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The Botanical Gardens of the Mushroom Kingdom

Are you awesome?

  • Well DUH!

    Votes: 160 30.8%
  • lolz no I'm a minority

    Votes: 245 47.1%
  • I'm confused :c

    Votes: 115 22.1%

  • Total voters


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
getting grabbed sucks, as far as i know if they buffer really well all you can do is hope they mess up.
i always try mashing out as soon as i get grabbed, but after i see it doesnt work i just hope they mess up the CG.

what I used to do as MK was get hit by blizzard... and smash di out of it and dair out.

that might work for peach too, idk. float dairs are amazing and uh i believe jabbing screws em up too.
Aug 6, 2008
getting grabbed sucks, as far as i know if they buffer really well all you can do is hope they mess up.
i always try mashing out as soon as i get grabbed, but after i see it doesnt work i just hope they mess up the CG.

what I used to do as MK was get hit by blizzard... and smash di out of it and dair out.

that might work for peach too, idk. float dairs are amazing and uh i believe jabbing screws em up too.
To add to this. Turnips go through the blizzard walls (or so I read once). You can float over ice blocks if you so choose (although I always found it simple enough to just PS them to a turnip pull).


Smash Lord
Oct 15, 2007
Silly turnips. We outcamp you guys with fireballs. Also, we can FLUDD your recovery. And Stutter Step FSmash outranges your entire moveset. UpSmash too. We beat you in the ground and in the air.

Also cape. Also our taunt makes us huge. You just dance. You're a princess and we're the hero. 60:40 Mario. Also stop confusing us with Luigi. Luigi sucks.

The rediscussion would be just like that.

EDIT: I just got Sun Tzu's "Art of War" from the library. Am pumped.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
So question guys! What do you all think of the Ice Climbers matchup?
Peach wins

The best killing option ICE have is a 0-death chain grab. Peach limts that option cause she is a hard character to grab. And on top of that, Peach can easily seperate them.

Her turnips go through the blizzard so she can stop that blizzard nonsense. he can even camp them done correctly. Ice blocks stay grounded. Even when lauched in the air. I have a versitale projectile. A turnip. And if you was to shoot ice blocks to stop me from getting turnips, platforms help with this.

Peach can dance on thier shield and they not have much options about it except roll away. If I am in front of them and Dair to a fast fall Nair and jab, they cant do anything about it. Thier grab connects on frame 7. You are getting hit if you try to grab me out of a nair. My jab is 2 frames. I connect with a Nair on yourt shield, you are stuck in it for three frames. And the shield advantage is -7 Which means you have to do something that is & frames or less to hit me. and you get screwed over cause it takes 7 frames to drop your shield. but the hit stun on the shield, which makes it longer. Which is why Peach auto cancelling her moves to Jab is nearly broken. You cant do anything spaced. Best you wait till she jabs twice or roll away. But this is why Peach should usually jab once unless after one jab or an air attack, be wanny be stubburn and try to grab her.

If I danced on their shield while floating:

The first hit of dair comes out on frame 12. If you block all the hits of her dair and tried to get inbetween the second one:


7= time it takes to drop shield
12= the frame her first hit of Dair comes out.
5= an attack you have to do 5 frames or less top hit her before the dair hits you.
But then there is shield stun. As weak as it is in this game, it counts. The shield stun of her last hit is 1. So now you need a 4 frame move to hit her out of inbetween Dair. IC don't have one move that can stop this from the ground that is 4 frames or less. Only think They can do is roll. When under Peach you have no option to punish me or counter attack. And when you get away from me........no grabs.

Peach up close in an air fight beat all of IC moves with Nair. Peach bair and IC Nair is the same frame. So first come, first served. or wait till one attack is dished out. From studying the hit boxes, I think Peach Bair has a lil more range then IC Nair. And Fair has more range then all of thier air attacks. So if Peach is spacing well, IC are losing lots of air rights. They get Peach good when they are below her with Uair. Thats the only air fight they win. Peach up air can beat out thier Dair. My Uair is 8 frames. IC Dair is 9. And Upair has more range. Or Peach can just uptilt it. There is no Dair in the game that beats Peach Uptilt.

When they are off stage, good edguarding can screw them up. And can be gimped with a good turnip game and abusing edge invis frames.

Ledge invincibility: 1-46
Minimum Time on Ledge: 25 frames
Maximum invincibility after ledge drop: 21

- jump -> float gives a maximum of 10 frames invulnerability. If you decide to jump -> float -> land you'll have a max of 7 frames invincibility.
I can float next to the edge if I did not burn my jump and then grab it once again if they try to grab it. Increasing my time to guard that ledge. I an also Float to a Nair near the ledge while still invisible. Her nair is 3 frames. Then can grab the ledge to get a lil more invis frames. Thats about 2 secs or a lil more of you not being able to touch that ledge. If I turnip cancel off the ledge and toss it up or z drop it if you are below, they can get gimped or become really hard to get back on. If all goes wrong, I think Nana wont be able to grab the ledge even if the player makes it back.

There also might be times where IC way try to recover with F-B since it can sometimes be hard to hit them out of it. if they do it close to the ledge and aim for the stage. I can instandly float on to the stage and back air you out. Or even Nair. If I float to land I have 7 frames that can not be touched. Bair is 6 frames and Nair is 3. With Peach being one of the best edegaurders in this game, she has many options to keep one out. And IC dont have much options to make it back on stage, and easy for Peach to snip out of. And you can be gimped out of your recovery.

And if She needed to switch up, to bring more speed since floating is slow and can leave her open on the sides, Peach does not need to be floating to diars to get at you. I can easliely short hop and space them so you can try and Uptilt or even upsmash out of shield. I can to this to Jabs or w/e I want. To have you in the shield and eating it. Them keep the pressure going till I seperate you. So with Blizzard taken care of, I out range you and can space the hell out of you when close, making it hard for you to land a clean shot on me. If you choose to retrat and Blizzard, smart thing for Peach to do is camp you while moving in slowly. to a point you are forced to fight.

Also, Nana is never the target unless her and popo are seperated. When they are together, the Player is the target, not the AI. When they get broken apart, the player should be worring about Nana until popo comes in to save her and sneak attack you. Then your focus goes back to the player. Seriously going after Nana all the time is seriously stupid.

Peach has a good pressure game and can seperate them well without having much to worry about. If the Peach knows the match up well, IC lose.


- You are not hard to seperate.
- You are not hard to gimp.
- You are not hard to edgeguard
- Good pressure game is hard to deal with
- Get out ranged.
- Done right, we can camp you since our turnips go through blizzard.
- You can't Grab Peach that easy, face facts.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Basically, I agree with dark here, especially since ICs can't really powershield fair if you use it when they're together and they can't really approach peach AT ALL.

Also, Dark, you got a fone again yet? Wanted to hang out, but can't contact you except via smashboards.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Basically, I agree with dark here, especially since ICs can't really powershield fair if you use it when they're together and they can't really approach peach AT ALL.

Also, Dark, you got a fone again yet? Wanted to hang out, but can't contact you except via smashboards.
My phone is off. I get paid on friday so that is when I can pay the bill. And I am broke anyway to really go anywhere

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
And Peach ***** ICs on Smashville. They're only decent at sharking the platform (which Peach can simply avoid Pink Shinobi/Kongo Jungle 64 style in Melee for those of you who know), and it's not hard for Peach to establish an initial lead in order to camp them like that. Keep abusing the platform and force them to be put in a risky position and capitalize. Just...don't get grabbed, which isn't too hard for Peach to do in the matchup either. And time a turnip toss in between the blizzard wall if the ICs player decides to try and get crafty.

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
Then maybe I should start some trouble as usual

Who to get into a fight with this time....
Sadly and yet im happy that it cant be me.... Things that make me mad are when i tell someone something and its clearly right like bluntly.... they still try to work around it saying they are right.....


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
so im like inches away from finishing my Albert Wesker cosplay for anime boston guys =D


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
What do you guys think of this picture?

the light imo is too powerful here (it really washed out your face unless that was the intent :p ) if there was less light but still enough to white a few things out, it would be pretty dam sick =D


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
So is it odd that I had a crazy dream last night and hiROI and Meno was in it? I don't remember too much but meno your very good at diddy kong racing lol

I made this! :D

I still dunno how GIFs work exactly though. If I had any idea how to fix it, those white pixels would not be tolerated.

What do you guys think of this picture?

As a photographer - it's pretty great. I always loved the vintage photo look.


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
We wanted it bright but yeah it ended up too bright =(
nothing to really worry too much about. Its still a cool picture and all, just alittle too much light (maybe im basing this on how ****ing pale i am and how dim i use my lights XD )

which reminds me....i really need a new camera

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Hey what is everyone's party looking like in HG/SS so far?

So far I have Magmar, Ampharos, Crobat, Pidgeot, Feraligatr, and HO-OH (to help power through the Pokemon League).


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
I have Feraligatr, Ampharos, Noctowl, Jumpluff, Octillery and Ursaring. Beat the Elite 4 earlier today :)

Dark that avatar just looks weird next to your name for some reason.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
ATM (I've been slacking on it ;o) I have a togetic, croconaw, flaafy, pineco, espeon, and pidgeotto..... all female :(. I think it's like a .05% chance of that happening considering I just took the first ones I got >_>


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I took it off a few days ago. I don't deserve to wear avatars and sigs of a good player. I'm not that Player I was in the summer, So until that happens, I'm gonna stay like this. The player i was was a top Peach. This one you talk to now isnt at all. I don't wanna disgrace that name anymore then I already have.

I'm just some nerd that knows about alot Peach and the game. but can't play at all.
Aug 6, 2008
Hey what is everyone's party looking like in HG/SS so far?

So far I have Magmar, Ampharos, Crobat, Pidgeot, Feraligatr, and HO-OH (to help power through the Pokemon League).
I have Feraligatr, Ampharos, Noctowl, Jumpluff, Octillery and Ursaring. Beat the Elite 4 earlier today :)
ATM (I've been slacking on it ;o) I have a togetic, croconaw, flaafy, pineco, espeon, and pidgeotto..... all female :(. I think it's like a .05% chance of that happening considering I just took the first ones I got >_>
I found having too many pokemon really slows the game down to a crawl. More pokemon means limited trainer experience has to be spread out among more pokemon which means they do not level as quickly.

I went with Typhlosion, Gyarados, Scyther and Noctowl. Using simply all the trainers in the game, my pokemon are now at level 60-65. And using a ton of full restores I beat the 2nd Round Elite Four. I love sword dance scyther and dragon dance gyarados. Saved my *** in there too many times to count.
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