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The Captain Falcon Q&A Thread

t3h n00b

Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2008
Laurel, Maryland
i believe falcon dive has more damage output than uair
I said out of Falcon Dive range. I'm not saying uair instead (unless you can get a kill with it I guess), just in a situation where Kirby is right on top of you using stone, like what you mentioned as the first time you tried to upB Kirby's stone.


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2009
Naruto's Mind
Yo I think this is the right thread for posting hints, but I think that Captain Falcon's Raptor Boost is his only against projectiles. From what I've been researching so far, it blocks their projectile and leaves little lag, enough time for the captain to evade if the opponent moves in. The downside is that it works on some projectiles and has start up lag. From my list so far, I cancels out:

Mario's Fireball
Luigi's Fireball
Link's Arrows, Boomerang
Toon Link's Arrows, Boomerangs
Samus's Homing Missile



Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2008
Yo I think this is the right thread for posting hints, but I think that Captain Falcon's Raptor Boost is his only against projectiles. From what I've been researching so far, it blocks their projectile and leaves little lag, enough time for the captain to evade if the opponent moves in. The downside is that it works on some projectiles and has start up lag. From my list so far, I cancels out:

Mario's Fireball
Luigi's Fireball
Link's Arrows, Boomerang
Toon Link's Arrows, Boomerangs
Samus's Homing Missile



Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Hold A for a constant jab which forms a fairly effective projectile shield if you're expecting to have something shot/thrown at you.

t3h n00b

Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2008
Laurel, Maryland
Hold A for a constant jab which forms a fairly effective projectile shield if you're expecting to have something shot/thrown at you.
^That, or just jump over them. Falcon has mad hops. Air dodge/shield I guess, but if your opponent spams I think you would be best served approaching, or at least closing in, through the air. Raptor Boost and Falcon Kick shouldn't really be used against projectiles, or at least not at long ranges. So you canceled a fireball. Mario can shoot more, and you're lagging and not getting much closer. The only time those moves would be mildly useful against projectiles is at close range, where projectiles are used less. Jab, block, or dodge projectiles. Special moves will get you punished.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
skip you might be right, most likely are considering ive played 3 kirbys and none were very good

one was good but his playstyle was just.... wtfhax so i dont know what to say with kirby

but it works

t3h n00b

Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2008
Laurel, Maryland
P3 do you have wifi? Or anyone, Kirby is fun I guess we could see how to play the matchup or how situational Falcon Dive is against stone.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2008
So I heard you could Raptor Boost off the edge and grab the ledge by fastfalling/DI. Is this true? I've try a couple of times with no success. And if so, is there some kind of special timing for it?


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
So I heard you could Raptor Boost off the edge and grab the ledge by fastfalling/DI. Is this true? I've try a couple of times with no success. And if so, is there some kind of special timing for it?
I've heard this to be true yet I receive no success either


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
You must reverse (hit away then towards the ledge+reptor boost) the raptor boost and DI towards the ledge (and execute said reversed raptor boost from a certain distance).
No, you must simply Raptor boost towards the ledge (from any distance) and then pull into the stage and fastfall. The easiest way is to pull into the stage with the control stick, and tap down on the c-stick. That way only works if c-stick is set to smashes though.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2009
No, you must simply Raptor boost towards the ledge (from any distance) and then pull into the stage and fastfall. The easiest way is to pull into the stage with the control stick, and tap down on the c-stick. That way only works if c-stick is set to smashes though.
Thats like the same thing I said >.< (only that the distance doesnt matter, as long as you dont end the raptor boost before the ledge.)

I think..

And the c-stick isnt a nesscissity, right?



Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
Thats like the same thing I said >.< (only that the distance doesnt matter, as long as you dont end the raptor boost before the ledge.)

I think..

And the c-stick isnt a nesscissity, right?

Nah, you said that you must reverse the Raptor boost, plus I said distance doesn't matter and I gave an easy method of performing it.

No C-stick isn't a necessity, but its probably the easiest way of doing this.

Oh yeh and I cba doing anything anymore, and I don't play Falcon anymore, so I won't update the vid thread or the compendium. Here's the codes for someone who maybe wants to remake them:


[COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=5][CENTER][U]:falcon: The [B]Falcon[/B] boards compendium of knowledge :falcon:[/U][/CENTER]
[COLOR=SandyBrown][CENTER]This thread contains links to all useful, detailed and informative threads about Falcon. I suggest all begginers read the threads in this to gain a better knowledge of Falcon and what his current meta game focuses on.[/CENTER]

[SIZE=4][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Falcon guides:[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Ultimate Falcon Guide[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=114710"]Noodlehead[/URL]
Created: 10-11-2008
Last Update: 03-22-2009
Summary: Falcon's largest and most in-depth guide, with videos and great pictures. Explores ALL aspects of Falcon's games and useful tactics no-ones ever thought of.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]How To Not Suck At Falcon[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=114257"]Ayaz18[/URL]
Created: 10-22-2008
Last update: 01-28-2009
Summary: A general guide on tournament play and maximizing your chances of success from probably the most experienced Falcons on the boards and one of the best Falcons out there.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]How to Pauwnch and not kill yourself - How to play falcon[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=123006"]ToKneeOrNotToKnee[/URL]
Created: 12-17-2008
Last update: 01-02-2009
Summary: Great for beginners, with lots of pictures and very detailed explanations of each thing shown. Definitely for people new to Falcon, a great guide overall.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Captain Falcon Showes His Moves, The Guide[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=47271"]Reaver197[/URL]
Created: 02-05-2008
Last update: 04-19-2008
Summary: Although very old and unlikely to ever be updated, helps beginners with match-up advice and some videos.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Guide to Mastering the Blue Falcon[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=100500"]SmashBrother2008[/URL]
Created:  02-22-2009
Last update: 02-23-2009 (Complete)
Summary: A very original and unique guide focusing on Falcon's final smash, the Blue Falcon. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Ayaz Advice[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=114257"]Ayaz18[/URL]
Created: 03-14-2009
Last update: Recent
Summary: Ayaz displays various technical solutions to Falcon's problems + good match-up advice from an expert.[/COLOR]

[SIZE=4][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Falcon General Info Threads:[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]SHOW ME YOUR DATA! - percents for killing Now with PDFs![/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=20316"]Doggalina[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]A guide to the Knee of Justice - Remade and Updated![/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=100500"]Smashbrother2008[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]The NEW Falcon grab release thread[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=117373"]Face124[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U][Manly] Falcon Frame Data[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=123930"]Havokk[/URL] [/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown]Falcon surprise!!! you can't resist clicking (Noodlehead's frame data)
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=114710"]Noodlehead[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Priority of side b and down b against projectiles[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=100500"]Smashbrother2008[/URL][/COLOR]

[SIZE=4][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Falcon ATs and Tactics threads:[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]In Depth: Mock-Waveland[/U]
[URL]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=194614[/URL]  -  [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh7M9yY266Q&fmt=18"]Video[/URL]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=114257"]Ayaz18[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Captain Corridor[/U]
[URL]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=214867[/URL]  -  [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6Q-2EPvhBE"]Video[/URL]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=133622"]Hiza[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Falcon's Salmon Smash[/U]
[URL]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=223782[/URL]  -  [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2A_o2dS0ng"]Video[/URL]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=133622"]Face124[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]B-reversing/stutter stepping the Raptor boost[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=113133"]Krigar[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Forsaken recovery[/U]
[URL]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=181691[/URL]  -  [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25azDqTppyA"]Video[/URL]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=114257"]Ayaz18[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U][U]Up[/U]-B uses and strategies[/U][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SandyBrown]By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=91809"]Iwan[/URL][/COLOR]

[SIZE=4][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Falcon minor discoveries:[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Free Uair on ganon when he releases you from his up b[/U]
[URL]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=223372[/URL]  -  [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uJy_Txvs74"]Video[/URL]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=123006"]ToKneeOrNotToKnee[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Captain falcon combo's using items[/U]
[URL="http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=222715%5D"]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=222715][/URL]  -  [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS_7sG9C6Pk"]Video[/URL]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=123006"]ToKneeOrNotToKnee[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Ganon SUPER JUMP, but with Falcon O_o[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=50732"]CluelessBTD[/URL][/COLOR]

[SIZE=4][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Falcon combos:[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Captain Falcons True Combos[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=123006"]ToKneeOrNotToKnee[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Inescapable combo on 10 characters[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=123006"]ToKneeOrNotToKnee[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Falcons 3 hit tilt lock[/U]
[URL]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=223347[/URL]  -  [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpwTVqErDb0&feature=channel_page&fmt=18"]Video[/URL]
by: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=117373"]Face124[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]CG on wario using grab release[/U]
[URL]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=208868[/URL]  -  [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=NL&hl=nl&v=IL0yRB-Y_0A&fmt=18"]Video[/URL]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=123006"]ToKneeOrNotToKnee[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]All info on falcons Bair lock>forced standup[/U]
[URL]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=224966[/URL]  -  [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjX1Iq3e5BM&fmt=18"]Video[/URL]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=123006"]ToKneeOrNotToKnee[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Uair ground lock to falcon punch! *vid inside*[/U]
[URL]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=224729[/URL]  -  [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e4e-uQ9xPc&fmt=18"]Video[/URL]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=108282"]F5Hazardousdoc[/URL][/COLOR]

[SIZE=4][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Falcon disscussions:[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Captain Falcon's MANLY Matchup Guide[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=125536"]Majora_younglink[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Falcon Moveset Discussion[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=86977"]t3h n00b[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Manliest Tournament Results[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=114710"]Noodlehead[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]Falcon drop[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=118985"]Wogrim[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SandyBrown][U]The brawl+ falcon metagame development discussion[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=123006"]ToKneeOrNotToKnee[/URL][/COLOR]


[COLOR=PaleGreen][U]The most amazing Captain Falcon Combo you will ever see[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=84701"]GameSystem[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=PaleGreen][U]Captain Falcon Sound Pack :)[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=39718"]GamerGuitarist7[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=PaleGreen][U]The Falcon Superlatives Thread![/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=119024"]Roager[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=PaleGreen][U]I have discovered a combo[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=116855"]Smash Saej[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=PaleGreen][U]Why red Falcon is most badass[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=117373"]Face124[/URL][/COLOR]

[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=3]I will update this regularly, so keep watching. Please submit anything you think should be in here.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Vid thread v3.0:

[COLOR=SandyBrown]Approved by [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=117658"]Falchion-[/URL][/COLOR]


[COLOR=SandyBrown]LinIsKorean is inactive. The old thread is no longer updated, thus, we have v3.0. Falchion has agreed this will be stickied in place of his. Just post videos of you or other players (it can be 1v1s, 2v2s, combo videos, funny videos, glitches, Brawl + videos [state the code set you are using] and just about everything really) here and they will be added to the OP, which will be a giant library of all videos given. This will be organised by character, and then within that character, by player.

[COLOR=Pink]-No CPU videos.
-No videos with items in it.
-If not said in the description, state whether it is offline or on.
-If you are posting a video, Please post what type of video it is. Players are not necessary, but helpful.
-You may post links that aren't on youtube here, but I will include a note beside the video saying that.
-Feel free to discuss the videos in here, but I will report any flaming/trolling/spamming or just general rudeness. If you do it again i will PM [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=117658"]Falchion-[/URL] directly about it.
-Combo videos deserve their own thread, so post a new thread for your own if you want. Post other's combo videos here though, and please state that they aren't yours.[/COLOR][/RIGHT]



:bowser2: [SIZE=5][COLOR=SeaGreen][U]Bowser[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] :bowser2:


[COLOR=SeaGreen]Havok (:falcon:) vs LinIsKorean (:bowser2:) (online)
December 23, 2008[/COLOR]

[SIZE=5]:falcon: [COLOR=Red][U]Captain Falcon[/U][/COLOR] :falcon:[/SIZE]


[COLOR=Red]KEY (:falcon:) vs. KÀi!! (:falcon:) (online)
May 5, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. KÀi!! (:falcon:) (online)
Pirate Ship
May 5, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. KÀi!! (:falcon:) (online)
Final Destination
May 5, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. KÀi!! (:falcon:) (online)
Final Destination
May 5, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. KÀi!! (:falcon:) (online)
Final Destination
May 5, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. KÀi!! (:falcon:) (online)
Final Destination
May 5, 2008


KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
Final Destination
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
Pokemon Stadium 1
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
Pirate Ship
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
Delfino Plaza
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
Lylat Cruise
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
Port Town
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
Lylat Cruise
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
Green Hill Zone
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
Yoshi's Island 
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
Final Destination 
May 29, 2008

KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! (:falcon:) (online)
Final Destination 
May 29, 2008


[COLOR=Red]NinjaLink (:falcon:) vs G-Reg (:falcon:) (3)
1. Final Destination
2. Smashville
3. Yoshi's island (Brawl)
November 22, 2008[/COLOR]


[COLOR=Red]Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Port Town Aero Dive
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:) 
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim (Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360 (Red :falcon:)
August 12, 2008

Wogrim(Black :falcon:) vs Pillow360(Red :falcon:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

[SIZE=4]:diddy: [COLOR=Sienna][U]Diddy Kong[/U][/COLOR] :diddy:[/SIZE]


[COLOR=Sienna]Lightside (:falcon:) VS Yoshididdy (:diddy:) (online)
Final destination
December 31, 2008[/COLOR]

:dk2:[SIZE=4][COLOR=Sienna][U]Donkey Kong[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] :dk2:


[COLOR=Sienna]Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Boku (:dk2:)
October 12, 2008

Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Boku (:dk2:)
November 04, 2008

Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Boku (:dk2:)
November 04, 2008[/COLOR]


[COLOR=Sienna]C[/COLOR][COLOR=Sienna]hamp (:falcon:) vs Jmex (:dk2:)
May 23, 2008

Champ (:falcon:) vs Jmex (:dk2:) 
November 03, 2008

Champ (:falcon:) vs Jmex (:dk2:) 
Final Destination
November 03, 2008

Champ (:falcon:) vs Jmex (:dk2:) 
November 03, 2008

:falco: [SIZE=4][U][COLOR=Blue]Falco[/COLOR][/U][/SIZE] :falco:


[COLOR=Blue]Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Gregs (:falco:)
September 01, 2008

Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Gregs (:falco:)
Castle Siege
September 04, 2008

Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Gregs (:falco:)
10 March 2009

Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Gregs (:falco:)
10 March 2009

Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Gregs (:falco:)
10 March 2009

Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Gregs (:falco:)
26 March 2009

Rebaz ([/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]:falcon:[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]) vs Gregs (:falco:)
26 March 2009[/COLOR]     


[COLOR=Blue]KEY (:falcon:) vs. ICW?! ([/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]:falco:) (Online)
Frigate Orpheon
29 May 2008

KEY ([/COLOR]  [COLOR=Blue]:falcon:) vs. ICW?! ([/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]:falco:) [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue](Online)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue] [URL]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-UUQ85TGJJw[/URL]
Final Destination
29 May 2008

KEY ([/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]:falcon:) vs. ICW?! ([/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]:falco:) [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue](Online)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue] [URL]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=CmsViaUkkV4[/URL]
Castle Siege
29 May 2008[/COLOR]  


[COLOR=Blue]Hazdoc (:falcon:) vs Darkend ([/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]:falco:) [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue](Online)
12 December 2008[/COLOR] 

TheBlackLink (CF) vs. Imprezive (Falco) (Online)
Final Destination
13 January 2009[/COLOR] 

:fox: [SIZE="4"][COLOR=Sienna][U]Fox[/U] [/COLOR][/SIZE]:fox:
Rebaz ([/COLOR][COLOR=Sienna][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Gregs (:fox:[/COLOR][COLOR=Sienna])
Pokemon Stadium 1[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]04 September 2008[/COLOR]

:gw: [COLOR=Black][U][SIZE="4"]Mr Game and Watch[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR]:gw:

None :(

:ganondorf: [U][COLOR=Purple][SIZE="4"]Ganondorf[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][COLOR=Purple] [/COLOR]:ganondorf:


[COLOR=Purple]OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
24 November 2008

OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
Pokemon Stadium 1
24 November 2008

OWN1N ([/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
24 November 2008
OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
24 November 2008

OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
24 November 2008
OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
24 November 2008
OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
Green Greens
25 November 2008
OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
Rainbow Cruise
25 November 2008
OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
Pokemon Stadium 1
25 November 2008
OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
25 November 2008
OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
Final Destination
27 November 2008
OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
27 November 2008
OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
27 November 2008
OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
27 November 2008
OWN1N ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple][U]:falcon:[/U]) vs Sliq ([/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]:ganondorf:)
Delfino Plaza
27 November 2008[/COLOR]


[COLOR="Purple"]Wogrim (:falcon:) vs Pillow360 (:ganondorf:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008[/COLOR]


[COLOR="Purple"]Ozz (:falcon:) vs. Paul (:ganondorf:)
December 14, 2008[/COLOR]

:popo: [U][COLOR="Pink"][SIZE="4"]Ice[/COLOR] [COLOR="Cyan"]Climbers[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U] :popo:


[COLOR="Pink"]Roy_R (:falcon:) vs. melee1 (:popo:)
June 29, 2008[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Cyan"]Roy_R (:falcon:) vs. melee1 (:popo:)
June 29, 2008[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Pink"]Roy_R (:falcon:) vs. melee1 (:popo:)
Delfino Plaza
June 29, 2008[/COLOR]

:ike: [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][U][SIZE="4"]Ike[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] :ike:


[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Lionman (:falcon:) vs Rydle (:ike:)
February 12, 2009

Lionman (:falcon:) vs Rydle (:ike:)
February 12, 2009[/COLOR]

:jigglypuff: [COLOR="Pink"][U][SIZE="4"]Jigglypuff[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] :jigglypuff:
None :(

:dedede: [COLOR="Red"][U][SIZE="4"]King Dedede[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] :dedede:

None :(

:kirby2: [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Plum"]Kirby[/COLOR][/U][/SIZE] :kirby2:


[COLOR="Plum"]Wogrim(:falcon:) vs Pillow360(:kirby2:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008

Wogrim(:falcon:) vs Pillow360(:kirby2:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008[/COLOR]

:link2: [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Lime"]Link[/COLOR][/U][/SIZE] :link2:


[COLOR="Lime"]Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Izaw (:link2:)
November 17, 2008

Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Izaw (:link2:)
Final Destination
November 17, 2008

Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Izaw (:link2:)
November 17, 2008

Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Izaw (:link2:)
November 17, 2008

Rebaz (:falcon:) vs Izaw (:link2:)
Frigate Orpheon
November 17, 2008[/COLOR]


[COLOR="Lime"]Player-1 (:link2:) vs Player-3 (:falcon:) (2)
1. Final Destination.
2. Smashville.
January 01, 2009[/COLOR]

:lucario: [U][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="4"]Lucario[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U] :lucario:

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Wogrim(:falcon:) vs Pillow360(:lucario:)
Final Destination
August 12, 2008[/COLOR]

:lucas: [U][COLOR="Yellow"][SIZE="4"]Lucas[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U] :lucas:

None :(

[SIZE="4"]:luigi2: [COLOR="SeaGreen"][U]Luigi[/U][/COLOR] :luigi2:[/SIZE]

None :(

:mario2: [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]Mario[/COLOR][/U][/SIZE] :mario2:


[COLOR=Wheat][U]Rebaz (:falcon:) & Aram (:wolf:) VS Izaw (:link2:) + Mokro (:zelda:)[/U]
Release: September 28, 2008[/COLOR]

[SIZE=5][COLOR=Cyan][U][B]Combo videos[/B][/U]:[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR=SandyBrown]*The rating is the YouTube rating, not mine.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=PaleTurquoise][U]Knee of the North Star[/U]
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPxFCsrWtKc&fmt=18"]Video[/URL] [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=204027"]Thread[/URL] ([URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03szqgy2Nh0"]Trailer[/URL])
By: RebazTalei ([URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=126894"]SWF account[/URL]/[URL="http://www.youtube.com/user/rebaz"]YouTube account[/URL])
Release: November 07, 2008
Rating: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=PaleTurquoise][U]Hunter for Hire[/U]
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwulYrCgP3s&fmt=18"]Video[/URL] [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=221894"]Thread[/URL]
By: myRoboticClaw ([URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=62746"]SWF account[/URL]/[URL="http://www.youtube.com/user/myRoboticClaw"]YouTube account[/URL])
Release: February 16, 2009
Rating: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=PaleTurquoise][U]N-air Cancel gameplay video[/U]
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0c6ueMThqo&fmt=18"]Video[/URL] [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=219574"]Thread[/URL]
By: RebazTalei ([URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=126894"]SWF account[/URL]/[URL="http://www.youtube.com/user/rebaz"]youTube account[/URL])
Release: February 03, 2009
Rating: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=PaleTurquoise][U]Old Man with a KNEE
[/U][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHnsdtSN450"]Video[/URL] [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=220139"]Thread[/URL]
By: Ritch ([URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=131255"]SWF account[/URL]/[URL="http://www.youtube.com/user/smashfox9325"]YouTube account[/URL])
Release: February 03, 2009
Rating: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=PaleTurquoise][U]Fists and Knees![/U]
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QovwaAR3zk&fmt=18"]Video[/URL] [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=186429"]Thread[/URL]
By: GamerGuitarist7 ([URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=39718"]SWF account[/URL]/[URL="http://www.youtube.com/user/jamerwoodstarist7"]YouTube account[/URL])
Release: August 08, 2008 (Re-uploaded February 07, 2009)
Rating: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: 1/2 [/COLOR]

[COLOR=PaleTurquoise][U]ToKneeOrNotToKnee - Life after death[/U]
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DjhFHdTmjk&fmt=18"]Video[/URL] [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=215925"]Thread[/URL]
By: ToKneeOrNotToKnee ([URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=123006"]SWF account[/URL]/[URL="http://www.youtube.com/user/ToKneeOrNotToKnee"]YouTube account[/URL])
Release: January 13, 2009
Rating: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: 1/2[/COLOR]

[COLOR=PaleTurquoise][U]No Tears For Low Tiers[/U]
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U8V2v32pKc&fmt=18"]Video[/URL] [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=226166"]Thread[/URL]
By: Hiza ([URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=133622"]SWF account[/URL]/[URL="http://www.youtube.com/user/CaptainHiza"]YouTube account[/URL])
Release: March 16, 2009
Rating: :falcon: :falcon: :falcon: 1/2[/COLOR]


[COLOR=PaleGreen][U]The most amazing Captain Falcon Combo you will ever see[/U]
By: [URL="http://www.smashboards.com/member.php?u=84701"]GameSystem[/URL][/COLOR]



Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2009
Nah, you said that you must reverse the Raptor boost, plus I said distance doesn't matter and I gave an easy method of performing it.

No C-stick isn't a necessity, but its probably the easiest way of doing this.
Yes, so the only mistakes I made is that one doesnt have to reverse the raptor boost and that the distance doesnt matter.
Good to know that one doesnt have to reverse the raptor boost and that the distance doesnt matter, thank you.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
ill remake them.. this board needs some dedicated members and I won't be maining anyone else for a long time


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
ill remake them.. this board needs some dedicated members and I won't be maining anyone else for a long time
Thank you, I've already messaged FAILchion- asking him to de-sticky the current compendium.

Also, just to say, one thing that may have contributed to the Falcon boards failing so miserably is the lack of a pro player who everyone listens to. Every board has one or more, except us.

You guys should listen to Skip. He has great tourney results, so obviously knows his ****, and with no Ayaz, is probably the best player here. Don't know about Psychoace, and P3 is really good, but doesn't own a wii.

I recommend listening to what these players say.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
Thank you, I've already messaged FAILchion- asking him to de-sticky the current compendium.

Also, just to say, one thing that may have contributed to the Falcon boards failing so miserably is the lack of a pro player who everyone listens to. Every board has one or more, except us.

You guys should listen to Skip. He has great tourney results, so obviously knows his ****, and with no Ayaz, is probably the best player here. Don't know about Psychoace, and P3 is really good, but doesn't own a wii.

I recommend listening to what these players say.
people dont like to listen to my advice because i play very strangely, and it makes them weird out because they think its a bad idea

id listen to skip, he knows his ****


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
F-throw -> F-throw -> F-throw... until 44(or 43?)% -> D-throw -> any move on an opponent against a wall known and used?

Why does no one use single jab cancel? It is quite difficult but it's worth practicing and using imo.


Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
Thank you, I've already messaged FAILchion- asking him to de-sticky the current compendium.

Also, just to say, one thing that may have contributed to the Falcon boards failing so miserably is the lack of a pro player who everyone listens to. Every board has one or more, except us.

You guys should listen to Skip. He has great tourney results, so obviously knows his ****, and with no Ayaz, is probably the best player here. Don't know about Psychoace, and P3 is really good, but doesn't own a wii.

I recommend listening to what these players say.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
really what we need is less fanboyism and more serious discussion. im not suit for a lead role because 1, lack of resources. 2, even if tend to play around but I could easily fix that 3, more teamwork from all of us


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
also don't let tourney placings determine skill. its easy to beat random nobodies and place well in a tourney. im done with tourney play, I rather just mm the pros


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2008
Southeast Michigan
Ehm, does anyone else think putting the entire compendium in a random post on the 76th page of the Q&A thread is a bad idea? It was better off as it's own thread. Now it's almost useless to newcomers; how are they supposed to know where it is? I could see if it was in the first post of this thread, but it's far from it.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2009
Ehm, does anyone else think putting the entire compendium in a random post on the 76th page of the Q&A thread is a bad idea? It was better off as it's own thread. Now it's almost useless to newcomers; how are they supposed to know where it is? I could see if it was in the first post of this thread, but it's far from it.
He put it there so someone can remake it, as he is quitting falcon and the falcon board..


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2008
Goldenrod City getting my eevee
Man, I was just getting in to the Falcon boards. Probably because n00bs like me are joining on the rise. Then people don't know how to limit harsh words. All our good players are leaving and only a few our left. Not me though I main Pikachu now, use Falcon as a secondary when he used to be my main.
Small question. Is anyone going to LasT Smash 3?
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