire and repump. However, you can melee the remaining health out of them in case it doesn't kill them.

A rocket launcher. The general description in 3 words! you can carry 8 rounds (like Halo's version), and it has splash damage. It travels straight, and kills anyone it hits (or is close to it) and hurts anyone in it's blast radius. However, the rockets take some time to reach an opponent, meaning at far ranges this can only catch unguarded foes or those who think they are safe in an open doorway at far ranges. Since this can also hurt (and kill ) you, that means only mid ranges should be used with this weapon. This weapon can only fire one shot too, before it (relatively slowly) reloads. It is, however, the only power weapon that can kill multiple foes at once, and the only one you start with too (this is your primary weapon during explosive weapon sets), so while it is the most "inferior" of the power weapons, it is still really powerful, and scary to be at the other end.

This part is new.

Trust weapons:

Deatomizer Mk4:
The Deatomizer is a powerful weapon. Unlike every other Standard weapon, this is one of actual worth/ use. As the Trust's only ranged weapon, it is one of only a few weapons with a scope. However, this does not have a headshot bonus. With a 30 round clip with a semi-automatic function, this doesn't look too good in comparison to the SCAR. However, Like the strike rifle, the reason this is powerful is that when charged, this can kill instantly. A charged shot will send three bolts of energy in the direction of fire. If the middle bolt connects (50% health), then the remaining bolts will each take 25% of the opponents health, essentially killing them. However, any side bolts that hit a wall will dissipate, and will not connect. There are two problems with the Deatomizer. One, it just doesn't compare with the other trust weapons. I mean, sure, it can kill fast, but it doesn't have splash damage like the Launcher or the extreme power and speed of the carbonator. The second problem with the Deatomizer is that since this is the standard issue weapon, EVERYBODY has one, and the power is lost. This goes for any weapon, not just standard ones.

TPC Launcher:
With 10 rounds per clip and a relatively high power, the TPC launcher is essentially a grenade launcher. The advantages is that all rounds will do slash damage and will still hurt opponents if they dodge the shot. Since this thing arcs, you can also hit foes behind cover. It is also automatic, but it launches grenades faster if you mash the fire button than if you just hold it down. One major con is that it just doesn't feel powerful. It just feels like you could have just used a grenade instead and killed them instantly instead of using a few shots. Also, since it arcs, you can't use this for long distances. Since this is also painful at close ranges, this is a mid range weapon. Remember which power weapon I said was also at mid range?
Side note: This is also the weapon featured on the front cover of the game (unless you have special edition, which I do)

Carbonizer Mk16:
You don't see this weapon much, and for good reason. This thing will kill, and fast. The Carbonizer fires a beam of energy, and when you hit a foe, it rapidly drains their HP. The longer you have it latched on, the faster it kills them. This also stops once you disconnect the beam (either by you moving the beam away from the opponent or the opponent dies) for you, so you don't waste ammo. This is a good thing, as there isn't a lot of ammo to spare (15 rounds per clip [takes like 6 or so to kill] and 45 rounds total). You also become a major target for snipers, especially since this weapon lacks long range use (it stops at around mid range). As a side note, if you kill an opponent it will cause splash damage to surrounding foes.

Drudge weapons:

Warp Pistol:
The warp pistol possibly has the worst fate of all standard weapons. Essentially, it is a semiautomatic weapon that ricochets, and Charging it up causes MORE ricochet (and can hurt you). The problem is that A: it is just plain inferior to the strike rifle, and B: you don't even start with this. As the "common" pick up weapon in drudge and Chargeable game types, you almost always pass this weapon without a second thought. Heck, you might not even replace it with your pistol! Even in story mode does this weapon get a break. The Warp pistol is given to the mites that Heal themselves. Just punch and move on (that's what I do, mites don't even handle a punch. How can one can take down a helicopter yet can't handle a punch to the face?).

Strike Rifle:
Advanced Standard (1.5):
The strike rifle is an interesting weapon. It is a standard issue weapon in drudge and Chargeable game types, making this a standard weapon. However, this is pretty powerful and is essentially a Carbine/Sniper cross with a Drudge twist, making it an advanced weapon. As a result, The strike rifle is in it's own level. As I said before, the Strike rifle is this games sniper. It holds 36 rapid fire shots (carbineish) or 6 Charged ones (Sniper rifle [actually, more like the Imperialist, the Metroid Prime hunter's Sniper rifle]). It's only flaw is when everybody gets one. Outside that, it looks kinda creepy, and I am biased against alien weapons a bit. (although in a game of team slayer, an opponent took one, got on the gray side (this was the pentagon), and started sniping. If it wasn't for the fact that the wrecked doorway had a gap for me to hit him with the SCAR, he'd continue his rampage [He did this again and got me back the second time. We lost, miserably]). This is the weapon the Drones use in Story mode (and the guy who kicked our arse)

Hive cannon:
A machine gun that rapidly fires tiny explosive "bugs", this thing has it's range spread out. By twisting the Wiimote, you can adjust the spray from ridiculously wide (which serves no use) to incredibly small. Unfortunately, it can't hit someone from across the map well, and it doesn't do so well at close ranges. This is a mid range weapon, along with the TPC launcher and SMAW. This is given to Scarabs (the heavy armored Drudge).

The SMAW was mid range, the Carbonizer was close range, and The Shrieker is the Long ranged weapon. It is also explosive, but not as Strong as the SMAW. There are two things that make this powerful. 1: it's semi automatic, meaning you can fire multiple rounds. And 2: you can guide them. This is something that takes getting used to, and knowing how to. My first playthrough I didn't know how to work this thing and deemed it as ****, until I found out that you control it by pointing the Wiimote in the direction you want it to go. Enemy behind a wall? curve it to hit right behind him. Did he duck behind cover? bring it down on his head. It also travels fast, so dodging is hard to do, but so is controlling it. This weapon takes time to master, and you don't encounter it often in Multiplayer, and only later on in story mode. This is the weapon of skimmers, the annoying flying buggers (pardon the pun) that start annoying you in Level 5.

Grenades deserve their own category. There aren't a lot of them, and they don't fit into the Weapon levels the other ones do. As such, Each grenade will be labeled by group, along with it's general description.

Frag Grenade:
Human Grenade:
The Frag grenade has several properties that give it some good properties that make it very powerful, and making it my favorite grenade type (since I don't use grenades much and I have problems with the other two). The Frag Grenade Bounces off walls, and detonates after a few seconds (or contact with a biotic surface, aka the enemy). They also explode resulting in splash damage. 1 grenade=death, so be careful with them, or you could end up killing yourself (nearly happened and happened too many times to count).

Flash Grenades:
Trust Grenade:
This is my least favorite grenade. The frag grenade kills quickly, and the radiation can also kill. This is the only nonlethal weapon in the game, and why it is in the game instead of some weapon that stuns non AI enemies is beyond me. Essentially, when you're hit, your screen goes white, you can't hear a thing, and your radar's gone. AI opponents will be dazed. Human ones just look like they're stupid AI (randomly running, firing, and jumping, maybe even running into a wall). They are annoying, to be hit by, and to have to use, simply because it is like they don't work.

Radiation Grenades:
Drudge grenade:
Many FPS has a grenade that sticks to a surface, selective or not, and deals damage to anything within it's radius. Halo has two of these, the Plasma (which bounces of terrain and sticks to Biotic surfaces), and the Brute Spike grenade (which sticks to ANY surface). The Drudge have followed the Brutes and made a grenade that sticks to anything. They also made it radiate instead of explode, so it is more versatile, serving as a sticky and a makeshift barrier. This is good because I suck at stickying.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
Mid-State NY
Was playing around with the shotgun "advance technique" today. It's very easy to do, but I'm not sure if it's very accurate. I'm not a pro with a shotgun, but I was having a hard time hitting shots with the repeater shots.

Also, I sucked it up today, couldn't land hits or shots...
Are you using lock on? Because that would definitely help with your accuracy


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Lol, I have never used lock on since the tutorial level, I forgot it existed, and I was doing pretty fine.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
Mid-State NY
I *can't* play without the lock on, I just can't stay on target as well. And it's been a habit since I have WaW on my wii and that simply was the best way to play.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Of course, why would I need anything else. :p

Still, The Conduit is one of the stuff on my list of "acceptable things" for my birthday, though I'm not expecting anything.
"Acceptable things"? LMAO, Supe you're a robot.

I *can't* play without the lock on, I just can't stay on target as well. And it's been a habit since I have WaW on my wii and that simply was the best way to play.
Same here, I'm used to it from WaW. Not to mention it's essential to know how much life your opponent has left.

So has anyone decided on what time our giant match should be? When is everybody free?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2008
the suspense is killing me... i need to wait another 1 and a half week to touch it... maybe i should play some MP3 and WaW for the practise


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
So I've been playing some 1v1 matches this week with a friend who lives just a few miles away and I am noticing some pretty serious host advantage. We both have solid connections, but he seems to be killing me much more quickly than I am killing him. If this game ever makes it past people screwing around on swf in some serious tournaments, its something to consider.

Question: is there a way to turn off radar for private games? Radar is sooooo anti-competitive that its painful. It totally eliminates all lot of strategy and mindgames that the opponent can't be caught off guard. If it can't be turned off somehow, then I don't think this game has a life for serious competition.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Unless you want to get rid of the rest of the HUD. Currently, there is no way to selectively get rid of one piece of your HUD.


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
So I've been playing some 1v1 matches this week with a friend who lives just a few miles away and I am noticing some pretty serious host advantage. We both have solid connections, but he seems to be killing me much more quickly than I am killing him. If this game ever makes it past people screwing around on swf in some serious tournaments, its something to consider.

Question: is there a way to turn off radar for private games? Radar is sooooo anti-competitive that its painful. It totally eliminates all lot of strategy and mindgames that the opponent can't be caught off guard. If it can't be turned off somehow, then I don't think this game has a life for serious competition.
EDIT: Charzard took care of it.

That shotgun AT is crazy. This may kill any chances of near/far being used in tournaments and such. I don't have a lot of experience with it, is the scar powerful enough to take on people with shotguns shooting faster than the rate of the TPC launcher?

With my current controls, the AT is actually kind of hard to do(my controls are nothing like default... I don't think... I've completely redone them twice, and made many minor adjustments, but I don't really want to re-work them again, I'm liking these.


Smash Master
Aug 20, 2007
So I've been playing some 1v1 matches this week with a friend who lives just a few miles away and I am noticing some pretty serious host advantage. We both have solid connections, but he seems to be killing me much more quickly than I am killing him. If this game ever makes it past people screwing around on swf in some serious tournaments, its something to consider.

Question: is there a way to turn off radar for private games? Radar is sooooo anti-competitive that its painful. It totally eliminates all lot of strategy and mindgames that the opponent can't be caught off guard. If it can't be turned off somehow, then I don't think this game has a life for serious competition.
I don't think that's host advantage. If I'm correct, then here's what happens. When you kill him, it has to register on his console first, and then send data of his death to your console before he goes down. When he kills you, he's already sent the data of the shot to you, and your game already knows that you're dead, so you go down immediately. Then, any resynching needed is done during respawning.

If I'm right, your friend would perceive you as having the same "advantage", when in reality there is none.


formerly VaBengal
Apr 20, 2008
Fairfax, VA
EDIT: Charzard took care of it.

That shotgun glitch is crazy. THis may kill any chances of near/far being used in tournaments and such. I don't have a lot of experience with it, is the scar powerful enough to take on people with shotguns shooting faster than the rate of the TPC launcher?

With my current controls, the at is actually kind of hard to do(my controls are nothing like default... I don't think... I've completely redone them twice, and made many minor adjustments., but I don't really want to re-work them..
Let me assure you that it's not broken and it's certainly not a glitch. Shotgun still loses to everything it already did at mid-far range. Now it's just even better at close range, giving a huge edge to people who use it in shotgun v shotgun battles. Also, now it ***** the MP5 harder than it already did.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
I just found out something about the SCAR. Turns out that a SCAR headshot is an instant kill, not a 2 shot kill. This means that the SCAR is in fact a makeshift sniper. it takes all 3 rounds or so to pull off the headshot, and 12 rounds other wise to kill, but that translates to a 4 shots due to the burst burst.


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2008
Provo, UT
My FC= 2149-6037-8248

So far, there has been no lag problems, but when I got in my first game, the sensor bar automatically thought I was pointing to the right so the whole game I'm spinning in a circle. o.o

Then my second game it was trying to authenticate 3 people for like 20 minutes.


formerly VaBengal
Apr 20, 2008
Fairfax, VA
I just found out something about the SCAR. Turns out that a SCAR headshot is an instant kill, not a 2 shot kill. This means that the SCAR is in fact a makeshift sniper. it takes all 3 rounds or so to pull off the headshot, and 12 rounds other wise to kill, but that translates to a 4 shots due to the burst burst.
Haha yes this is known. SCAR full burst headshot = kill. Its my favorite weapon :)


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
I just found out something about the SCAR. Turns out that a SCAR headshot is an instant kill, not a 2 shot kill. This means that the SCAR is in fact a makeshift sniper. it takes all 3 rounds or so to pull off the headshot, and 12 rounds other wise to kill, but that translates to a 4 shots due to the burst burst.
Well that's good news. I really don't want to keep using the Strike Rifle as a sniper all the time. I kinda noticed this in the single player as well. A head shot always had a kill, once I think about it.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
So I've been playing some 1v1 matches this week with a friend who lives just a few miles away and I am noticing some pretty serious host advantage. We both have solid connections, but he seems to be killing me much more quickly than I am killing him. If this game ever makes it past people screwing around on swf in some serious tournaments, its something to consider.

Question: is there a way to turn off radar for private games? Radar is sooooo anti-competitive that its painful. It totally eliminates all lot of strategy and mindgames that the opponent can't be caught off guard. If it can't be turned off somehow, then I don't think this game has a life for serious competition.
MAYBE in the HUD placement you can either remove it or move it off screen.

However you can crouch so the enemy radar doesn't detect you, I managed to crouch all the way to were one enemy was yesterday, got real close, and threw a radiation grenade, and ran like hell, mostly cause the other opponents were coming, and he died eventually.

Knowing when to crouch and when to stand up to run takes time to get used to, but it helps in the end.

BTW Ive lost track of the people who added me, if I havent added you let me know
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