He might be right. I might be right. Of course I'm going to side with myself. I don't have the game or a wii, but I can see what goes on when I play. I think of things played out at the highest level, so whatever scenario I give is assuming the players are both intelligent.
I didn't read his post because I was tired, and I honestly don't care enough to argue with someone I don't even know (that goes for you too), so I'll drop it right now if you do.
If you don't like to debate with people you don't know, then why are you on a forum, a place where the said scenarios are anything but uncommon?
I was never trying to diss you, but just saying "I don't care, I'm right, you're wrong" is ignorant, because you close your realm of reasoning to the point where you'll never acknowledge someone else's point unless/until you lose all credibility to refuse it. Your analogy on "highest level" isn't very accurate, especially when you jump to conclusions like you did. You're basically saying that at the highest level of play, Meta Knight will render the entire cast hapless, as even with all the buffs/nerfs applied to other characters and himself, he'll have no issues 3 stocking everyone.
First, that's not even the case in normal Brawl. Yeah, Meta Knight is the walking texas ranger with wings, but even the best of players get taken down a stock or two as Meta Knight. Warios, ZSS, Diddy Kongs, Marths, Snakes, Game & Watches, and Lucarios are able to beat a Meta Knight, and yeah, I'm talking highest play level.
Second, you put absolutely no faith in the other characters and the players thereof. You just said Meta Knight can easily get through this and that doesn't help, do you really think the highest level of play is going to be like that?
You might need to reevaluate your vision of Brawl+'s highest level of play.
Third, this is a beta test, it's okay to lay emphasis on what traits will effect the metagame, but that's only for example, you make it sound like this version is the final cut.
It takes two to fight, I'm not arguing with you, was never my intention, but you bust up in here with your two cents, then say you don't care what others say, it doesn't work like that dude, I'm sorry.
Hate to be so blunt, but if you have the balls to speak, you should have the balls to listen.