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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond

Which option should we go with? I can't operate both the wikia and front page anymore.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are our submissions! I didn't have enough time this morning to get them completed.

Episode One: The Quest for Apple Pie!
Characters: Kirby, Link, Louie
Battles: King Dedede, Joker, Bowser, Crash, PAC-MAN, Enderman, Wario, Sephiroth, Louie

Synopsis: A very hungry trio - Kirby, Link and Louie - have been baking a delicious apple pie in Kirby's house all day! (Even if Louie has been trying to sneak bugs into the recipe wherever possible.) However, with the apple pie finished and cooling off on the side, a knock is heard on Kirby's door! Whilst all three of them are distracted... the apple pie has disappeared? Where could it have gone!? Setting off in search of the apple pie, the trio go on a quest to try and find once and for all who took it, or where it is - following leads or advice from each person they do battle against on their quest. They first visit King Dedede given his history of stealing food, but he's apparently got nothing to do with it... maybe it could be another thief of some kind? After travelling from place to place with seemingly no end in sight, and even fighting Sephiroth, they end up coming up empty-handed... but the very last battle reveals that Louie stole the pie for himself at the very beginning! H-how could he?!

Final Boss: Heavyweight Louie (Louie, but significantly heavier and heavier-hitting than normal. Basically, "Metal Louie", but without the metal effect. Presumably, he ate the WHOLE PIE all to himself. How greedy!)

Additional Notes: I feel like a more light-hearted story would work pretty well for the first Episode, and it's a good way of introducing players to the concept without raising the stakes too high from the off - whilst also allowing different characters to be introduced in a slightly comedic fashion, and poking a bit of fun at different elements of the games being referenced (like the Enderman's tendency to pick up blocks potentially being mistaken as kleptomania, the Kirby series' tendency to have final bosses against god-like beings, and Louie's deceptive nature). Plus, it shows off a variety of different worlds in the process!

That said, there's a couple of big players here too, setting up future Episodes in the process. Maybe Bowser's busy overseeing the construction of a Super Airship, for example, and he's slightly annoyed that the trio are bothering him - that could set up a fun future conflict. Plus, Kirby, Link and Louie being a trio sort of works gameplay-wise - Kirby's really approachable as a newcomer, Link's a little more complex but still understandable, and Louie's a little more cerebral, which interestingly kind of fits into how he's kind of the traitor of the group. Plus, each of them are related to cooking in some way - Kirby has a ravenous appetite, Link's BotW/TotK series features cooking as a central mechanic, and Louie's constantly eating bugs.
Episode 1: Heister La Vista!
:ultjoker:, :ultwario:, Anna, :ultkrool:, :ultsteve:
Battles: :ultsheik:, Dr. Eggman, DJ Octavio, Waluigi, :ultridley:, Lara, Officer Howard, Leon, Reimu, Gholdengo

Synopsis: Rumors of a treasure worth lifetimes in money has circulated across the scene. A band of unlikely thieves have come together in an attempt to steal it: Joker, the charismatic leader. Wario, the muscle of the operation. Anna, the mischievous little charmer. King K. Rool, the big man with surprising genius. Steve, the surveyor with eyes as far as Redstone can reach. But rumors...tend to spread like wildfire among the populace. This ragtag band of misfits must band together to fight off rivals such as Waluigi and Lara Croft who also searching for the treasure, evil scientists like Eggman and DJ Octavio who seek to use it for their own purposes, and protectors of the law like Leon and Reimu who would seek to take them in and keep it safe to reach the goal. Survive just enough, however, and you'll find your prize...

Final Boss: Treasure Gholdengo (The battle against Treasure Gholdengo is an HP-based battle. Giant and redundantly covered in gold, Gholdengo is hard to take down, but the reward is ever-so-worth it.)

Notes: Each battle has a sort of gimmick based on who you're facing:
  • The Rival Thieves (Sheik, Waluigi, Lara) are faster than you in speed and attack frame data.
  • The Evil Masterminds (Ridley, DJ Octavio, Eggman) spawn sci-fi items that can be used against you.
  • The Protectors of Law (Officer Howard, Leon, Reimu) have the stages lined up with traps that will debuff you should you trigger them.
Here is my submission

The Festival of Smash

Characters: :ultmario::ultkirby::ultlink::ultpit::ultvillager::ultinkling::ultolimar:
Battles: :ultpiranha::ultrob::ultsteve:Crash:ultsephiroth::ultincineroar:DJ Octavio:ultdk:Ashley:ultbyleth:Red:ultsnake::ultbowser:
The Festival of Smash is about to commence and the universes meet to welcome the rebirth of the festival! On this day, a shining Final Smash Orb is erected above the festival square. Plans are underway with Peach and Daisy heading the construction of the festival for this year. They are waiting for a very special guest. However, they a short of a number of things and they seem to be missing from the Princess Peach's storerooms. The Princess tasks you with finding items on her list to complete the festival preparations. The list indicates where the item can be found but, unfortunately, it seems certain individuals are hoarding the item for their own.
  1. :ultpiranha:: Flower pots and bouquets
  2. :ultrob:: ROB servers and waiting staff
  3. :ultsteve:: Construction materials
  4. Crash Bandicoot: Crates of Wompa Fruit
  5. :ultsephiroth:: JENOVA-branded Cocktails
  6. :ultincineroar:: BBQ-cooking materials and food
  7. :ultdk:: Wood for Construction
  8. Ashley: Magic show
  9. :ultbyleth:: Tapestries, rugs, and other decorations
  10. Red:Games to Play
  11. :ultsnake:: Boxes
  12. :ultbowser:: Power Star to Power up the Festival
Some result in battles between the fighters in order to get the item while others are more of a competition such as a race, break the targets competition, 100-man Melee, and so on. Once the players gain every item needed, the Festival commences which then segways into the opening trailer for Infinite Beyond.
We will include these episodes but we will be voting which one will be our starting episode. Please check the thread poll.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will now be submitting content for third-party games in the form of music...

Submit Third-Party Music

Please submit music from third-party games that are currently in Smash Bros. Just like the first-party music submissions, we are submitting music from franchises that have new games. This includes the following:

  • Pac-Man 99​
  • Street Fighter VI​
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake​
  • King of Fighters XV​
  • Minecraft Legends​
  • Tekken 8​
  • Crash Team Rumble​
  • Resident Evil Village​
  • Resident Evil Re:Verse​
  • Digimon Survive​
If any games that should be up on there and fall in the "new" category that I forgot, please ping me about it. You can submit up to 3 songs per game.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Pankration - Street Fighter 6
The Plunderer - Street Fighter 6
Poisonous Passion - Street Fighter 6

We will now be submitting content for third-party games in the form of music...

Submit Third-Party Music

Please submit music from third-party games that are currently in Smash Bros. Just like the first-party music submissions, we are submitting music from franchises that have new games. This includes the following:

  • Pac-Man 99​
  • Street Fighter VI​
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake​
  • King of Fighters XV​
  • Minecraft Legends​
  • Tekken 8​
  • Crash Team Rumble​
  • Resident Evil Village​
  • Resident Evil Re:Verse​
  • Digimon Survive​
If any games that should be up on there and fall in the "new" category that I forgot, please ping me about it. You can submit up to 3 songs per game.
BTW, do we have the list of songs from OG Smash Infinite?
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
would music from FF16 be allowed?
No. Just FF7 for now though FF16 music is one of the best FF soundtracks IMO. If we do that, we might open a single song to be submitted from each mainline game. Not sure yet
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Thank you to everyone for submitting content! I will compile these and add them to the list.

Please Submit a Boas from an Infinite DLC Series

We will be adding a new boss that appears in our Boss Battles and Classic Mode as well as Episodes based on our current list of Infinite dlc series. These included:

  • Hades
  • Ace Attorney
  • Sakura Wars
  • Digimon
  • Tomb Raider
  • Tales of Symphonia
  • Ratchet & Clank
  • Angry Birds
  • League of Legends
  • Soul Calibur
  • Doom
  • NeiR:Automata

Please provide an explanation on how the boss fights, want moves they do, where they are fought, and any other information.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Simone (Nier Automata)

Image is Cosplay by Ina White Cosplay
(selected since Smash would probably remove Android corpses from design similar to this interpretation)

Stage - Amusement Park Stage (identical to other boss stages in layout like Ganon or Rathalos)

Boss theme - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nIeVc1yE4TY

One of the most iconic fights in Nier Automata, fun combat & impactful story developments.

Honestly im not too good at coming up with movesets so will copy & paste elements of the fight from the Nier wiki that would likely be translated into the Smash boss battle & add a couple edits i think would probably happen.

-Simone has a wide array of attacks such as a wave of energy (similar to the Wave pod program).

-Getting within melee range forces Simone to reveal a hidden machine underneath her mechanical dress which performs melee attacks.

-Another common attack is her use of slow ring-like projectiles which infect the player
(EDIT - instead of hacking mini game you will likely need to deal with a negative status effect if attack us successful)

-Halfway through the encounter, Simone summons the bodies of near-death androids which also have the above-mentioned wave and ring attacks.
(EDIT - once again Smash would probably tone this down, instead using blank mannequins)

-The less health Simone has the more enraged she becomes, increasing the rate of her attacks.

-Many of her attacks are synchronized with specific parts of her boss theme.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Lernean Bone Hydra

Stage: Asphodel

Boss Theme: God of the Dead

Otherwise known as Lernie, the Bone Hydra is the second boss of Hades, located in Asphodel. In Smash, the Bone Hydra appears on the side of the stage and performs the following:
  • Lunge: While tracking the player's location Lernie will lean his head backward before shooting it forwards with a bite that deals 15% damage and medium knockback.
  • Volley: Opening its mouth further with a glowing red light inside, Lernie will shoot 5 projectiles that travel slowly and tracks the player's position. They'll travel 1/2 FD before vanishing, but will deal 3% damage with flinching on hit.
  • Ground Slam: Letting out a loud hiss before attacking, Lernie will thrash backwards before smashing his head on the player's horizontal position, dealing 20% damage and spiking.
Just like in Hades, Lernie will summon 3 heads once reaching 66% HP, but will summon 3 more heads once reaching 33% HP. Occasionally, he will call upon a different head to attack for him, and his standard attacks will be upgraded as well. Each head has 50HP, so they can be destroyed by the player. Destroying a head also deals 25% damage to the main head.
  • 66% HP:
    • The main head's Lunge will now deal 40% damage and high knockback. Any of the smaller heads will deal 15% damage like normal.
    • The Volley becomes upgraded to a Barrage, which loses tracking in favor of a laser-like hitbox that deals 30% damage and medium-high knockback.
    • There's a Pink Blue Variant head that will drop chunks of rock from the ceiling upon using the Ground Slam attack. These are identical to Kirby's Down Special in use.
    • There's also a Green Variant head that will shoot a 40-HP orb that carries a Bone-Raker if left unattended. The Bone-Raker has 20HP and will relentlessly chase the player with the speed of Sheik, dealing 6% damage with claw swipes to disrupt their flow.
  • 33% HP:
    • The main head's Ground Slam becomes a Triple Ground Slam, dealing the same damage as before but now he has three attempts to do so.
    • The Green Variant can now summon 3 orbs at once.
    • There's now an Orange Variant head that instead summons 3-5 fireballs to protect the Main Head for 10 seconds. These fireballs deal about as much as Sephiroth's Shadow Flare.
    • There's also now a Purple Variant head that splashes magma onto the stage for the same damage and knockback as the Norfair stage's lava.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020

Song: Cyberdemon

Origin: DOOM

Stage: A destroyed science facility in a fashion similar to Galleom's but on fire and with wires hanging down.

The Cyberdemon is a large figure about the size of Ganon, like ganon they jump around the stage.

-Rocket Arm: The Cyberdemon shoots homing rockets from its arm
-Laser: The Cyberdemon charges up a large blast and then fires a massive laser from it's arm
-Bombardment: The Cyberdemon launches several smaller explosives on the ground that explode after a little while
-Roar: The Cyberdemon roars stunning anyone next to them
-Charge: The Cyberdemon charges forwards
-Firewall: at half-health it summons 2 pillars one behind the Cyber Demon and One Behind the Player that are on fire and deal damage once touched, they are destroyed once the Cyberdemon charges
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021

King Pig
Okay this boss is good I swear-

Okay, so this boss is VERY different from the traditional Smash Bros boss fight in that it plays more like a level in boss' clothing. King Pig is mainly immobile and has very few direct attacks, but the main challenge is getting to him in the first place. Like the game her comes from, Angry Birds, the first main part of the fight is trying break down his fortress and pop him. But the process is more in-depth than it sounds due:

The battle starts out on a giant tower made out of stone, wood, and glass, King Pig is at the top eating a bunch of food and you need to climb up to defeat him. It plays out like Wrecking Crew where you need to break down a layer of rubble to cause the tower to shorten in height, and to do this you need to break wood, glass, and stone blocks. Each have their own unique properties.
  • Wood Blocks have moderate health but the most resistant to Smash Attacks, but they are weak to fire and energy attacks.
  • Glass Blocks have the lowest health but are immune to energy attacks.
  • Stone Blocks have the highest health but shatter to Smash Attacks.
As the fight goes closer to King Pig, he will start chucking food scraps at you and the occasional block of TNT that can deal massive damage. However once you reach King Pig you can kill him in one hit, at least, I would say that before you ruin his meal, now he gets enraged and the real fight begins.


King Pig order his minions to build a giant mech out of the spare wood, glass, and stones, and hastily builds a vehicle for him to ride. Now the health bar used for this fight is special as it doesn't track King Pig's health but rather the vehicle's total number of parts. The goal is to break the vehicle piece by piece before you reach the King's cockpit, afterwards, you can attack him; three hits are all that are needed to defeat him. However, each hit adds more and more weaponry to the vehicle for you to dodge. As the fight goes on the vehicle becomes larger and larger, to the point you can walk on it and attack each part individually, and if not destroyed in time the pigs will repair each piece over time.

Phase 1:
  • Soda Bottles: These will charge up to release a stream of soda that pushes you back, possibly into other weapons. There are two colors, black and green, the black soda has more force than the green soda but the green soda charges up quicker than the black one.
  • Fireworks: These act like missiles dealing fire damage. The red ones shoot upwards before falling back down, the green ones home in on you, and the gold ones explode into a spread shot.
  • Spring: If you run into it, you get snared and need to mash buttons to free yourself. If you hop on top of it the spring will act like any other trampoline.
Phase 2:
  • Punch Glove: If you go near this weapon, the glove will attack and launch you upwards.
  • Lantern: Occasinally flashes and stuns the player.
  • Fan: Sucks you in and blows you upwards.
Phase 3:
  • Slingshot: The pigs took a page out of the bird's book and now launch trash onto you via these slingshots, same physics apply.
  • Plunger: A pig operating a plunger launcher will snag and grab you into its line of sight before chipping you away.
  • Bubble Launcher: A bubble wand launches bubbles which can trap you and take you upwards to the sky.
On his last hit, King Pig will summon parachuting pigs to shoot glue at you, slowing you down if they connect. When defeated, King Pig will fly after his throne reveals a block of exploding TNT, launching him in the air complete with a twinkle effect, and the classic Angry Birds goal jingle will play out.

Phase 1 - Fight n Flight
Phase 2 - Bad Piggies

Stage: Poached Eggs

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are our submissions! Thank you to all who took time to do so!

Simone (Nier Automata)

Image is Cosplay by Ina White Cosplay
(selected since Smash would probably remove Android corpses from design similar to this interpretation)

Stage - Amusement Park Stage (identical to other boss stages in layout like Ganon or Rathalos)

Boss theme - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nIeVc1yE4TY

One of the most iconic fights in Nier Automata, fun combat & impactful story developments.

Honestly im not too good at coming up with movesets so will copy & paste elements of the fight from the Nier wiki that would likely be translated into the Smash boss battle & add a couple edits i think would probably happen.

-Simone has a wide array of attacks such as a wave of energy (similar to the Wave pod program).

-Getting within melee range forces Simone to reveal a hidden machine underneath her mechanical dress which performs melee attacks.

-Another common attack is her use of slow ring-like projectiles which infect the player
(EDIT - instead of hacking mini game you will likely need to deal with a negative status effect if attack us successful)

-Halfway through the encounter, Simone summons the bodies of near-death androids which also have the above-mentioned wave and ring attacks.
(EDIT - once again Smash would probably tone this down, instead using blank mannequins)

-The less health Simone has the more enraged she becomes, increasing the rate of her attacks.

-Many of her attacks are synchronized with specific parts of her boss theme.
View attachment 377934
Lernean Bone Hydra

Stage: Asphodel
View attachment 377935
Boss Theme: God of the Dead

Otherwise known as Lernie, the Bone Hydra is the second boss of Hades, located in Asphodel. In Smash, the Bone Hydra appears on the side of the stage and performs the following:
  • Lunge: While tracking the player's location Lernie will lean his head backward before shooting it forwards with a bite that deals 15% damage and medium knockback.
  • Volley: Opening its mouth further with a glowing red light inside, Lernie will shoot 5 projectiles that travel slowly and tracks the player's position. They'll travel 1/2 FD before vanishing, but will deal 3% damage with flinching on hit.
  • Ground Slam: Letting out a loud hiss before attacking, Lernie will thrash backwards before smashing his head on the player's horizontal position, dealing 20% damage and spiking.
Just like in Hades, Lernie will summon 3 heads once reaching 66% HP, but will summon 3 more heads once reaching 33% HP. Occasionally, he will call upon a different head to attack for him, and his standard attacks will be upgraded as well. Each head has 50HP, so they can be destroyed by the player. Destroying a head also deals 25% damage to the main head.
  • 66% HP:
    • The main head's Lunge will now deal 40% damage and high knockback. Any of the smaller heads will deal 15% damage like normal.
    • The Volley becomes upgraded to a Barrage, which loses tracking in favor of a laser-like hitbox that deals 30% damage and medium-high knockback.
    • There's a Pink Blue Variant head that will drop chunks of rock from the ceiling upon using the Ground Slam attack. These are identical to Kirby's Down Special in use.
    • There's also a Green Variant head that will shoot a 40-HP orb that carries a Bone-Raker if left unattended. The Bone-Raker has 20HP and will relentlessly chase the player with the speed of Sheik, dealing 6% damage with claw swipes to disrupt their flow.
  • 33% HP:
    • The main head's Ground Slam becomes a Triple Ground Slam, dealing the same damage as before but now he has three attempts to do so.
    • The Green Variant can now summon 3 orbs at once.
    • There's now an Orange Variant head that instead summons 3-5 fireballs to protect the Main Head for 10 seconds. These fireballs deal about as much as Sephiroth's Shadow Flare.
    • There's also now a Purple Variant head that splashes magma onto the stage for the same damage and knockback as the Norfair stage's lava.

Song: Cyberdemon

Origin: DOOM

Stage: A destroyed science facility in a fashion similar to Galleom's but on fire and with wires hanging down.

The Cyberdemon is a large figure about the size of Ganon, like ganon they jump around the stage.

-Rocket Arm: The Cyberdemon shoots homing rockets from its arm
-Laser: The Cyberdemon charges up a large blast and then fires a massive laser from it's arm
-Bombardment: The Cyberdemon launches several smaller explosives on the ground that explode after a little while
-Roar: The Cyberdemon roars stunning anyone next to them
-Charge: The Cyberdemon charges forwards
-Firewall: at half-health it summons 2 pillars one behind the Cyber Demon and One Behind the Player that are on fire and deal damage once touched, they are destroyed once the Cyberdemon charges
View attachment 377949
King Pig
Okay this boss is good I swear-

Okay, so this boss is VERY different from the traditional Smash Bros boss fight in that it plays more like a level in boss' clothing. King Pig is mainly immobile and has very few direct attacks, but the main challenge is getting to him in the first place. Like the game her comes from, Angry Birds, the first main part of the fight is trying break down his fortress and pop him. But the process is more in-depth than it sounds due:

The battle starts out on a giant tower made out of stone, wood, and glass, King Pig is at the top eating a bunch of food and you need to climb up to defeat him. It plays out like Wrecking Crew where you need to break down a layer of rubble to cause the tower to shorten in height, and to do this you need to break wood, glass, and stone blocks. Each have their own unique properties.
  • Wood Blocks have moderate health but the most resistant to Smash Attacks, but they are weak to fire and energy attacks.
  • Glass Blocks have the lowest health but are immune to energy attacks.
  • Stone Blocks have the highest health but shatter to Smash Attacks.
As the fight goes closer to King Pig, he will start chucking food scraps at you and the occasional block of TNT that can deal massive damage. However once you reach King Pig you can kill him in one hit, at least, I would say that before you ruin his meal, now he gets enraged and the real fight begins.

View attachment 377950
King Pig order his minions to build a giant mech out of the spare wood, glass, and stones, and hastily builds a vehicle for him to ride. Now the health bar used for this fight is special as it doesn't track King Pig's health but rather the vehicle's total number of parts. The goal is to break the vehicle piece by piece before you reach the King's cockpit, afterwards, you can attack him; three hits are all that are needed to defeat him. However, each hit adds more and more weaponry to the vehicle for you to dodge. As the fight goes on the vehicle becomes larger and larger, to the point you can walk on it and attack each part individually, and if not destroyed in time the pigs will repair each piece over time.

Phase 1:
  • Soda Bottles: These will charge up to release a stream of soda that pushes you back, possibly into other weapons. There are two colors, black and green, the black soda has more force than the green soda but the green soda charges up quicker than the black one.
  • Fireworks: These act like missiles dealing fire damage. The red ones shoot upwards before falling back down, the green ones home in on you, and the gold ones explode into a spread shot.
  • Spring: If you run into it, you get snared and need to mash buttons to free yourself. If you hop on top of it the spring will act like any other trampoline.
Phase 2:
  • Punch Glove: If you go near this weapon, the glove will attack and launch you upwards.
  • Lantern: Occasinally flashes and stuns the player.
  • Fan: Sucks you in and blows you upwards.
Phase 3:
  • Slingshot: The pigs took a page out of the bird's book and now launch trash onto you via these slingshots, same physics apply.
  • Plunger: A pig operating a plunger launcher will snag and grab you into its line of sight before chipping you away.
  • Bubble Launcher: A bubble wand launches bubbles which can trap you and take you upwards to the sky.
On his last hit, King Pig will summon parachuting pigs to shoot glue at you, slowing you down if they connect. When defeated, King Pig will fly after his throne reveals a block of exploding TNT, launching him in the air complete with a twinkle effect, and the classic Angry Birds goal jingle will play out.

Phase 1 - Fight n Flight
Phase 2 - Bad Piggies

Stage: Poached Eggs

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Submit a First-Party Villain Mii Costume

Here are our first-party villain mii costumes from Infinite. I am not counting villains that are playable or generic enemies. This also doesn't mean that can't be promoted to playable fighters; just listing them out.
  • Captain Syrup Mii Brawler
  • Hedlok Mii Brawler
  • Skull Kid Mii Brawler
  • Team Skull Grunt Mii Brawler
  • Team Rocket Grunt Mii Brawler
  • Black Knight Mii Swordfighter
  • Kyle Mii Swordfighter
  • Sylux Mii Gunner
Please submit a Mii Costume based on a villain from a first party series. This can also include an organization that has a standard uniform like the criminal organizations of Pokemon.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
The “Loyale 3”

The “Loyale 3” are the main villains of the Teal Mask, but the village thought they were heroes due to a misunderstanding. They were mask thief’s that took down Ogerpons owner.
Okidogi and Munkidori will be Mii Brawlers and Fezandipiti will be a Mii swordfighter, with the wing as an equivilant of a sword.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Andross Mii Swordfighter

Based on full body appearance in Star Fox Zero. Mask would probably only include beard & ears leaving players to create their own Andross inspired Mii for his face.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Madame Broode (Mii Swordfighter)


Why don't we go for a Mario villain here? Basically, the fighter will Broode's hat, hair and dress alongside the mask. The sword is in the form of her pet golden Chain Chomp with top hats on it for details. A fun costume here.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Sorry I've not been so active recently, notifications are being about as obedient as a sperm whale plummetting from low-Earth orbit being told to stop falling

Mii Costume Name: Wart/Mamu
Mii Costume Origin:
Super Mario Bros. 2/USA (1988)
Equippable To?: Gunner

A dastardly king who invaded the dreamworld of Subcon and took it for himself, Wart (or Mamu, in Japan) hasn't made too many appearances of particular note outside of his game of origin (aside from an appearance in the likewise dream-themed The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening and the 2021 remake), but I think he'd be fun to represent considering he's got a pretty weird design and history and seems to be decently interesting (plus, has the unusual distinction of technically already having his own stage in the form of Mushroom Kingdom II?)

As for his costume, I'm suggesting him as a Gunner as opposed to a Brawler to represent his original appearance a little better. Whilst the Miis wear his costume (complete with their head sticking out from his mouth!), he also gains a trumpet-like cannon that he holds with his other hand. In the original game, the pipes from below would spew vegetables whilst his mouth would spew bubbles - here, it works like a normal Mii Gunner.

If possible, it'd be nice for some of his attacks to have a bubble particle effect as a cosmetic addition, but it wouldn't affect gameplay, and if it's not allowed then that's perfectly fine.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Zanza (Xenoblade Chronicles, Mii Swordfighter)
Originally a scientist working on a project that would create the Xenoblade universe, Zanza is the half of Klaus representing his ambition, while his other half ended up in the world of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. His Mii Costume would be based on his battle at the Mechonis Core.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Mii Costume: Malos Swordfighter (XC2)
This dude is evil to the point that his name is basically "Bads" in Spanish lol. His armor is very cool tho and so is his definitively-not-Monado sword.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are the results of the Boss poll.

Name2 Votes1 VoteTotal
Cyberdemon7 (14)216
King Piggy5 (10)313

Cyberdemon takes center stage as our newest boss!

Thank you everyone for the submissions! Here they are in quoted and listed form:

The “Loyale 3”

The “Loyale 3” are the main villains of the Teal Mask, but the village thought they were heroes due to a misunderstanding. They were mask thief’s that took down Ogerpons owner.
Okidogi and Munkidori will be Mii Brawlers and Fezandipiti will be a Mii swordfighter, with the wing as an equivilant of a sword.
Andross Mii Swordfighter

Based on full body appearance in Star Fox Zero. Mask would probably only include beard & ears leaving players to create their own Andross inspired Mii for his face.
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Vaati (Gunner)
A fairly popular and well remembered Zelda villain but one who doesn't really have much chance of being playable. he has a blaster based on his final form
1st Party Villain Mii Costume: Ghirahim (The Legend of Zelda) (Swordfighter)

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Ghirahim is a villain from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Ghirahim as Mii costume is he have the same design,but holding a sword
Madame Broode (Mii Swordfighter)

View attachment 378015

Why don't we go for a Mario villain here? Basically, the fighter will Broode's hat, hair and dress alongside the mask. The sword is in the form of her pet golden Chain Chomp with top hats on it for details. A fun costume here.
Sorry I've not been so active recently, notifications are being about as obedient as a sperm whale plummetting from low-Earth orbit being told to stop falling

Mii Costume Name: Wart/Mamu
Mii Costume Origin:
Super Mario Bros. 2/USA (1988)
Equippable To?: Gunner

A dastardly king who invaded the dreamworld of Subcon and took it for himself, Wart (or Mamu, in Japan) hasn't made too many appearances of particular note outside of his game of origin (aside from an appearance in the likewise dream-themed The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening and the 2021 remake), but I think he'd be fun to represent considering he's got a pretty weird design and history and seems to be decently interesting (plus, has the unusual distinction of technically already having his own stage in the form of Mushroom Kingdom II?)

As for his costume, I'm suggesting him as a Gunner as opposed to a Brawler to represent his original appearance a little better. Whilst the Miis wear his costume (complete with their head sticking out from his mouth!), he also gains a trumpet-like cannon that he holds with his other hand. In the original game, the pipes from below would spew vegetables whilst his mouth would spew bubbles - here, it works like a normal Mii Gunner.

If possible, it'd be nice for some of his attacks to have a bubble particle effect as a cosmetic addition, but it wouldn't affect gameplay, and if it's not allowed then that's perfectly fine.
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Zanza (Xenoblade Chronicles, Mii Swordfighter)
Originally a scientist working on a project that would create the Xenoblade universe, Zanza is the half of Klaus representing his ambition, while his other half ended up in the world of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. His Mii Costume would be based on his battle at the Mechonis Core.
Mii Costume: Malos Swordfighter (XC2)
This dude is evil to the point that his name is basically "Bads" in Spanish lol. His armor is very cool tho and so is his definitively-not-Monado sword.
Oh then maybe Blood Falcon then
  • Loyale 3 Mii Costumes (Okidogi, Munkidori, Fezandipiti (2 Brawler and 1 Swordfighter)) (Pokemon)
  • Andross Mii Swordfighter (Starfox)
  • Vaati Mii Gunner (Zelda)
  • Ghirahim Mii Swordfighter (Zelda)
  • Madame Broodel Mii Swordfighter (Mario)
  • Wart Mii Gunner (Mario)
  • Zanza Mii Swordfighter (Xenoblade)
  • Malos Mii Swordfighter (Xenoblade)
  • Blood Falcon Mii Brawler (F-Zero)
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are the results of our voting. Thank you for taking the time to submit and vote.

Name5 Points4 Points3 Points2 Points1 PointTotal
Loyale 31 (5)2 (8)1 (3)0117
Andross003 (9)3 (6)116
Vaati2 (10)01 (3)1 (2)116
Ghirahim04 (16)2 (6)1 (2)024
Madame Broodle01 (4)1 (3)1 (2)110
Wart3 (15)1 (4)01 (2)122
Zanza2 (10)001 (2)214
Malos2 (10)001 (2)214
Blood Falcon001 (3)2 (4)18

We will be accepting the top two Mii Costumes which are both Ghirahim Mii Swordfighter and the Wart Mii Gunner costumes.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will begin a discussion round!

Discussion Round for Third Party Echoes

The criteria are the echo must be from a character introduced in past Smash games including Infinite. Please note that in Infinite, we did include Leon Kennedy, Ms. Pac-Man, Jin Kazuma, Rock Howard, Jeanne, and Roll. We are not submitting yet, just discussing. Our third party inclusion at the end of the roster won't have an echo.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
I'll want to have Kyo but Iori is very damn different specially how it's made here, like maybe special move-wise kinda fits only replace the down special for something like red kick but yeah it would be too stretchy, even beyond ken levels of stretchy. Maaaaaaybe an echo for Joker? Thought it doesn't matter if it isn't a character that truly completely fits (thought most people talks about Sumire and I lowkey agree) but it would be kinda lame to have another P5 character before anything else, is like if we are going to add a new Final Fantasy rep and it's Tifa or someone else before idk a character from the other gazillion of games without a VII in the title.

In short: I kinda don't want to have a third echo.
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