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The Conduit (FC's First Page)


Oct 1, 2005
Ok got my FC:


Everyone add me. If this plays anywhere close to MOH:H2 I should be dominating you all by nightfall :p (including you RDK :p)


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Hot ****. I am a surgeon with the shotgun.

And I'm beginning to hate Bounty Hunter, because there's always one jack@ss that doesn't know what mode we're in, and he goes around killing people lol.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Ok got my FC:


Everyone add me. If this plays anywhere close to MOH:H2 I should be dominating you all by nightfall :p (including you RDK :p)
Sweet, I'm adding you. When are you usually on?

And BTW, MOH:H2 sucks. WaW beats the crap out of it.

Edit: Hey LJ, you should edit the OP and add everyone's FC's so we have a list going. Everyone should post their AIM screennames too so we can organize for matches and whatnot.


Smash Cadet
Jun 24, 2009
in a house.
How is this game? I work at Best Buy and we're already sold out!! I sold a TON of copies today! Is it worth buying? Someone told me it's like Halo for the Wii... somehow I don't believe this.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
So apparently some guy called hetoan2 already has hacked infinite health/ammo into multiplayer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC5qr-iPfbk# :( :(

Also, I hate people who pick explosive set + indoor maps
Thing is that he's ****ed. His was stupid enough to post his name on youtube.

How is this game? I work at Best Buy and we're already sold out!! I sold a TON of copies today! Is it worth buying? Someone told me it's like Halo for the Wii... somehow I don't believe this.
Its more like Perfect Dark for the Wii. The single player is short, but difficult even on normal. I can't wait to play it again.

Maybe I should tell HVS about m troubles, they did mention that they read their E-mails.


Smash Master
Aug 20, 2007
So apparently some guy called hetoan2 already has hacked infinite health/ammo into multiplayer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC5qr-iPfbk# :( :(

Also, I hate people who pick explosive set + indoor maps
I say that the hacks that enable team killing are worse. I've run into three people who could team kill.

And I've discovered a glitch with the shotgun. If you hit the reload animation, then collect more ammunition off the ground while it's reloading, then you'll end up with more bullets in your clip than normal.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
It didn't take long , there must be A LOT of people with the game. I think I saw somewhere that HVS had some sort of ability to cut off a multiplayer account if they want, so he better watch out.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
How is this game? I work at Best Buy and we're already sold out!! I sold a TON of copies today! Is it worth buying? Someone told me it's like Halo for the Wii... somehow I don't believe this.
Singleplayer= Perfect Dark

Multiplayer = the closest thing to halo that I've ever tried other than Halo,1,2, and 3

So apparently some guy called hetoan2 already has hacked infinite health/ammo into multiplayer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC5qr-iPfbk# :( :(

Also, I hate people who pick explosive set + indoor maps
I like how he is blackmailing the you tube community to give him 5 starts or he will release them. We'll just stall him until HVS gets there.

EDIT "Facepalm, here comes another infraction"


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008

And I'm beginning to hate Bounty Hunter, because there's always one jack@ss that doesn't know what mode we're in, and he goes around killing people lol.
If you are referring to yesterdays games...that was me:ohwell: I could never find who we were supposed to kill:laugh:

I wonder how long it will be before someone hacks the game for one kill shots on every weapon, infinite grenades, infinite health (done) and well infinite everything.

Also, does anyone know what the little blue discs are for? The one's that you "download" using the ASE.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
It didn't take long , there must be A LOT of people with the game. I think I saw somewhere that HVS had some sort of ability to cut off a multiplayer account if they want, so he better watch out.

It's not like Mario Kart where there's literally no point in playing online because of all the hackers. You pretty much have to be hacking yourself to stand a chance in MK. I read somewhere that High Voltage can monitor hacking (to an extent) and ban your FC permanently.

So I doubt this is going to be a serious problem. Plus remember that this is the game's first week; just give them time to work out all the server connection problems and whatnot and it'll probably run a lot smoother in the future.


Oct 1, 2005
after clocking in a good 2 hours of online, I'm definitely going to buy this game. Wow, the online is amazing. I love far and near, and hate human. Bounty Hunter is ok, but how do you know when people are hunting you and you can kill them?

If everyone wants just to PM me their FC and I'll add it to the first page when I get a chance tonight. I'll be on at 11:30 central time, so everyone add my FC.



Smash Cadet
Jun 24, 2009
in a house.
Singleplayer= Perfect Dark

Multiplayer = the closest thing to halo that I've ever tried other than Halo,1,2, and 3
That's awesome!! Thanks! I'm excited to play! :D

When I get back from AZ after fourth of July weekend, someone add me so we can play.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!

4597 7271 9790

Don't have any friends added yet, this is my 1st day with the game (doing good though, still trying to figure out which weapon I'm best with, Stryk Rifle (PUN) and Scar seems to be my best ones)

Let me know if anyone adds me


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008

And I'm beginning to hate Bounty Hunter, because there's always one jack@ss that doesn't know what mode we're in, and he goes around killing people lol.

Same thing with ASE football.

That shotgun reload thing is interesting, but probably more useful for things like the SR that run out of ammo more often. (it does for me anyway...) Killing people with the shotgun takes an average of less than two shots [I use melee] And I'm usually dead by the time I get 5 or 6 kills, so I don't have to reload much.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006

4597 7271 9790

Don't have any friends added yet, this is my 1st day with the game (doing good though, still trying to figure out which weapon I'm best with, Stryk Rifle (PUN) and Scar seems to be my best ones)

Let me know if anyone adds me
Holy ****. Stryks? Haven't seen you in forever man.

Adding your FC.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Yeah left once most of the people I knew left here too, just recently I came back.
KK I'll add yours too... which I will have to look for... great.

Gah I can never land any of the 3 energy balls of the deatomizer cause of the terrain, I've only managed to pull it off in open areas.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
I just played the Conduit today, and beat it, and I've noticed a few things:

1: It is somewhat predictable:
Almost from the very start you had the Idea that You would be back stabbed, as the game gives bluntly obvious clues (from it's own nature to The sinister voice of your first guide [John Adams]), while it is less obvious who your new guide would be, or the reality of who he is (don't worry, you won't get back stabbed twice), they are the only two twists in this game, and about all there is to prevent it from getting stale.

2: The ending was too open ended:
While there are some who haven't finished the game and I won't elaborate on the end (since I myself have no Idea), It has the amount of closure for a game that is easily just trying to direct itself to a sequel. This is essentially the problem with Halo 2, giving you way too many questions and about zero answers. The original Halo and the Metroid Prime trilogy have pretty much nailed it down for a cliffhanger and closure, this game lacks it.

3: I miss the sniper rifle, but I found the BR!:
OK, as a natural sniper I do miss not having a sniper weapon. However, the SCAR has turned out to be almost an exact equivalent to the BR, both weapons I find easy and reliable. Actually, it is the only weapon I got an achievement for.

4: wait, there are achievements on the wii?:
Their purpose still eludes me, like what the heck the ending means.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Fun games RDK, had to stop playing, Girlfriend got online, kept her waiting too long lol

4 kills from tying with you, and holy **** I did a 10 kill killing spree =D
And was that really a HVS guy? (Ray_HVS) if so... he sucks XD


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
I just played the Conduit today, and beat it, and I've noticed a few things:
1: It is somewhat predictable:
Almost from the very start you had the Idea that You would be back stabbed, as the game gives bluntly obvious clues (from it's own nature to The sinister voice of your first guide [John Adams]), while it is less obvious who your new guide would be, or the reality of who he is (don't worry, you won't get back stabbed twice), they are the only two twists in this game, and about all there is to prevent it from getting stale.

2: The ending was too open ended:
While there are some who haven't finished the game and I won't elaborate on the end (since I myself have no Idea), It has the amount of closure for a game that is easily just trying to direct itself to a sequel. This is essentially the problem with Halo 2, giving you way too many questions and about zero answers. The original Halo and the Metroid Prime trilogy have pretty much nailed it down for a cliffhanger and closure, this game lacks it.

3: I miss the sniper rifle, but I found the BR!:
OK, as a natural sniper I do miss not having a sniper weapon. However, the SCAR has turned out to be almost an exact equivalent to the BR, both weapons I find easy and reliable. Actually, it is the only weapon I got an achievement for.
4: wait, there are achievements on the wii?:
Their purpose still eludes me, like what the heck the ending means.
Dude first of all SPOILER TAGS. Some of us didn't finish the game yet.

You sniper rifle is also called the Strike Rifle. Achievements are for unlocking art and single player cheats.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria

Oh **** noooooooo


God ****ing hackers. I seriously want all the big companies to round up these people and let us punch the **** out of them. Really people like them shouldn't exist. what makes it more sicking is that he think he's a morale person not releasing the codes.

What ****ing logic is that.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Apparently the HVS staff has been alerted, and are going to try and fix the problem before banning him

On his you tube, he yells at one of the guys who stand up to him and says that hackers are ******* saying that hacking takes skill, when playing the game normally doesn't. If this is who is threatening to release the codes, consider the game ****ed


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
where'd you get that info?

Facebook, definitely consider it a rumor for now, but they are obviously going to do something, and actually Werekill, HVS probably has control over the servers, and can probably update it, and even ban him. Depends if they gave themselves server control, and they probably foresaw something like this so they probably did.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
First of all, as far as I know Nintendo can't patch games, which is why there are so much unchecked hacking going on in MK and CoD, compared to any PS3 or Xbox online game (plus those hackers are smart enough to know not to get banned from a paid subscription service).

On top of that, the game doesn't even run on HVS's servers - they use Gamespy's. This, coupled with the fact that Nintendo is ****ty, is why if these codes are released it will probably become a big hack-fest.

That being said, I admit that I use hacks in MK and CoD for the Wii, but only because nobody really gives a **** and everyone's already hacking, and plus I don't really play those anyway. Playing games like that, whether it's you who's being hacked or you who's doing the hacking, gets old real fast, and if I get tired of it I just play Xbox.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Yes, but even when using anothers servers, you have access to them as long as you rent the servers.
It depends whether HVS actually put in the ability to patch the game. If not they have the negotiation of their lives to negotiate.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
IIRC, HVS said they were close to making DLC packs for the Conduit, as they said it in a video interview. I also think they foresaw the rise of hacks, so its possible that they might find a way to fix this.

Also hackers make people leave games, which is another thing I hate them for.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast

4597 7271 9790

Don't have any friends added yet, this is my 1st day with the game (doing good though, still trying to figure out which weapon I'm best with, Stryk Rifle (PUN) and Scar seems to be my best ones)

Let me know if anyone adds me
I have added every code in this thread. Unfortunately, I have only managed to find four people on my roster to date.

My code is 5456-7169-0635


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
In the absence of The conduit, I have found some interesting tidbits on the main characters. We all know that all the main 3 of the Conduit are
Micheal Ford, John Adams and Prometheus. I have made a startling connection between these 3 characters, concerning In game and in real life.
The conduit suddenly to me became connected to the Greek Myth of Prometheus.
Lets start off with Prometheus him self. In game Prometheus is your guide. His symbol is that of a flame. He obviously wants Humanity to survive the doom that is the Drudge. Prometheus is imprisoned and is picked apart due from a punishment. Now lets look at Greek Prometheus. Prometheus was a Titan that gave fire to man, in order for them to repel the darkness and survive life. Zeus angry at this act of Prometheus, imprisons him, by chaining him to a rock. Prometheus of the Conduit is the some what the same as the Prometheus in the legend of Prometheus in the Conduit setting.Prometheus gave fire to Micheal Ford in the form of the Trust suit, guiding him to fight the Drudge. Prometheus was imprisoned in the icy prison of the containment center of the trust headquarters, just like Prometheus was chained onto a rock. Both were picked apart, wheras Prometheus of the Conduit was picked apart for his genes, Titan Prometheus was ripped by a raven, for his liver. Before the Conduit came out, Prometheus was labeled as a Terroist. In a sense, this could be seen from the point of The Trust, or more specifically, John Adams, as a threat, due to the fact Prometheus of the Conduit is giving Humans fire, to repel the Drudge.Prometheus body base was that of a Drudge Scarab, and this unit was like a tank, a titan. Both Adams and Prometheus are Drudge beings, this can be related in a sense that Greek Prometheus and Zeus were both Greek Gods.

John Adams represents Zeus in the Conduit/ Prometheus story. One of the most noticeable aspects of the Zeus/ John Adams relationship is the Trust weaponry. Most Trust weaponry is Electricity based. Zeus had a knack for throwing lightning bolts at people he didn't like. Enil is a exiled Drudge, and for a while Zeus was a exile him self, to protect him from his father Cronus. Both John and Zeus manage to get the ultimate seat in power in the world in their respective times. Adams becomes to true person in power of the United States, while Zeus becomes the true ruler of Olympus. In the story of Prometheus, the one who frees Prometheus is Ironically Zeus son, Hercules. Ironically in the game, the voice actor of Micheal Ford, Mark Sheppard, is the son of the voice actor of John Adams, William Sheppard. This now brings me to my next character, Micheal Ford.

Micheal Ford represents humanity and Hercules in The Conduit. Prometheus gave fire to man, while in the Conduit, Prometheus gave fire to Micheal Ford in the form of the Trust suit. Prometheus came to the aid of humanity when Zeus left humanity to rot. In a similar fashion, Prometheus came to the aid of Micheal Ford when he lived his purpose, not to mention the people before Micheal Ford. Once Ford became the Druge killing guy we all know, he became a hero to the people, killing monsters that threatened the lives of innocents. In a sense this is what Hercules him self did, saving people from monsters, while some tower above him, he still managed to kill them. Micheal Ford freed Prometheus from John Adams. Using the real life approach Mark Sheppard freed Prometheus from his father William Shepard.
Fun Fact: Prometheus V.A, Kevin Soboro, also played Hercules. Go Irony.

Yay for Darkslash's poorly made multiparagraphs :D

Before any one nitpicks me about Hercules, I KNOW I SPELLED IT THE ROMAN WAY.


Oct 1, 2005
alright updated the first page with the fcs that I was sent through pm. if you want yours in the front page, you have to pm me.
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