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The Brawlplusery - Brawl+ Codeset - Updated 3rd April

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Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2008
We know about said glitch. What we don't know is which code causes it. If you want to contribute, disable codes one by one until you can identify which individual code is causing the problem.

I am lead to understand that it is not the launch or gravity modifier codes.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Unfortunately, I still need to use this code set to record the replays (which I have yet yo do). You may send the code set to me, but, before that I will double check to make sure the loading thing is actually what I think it is. I just told people not to play Lucas when we found out about it. B+ was received very well and I think it will start to spread in Ohio soon enough.

Matches will be up this week, DOUBLES MATCHES GUYS!!!! MAD HYPE!!!
Did ness have it also?

End the match and quickly hold a direction


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
Doesn't matter what direction you hold. If you're holding some direction period, you will get the black rumble.

Also, I have no problem finding which code does this even right this second. I've got plenty of time to spare.

EDIT: I've proven myself wrong. It seems to only happen when you hold down.


Smash Cadet
Oct 31, 2008
New Brunswick, NJ
I don't really have much to add except for the fact that I just got Brawl+ after weeks of planning to get it, and I have to say, it's awesome. Also, just so this isn't a useless post, have any of you guys tried to go back to Brawl? I did yesterday, and it was one of the more confusing moments I've had lately. However, wobbling with Ice Climbers is much easier in Brawl for some odd reason...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2008
Even though Bowser is very fun right now and we are out of space, I just want to make my only 2 suggestions for him for the future.

Buff his nair a little bit, less landing lag is the number one choice I see to do this. His nair often get's you smacked back after its use, and links to pretty much nothing. It's pretty much useless.

Have his dair "spike" a little bit. What Kirby's dair does, have it do that but to a smaller extent. Basically, I guess I'm asking to have the downward knockback on the dair increased when the person receiving it is in the air. This way Bowser's off stage game would be better, and actually less predictable (as right now it's pretty much only bair near the edge, and fair [pulled off a few uairs successfully before too but it's not viable]).

I know these suggestions are pointless at this point in time and probably until GeckOS 2.0, but still. If these 2 things are done to Bowser, I think he would be pretty much... perfect in my eyes.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I think Bowsers aerials should be sped up but that can't happen until spunit fixes the hitbox part of the frame mod code which he plans on doing


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2006
irvine, CA
just a notice to those of you who are frustrated with how bad the plussery set feels online:
turn off the buffering code. the buffering code is made to make inputs more precise; but this affects online play very negatively. so if you wish to play online, use the txt to turn off the buffering code. i've told the backroom people to make an online set, let's hope they'll do it soon.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
is it just by holding down or any direction or any button input?
just down is what messes it up, so you can brag that you won by dash dancing, but no by ducking as DDD.

@the guy talking about going back to vBrawl, I agree that it is a very painful experience. The worst in my opinion is the increased hitlag


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Did ness have it also?

End the match and quickly hold a direction

Funny thing was that when I played a Lv. 9 CPU Ness he was FF'ing his Up B. But, when King Yoshi played Ness, he had no trouble recovering with his Up B. So, I honestly don't know but, it did affect him, just not as bad...

Also, I think the stage loading problem was just my Wii since it was on for SO MANY HOURS as oppossed to normal. I just tried replicating what happened twice with it, flicking the control stick left and right before the stage loaded and it didn't freeze/stop loading. =\


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
For every person who thinks Brawl+ is Melee 2.0, God kills a kitten. -MuBa
If this is true, the entire gamefaqs community should be arrested for kitty genocide :laugh:.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
my quick $0.02 on the no ladders:

if it affects your parties or whatever playing on those sages, just put it in your set. Brawl+ is a competitive standard, so 75m and Rumble falls are irrelevant. and on Pictochat, am I the only one that finds that ladders useful? you can do things like Marth's Up-B and then grab the ladder afterward,, making them a valuable tool for those high risk moves when the ladders happen to come up :)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 3, 2006
Lancaster, Ca
Falco Can Still Laserlock.....

Falco can still LASER LOCK,Why hasnt anyone noticed this yet?

ps. i said this before but was utterly ignored.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
No He Cant

You need to update your codeset. Stop with the 15 point font, it doesn't make you look cool and its obnoxious and rude.


Smash Rookie
Feb 16, 2006
Is there any plan for adding fox's ability to jump cancel shines?

If not in the official codeset, is there at least a code out I can use to mess around with?


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
You guys know how finnz7 Luvs his buffer ;p well honestly, I think 10 makes air control harder. I tried out 4 buffer and it felt welcoming online (didnt try it offline). Problem is it has that buffer glitch syndrome where it puts in stuff you dont do ( 16 liner btw)

I played with 3 buffer too and it was better because it didnt make me do stuff i didnt want to do. Idk why dont we scrap the 16 liner and use the 1 liner?


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2008
We are aware of laserlocking. The codeset released on monday will solve this issue.

Kupo, please refrain from inflammatory attacks. Telling someone to download a codeset that hasn't been publicly released is somewhat confusing.

There is no such code for allowing Fox to JC shine, nor do we intend to produce one. Fox is a fine character as he is. If you did want to play around with it, you might consider finding the action ID for down+B moves then plugging in a high animation speed. This would reduce end lag, allowing fox to do almost anything out of it.

There is no intention to include the ladder code. It does not contribute to competitive play. Just because we have the line space to include something doesn't mean we should include it, since it does nothing that interests us.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
we are using the 1 liner set to 2 and it actually feels pretty nice I think. I just have to adjust not crouching after shffls :laugh:

Almas: Forgot the code set wasn't released but I'd expect someone who cares enough would be keeping up to know its fixed instead of filling up the entire screen. It put me in a bad mood quickly


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
So 1 liner takes away crouch...If it doesnt we can always take off the cstick code and use that. What pro SD from pressing cstick down anyway

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^How about it just makes it easier to use dairs without fast falling, since you don't have to very lightly tilt the control stick in order to do it (assuming you don't want to use your second jump before you dair)?

It's just more options, which is a good thing.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
So 1 liner takes away crouch...If it doesnt we can always take off the cstick code and use that. What pro SD from pressing cstick down anyway
It does finnz7. No crouching so we are keeping it. Even if it didn't, its still possible to not crouch after shffls so I would still keep it regardless.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
"It does finnz7. No crouching so we are keeping it. Even if it didn't, its still possible to not crouch after shffls so I would still keep it regardless."

What? Are you taking away dash canceling with the crouch?


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
"It does finnz7. No crouching so we are keeping it. Even if it didn't, its still possible to not crouch after shffls so I would still keep it regardless."

What? Are you taking away dash canceling with the crouch?
No. This has nothing to do with dash canceling. They're talking about how buffer made you crouch when you would perform a shffl. This code doesn't do that.


Smash Cadet
Mar 27, 2002
I just stumbled on this whole Brawl+ hack endeavor; gratz on grabbing the bowser by the horns.

I know there's a space issues, but I caution that a blanket reduced hitlag (the noticeable freeze frame when Zelda sweetspots an air kick) might not be ideal. Harder hitting moves have bigger hitlag as visual cue of how much the move "hurt". Yes, there's fast and furious gameplay, but there's also say Ganondorf's Dair where the huge hitlag is a like freezeframe snapshot of ownage.

I'm not saying change Screw Attack to the hitlag it had on the N64. I would identify the top 3 or so highest risk/reward moves that rarely connect and hitlag them about fourfold for epicness (assuming your multiplier is 0.484). Moves like Ganondorf's Warlock Punch, G&W's 9, the last tick of Ike's NeutralB nd maybe Reverse Falcon Pawnch since everyone around here seems to love Capt Falcon.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
The reason why we changed hitlag were for the following reasons:

1. Makes it harder to DI correctly, esp. moves like the knee, which were incredibly easy to DI and survive at 80%.

2. Makes the game flow better.

3. Makes combos much better and practically encourages them.

We don't plan to change hitlag that much anytime soon if that's what you were asking.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
I just stumbled on this whole Brawl+ hack endeavor; gratz on grabbing the bowser by the horns.

I know there's a space issues, but I caution that a blanket reduced hitlag (the noticeable freeze frame when Zelda sweetspots an air kick) might not be ideal. Harder hitting moves have bigger hitlag as visual cue of how much the move "hurt". Yes, there's fast and furious gameplay, but there's also say Ganondorf's Dair where the huge hitlag is a like freezeframe snapshot of ownage.

I'm not saying change Screw Attack to the hitlag it had on the N64. I would identify the top 3 or so highest risk/reward moves that rarely connect and hitlag them about fourfold for epicness (assuming your multiplier is 0.484). Moves like Ganondorf's Warlock Punch, G&W's 9, the last tick of Ike's NeutralB nd maybe Reverse Falcon Pawnch since everyone around here seems to love Capt Falcon.
Cinematics means nothing to competitive play. The effect of that "freeze of ownage" in tournament play is that players have much more time to correctly DI attacks despite them not knowing that they were going to be hit or what they'd be hit by. In other words, with so much hitlag, they are never caught by surprise and never DI the wrong way (even if you purposefully did an unexpected attack in hopes that they'd be using the DI for the more common attack in that situation).

Less hitlag makes combos and "strings" intertwine better, making the punishment game an overall more thinking intensive experience.

grim mouser

Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2009
Does anyone else here play Toon Link? I feel that his SH might need adjustment due to how difficult it is to SHDA now (for me at least?). I am using 2 buffer.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
Does anyone else here play Toon Link? I feel that his SH might need adjustment due to how difficult it is to SHDA now (for me at least?). I am using 2 buffer.
I've been using the 1 frame buffer, and I find it difficult to do as well. I can only do it with my L Trigger set to Special, and even then I manage to do it around maybe 1/7th of my attempts at best. I think his Short Hop height needs to be increased a bit to help this.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
I've been using the 1 frame buffer, and I find it difficult to do as well. I can only do it with my L Trigger set to Special, and even then I manage to do it around maybe 1/7th of my attempts at best. I think his Short Hop height needs to be increased a bit to help this.
I think a few of us decided that it was better for Tink's SH to be able to 'scoop' up those last few short Characters (Olimar) with RAR'd B-airs and sacrifice easy SHDA. It's still doable, just frame perfect. Post an edit of Tink's SH and I'm sure someone will try it.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2008
Yes, there is meant to be an update today. It should be up within the next couple hours, provided I can get the go-ahead from the people who give me the go-ahead. Otherwise you may have to wait until tomorrow. Hopefully not, though.


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2008
Salem, Oregon USA
currently unknown, one of the authors got upset becuase people were using it with pirated games, hopefully it will come eventually though, we could really use it here.

I haven't heard anything in the past week, has anyone else?


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
just practiced a bit with 3.3, and I have to say one thing:

The tech window "fix" doesn't do anything. I knew it wouldn't when I saw it just reset the buffer. think about it, when you're in tumble, the game is going to register you're shield button inputs, regardless of whether you're in range of teching or not; it's a valid input. The difficulty in teching comes from the fact that the made it based on distance (and for some stupid reason you can't tech too close to the ground either), and that in Brawl+ you fly toward the ground a lot faster due to gravity etc. that the window you have to tech is insufficient.

A new fix must be found.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
just practiced a bit with 3.3, and I have to say one thing:

The tech window "fix" doesn't do anything. I knew it wouldn't when I saw it just reset the buffer. think about it, when you're in tumble, the game is going to register you're shield button inputs, regardless of whether you're in range of teching or not; it's a valid input. The difficulty in teching comes from the fact that the made it based on distance (and for some stupid reason you can't tech too close to the ground either), and that in Brawl+ you fly toward the ground a lot faster due to gravity etc. that the window you have to tech is insufficient.

A new fix must be found.
IIRC PW mentioned that he could overwrite the tech window with his own frame-based window, but it would be really line-intensive (and that's for ground teching, which he did manage to overwrite, but there's still wall and ceiling teching to account for, which makes things that much more difficult), unless he manages to find a variable hidden in the code, which he couldn't find.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
just practiced a bit with 3.3, and I have to say one thing:

The tech window "fix" doesn't do anything. I knew it wouldn't when I saw it just reset the buffer. think about it, when you're in tumble, the game is going to register you're shield button inputs, regardless of whether you're in range of teching or not; it's a valid input. The difficulty in teching comes from the fact that the made it based on distance (and for some stupid reason you can't tech too close to the ground either), and that in Brawl+ you fly toward the ground a lot faster due to gravity etc. that the window you have to tech is insufficient.

A new fix must be found.
A lot of people report it makes it easier to tech. Are you sure you weren't in hitstun when you were hit into the ground? This will only effect during the tumble, not during hitstun. Remember, the buffer window makes it so you have a cushion on your inputs. It was thought that the tech window fix makes it so there might be a cushion around the window which facilitates it a bit more. Multiple players have reported it being easier.

Also Eaode, I didn't anticipate this being the perfect fix for teching. Its more of a temp fix till we can get something better. And right now, we don't really have room for something better :(


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
A lot of people report it makes it easier to tech. Are you sure you weren't in hitstun when you were hit into the ground? This will only effect during the tumble, not during hitstun. Remember, the buffer window makes it so you have a cushion on your inputs. It was thought that the tech window fix makes it so there might be a cushion around the window which facilitates it a bit more. Multiple players have reported it being easier.
It's easier yes (being someone that goes from 2 to 10 buffer I have a feeling how this code works) but it certainly isn't as 'easy' as it was in Melee. Do we want teching to be as easy and second nature as it was in melee, or is teching going to be a big obstacle for people to learn? Like one of the first steps to getting better.
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