I personally feel over-all this topic is pointless, and in the end will without a doubt cause more problems than not, if we made some 'standard' for it.
someone earlier said that you shouldn't use the crowd as a similarity to a coach..i disagree..Wobbles made a perfectly clear point on how a couple guys watching behind the two players could affect in-game easily.
"PP GO HIGH!" Hey, that's coaching. So, ultimately this ruling would make everyone sit quietly until after each match. Just cause people are screaming and yelling things doesn't void out the fact that in a very noticeable way, it's coaching for who you want to win.
otherwise, you have people john'ing about coaching nonstop since it wouldn't be allowed. "Hey i heard that guy back there yell to my opponent what to do! I win!"
And if the crowd coaching wasn't banned, but the "sitting next to the guy and telling him what to do" kinda coaching was, it'd be pretty easy to hop in the crowd and yell tips for your friend.
what i'm saying is it can't be stopped properly.
also, the whole thing about "going into a tournament match is a way to test your skills, limits, coaching takes that away blah blah" is only a perspective/opinion about how you're "supposed" to win. Other's could see it as playing to win, the coach telling me this stuff is only refreshing me on how to win.
for the record i've never had anyone coach me before, besides something like 'what stage do you think i should CP?'