Job #149: The Lawn
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This one is fairly simple but it's the one that's the most iconic and makes the most sense to me, The Lawn! Plants vs. Zombies takes place in front and on top of your house basically and the first two stages take place directly on your lawn.
The stage layout would be a completely flat walk-off stage that rips its layout straight from PvZ but in 3D to fit the Smash style. There's a catch though, just like King of Fighters Stadium. You must get blasted through an invisible wall except the difference between this and KoF Stadium is that you can only be blasted through the left. Don't think about camping on the right though, the evil zombies will try to come and eat your brains!
Several zombies will appear, normal ones, conehat zombies, pole vaulting zombies, buckethead zombies, screen door zombies, football zombies, just think all the grounded zombies from Plants vs. Zombies. If you touch them, they will hurt you. Powerful zombies like the football zombies will launch you. Fortunately, they can be KO's. Crazy Dave's plants may even target them!
Occasionally, a flag zombie will appear. When this occurs, a huge swarm of zombies will appear to overwhelm you. If a zombie gets passed you and into the house, the daylight will be replaced with the cold night and fog engulfs the stage for roughly 30 seconds before going away. Fortunately, a friendly lawnmower will instantly be activated the first time a zombie passes through and will mow down everyone in front of it.
Occasionally, the yeti zombie will pop up from behind the fence.
The Omega ans Battlefield layouts use the grassy patchwork for the platform and white bricks for platforms.