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The Brawlplusery - Brawl+ Codeset - Updated 3rd April

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Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
i suggest bowser and peach's up-b to have no lag like they use to. Peach has the worse airdodge......she kinda needs it lol. Also samus bomb. Aerial out of bomb jump and bombs explode on impact. That'll be all lol


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Wake-up Call

Okay "Back Roomers", here's some good stuff right here, and I urge you to please read it. Not from me, but from a fellow NY smasher (who honestly knows his ****).

K, this post is going to be hearty (like Campbell's delicious soups!), but I've got a lot of logical crap brewing in my mind and I want to share this with everyone here and see who agrees/disagrees.

On the point of balancing Brawl+ I see a lot of people here thinking way too linearly.

For example Squirtle. There's no real need to remove his actual ability to do the combos he's able to do, all you have to do to balance him down is lower the percent damage of those quick attacks. Imagine if his Utilt did 4% and his Uair did 5%. Now take this generic but painful combo; Utilt Utilt Utilt Uair Uair. The combo is still worth doing but guess what, only 22% damage has been tacked on for it, which is very bearable. Or Fox even, if each hit of his Dair did 1.5% and you land a full 5 hits, you'll leave him with 7% maybe 8%. Fox Utilt 6% and so on and so forth.

The very idea of seeing characters in Brawl+ that can land huge combos and wanting to nerf them so they can't do such big combos pretty much breaks one of the main ideas of Brawl+ itself, ...which is huge combos. If you do that then you water down all the characters to the point where the small nimble characters can only juggle for as many hits as the big guys...which is stupid.

All you have to do is take a character, see which moves he does that lets him combo very easily, and reduce the damage of the actual attack. Tekken has done the same thing. As most of you know that's familiar with Tekken's core game play, it's heavily reliant on high damage air juggles. Well in T6 BR they heavily nerfed air juggles to the point where in the previous game a mere 6 hit combo can net you 70 dmg (half your lifebar) or more but in BR it takes about 10-11 hits to land that same damage. Now the game is much more fun to play and balanced. It's the same concept, and it's that simple.

Now on the point of creating a perfectly balanced game (or as balanced as humanly possible)

PockyD your quote "obviously, it's impossible to get a "perfectly balanced game" (except for starcraft!!)" pretty much defeats itself right there, though I understand what you meant. It's so hard to create a perfectly balanced game that unless you have 10-15 YEARS of solid development and testing, it's pretty much not worth bothering. As well as all others saying that, they are honestly wrong. When it comes to creating moves for a character, all that needs to be done with ANY kind of move is follow a simple formula.

A move that's:

Fast = weak
Slow = strong
Long range and strong = laggy
Long range and fast = weak

That's IT, as long as you follow that simple formula you can let your imagination run wild with your character and his various ways to attack (including projectiles).

There's a sub-factor when considering "well how can you make a fast move strong?"

It breaks down into Release and Retraction.

Take Marth's Fsmash. It has a really fast release, but very laggy retraction. So because of that, it's OK for it to have power because it's retraction time allows for adequate punishment if missed/blocked. The opposite of this idea would be DDD's Fsmash.

So there you have it. I personally think that's about as sound as it gets.

If the creators/updaters/balancers of the official Brawl+ somehow read this post (i'd like them to) and like what they read, I'd honestly would mind personally advising them and assisting with the balance of the moves in Brawl+. but that probably won't happen and it'll end up perpetually flawed in a critical way.

Oh well.
Please don't take this lightly.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Meta Knight breaks the fast and weak part of your formula over his sword. All of his attacks are fast and weak with the exception of a few like Fsmash.

This is what MK was designed around which proves there is something more to balance than just that Because MK's fast and weak attacks ran amok in vBrawl.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Meta Knight breaks the fast and weak part of your formula over his sword. All of his attacks are fast and weak with the exception of a few like Fsmash.

This is what MK was designed around which proves there is something more to balance than just that Because MK's fast and weak attacks ran amok in vBrawl.

Wait. MK is fast and weak. What makes him good is his ability to gimp people with this fast and weak attacks. They dont KO.

How is that breaking formula?


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
how do i make a text file the file that will work for my wii? im wanting to download the 5/8 brawl+ nightly version, but remove the buffer code. how would i do this?

Deleted member

how do i make a text file the file that will work for my wii? im wanting to download the 5/8 brawl+ nightly version, but remove the buffer code. how would i do this?
hehe, I smell PAL/NTSC online here.
anyway, you need to have codemanager, if you don't have that, the texture hack thread has a link to it.
go to nightly builds and look for the text file of 5-8. copy this and paste it into notepad, save.
open up codemanager and open the text file with it. pick the boxes you want. keep in mind that the PAL version misses more then just the buffer codes, check out the PAL changelist for details.

when you selected the right codes, export the gct file to your SD card


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
Thank god for dire. I don't want to see combo potential nerfed either, but if damage needs to be tweaked that's fine (Although I disagree with nerfing squirtle that way because he has enough trouble killing already, just pick anyone with weight)


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Thank god for dire. I don't want to see combo potential nerfed either, but if damage needs to be tweaked that's fine (Although I disagree with nerfing squirtle that way because he has enough trouble killing already, just pick anyone with weight)
Here's the issue:

If we nerf damagem on moves, the moves lose KBG, which is bad thus we have to buff BKB or KBG of the moves back to what they were originally (which would be a ROUGH estimate). Remember what happened to Snake's tilts? Yeah, that was because of us lowering damage, which directly affects KBG.

Guru, you probably should have told him that... =\

I don't see the reason to nerf combos for some characters or any at all. Lowering the damage of moves directly affects KBG, thus if we leave it alone Squirtle would be able to do MAD combos at high percents which would be BAD and the exact opposite of what Dire is expecting. (That is assuming we left KBG and BKB alone). Basically what I'm saying is, nerfing the damage would bring the moves down in KB in general, regardless of if we turned them up to their original KB, as it won't feel that they are at the same KB as they were before (again, Snake's tilts example).

The last part of Dire's post... honestly, I don't see how that's any different than what we've already been doing. Kirby's Fsmash, for example, due to its quickness will have lower KB at some point so it doesn't kill as early as it does. Or Bowser's Fsmash, it's slow as hell but has a really powerful final hitbox. I'm not seeing what's so different about his "proposal" and what we've already been doing, but, maybe I'm missing the point.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2008
thats what i was thinking, "less damage=lower kb.... doesn't that mean, longer combos then?" seems like there just no way to win them all >.<


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
Well, a cdamage stale code would be a decent way to reduce the damage output of those sort of things without completely re-working the actual percentages of combo moves (though only slightly). Its just that it's impossible to obtain at the moment... <=/


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
The point is he wasn't balanced. He overpowered the rest of the cast.
Well in vBrawl he consisted of mostly fast and weak attacks as he does now, but he could also kill onstage early and he didn't have to rely on gimps for early kills. Dsmash was a GREAT kill move in vBrawl. It has more KBG and BKB then its Brawl+ counterpart, coupled with the ridiculously low startup and cooldown for an attack like that and MK could probably kill earlier on stage then most the cast.

And I think MK breaks that idea of balance because of his multiple jumps. It gives him his ability to stay off stage for so long and still allows him to kill so early through gimping even though his onstage kill options have been nerfed. Though some matches have changed radically because of that. The characters who have recoveries that are just as good as his, and who he can't gimp now live so much longer because killing through other means takes much longer. If he wants to kill early on stage he has to use Fsmash and that has too much startup lag to be reliable at all.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
Is Kirby god tier in brawl+? Cause I've never lost a match with him whenever I played.

Yea I know. Maybe I'm just too good.
No, i would consider him a top 5 or top 8 character tho. He is very good but there are plenty of characters who are on par with him. He is getting a slight trade off with a weaker fsmash and stronger nair as well as (hopefully) the copy fix and melee taunt which will be a slight nerf to him overall but adds a little more depth. Kirby is a good character, but he is no doubt beatable.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Here's the issue:

If we nerf damagem on moves, the moves lose KBG, which is bad thus we have to buff BKB or KBG of the moves back to what they were originally (which would be a ROUGH estimate). Remember what happened to Snake's tilts? Yeah, that was because of us lowering damage, which directly affects KBG.

Guru, you probably should have told him that... =\

I don't see the reason to nerf combos for some characters or any at all. Lowering the damage of moves directly affects KBG, thus if we leave it alone Squirtle would be able to do MAD combos at high percents which would be BAD and the exact opposite of what Dire is expecting. (That is assuming we left KBG and BKB alone). Basically what I'm saying is, nerfing the damage would bring the moves down in KB in general, regardless of if we turned them up to their original KB, as it won't feel that they are at the same KB as they were before (again, Snake's tilts example).
Who cares? No, really. Who cares if we have to adjust growth to compensate for the damage reduction? The most a move can be off by is 0.5 growth due to having to round on the decimals. The move will still act very very similarly to its former self, just doing less damage (which naturally shifts all combos by whatever percent you reduced the damage by). I don't think it's unreasonable at all to nerf moves by nerfing their damage. As long as you compensate the move correctly... the effect on the kb will be negligible. We really should be considering using damage as a way to nerf moves, now. We understand how the mechanic works and how to get around it, so why should we let it stop us?

Eaode said:
Thank god for dire. I don't want to see combo potential nerfed either, but if damage needs to be tweaked that's fine (Although I disagree with nerfing squirtle that way because he has enough trouble killing already, just pick anyone with weight)
Last I checked, utilt and uair were not in the list of squirtle's primary kill moves. =/


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2008
No, i would consider him a top 5 or top 8 character tho. He is very good but there are plenty of characters who are on par with him. He is getting a slight trade off with a weaker fsmash and stronger nair as well as (hopefully) the copy fix and melee taunt which will be a slight nerf to him overall but adds a little more depth. Kirby is a good character, but he is no doubt beatable.
on that note, who "would" your top 8 or so characters be? i'd probably put marth up there somewhere, also, fox and falco, but *shrugs* i've only really delved deeply into about a third of the cast in brawl+ so far.


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2009
Hey, the Pokemon - no swap on death code doesn´t work anymore in the newest PAL set. oO


Smash Rookie
Apr 10, 2006
I think that Wolf is a beast right now. I get my *** handed to me everytime I play against my friend, and I could only win when I mirrored him. :S

And I have to say, I am a decent player and he is normally much worse than me. :p


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
I'd say about the same except put MK in place of one of them. Don't know exactly which one of those it'd be though. Not Squirtle, Fox, or Lucario.
actually been talking, and its a bit different. would prob say:


seriously fox and squirtle deserve to be there, i mean, squirtle is too good now :p and so is lucario with hjis new upB. and fox has place very highly in both major ones so far (Apex and BtL)

http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1517477 (both squirtle and marth)
http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1517745 (squritle and fox)
http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1517668 (lucario fox and marth)
http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1517525 (olimar,falcon and squirtle- at 2:20-2:25 there is a 79%!!!! combo on falcon)

but then again that could just be the players, pika is very nice, weegee, jigz etc so really far 2 early to tell


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2008
Edinburgh, Scotland
Although discussing top characters at this stage has some meaning, I think that it is far too early to tell. Not all charcters have been played at tournament level that I have seen and so I think it is pointless to chose the top characters before each characters potential has been unlocked.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
Although discussing top characters at this stage has some meaning, I think that it is far too early to tell. Not all charcters have been played at tournament level that I have seen and so I think it is pointless to chose the top characters before each characters potential has been unlocked.

like jiggz!!!!!! haha god i hate that puffball, most irritating character ever. but at least now she has a chance to redeem herself from vbrawl

bring on the tourneys!

grim mouser

Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2009
Wow, watching some of those videos was reminiscent of Melee videos on YT. Good stuff.

Also, that red Squirtle looked like a Charmander, though I'm not sure if that was intended, or just the fuzzy video. xD


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
Wow, watching some of those videos was reminiscent of Melee videos on YT. Good stuff.

Also, that red Squirtle looked like a Charmander, though I'm not sure if that was intended, or just the fuzzy video. xD
check out the grand final..its a falcon ditto haha. im trying to find the video thread, but not finding it atm :( has it gone? i want to post these there


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2003
Close to Trenton, NJ Posts: 4,071
seriously fox and squirtle deserve to be there, i mean, squirtle is too good now :p and so is lucario with hjis new upB. and fox has place very highly in both major ones so far (Apex and BtL)
Dunno if it's what you thought I was saying, but what I meant was Squirtle, Fox, and Lucario would be 3 of the last characters I would take off that list to add MK, as in I can't really see those 3 potentially being at the very bottom of that bunch the way they currently are.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
Dunno if it's what you thought I was saying, but what I meant was Squirtle, Fox, and Lucario would be 3 of the last characters I would take off that list to add MK, as in I can't really see those 3 potentially being at the very bottom of that bunch the way they currently are.
ah ok, yeah i do too. my hope is that by the end, the top and bottom ranked characters will be pretty close (like a 9.89- 7.0 or something)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2009
Brawl+ 4.0 is fun... but why the nerf on up throws? they were already struggling as it was, only useful in low percents and depending on character. Now it is back to down throw spam like in regular brawl... ugh. some up airs/uptilts seem weaker too but not totally sure


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
Brawl+ 4.0 is fun... but why the nerf on up throws? they were already struggling as it was, only useful in low percents and depending on character. Now it is back to down throw spam like in regular brawl... ugh. some up airs/uptilts seem weaker too but not totally sure
First off, 4.0 is very very outdated, head to the Nightly Build thread to get a much newer version. 2nd, we dont even have a code to effect throws, so if you think any throw has been nerfed then that's just your imagination because we haven't affected them.
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