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The Brawlplusery - Brawl+ Codeset - Updated 3rd April

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Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Winter Park, FL
Unless Nana is gone.
Shup, code monkey :p

But really, Dark Sonic, let's not compare IC chaingrab to a two-hitter quitter like uThrow to knee. The difference is obviously that you must get your opponent to the killable percent in any number of other ways before that will even work. IC chaingrab creates the damage and then uses it to kill, hence 0-death. Undue comparisons like that get us no where in the argument except more argument.

BTW spunit, what does the new tumble code from the other thread have any significant change? It's a few lines longer...


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Brawl+ v1.0 will be out when it's ready. It's not something that we should rush, and thus it is something that we will not rush. Be happy with your betas for now and that we have a version worth showing people at all. I'd rather brawl+ be in beta for a year and turn out excellent than be in beta for only a couple months and be difficult to adjust when we need to.


Smash Rookie
Jan 8, 2009
Wow! I'm lovin this!! Brawl+ is awsome, even if it is in the works. I love what you guys did to metaknight (main). In my eyes, the nerfs make him pretty b-a! This is gonna be gihugious!!

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Shup, code monkey :p

But really, Dark Sonic, let's not compare IC chaingrab to a two-hitter quitter like uThrow to knee. The difference is obviously that you must get your opponent to the killable percent in any number of other ways before that will even work. IC chaingrab creates the damage and then uses it to kill, hence 0-death. Undue comparisons like that get us no where in the argument except more argument.

BTW spunit, what does the new tumble code from the other thread have any significant change? It's a few lines longer...
That still doesn't refute Ice Climber's many zero to death chaingrabs in melee, that were not only seen as fair, but as a staple to their character.

And would you prefer I use DK's chainthrow on Fox? Or Sheik's zero to death tech chase on Fox (she actually does have this, it just requires a very low reaction time, which is why it isn't used)? Marth's chainthrow on Fox is a pretty heafty one as well (it's not a guranteed zero to death, but it's a lot of guranteed damage with a very strong positional advantage at the end)?

What I'm mostly saying is that Ice Climber's infinite is not broken now, it wasn't broken in vBrawl, and it wasn't broken in melee, so why should we remove it? "Fun" is not an argument since there are many things I find far less "fun" than the IC infinite (subjectivity ftw!) and the conditions of the infinite happen far less frequently than the combos I mentioned. The Ice Climber's infinite is not even considered when discussing matchups!! Because it is simply not expected to happen often enough to matter.

and yet one is called an infinite, and one is not, I wonder why that is, perhaps because one is an infinite?
Zero to death chaingrab is okay, but infinite (which acts as a zero to death chaingrab) is not? To recall an old saying that worked very, very well against Ice Climbers in melee (who were better and had easier chaingrabs/infinites),

"Don't get grabbed"


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Tucson AZ
The Pokémon fix is still one of those things that is kind of in the air.

Ideally, yeah, we'd like a system where the trainer can choose exactly which Pokémon he gets after any swap or death. But that will be line consuming, and right now we don't have lines.

Also in consideration is Independant Pokémon codes, but those are also line consuming.

I wouldn't be surprised if we end up removing no-autoswap for a little while, to add more essential changes (fixing certain moves like Sheik's Ftilt and Pika's Dthrow). Sadly, these fixes are just more important right now, and with the current setup, we've seen that all three Pokémon are viable to an extent.

I found it quite interesting today when I FINALLY convinced my friend who plays squirtle to try out ivysaur, despite complaints in advance about how bad Ivy was. Within about a minute into the game he had fallen in love.
thank you. i know you guys had run out of line space and are waiting for the new Gecko i think it is, i was just asking abuot for the future. thanks for the response though. my friend was playing brawl+ for the first time and he uses pokemon trainer and was complaining about how they didn't swap on death so i thought i'd ask about it.

keep it up


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
And would you prefer I use DK's chainthrow on Fox? Or Sheik's zero to death tech chase on Fox (she actually does have this, it just requires a very low reaction time, which is why it isn't used)? Marth's chainthrow on Fox is a pretty heafty one as well (it's not a guranteed zero to death, but it's a lot of guranteed damage with a very strong positional advantage at the end)?
But there is a difference. In melee, you had Directional influence of where you were sent which means your reaction to CG must be great to do it. I don't remember doing perfect marth's uthrow CGs against fox until death when I started, but I can ICers infinite with 5 mins of practice with my eyes closed.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^So? You mean because those things take more practice to do they're okay? (even when the end result is actually inferior because of how infrequently you get to use it)?

Marth's CG isn't even that hard. The hardest thing about it is the pivot grab (which can also be done after 5 minutes of practice). Sure you have to know how to play Marth in order to know what to do after the chaingrab to keep the combo going and kill them...but wouldn't you say that you have to know how to play Ice Climbers pretty **** well in order to land grabs consistently against a competent player?

Ice Climber's alt grabs are weight specific, size specific, stage specific (in the case of inclining stages), and the window to perform the grab depends on the percentage of the opponent. And you only have 2 frames of buffering now. Are you saying that's easier to learn than Marth's chaingrab?

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
But there is a difference. In melee, you had Directional influence of where you were sent which means your reaction to CG must be great to do it. I don't remember doing perfect marth's uthrow CGs against fox until death when I started, but I can ICers infinite with 5 mins of practice with my eyes closed.
Seeing as how its character and percentage specific I doubt you picked alternate grabs up that quickly.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
^^So? You mean because those things take more practice to do they're okay? (even when the end result is actually inferior because of how infrequently you get to use it)?
I think skill should have a little weight in things. Whats wrong in keeping the CG but allowing the grabbed has some wiggle room to force an error? How is this infinite any different than DDDs infinite?

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^How about DDD has large grab range (outranging moves and allowing him to land grabs very easily) and does not require a computer controlled character that lags 6 frames behind him to be standing next to him at the time....

that's a pretty big difference if you ask me.

You're move kupo.:sniper:

btw, It might take a little while for me to respond to later posts. I'm currently juggling between playing S4 League and replying on smashboards.:teleportg


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
man, get off your high horse.
some of us have more productive things to do other than READ about the mystifying complexities of competitive gaming. just get out there and kick ***.. seriously, wtf? :laugh:

since you obviously don't know just how much we can do with brawl+, i'll briefly go over our hopeful goal and overall theme. the theme of brawl+ is to enhance competitive gameplay, but what that really means is that we want make every character viable and fun to play as and even against.

from the tone of your posts it sounds as though you just came from the competitive brawl scene where the theme of that game is to scavenge the barrens of sakurai's kitchen floor for any possible table scraps of competitive strategies or techs that may have been left over so that you could incorporate into the metagame of that already broken drivel of a game.

the idea of 0-death combos is is not an argument of numbers, tactics, or satistics. and by asking for such things, you miss the complete point.

let's think for a moment about why exactly there are tournaments for games. is it because when mom and dad go out of town for a few days you think to yourself, man, "i wish there were 30 oily nerds in my basement playing video games for 12 hours"? or was it specifically designed for random people that don't know each other to gather together to see who can swing their gaming ***** around the most effectively in a display of alpha male dominance? ..or maybe it's because the game is actually fun to play seriously? do you think anyone would play starcraft, dota, street fighter, cod, counter strike or EVEN CHESS competitively if they were boring as ****?

fun is a huge factor competitive gaming. and if you don't see why 0-death inescapable chain grabs aren't fun, then like i said, please don't ever go into game development.

at tourneys, i strongly believe that the audience are a huge factor in determine the success of a game being played competitively. i don't know worth 2 ****s about starcraft, but I can watch a vid of that game and be instantly drawn into the action. its blood pumping and it's fun as hell to watch. almost anyone can mention the legendary ken vs chun li fight, or numerous melee matches. this intense gameplay is what keeps a game alive for years. you must understand that people who play at tournaments are actually performers in an act; a display of skill and prowess in an abstracted form. but in order for that performance to have attendance, it must be enjoyable to watch.

why do you think brawl was removed from EVO? why do you think so many people gave up on the game? why do you think melee players shun it as inferior?

the reason ice climbers place so low is because they're difficult to master and the only thing (reportedly) going for them are 0-death inescapable chain grabs with incredibly stupid conditions attached to them. perhaps this rings a bell in your head.. that maybe they suck, and need fixing? some claimed that w/o DDD's chaingrab he has become a crap character.. people went as far as saying that he's probably one of the worst. within just a few days, many players found that he can actually hold his own without his chain grab.

i don't know anything about ice climbers, i don't claim to. all i claim is that they're not fun to watch, not fun to play against, and not fun to learn; and that these mere fact hurts their chances in tourneys and their placing in tier lists more than anything.
What a waste of a post. Seriously. You've managed to do nothing but babble.

Fun is subjective, arbitrary, and differs from person to person. CG's, Infinites, Combos... None of that makes a game less or more competitive as long as said effects are not broken.

If you do not wish to argue this seriously, I suggest you leave this forum. You tell me to get off my high horse. The bottom line is that this is a competitve community forum, and I am arguing for a topic as such. If you don't like that fact, you get off your high horse and go play another game. We're playing a competitive fighter game. What the hell are you playing?

I'm going to ignore your posts from now on.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
MvC2 has a huge hardcore scene with money matches that go over 1000 dollars, and infinites dominate that game.

grim mouser

Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2009
My view on this: ICs aren't winning left and right, so let them be. If it becomes a problem, eliminate it. That, or just ban CGs in tourneys.

That said, it IS very boring to sit there and get CGed. =\

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^And in the Naruto Ultimate Ninja series, every character has some kind of infinite...only they require your opponent to have no chakra and thus see no play unless your character has a very chakra denial based game.
Jun 29, 2006
Oklahoma City
Naruto is competitive? xD

And MvC2 has the worst balance of any fighter I've ever seen. Not a game you should be comparing too for balance, Blank.

I'd just leave the CG in, guys. I would rather see the Melee style infinities that were rather fun to watch and took more skill, but until they break the game you don't have much room to argue.

Deleted member

If the IC's infinites would be removed, doing so by removing Nana's grab is way too drastic. How about making mashing out of their grab several times easier, or Greatly increasing fthrow and bthrow's knockback, to the point of making them a kill move, so that their altgrabs are much harder.
IIRC fthrow altgrabs are not char specific, lain should confirm this as soon as he searches his username, as he always does, and stumbles with this post.
BTW, I'm in favor of removing infinites, but not in favor of removing the IC's CGs, and I'm an IC main if anyone cares.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
Costa Rica
are IC´s CGs harder to do with less buffer, i think that would affect the amount of skill needed to perform them


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2008
Salem, Oregon USA
^^So? You mean because those things take more practice to do they're okay? (even when the end result is actually inferior because of how infrequently you get to use it)?
yes, if it's easy to spam it makes sense to take it out, if it's a move that takes a lot of technique and doesn't dominate then there is no reason to remove it.

MvC2 has a huge hardcore scene with money matches that go over 1000 dollars, and infinites dominate that game.
MvC2 is a joke

^^And in the Naruto Ultimate Ninja series, every character has some kind of infinite...only they require your opponent to have no chakra and thus see no play unless your character has a very chakra denial based game.
for one, not all characters can do it in smash, if they all could, it'd be more balanced.
2. this isn't Naruto, this is smash.

I wouldn't do it by removing nana's throw, I would just create a delay so people could escape. there are plenty of buffs you could give the IC that would make them even better than they were before and have strategy's that make them really interesting rather than just spamming an endless move.


Smash Cadet
Mar 4, 2008
Pleasant Hill
I think ICs should keep their grab. It isn't really simple to pull off, and it's what made them unique. I don't see what all the big fuss is about, Melee ICs had the grab and they weren't broken. I also agree with if it does become a huge problem to where ICs are as popular as vBrawl's MK, then we should do something about it.

That being said, I'm really liking this beta. My main Samus feels much better, overall more fluent. All I could really hope for is a stronger nair and buffed charge shot. I don't know if it's too much to ask, but I think she'd be perfect after that. I really like everything else you guys did.

Snake's knee ftilt to another knee ftilt is really good if your opponent can't tech well...I think it's fine, but I'm sure people will start complaining in the future, so you guy might want to think about it....or something.

Lastly, again thanks for all your hard work. This is really turning out good. I just wish I had people to play, so I could contribute to the meta game more.

-Just a new player's opinion.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Winter Park, FL
Well I'm pretty much done with the IC babble. I've repeatedly offered solutions to the infinite that others have also reinforced, thus there are solutions all over this thread. The options are out there, it's only a matter of possibility of implementation.


Smash Cadet
Mar 4, 2008
Pleasant Hill
Yes I agree. I forgot to mention that the IC debate isn't really all that important at this moment. It should be one of the last things to worry about.

The Cape

Smash Master
May 16, 2004
Carlisle, PA
The Watchmen movie was great and this is coming from someone who thinks they screwed up every comicbook movie ever.

Anyway, Brawl+ pwns >.>

Boozer pwns.

The Cape

Smash Master
May 16, 2004
Carlisle, PA
Got some great Bowser matches to put up.

Against Yoshi, Ganon, and ZSS.

Yeroc and Lord Karn play some nasty chars. They destroyed my Mario, but cant touch the awesome might of Boozer.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2008
Raleigh, NC
hey im just wondering

would there be some way to increase the knockback on jigglypuffs down b move. i used to love playing jiggly in melee but its impossible to play her competitively now since a move that used to kill at 30ish now kills in the 70s.

i really want jiggly to be competitive again


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2007
They're working on a code to modify knockback, but in the meantime, Jiggly is quite good.


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
Is there a specific date for the PAL codes? I heard on this forum that it was gonna be sometime this weekend?

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
And MvC2 has the worst balance of any fighter I've ever seen. Not a game you should be comparing too for balance, Blank.
Who said I was comparing it for balance? I thought we were talking about fun, and people obviously find MvC2 fun lol. Not that I'm saying infinites all over and crap is the best way to make a game, just proving that infinites don't always make a game unfun. Is that a word? <_<

Also, I think Sonic's ALR should be lowered to make Fair, Nair and Dair coolerer. 25-35% would be stellar. He could use some more attention imo.

The momentum values in V4 are almost perfect though. Feels really natural and fitting for him.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
I have an important announcement to make.

Ganondorf in Brawl Plus is so awesome.

That is all. :)

On another note, after getting used to the momentum for the characters, I really don't have a problem with any of them. Including Falco. I originally thought it would be a problem for Falco to be that mobile with lasers, but it has yet to pose an issue. As for Ganon, the aerial Murder Choke is much better now because of it. You can nail someone from roughly mid stage with it and suicide with it. It's so good. :)

Has anyone contemplated on decreasing the height on ZSS short hop?
They're working on a code to modify knockback, but in the meantime, Jiggly is quite good.
I think she is lacking personally, but mostly because we don't have the move knockback modifier yet for specific characters/moves. That will increase her capability immensily. As it is now, her Uair, Uthrow and Dthrow have too much knock back. And obviously, her rest isn't good. But we all knew that.

One way I do suggest we attempt to improve her as of right now is decrease the start up time for Utilt and FSmash. Utilt is difficult to set up since there is too much start up to use it safely, and it was a staple in Jigg's Melee game. FSmash would provide her the reliable kill move she had in Melee as well (Kirby stole her powa).

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^We can't currently decrease startup times for move (well...we can, but the hitbox comes out on the same frame as before so it doesn't matter). We're working on it.

Ending lag is easy though.

grim mouser

Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2009
As it is now, her Uair, Uthrow and Dthrow have too much knock back. And obviously, her rest isn't good. But we all knew that.

One way I do suggest we attempt to improve her as of right now is decrease the start up time for Utilt and FSmash. Utilt is difficult to set up since there is too much start up to use it safely, and it was a staple in Jigg's Melee game. FSmash would provide her the reliable kill move she had in Melee as well (Kirby stole her powa).
Agreed on both counts. Uair is a good juggle move at some percents, but overall it isn't very good. Dthrow can combo at low percents... on certain characters. Again, unreliable. Uthrow plain sucks due to high KB.
Jun 29, 2006
Oklahoma City
Who said I was comparing it for balance? I thought we were talking about fun, and people obviously find MvC2 fun lol. Not that I'm saying infinites all over and crap is the best way to make a game, just proving that infinites don't always make a game unfun. Is that a word? <_<

Also, I think Sonic's ALR should be lowered to make Fair, Nair and Dair coolerer. 25-35% would be stellar. He could use some more attention imo.

The momentum values in V4 are almost perfect though. Feels really natural and fitting for him.
Misunderstood, sorry.

I really don't think he needs it. 40% ALR would be being generous. Sonic is great as is.
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