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The Captain Falcon Q&A Thread


Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2009
Hey, sorry I've been gone. Things have been crazy over here. Anyways, I been doing some thinkin.

I've decided that the overwhelming majority of moveset discussion is useless.

We know all we're likely to learn about what our moves do. We need to discuss the matchups. Details. Strategies. Counters. Common things characters do. What we can do about them.

In-depth matchup discussions would, I think, get us to a point where we can actually compete on an almost equal level with most of the other characters in the game.

Anyways, I post this here to see what you think of it. I know we've had matchup threads, but we need something better. Something that doesn't just outline something simple like "spam uair, don't falcon punch, gimp if possible"

Agree? Disagree? Your input?
No, wouldnt work. If it worked, our previous matchup discussions would have ended up beeing said useful discussion.

t3h n00b

Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2008
Laurel, Maryland
Even so, nobody seems to be going for it, or are arguing against it. maybe I'm wrong. If I get more response, maybe I'll try and start something about it.
I kind of agree with the whole specific-move thing, but it is pretty much covered by matchup discussion, or should be. My moveset discussion thread is intended to help with general understanding and usefulness of moves, or the best move to use in a certain situation. I think moves that should be used against specific characters would be best suited for a matchup thread. Maybe you and P3 could get together to implement that in the matchup thread if both you guys want to. I don't think most of the whole specific-move thing was meant as a suggestion for my thread, but I could be wrong, and feel free to suggest things for it.

I talked to LinIsKorean, and I'm in the process of remaking the video thread. It'll probably be up in a day or two, and hopefully that will help matchups a little bit by highlighting the more high-level matches, so the matchup can be seen at a level close to the current metagame.

No, wouldnt work. If it worked, our previous matchup discussions would have ended up beeing said useful discussion.
His idea hasn't been tried yet. So it could work. And, imo at least, the matchup discussions have been useful, and far more useful than no matchup discussion. His idea was just a suggestion, meant to improve matchup discussions. I definitely agree with Roager in that matchup discussions are vital to improving Falcon, so anything that might work is beneficial, and saying that his idea hasn't worked yet is a moot point because it hasn't been implemented yet.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
So, I guess my idea isn't as unaccepted as I thought, so the question is, do we want to try something like it?

If we want it, I could go in and make a separate thread for each character, and have either a dedicated index thread, or a section in Darx's. (it is his, right? I'm not sure i remember right)

Unless someone else would rather take up the job.

Or we could not do it.

EDIT: other option would be to add a link of each character to their section in the matchup thread we have.

MOAR EDIT: Ok, I have support, I guess. Not universal, but still. How to go about it, then? Any suggestions? Pick one of the above? Something new? Moar question marks?

t3h n00b

Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2008
Laurel, Maryland
Face's index is the current one now. And I'm not quite sure how you would go about doing your thread(s), but I'd be happy to help you if you want, I use a lot of characters so I don't get caught off guard by an opponent.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
Well, I have support, it seems. Instead of using more space in the QA thread, PM me with suggestions, offers to do stuff, or whatever. Or don't.

I'll probably read through them tomorrow.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2008
Discovered: Sending Napalm
Well, I have support, it seems. Instead of using more space in the QA thread, PM me with suggestions, offers to do stuff, or whatever. Or don't.

I'll probably read through them tomorrow.
Feel free, the Q&A thread is meant to be a convenient place to post without using space in the boards. Who knows, it could others later. I am likely going to make this in a Q&A and FAQ soon.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
Feel free, the Q&A thread is meant to be a convenient place to post without using space in the boards. Who knows, it could others later. I am likely going to make this in a Q&A and FAQ soon.
Am I ********, or does the last half of that (the part after the word "boards") not make any sense?

Cuz if I'm ********, I'd like to know.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2008
Discovered: Sending Napalm
Nah, your not ********, I was just alluding to that asking questions here helps me address them later when I make it a Q&A and FAQ. Because I'll be answers questions that are commonly asked, the more that are there, the better inclination of what I should answer.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
*post removed due to uselessness*

*new post begins here*
Well, it looks like I (possibly also tehnoob, and/or anyone else who wants to) will start working on analysis, of Falcon, of others, and how those relate.

Night. I'll check back later, see what you guys say.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2009
His idea hasn't been tried yet. So it could work. And, imo at least, the matchup discussions have been useful, and far more useful than no matchup discussion. His idea was just a suggestion, meant to improve matchup discussions. I definitely agree with Roager in that matchup discussions are vital to improving Falcon, so anything that might work is beneficial, and saying that his idea hasn't worked yet is a moot point because it hasn't been implemented yet.
His idea has been tried. And it did not succeed.
The matchup thread was full of wrong ratios and misinformed posts, while they tried to make it serious and correct.

This board lacks the people to achieve said goal :/

And have you ever fought (a) good MK/IC's/snake/falco?
You can discuss all you want, and talk about zones all you want,but that is not improving falcon.

A different approach is required to improve falcon.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
His idea has been tried. And it did not succeed.
The matchup thread was full of wrong ratios and misinformed posts, while they tried to make it serious and correct.

This board lacks the people to achieve said goal :/

And have you ever fought (a) good MK/IC's/snake/falco?
You can discuss all you want, and talk about zones all you want,but that is not improving falcon.

A different approach is required to improve falcon.
I've fought a good IC and a good snake, but I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to MK.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
His idea has been tried. And it did not succeed.
The matchup thread was full of wrong ratios and misinformed posts, while they tried to make it serious and correct.

This board lacks the people to achieve said goal :/

And have you ever fought (a) good MK/IC's/snake/falco?
You can discuss all you want, and talk about zones all you want,but that is not improving falcon.

A different approach is required to improve falcon.
I am not talking about the same type of thread as the matchup thread had. Same topic, sorta, but I'm talking about serious detail and in-depth strategy talk.

Maybe you're right, and it won't work, but even if it doesn't work, we're not really gonna lose anything, right?

More importantly, I've decided it should happen, so what's tho votes for how this should go down?

t3h n00b

Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2008
Laurel, Maryland
His idea has been tried. And it did not succeed.
The matchup thread was full of wrong ratios and misinformed posts, while they tried to make it serious and correct.

This board lacks the people to achieve said goal :/

And have you ever fought (a) good MK/IC's/snake/falco?
You can discuss all you want, and talk about zones all you want,but that is not improving falcon.

A different approach is required to improve falcon.
We're trying to be the people to obtain "said goal". And I've fought several good Snakes, Falcos, and MKs, but that doesn't mean anything. And you keep making assumptions about how this is going to fail, so what is the approach that you have in mind?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2009
I am not talking about the same type of thread as the matchup thread had. Same topic, sorta, but I'm talking about serious detail and in-depth strategy talk.

Maybe you're right, and it won't work, but even if it doesn't work, we're not really gonna lose anything, right?

More importantly, I've decided it should happen, so what's tho votes for how this should go down?
It will turn into the same type of thread. It was always in depth, or at least, you guys tried to make it in depth.

We're trying to be the people to obtain "said goal". And I've fought several good Snakes, Falcos, and MKs, but that doesn't mean anything. And you keep making assumptions about how this is going to fail, so what is the approach that you have in mind?
Dont try to be who you are not.
And it does mean something.
and lol, you guys can figure that one out on your own.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2007
Co-operate with the other character boards for discussion.

Also PartyHatPikaChu, don't be so presumptuous. These are new people trying new ideas, not old people trying old ideas.

Also about the gentleman, it's not nearly as useful as it was in melee since it's got like no knockback and some lag.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
yeah, but you can double/triple gentlemen because the third hit as almost the same knockback as the first and second
Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the Gentleman?

Or do I not understand what the Gentleman was for in melee?


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
This is the saddest thing I've heard. Stupid Gentleman. I guess I'll just Jab Cancel to like Dtilt and wish that combo'd to knee...
on fox you can
jab jab
dtilt dtilt dtilt until hes high or DIs out

then follow up with AC fair
to grab
to dthrow

but you didnt hear it from me


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008

What makes a "good" Falcon?

This is starting to annoy me as there are "good" Sonics and "good" Falcons who aren't "good" players.

And this applies to me too. I'm really only a decent player, I think.

._.; I'm just slightly annoyed at how someone is a "good" _______ just because they're not a total newb at a character lol.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008

What makes a "good" Falcon?

This is starting to annoy me as there are "good" Sonics and "good" Falcons who aren't "good" players.

And this applies to me too. I'm really only a decent player, I think.

._.; I'm just slightly annoyed at how someone is a "good" _______ just because they're not a total newb at a character lol.
their good because everyone else who plays their character sucks?

i dunno


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
ZSS has a buffered chaingrab on half the cast, a stun lock on the Space Animals, and the newly discovered infinite on ROB. She's a tough competitor against any character besides Diddy, Luigi and Peach.

But yeah, back to Falcon.

What makes a good Falcon? There's many different things you could do to point out a good player from a bad one, but Falcon is a bit more complex than most of the roster. Lets take a look at Captain Falcon's moveset. Majority of which are attacks with low-mid power and knock back potential and can easily be followed up by another attack.

Example; Jab -> Jab Cancel -> Down Throw -> Aerial of Choice.

Any generic player would immediately attempt to perform an attack such as the Knee of Justice over and over throughout a match, like I used to do myself. There's a distinction between a character that can PERFORM things with ease, and those who can use them efficiently to kill. Where one player may attempt to use the Knee a good number of times in one stock, another might see the best choice as to save the attack for a kill move ONLY to prevent stale moves. A well placed knee should easily kill at a percent such as 85-95% on most characters (taking DI into exception) if it was unused during the match, where someone who used it multiple times will be having trouble killing with it around 120%.

You must also take into consideration that Captain Falcon, despite his ability to combo at low percents, can't be guaranteed a simple kill in Brawl like he could do in Melee. So, its a player's choice; Attempt the punishable and try to do flashy things the entire match without getting punished, or savor the stylish moves and mindgames for when its time to kill.

Personally, I would just play it smart and safe, throw a few weak knees in to topple the opponent over and then laglessly run in and get a grab or something else in on them before they have time to react. Use things like the sides of the stage for wall jump attacks and various mindgames. Abuse Raptor Boost and follow up with a uair or nair (since both have range and a long lasting hitbox). Also, you don't need to be too stylish when you can damage someone's ego with an inescapable combo.

Jab -> Jab Cancel -> Down Throw -> Show me your Moves.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
i prefer jab jab grab COME AWN

just because

falcon cannot EASILY follow up anything, except agaisnt chars with slow moves
hes not what he used to be
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