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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)

Which title should we use?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not open for further replies.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Victory Theme: Phoenix uses a remix of Pursuit ~ Cornered as his victory theme.

Entrance: Phoenix stands before the Judge and says, "The defense is ready, your honor," before he turns and faces the prosecution (a.k.a. the other fighters).
Do you have a reference video for this do we can visualize it better?


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2021
The Flat Eric cult
Phoenix Taunt: Attorney's Badge
Phoenix Wright flashes his attorney's badge to the screen.

Phoenix Victory: The True Culprit
Phoenix Wright is at a court stand. He then slams the stand and points at the screen, saying "The true culprit it you!"


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
Losing animation

Phoenix sweats, as done when he has a point presented against him in court


Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will continue to submit misc content but, for now, moveset submissions are closed. We will work on compiling these. We will not proceed with both Misc Content as well as Alternate Colors.

It was mentioned about Phoenix Wright possibly having alternate costumes to go along with his colors. While we have yet to fully decide if we will or not or, if we do, how many we will include but if you want to submit one, please do so! When submitting a color, please provide the following info:

Color slot
How it looks
Why it should be included

This also goes along with any Alternate Costume that is included. There won't be any sort of model swapping like Bowser Jr or Hero going on so now Apollo Justice.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Miles Edgeworth (Wine Purple)
His prosecutor-counterpart and his rival, Miles Edgeworth is the Vergil to Phoenix's Dante, the Henry Cooldown to his Travis Touchdown. Of course he would be an alternate costume. In this alt, Phoenix's suit becomes a dark wine purple, his shirt becomes black and his tie becomes a stark white, reflecting the colors of his rival.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom

Phoenix Wright would be dressed in a beige suit and trousers with a white dress shirt and light grey tie, while his hair would be a blueish black. This is one of the common dress-code-aligning colours worn by real world lawyers. Additionally, beige as a colour does not have much representation in Smash's alts. Players who want to come off as serious, or just contrarian, may want to play using a "less fun" colour like beige.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019

Detective Gumshoe (Green)

For alternate:


Hobo Wright
This costume comes from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, I don't know much other than it's a great contrast to his default appearance and signifying his later stages in life. Choosing this over his college attire because that has already appear in UMvC3 and we already take enough inspiration from that game so this one is takes the cake that double as a nod to the sequel game.​
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Deleted member

eye-searing yellow based on one of Phoenix's proteges, Athena Cykes (yellow)

his tie also becomes blue
(if you need a reference for a beige character, godot is perfectly beige)
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Don't quite see the appeal of doing an alt that isn't really a reference to anything just for funny haha's when AA has so many characters to pull from
I wanted to take from real world lawyer outfits because I like alts that are references more to life than the source - also, dark green is just too cool for the uncool alt.
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Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
Don't quite see the appeal of doing an alt that isn't really a reference to anything just for funny haha's when AA has so many characters to pull from
Don't sweat it, it's already a guarantee that leadership will spin it around and go back into making it a reference which is an unwritten rule at this point. In this case, it will most likely loop back to reference Nahyuta instead of Godot to better fit the narrative.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Misc Content and Alternate Colors is now closed! We will compile the results of both including the moveset at a later date. That being said...

Ace Attorney Stage Submissions

We will commence by adding our representative stage for the Ace Attorney series. Now, its a given that one of submitted stages will be Courtroom and that's understandable given how important this location is. That being said, we will accept more than one version of Courtroom since there are different ways to interpret this location. We will adjust the voting phase depending on what sort of submissions we recieve.

Please make sure its from Ace Attorney or affiliated franchises. The Professor Layton crossover wont be accepted.

Please include the following:

  • Name
  • If its from a particular game from the series
  • Its layout
  • Any stage gimmicks (This is important for this stage as it has potential for gimmicks)
  • Any stage hazards
  • Cameos
  • Final Destination/Battlefield Forms

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Stage: MASON System

I have an idea for a stage that isn’t the courtroom. It has the courtroom in part of it but that’s not all it is. The stage is a scrolling stage based on the MASON system from Apollo Justice. The MASON system was a program in Apollo Justice which allows you to essentially view the memories of someone else, and it was used to see the case where Phoenix accidentally presented false evidence and lost his lawyer’s badge. For this stage it’ll be assumed that it can view the events of the first three games and so this will be a scrolling stage that takes you through one of the games, in their final case.

So there are three “modes” of the stage that will be randomly selected. The layout for all of them are the same (first area is a long floor that has two platforms, second is the same floor and has a long platform and the third has one long floor and no platforms) but the visuals are different. You can select mode 1 every time by holding R, mode 2 each time by holding L and holding both at the same time will select mode 3, in case people have any preference for areas.
Between each area, there’s a transition that looks like this (only obviously labeled differently to correspond to each area) and youre on a platform under:


Mode 1: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
This part of the stage starts in front of Gourd Lake. There are stands on the left and right that act as platforms and a Steel Samurai balloon can sometimes be seen flying in the background.


The second area you cycle through is the inside of the caretaker’s shack where the table is one long platform.


Finally, as with all the other areas, the final part is in the courtroom. For this particular one, Edgeworth is on the witness stand, Manfred von Karma is the prosecution and, if he isn’t in play, Phoenix will be on the defense side. If he is in ply no one will be there then. The stage is essentially just a long hallway and doesn’t have any platforms.. After a while in this place the cycle will reset.


Mode 2: Justice For All

The first area is in the dining room in the hotel. The tables act as platforms.
(Sorry I couldn’t get any good pictures without anyone standing in the way lol)

Then it moves to inside one of the rooms where the glass table is a long platform


Then, in court Franziska von Karma is the prosecutor and Matt Enguarde is the witness. Phoenix is the defense again obviously unless you’re playing him

Mode 3: Trials and Tribulations

Finally, mode 3 starts in Hazakura temple where the roofs on the left and right are platforms


Then it moves to dusky bridge where the top of the bridge is one long platform


And then in court, Larry Butz is on stand and Godot is the prosecutor.

The final destination and battlefield forms are of the courtroom but in that version the courtroom will be empty.
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Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
Ace Attorney Stage


Yeah, well, someone was going to submit it. So here we go.

The courtroom is the main place of gameplay in all Ace Attorney games, so it only makes sense that it would be the location chosen for Smash. This is roughly what the scene would look like, with the area in front of the stand and benches being playable. The 2 walls of the trial grounds floor will remain there, with both of those being breakable walls making walkoffs possible. It will be possible to go on top of those walls as well as on parts of the witness stands.

Battlefield/Omega - The battlefield and omega versions will be fairly identical to each other. The background will still include the judges bench and a court backdrop. The judge will sit in his stand and do nothing. The floor and platforms where applicable will be brown like the court floor

Cameos(Gimmick and Hazards included here)
The Prosecutor bench - Prosecutors opposed by Phoenix and co will appear at this bench. Some inclusions would be Winston Payne, Miles Edgeworth, Gadot, Franziska Von Karma, and Klavier Gavin. Prosecutors from games 5 and 6 may appear as well as well, I haven't played those yet so I don't know who they would be and don't want to look them up for spoilers sake. They may occasionally hit poses from their games aimed at the defense, which can cause damage and knockback to players. Edgeworth will shout "OBJECTION", which will appear as a speech bubble. Von Karma will use her whip, Gadot will throw his coffee cup, and Gavin will air guitar, causing sound waves that will pulse out from him. They can be influenced to do this by attacking them.

The Defense stand - The defense lawyers will appear here. Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes, Mia Fey, and Phoenix Wright himself(if not being used) will show up here. The judicial assistants, Maya Fey, Pearl Fey, Trucy Wright, and others I may not know about yet will be here as well. The defense will occasionally shout an OBJECTION, HOLD IT, or GOTCHA out towards the prosecution. If hit while doing this they will attempt to block the opposing bench from being able to damage players.

The judges bench - The judge will be present at his bench. He will be present and is interactable as well. After a period of time of the prosecution and defense being active the judge will bang his gavel and call for order in the court, which will stop both sides from doing anything for a bit. You can also trigger this by standing in front of the judges bench and performing a successful taunt.

The witness stand - Popular witnesses from the series will appear here. They will not be interactive. For spoiler sakes I won't list them right here. If leadership wishes to pick them out or if I need to add them later I can.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

A theme park made specifically for the Los Angeles police mascot, Blue Badger. In Smash, this is a traveling stage that has four different sections:

- Main Gate

The bridge leading inside the park. This is a walk-off stage with the statue/fountain shown here being a central platform, much like Hollow Bastion. There are no particular gimmicks here.

- Haunted House

An attraction in Gatewater Land. A walk-off with no platforms. Occassionally, Badger mascot wearers will appear on-stage and target a random person to capture and bring to the blast line, similar to the Nabbit from Mushroom Kingdom U.

- Stadium

An open area with several platforms scattered around. Unlike the last two, this isn't a walk-off, but a stage similar to Fourside.

- Wild, Wild West

This is the third walk-off of the three, this time being a stage where the platforms are moving thanks to horses on the stage. Though the horses here are painted on the garage door, there are actual live horses that serve as Gogoat-style platforms.

Where you go is random, but the transfer is based on when you open up a simulation using the Little Thief, just like in the Kidnapped Turnabout case.

Adrianette Bromide

Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2020
Beeland Capital

So I'm gonna submit my take on an Ace Attorney stage that borrows a bit from Minecraft World. The gimmick being that depending on button inputs, you can change the appearance of the stage. Let's go over the base appearance and its functions.

Ace Attorney


This is the base appearance of the stage. It is a flat walk off with the spectator bench acting as giant walls. With enough damage, these walls can be broken although the walls do not reach up to the ceiling and more so halfway up the screen. The stage has a couple of cameos though. Apollo Justice and Klavier Gavin can be seen in a trial defending a random Smash Bros. character not currently in the match while the Judge oversees.


These characters are chosen to take part in the trial if Phoenix is currently fighting on the stage. If Phoenix isn't in the match currently however, he will be duking it out with his own rival, Miles Edgeworth.


With hazards on, every stage will have the same stage hazard. Some of the characters may shout OBJECTION! These speech bubble can hurt any player in its range and will launch them away. And now for the alternate looks,

Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies

This variation of the courtroom comes from Dual Destinies where an explosive detonated completely demolishing it. In this version of Courtroom, there are no walls blocking half each side. However, rubble is scattered across the floor making the ground uneven. The two characters on trial are Athena Cykes and Simon Blackquill with his pet bird Taka.


Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice


This layout resembles the courtroom of the Kingdom of Khura'in, a faraway country in the world of Ace Attorney. This version is similar to the Mishima Dojo stage in that a mystical barrier coats the entirety of both sides of the stage meaning that it will be need to be broken before a character can be KO'd and once it is broken, it stays broken permanently. Apollo Justice returns as well as his new rival, Nahyuta Sahdmadi.


The Great Ace Attorney


The final layout is from The Great Ace Attorney taking place 100 years into the past focusing on the adventures of Naruhodo Ryunosuke, Phoenix Wright's ancestor. Specifically, this courtroom is one inside the Old Bailey in Great Britain. The layout is identical to that of the base version although the blastzone is a bit wider. Ryunosuke will be presiding this trial from the past against his rival, Barok van Zieks.



The Omega and Battlefield stage variants will take the appearance of the Ace Attorney Trilogy courtroom appearance with the trial happening in the background and the stage basing its appearance of the legal counsel benches.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
So here is our current timeline for AA content…
  • Music
  • SmashSpace Content
  • Assist Trophy (This will be disabled if on an AA stage depending on voting result.)
  • Master Spirit
  • Mii Costumes
  • Spirit Board

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Also, a bit earlier than expected but I had some extra time on hand...I tried to factor in the Alts submitted while providing interesting colors. Apollo Justice was added for a red slot costume. Godot, while beige, takes the Turquoise slot. Naruhodo takes a brown albeit dark brown slot. Homeless Phoenix was added as a mother costume and given the cyan slot due to the hat rather than Grey.



Based on Maya Fey

Based on Apollo Justice

Based on Athena Cykes

Based on Miles Edgeworth

Based on Larry Butz

Based on Miya Fey

Based on **** Gumshoe

Based on Godat

Based on Ryunosuke Naruhodo

Based Nahyuta Sahdmadhi

Homeless Phoenix Alt
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Stage: MASON System

I have an idea for a stage that isn’t the courtroom. It has the courtroom in part of it but that’s not all it is. The stage is a scrolling stage based on the MASON system from Apollo Justice. The MASON system was a program in Apollo Justice which allows you to essentially view the memories of someone else, and it was used to see the case where Phoenix accidentally presented false evidence and lost his lawyer’s badge. For this stage it’ll be assumed that it can view the events of the first three games and so this will be a scrolling stage that takes you through one of the games, in their final case.

So there are three “modes” of the stage that will be randomly selected. The layout for all of them are the same (first area is a long floor that has two platforms, second is the same floor and has a long platform and the third has one long floor and no platforms) but the visuals are different. You can select mode 1 every time by holding R, mode 2 each time by holding L and holding both at the same time will select mode 3, in case people have any preference for areas.
Between each area, there’s a transition that looks like this (only obviously labeled differently to correspond to each area) and youre on a platform under:

View attachment 342817
Mode 1: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
This part of the stage starts in front of Gourd Lake. There are stands on the left and right that act as platforms and a Steel Samurai balloon can sometimes be seen flying in the background.

View attachment 342814

The second area you cycle through is the inside of the caretaker’s shack where the table is one long platform.

View attachment 342815

Finally, as with all the other areas, the final part is in the courtroom. For this particular one, Edgeworth is on the witness stand, Manfred von Karma is the prosecution and, if he isn’t in play, Phoenix will be on the defense side. If he is in ply no one will be there then. The stage is essentially just a long hallway and doesn’t have any platforms.. After a while in this place the cycle will reset.

View attachment 342816
Mode 2: Justice For All

The first area is in the dining room in the hotel. The tables act as platforms.
(Sorry I couldn’t get any good pictures without anyone standing in the way lol)
View attachment 342818
Then it moves to inside one of the rooms where the glass table is a long platform

View attachment 342819
Then, in court Franziska von Karma is the prosecutor and Matt Enguarde is the witness. Phoenix is the defense again obviously unless you’re playing him

Mode 3: Trials and Tribulations

Finally, mode 3 starts in Hazakura temple where the roofs on the left and right are platforms

View attachment 342821
Then it moves to dusky bridge where the top of the bridge is one long platform

View attachment 342820
And then in court, Larry Butz is on stand and Godot is the prosecutor.

The final destination and battlefield forms are of the courtroom but in that version the courtroom will be empty.
Ace Attorney Stage


Yeah, well, someone was going to submit it. So here we go.

The courtroom is the main place of gameplay in all Ace Attorney games, so it only makes sense that it would be the location chosen for Smash. This is roughly what the scene would look like, with the area in front of the stand and benches being playable. The 2 walls of the trial grounds floor will remain there, with both of those being breakable walls making walkoffs possible. It will be possible to go on top of those walls as well as on parts of the witness stands.

Battlefield/Omega - The battlefield and omega versions will be fairly identical to each other. The background will still include the judges bench and a court backdrop. The judge will sit in his stand and do nothing. The floor and platforms where applicable will be brown like the court floor

Cameos(Gimmick and Hazards included here)
The Prosecutor bench - Prosecutors opposed by Phoenix and co will appear at this bench. Some inclusions would be Winston Payne, Miles Edgeworth, Gadot, Franziska Von Karma, and Klavier Gavin. Prosecutors from games 5 and 6 may appear as well as well, I haven't played those yet so I don't know who they would be and don't want to look them up for spoilers sake. They may occasionally hit poses from their games aimed at the defense, which can cause damage and knockback to players. Edgeworth will shout "OBJECTION", which will appear as a speech bubble. Von Karma will use her whip, Gadot will throw his coffee cup, and Gavin will air guitar, causing sound waves that will pulse out from him. They can be influenced to do this by attacking them.

The Defense stand - The defense lawyers will appear here. Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes, Mia Fey, and Phoenix Wright himself(if not being used) will show up here. The judicial assistants, Maya Fey, Pearl Fey, Trucy Wright, and others I may not know about yet will be here as well. The defense will occasionally shout an OBJECTION, HOLD IT, or GOTCHA out towards the prosecution. If hit while doing this they will attempt to block the opposing bench from being able to damage players.

The judges bench - The judge will be present at his bench. He will be present and is interactable as well. After a period of time of the prosecution and defense being active the judge will bang his gavel and call for order in the court, which will stop both sides from doing anything for a bit. You can also trigger this by standing in front of the judges bench and performing a successful taunt.

The witness stand - Popular witnesses from the series will appear here. They will not be interactive. For spoiler sakes I won't list them right here. If leadership wishes to pick them out or if I need to add them later I can.
View attachment 342834

A theme park made specifically for the Los Angeles police mascot, Blue Badger. In Smash, this is a traveling stage that has four different sections:

- Main Gate
View attachment 342838
The bridge leading inside the park. This is a walk-off stage with the statue/fountain shown here being a central platform, much like Hollow Bastion. There are no particular gimmicks here.

- Haunted House
View attachment 342837
An attraction in Gatewater Land. A walk-off with no platforms. Occassionally, Badger mascot wearers will appear on-stage and target a random person to capture and bring to the blast line, similar to the Nabbit from Mushroom Kingdom U.

- Stadium
View attachment 342836
An open area with several platforms scattered around. Unlike the last two, this isn't a walk-off, but a stage similar to Fourside.

- Wild, Wild West
View attachment 342835
This is the third walk-off of the three, this time being a stage where the platforms are moving thanks to horses on the stage. Though the horses here are painted on the garage door, there are actual live horses that serve as Gogoat-style platforms.

Where you go is random, but the transfer is based on when you open up a simulation using the Little Thief, just like in the Kidnapped Turnabout case.

So I'm gonna submit my take on an Ace Attorney stage that borrows a bit from Minecraft World. The gimmick being that depending on button inputs, you can change the appearance of the stage. Let's go over the base appearance and its functions.

Ace Attorney

View attachment 342870

This is the base appearance of the stage. It is a flat walk off with the spectator bench acting as giant walls. With enough damage, these walls can be broken although the walls do not reach up to the ceiling and more so halfway up the screen. The stage has a couple of cameos though. Apollo Justice and Klavier Gavin can be seen in a trial defending a random Smash Bros. character not currently in the match while the Judge oversees.

View attachment 342873View attachment 342874

These characters are chosen to take part in the trial if Phoenix is currently fighting on the stage. If Phoenix isn't in the match currently however, he will be duking it out with his own rival, Miles Edgeworth.

View attachment 342875View attachment 342876
With hazards on, every stage will have the same stage hazard. Some of the characters may shout OBJECTION! These speech bubble can hurt any player in its range and will launch them away. And now for the alternate looks,

Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies

This variation of the courtroom comes from Dual Destinies where an explosive detonated completely demolishing it. In this version of Courtroom, there are no walls blocking half each side. However, rubble is scattered across the floor making the ground uneven. The two characters on trial are Athena Cykes and Simon Blackquill with his pet bird Taka.

View attachment 342879

Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice

View attachment 342881

This layout resembles the courtroom of the Kingdom of Khura'in, a faraway country in the world of Ace Attorney. This version is similar to the Mishima Dojo stage in that a mystical barrier coats the entirety of both sides of the stage meaning that it will be need to be broken before a character can be KO'd and once it is broken, it stays broken permanently. Apollo Justice returns as well as his new rival, Nahyuta Sahdmadi.

View attachment 342882View attachment 342883

The Great Ace Attorney

View attachment 342884

The final layout is from The Great Ace Attorney taking place 100 years into the past focusing on the adventures of Naruhodo Ryunosuke, Phoenix Wright's ancestor. Specifically, this courtroom is one inside the Old Bailey in Great Britain. The layout is identical to that of the base version although the blastzone is a bit wider. Ryunosuke will be presiding this trial from the past against his rival, Barok van Zieks.

View attachment 342886


The Omega and Battlefield stage variants will take the appearance of the Ace Attorney Trilogy courtroom appearance with the trial happening in the background and the stage basing its appearance of the legal counsel benches.
I decided to group the Courtroom submissions into one in order to avoid them cannibalizing each other. You can find these submissions via the top of the thread. If we choose Courtroom, we will choose between the two we have.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Ace Attorney Music

Next, we will be submitting music to add to the upcoming Ace Attorney stage. Unlike in past Smash games, music tends to not be geared towards fitting in with the stage so really any song that is from Ace Attorney can be submitted for it to fit. When submitting music, please include the following info:

  • Link or embedded video
  • Name
  • Game appearance
  • Why this song should be included

Please try to keep music limited to 3 per user.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Pressing Pursuit ~ Cornered
The major Ace Attorney soundtrack that people seem to remember from the first game.

Godot ~ The Fragrance of Black Coffee
From Trials & Tribulations. The main character theme of Godot, this jazzy and smooth piece would use the same instruments but would sound a lot more swingy in the context of Smash.

Phoenix Wright ~ Objection 2001
From the first Ace Attorney game, the one used as Phoenix's character theme in UMvC3 while not in Turnabout Mode. This plays whenever Phoenix himself makes a successful objection.

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Great Revival ~ Miles Edgeworth
Source: Justice For All
This track has pretty much become thought of as “the edgeworth theme” and as one of the most iconic tracks in the series, really needs to be added in.

Pursuit ~ Overtaken
Source: Apollo Justice
This is the cornered theme that was used for Apollo Justice and I’m choosing it over the pursuit themes from the other games because of how unique it is.

Klavier Gavin ~ Guilty Love
Source: Apollo Justice
Klavier’a theme from apollo justice. Am I biased towards apollo justice’s music? Maybe. (i also might be biased towards the game in general, it’s probably my favorite in the series) But I do think this would be good to add because it’s unique and fits battles really well. It was also actually used as a plot point in one of the most memorable cases in the game and so I think it would be a great addition to our track list.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Maya Fey ~ Turnabout Sisters Theme 2001
Source: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
A theme for Maya Fey, one of the most important characters in the franchise would make sense in a challenger pack and the Turnabout Sisters theme is a major leitmotif for the fey clan

The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo
Source: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
A memorable track from a memorable case

Gumshoe ~ I Can Do It When It Counts, Pal
Source: Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
The Investigations games are a good part of Ace Attorney's history and also Gumshoe is one of the most reoccurring characters so representing Gumshoe in song form is a must and also the song is just funky.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2018
Great Revival ~ Miles Edgeworth
Source: Justice For All
This track has pretty much become thought of as “the edgeworth theme” and as one of the most iconic tracks in the series, really needs to be added in.

Pursuit ~ Overtaken
Source: Apollo Justice
This is the cornered theme that was used for Apollo Justice and I’m choosing it over the pursuit themes from the other games because of how unique it is.

Klavier Gavin ~ Guilty Love
Source: Apollo Justice
Klavier’a theme from apollo justice. Am I biased towards apollo justice’s music? Maybe. (i also might be biased towards the game in general, it’s probably my favorite in the series) But I do think this would be good to add because it’s unique and fits battles really well. It was also actually used as a plot point in one of the most memorable cases in the game and so I think it would be a great addition to our track list.
I was going to submit Guilty Love too. I love this one

Jake Marshall's Theme

Victor Kudo's Theme

Both just because I like them.
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