I just played the Conduit today, and beat it, and I've noticed a few things:
1: It is somewhat predictable:
Almost from the very start you had the Idea that You would be back stabbed, as the game gives bluntly obvious clues (from it's own nature to The sinister voice of your first guide [John Adams]), while it is less obvious who your new guide would be, or the reality of who he is (don't worry, you won't get back stabbed twice), they are the only two twists in this game, and about all there is to prevent it from getting stale.
2: The ending was too open ended:
While there are some who haven't finished the game and I won't elaborate on the end (since I myself have no Idea), It has the amount of closure for a game that is easily just trying to direct itself to a sequel. This is essentially the problem with Halo 2, giving you way too many questions and about zero answers. The original Halo and the Metroid Prime trilogy have pretty much nailed it down for a cliffhanger and closure, this game lacks it.
3: I miss the sniper rifle, but I found the BR!:
OK, as a natural sniper I do miss not having a sniper weapon. However, the SCAR has turned out to be almost an exact equivalent to the BR, both weapons I find easy and reliable. Actually, it is the only weapon I got an achievement for.
4: wait, there are achievements on the wii?:
Their purpose still eludes me, like what the heck the ending means.