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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond

Which option should we go with? I can't operate both the wikia and front page anymore.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
While the votes are fairly close (several-point margins), we are currently at the number of typical voters that we usually get. We are currently sitting at 21 votes total. I am going to let them sit for a while before broadcasting the results.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I am unable to continue our next job due to... welll... having a job. The poll finishes in 15 minutes but I decided to finish the


With 10 votes, Louie is our first echo fighter character and will join our Infinite Beyond roster!

With that being said, being a first party echo fighter and one of two of ours in the roster, Louie will have some notable differences from Olimar.

Louie Echo Fighter Submissions

Here are the differences from Olimar to Louie:

  • Replace one of the Pikmin that Olimar has with a new one from Pikmin 4.
  • Replace the Final Smash with a new one
  • Potential changes to other normals
-If we get a good submission for a change to the Up Special or even give it to Olimar's prior one, that is also ok.

That being said, please submit one of the following:

  1. A new Pikmin to join Louie's Pikmin roster
  2. Louie's Final Smash
  3. A normal to replace Olimar's older moves
  4. If you want, a new Up Special. If we get any submissions, we can throw it into the voting pool.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Louie Changes
I'm going to suggest a different Up-Special, replacing Flying Pikmin with Swooping Snitchbug.

It works very similarly, but unlike Flying Pikmin, the number of Pikmin that Louie currently has at any time doesn't effect the speed at which the Swooping Snitchbug can carry him. It's a little on the slow side, however - the fact that it flies using its antennae as makeshift wings is referred to in several logs, so it kind of makes sense for this to be the case. This results in the range of the move being slightly less than Flying Pikmin's maximum range, but it's more continually reliable, in that you don't have to worry about how many Pikmin you have for it to work. As an additional little feature - if, for whatever reason, it's unable to pick Louie up... it'll rub its hands together like an actual fly (similarly to in the main series) and disappear.

As for why the Swooping Snitchbug specifically, the reasons are twofold - firstly, it's a reference to (spoilers for Pikmin 2!) Louie being one of the treasures in the game, known as the King of Bugs, and secondly, the fact that the Swooping Snitchbug is known for attempting to pick up and carry players away. (Curiously, it doesn't do the same for Pikmin, only picking them up and slamming them on the ground.) It's also a reoccuring enemy type from the entire series with appearances dating back to the first game, so it isn't exactly an obscure inclusion.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Louie Moveset Change:

Purple Pikmin -> Ice Pikmin
Identical somewhat in body shape, the Ice Pikmin gains the same properties as Olimar's Purple Pikmin but with a few changes: firstly they fly farther than Purple Pikmin, but not as far as the Red, Blue and Yellow Pikmin. Secondly, they deal Ice damage, giving them a chance to freeze anyone hit that gets higher based on input.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Considering we do not have any further submissions, we will be going with the following:

Up Special: Swooping Snitchbug
Replace the Purple Pikmin with Ice Pikmin
Final Smash: Ancient Sirehound

This Final Smash causes Louie to summon the final boss of Pikmin 4, the Ancient Sirehound which will rampage around the stage; casting our iceballs that can freeze opponents, unleashing bursts of electricity, and fireballs in all directions. This is a chaotic Final Smash which, in theory, has four phrases: initial rampage followed by turning around and unleashing ice balls into the air as it goes back, turns around, unleashes a burst of electricity, and then turns back and runs its original direction while shooting off fireballs. As a nod to the boss battle, the Ancient Sirehound will spout wings from its ears and fly away which ends the Final Smash. This doesn't have any impact on the battle. In all, the Final Smash lasts 12 seconds.

Submit Additional Content and Palette Swaps for Louie
We will be submitting additional content for Louie as an Echo fighter:

Entrance Animation (1)
Idle Poses (2)
Taunts (3)
Victory Screens (3)
Kirby Hat (1)
Boxing Ring Title (1)
Reveal Splash Tag (1)
Palutena's Guidance (1)
Snake Codec (1)
Classic Mode (1)

Palette Swaps

Louie will not have alternate costumes like Olimar does with Alph. Instead, he will have 12 colors for just his model. Now, we could utilize the Leaflin idea seen in Pikmin 4 for an alternate costume but just for one slot. Please submit an alternate color for Louie while providing the color slot it will belong to (red, green, etc) and any references it might take from Pikmin. Unused Olimar alternate colors from Brawl can also be submitted which had resulted due to Alph being playable.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Boxing Ring Title: "Interplanetary Foodie"

Taunts: Louie leans back and starts drooling while thinking about food before he shakes off the drool from his chin.

Splash Tag: LOUIE Gets Cooking! (A reference to Louie's notes on how to cook certain animals in Pikmin 2)

Palette Swaps:

Waterwraith (Black & Gray)
Based on one of the most infamous enemies in Pikmin 2, which returns in Pikmin 4. In Smash, Louie's suit becomes black, based on its vulnerable model from Pikmin 2, with the blue trims replaced with the grey from the Waterwraith's Flintstones-style wheels.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Louie's Classic Mode: Battle Connoisseur
This is one of those story-based classic modes, with the overarching plot being Louie wanting to collect food to make the ultimate dish, with the ingredients being based off fighters who are based off animals that are used as ingredients before fighting some picky eaters wanting to steal the dish he created.
1Crazy DaveRooftop (Omega)
Stock Battle (1 Stock)
Graze the RoofAll dishes need organic veggies, and where's the best place to get some exotic greens.
2RedPoached Eggs (1 Stock)Angry Birds ThemeGood old fashioned poultry and eggs, the stage is called Poached Eggs after all, I wonder who is poaching them this time.
3Inkling Male + Female, Octoling Male + FemaleDeepsea Metro (1 Stock)Shark BytesNow Louie wants some Surf and Turf, though he might of confused that with the Turf Wars.
4 DJ Octavio (Boss)I Am OctavioTurns out people don't like being eaten.
5Pac-man x4
Ms Pac-man x4
Tomodachi Life (Omega) (1 Stock)Gourmet Race (64)Louie tries to set up a resteraunt in the big city, but it seems some people are quite picky to hit food, they should be dealt with or else they will give you a bad review on Twitt- oh I'm sorry X
6Kirby (Giant)Tomodachi Life (Battlefield) (1 Stock)Gourmet Race (Brawl)Turns out everyone is a critic, this giant Kirby is different from other giant enemies due to the addition of super armor.
7King Hippo (Boss)Sumo BrothersHopefully, this is the last critic.
8Deviljho (Boss)
Of course a Deviljho invades Louie's shop, that thing hunts everywhere.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Louie's character profile is now up as are the alternate costumes for Gholdengo, Ryu, Ken, as well as Wario's veteran changes.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Also, in the 1/100000 chance that we get an update to the Smash franchise in the form of an Ultimate Deluxe OR even a new game announcement or really anything that might affect Infinite, we will grandfather said content into our products. If something we added becomes made available, to keep our timeline intact, we will go the Loki Route and not include that content in our base game product. That being said, it will be on a situation-by-situation basis.


Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023
I dont think smash gets any update here, but it does sound like we might get some stuff that could be useful for one of our planned reworks

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
And we dodged a bullet but we get to rope in more content based on the Direct. We are continuing to add additional content for Louie as well.

I believe we are all up to date on the front post but if someone could skim through it to ensure I didn't forget something. I do recall I have yet to add the Battle Hub section which I will later when we get it more fleshed out.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Thank you for your submissions! I will be adding them to the character profile page.

We will be jumping into the world of Assist Trophies by submitting...

Submit a First-Party Assist Trophy

Anything is fine as long as it's the first party. This will deconfirm the character.

Submit a Third-Party Assist Trophy from a Japanese IP

Any character who is from a Japanese-owned IP who has appeared on a Nintendo console or their franchise has appeared at least twice on a Nintendo console.

Here is a list of our Assist Trophies currently

  • Smash Infinite Beyond
    • Labo Robot
    • MC Horace
    • Nintendog
    • Oatchi
    • Parebo & Satebo
    • The Prince
    • Spyro
  • Smash Infinite
    • Adeleine & Ribbon (Kirby)
    • Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
    • Arle (Puyo-Puyo)
    • Asterius (Hades)
    • Ayumi Tachibana (Famicon Detective)
    • Balance Board (Wii Fit)
    • Big the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
    • Bokoblin (The Legend of Zelda)
    • Buzz Bomber (Banjo-Kazooie)
    • Chibi-Robo (Chibi-Robo!)
    • Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong)
    • Creeper (Minecraft)
    • Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter)
    • The Darklord (Miitopia)
    • DJ Adore & the Love Posse (Rhythm Heaven)
    • Dr. Nefarious (Ratchet & Clank)
    • Dr. Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)
    • Dragonlord (Dragon Quest)
    • Eggplant Wizard (Kid Icarus)
    • Elite Beat Agents (Elite Beat Agents)
    • E.M.M.I. (Metroid)
    • Erica Fontaine (Sakura Wars)
    • Euden (Dragalia Lost)
    • Flick (Animal Crossing)
    • Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)
    • Futaba Sakura (Persona)
    • Imposter & Crewmates (Among Us)
    • Jenna Anderson (Astral Chain)
    • Jena (Golden Sun)
    • Jody Summers (F-Zero)
    • The Knight (Hollow Knight)
    • Kula Diamond (Fatal Fury/King of Fighters)
    • Kuma (Tekken)
    • Medli (The Legend of Zelda)
    • Meow-Wow (Kingdom Hearts)
    • Mike Jones (Star Tropics)
    • Mona (WarioWare)
    • Monokuma (Danganronpa)
    • Morrigan (Darkstalkers)
    • Muddy Mole (Mole Panic)
    • Mumbo Jumbo (Banjo-Kazooie)
    • Nintendog (Nintendogs)
    • Paper Mario (Super Mario Bros.)
    • Pokey (Super Mario Bros.)
    • Poochy (Yoshi)
    • Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid)
    • Pyoro (WarioWare)
    • Seteth (Fire Emblem)
    • Space Invaders (Space Invaders)
    • Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog)
    • Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy)
    • Wave Racers (Wave Race)
    • Yoshimitsu (SoulCalibur/Tekken)
    • Yuri Lowell (Tales)
    • Zeke & Pandora (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
    • Zombie Horde (Plants vs Zombies)
When submitting, please provide a name and picture along with what franchise they are from, what the assist trophy does, and, for the third-party characters, why does this character deserve to be included as part of our very small third-party Assist Trophy lineup.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
First-Party Assist Trophy:

Mallow (Super Mario Bros.)
One of the two entry-original companions alongside Geno, Mallow is a self-proclaimed frog who was raised by the sage Frogfucius, when in truth he's the Prince of Nimbus Land. In Smash, Mallow will do one of the following abilities:
  • Thunderbolt: Mallow calls delayed bolts of lightning down on all enemies on the stage tracking the foe's position. This attack deals 7% damage and stuns on hit.
  • HP Rain: Creates a smiling cloud over the summoner that releases healing rain atop them. This heals 1% per 1/2 a second.
  • Shocker: You can't escape Mallow, he'll chase you to the ends of the Earth! ...or at least the stage. This is effectively a single-target version of Thunderbolt that deals double the damage and higher knockback.
  • Snowy: Mallow drops a large snowman on the ground that lingers as a 100HP construct for the remaining duration that Mallow is summoned. The drop itself deals 14% damage and freezes on contact.
  • Star Rain: This is essentially a variant of the Moon Assist Trophy, except it deals a single hit of 50% damage and is near-guaranteed to KO on hit.
  • Psychopath: Occasionally, there's a chance that Mallow will instead try to read a foe's mind, revealing an amusing (and usually nonsensical) quote regarding that foe.

Third-Party JP Assist Trophy:

Laharl (Disgaea, Nippon Ichi Software)
The villain-protagonist of the first Disgaea game, Laharl gets summoned to give Smash a serious punch in the throat. When summoned, Laharl will do one of the following attacks:
  • Overlord Barrage: A flurry of punches identical to Knuckle Joe's attack. This deals a total of 15% damage. When winding up for this attack, there's a chance that he will counter the foe that struck him for 1.3x the damage, and there's even a chance to counter any counter he triggers for doubles the reflector modifier of the counter he triggered.
  • Blazing Knuckle: Laharl performs what is basically Ken's Shinryuken Final Smash before performing a final downward smash that creates a large explosion, dealing multiple hits totaling at 27% damage and medium-high vertical knockback.
  • Overlord's Wrath: Laharl creates several balls of pure energy surrounding the nearest congregation of fighters before releasing it in a barrage that racks up 33% damage and high knockback.
  • Meteor Impact: Laharl summons (and actually hops onto) a meteor on the stage that explodes at the point of impact, dealing 40% damage and strong knockback. There is time to react before the meteor falls, however.


AKA nirvanafan
Oct 14, 2016
Pete the Farmer (Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Marvelous)

Farming RPGs have become a successful genre in their own right & this was the series & original protag that started it all & have a long history on Nintendo platforms.

There are 3 major components to these games that i wanted to represent Farming, Ranching, & Socializing. Pete will spawn 3 areas on the left, center, & right of the stage with each element being randomly placed in these 3 areas & Pete only interacting with 2 of them.

Farming - Pete is growing some hot peppers which burn players who touch them. If Pete interacts he will water, then harvest, then toss a cooled off pepper which can heal the summoner.

Ranching - A Chicken will spawn & attack any opponents who get too close, If Pete interacts he will pet, collect an egg, & toss to the summoner to use as a projectile. Sometimes this egg will be golden & do even more damage.

Socializing - A Harvest Sprite will spawn & give any passing opponent a negative status effect. If Pete interacts a possitive status effect will be given to the summoner.

Currently brainstorming ideas for a 1st party assist although not sure it will be quite as detailed.

EDIT - Didnt have any other 1st party ideas I really liked so will guve Yunaka & Micaiah another shot if thats allowed.

1st Party - Engaged Yunaka & Micaiah (Fire Emblem Engage)

Will have a mix of light magic & dagger attacks, either will use a close swing/explosion or a projectile depending on where nearby oppenents are at. Light magic attacks are weaker but will also heal the summoner slightly.
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Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
First Party Assist Trophy

Okeano’s Guardian (Endless Ocean)


We should use the assist trophy slots to add some of the nicher/more obscure Nintendo IPs in the game in some form. For this one, why not go with something from Endless Ocean? Okeano’s Guardian will swim back and forth across the stage. The danger sign will appear and when that danger sign starts to blink, get out of the way! This mighty shark can give you a nasty bite causing tons of damage and knockback. Also, you can KO this assist trophy as well.

I will possibly do a third-party assist trophy later.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007

Assist Trophy: Ring Fit Trainee

The Ring Fit Trainee will run around while performing feats of exercise and endurance. The longer they are left to run and exercise, the more powerful the shots they fire from the Fit Ring item. This concept is to keep the Ring Fit Trainee going until they can build up enough power. It doesn’t matter how many times they fire it but then being damaged decreases the damage output. The damage increases by 3% fir every second with a total of 45% with each blast if the trainee isn’t damaged at all

Assist Trophy: Felyne (Monster Hunter)

The Felyne appears and follows the player along as a comrade. During this time, it will unleash powerful strikes using its unique cat paw club. The Felyne is designed to prevent the opponent from stringing combos together by allowing the Felyne to interrupt attacks due to having a higher priority. The Felyne will generally attack but will increase the rate of attacks by targeting opponents who are attacking the character that summoned them. The idea is the Felyne prevents the opponent from pulling off combos.
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Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
First Party Assist Trophy:

Stella (Mario)

A screen shot of Stella from the Princess Peach: Showtime! Keyart

Princess Peach's new sidekick in Princess Peach Showtime. She will summon ribbons to attack opponents on the stage.

Third Party Assist Trophy

Frogger (Frogger)


Frogger will hop around the stage, and occasionally summon a car or truck to drive through the stage and ram opponents. He will summon around 3 cars or trucks, one at a time before disappearing. Cars are faster, but are smaller and do less damage, trucks are slower, but are larger and do more damage. Each of the three attacks has a 75% of being a car and a 25% of being a truck.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021

Eshop Bag
A little tribute to the now defunct 3DS Eshop, the Eshop Bag is a simple assist trophy all things considered. Its main gimmick is that you need to protect it rather than have it protect you as it is downloading data for a special purchase. When fully downloaded the Eshop Bag can give you either a free final smash, a full Dragoon, a full Daybreak, a Heart, an extra point in timed matches, or an extra life in stock matches. But again you need to protect it before it can give you the good stuff, otherwise you'll waste an assist.

Bill Rizer (Contra)
Aka, the player character in Contra, he has two unique gimmicks, one cosmetic and one gameplay, if he is summoned by either a character debuting in the 1980s or a Konami character he will appear as an 8-bit sprite from the NES game, however, anyone else who gets him will get his modern design from the upcoming remake. Now onto gameplay, most assist trophies have to be hit multible times to KO them, however, dies in one hit, just like in the original game, however he has a unique lives mechanic where he will respawn up to 5 times before finally being KOd. To make up for his frailty, he is easily one of the most powerful assist trophies damage-wise. He can swiftly switch between a wide spreadshot, a heavy damage-inducing flamethrower, and a piercing laser beam on the fly. These attacks deal much more damage than what is of the norm for attacks of this caliber, but again Bill is one of the frailer assist trophies to KO, so summoning him has some risk.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Flyfish (Splatoon)

Once summoned the Flyfish will appear in the background and fire a volley of powerful missiles onto the stage

Ikaruga (Ikaruga)

Once summoned Ikaruga will appear at the bottom of the screen and all the players (aside from the summoner) are marked with a White or Black marker above their head. Ikaruga will then start to fire bullets upwards at the stage and switch between white and black bullets

Those marked with White will take damage from Black Bullets

Those marked with Black will take damage from White Bullets
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Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023

Ashley Robbins
The star of the just announced to be remade another code. when summoned Ashley will flash her camera to stun foes. Unlike Yuri, this will be multiple times and can be done in multiple direction, she will also run around while doing it. Her flashes are weaker than Yuri's but quicker and there are more of them.


The main character of the cult classic SNES platformer Umihara Kawase and it's sequels. The game had a unique gimmick in that the main character would use her fishing rod to get around and attack enemies. when summoned she will run around and fling her rod out to grab a foe and reel them in, stunning them and pulling them towards her. a bit of an obscure pull but her games have a cult following and she has been a guest in games like Balde Strangers and Crystal Crisis
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are your submissions!
First-Party Assist Trophy:
View attachment 377725
Mallow (Super Mario Bros.)
One of the two entry-original companions alongside Geno, Mallow is a self-proclaimed frog who was raised by the sage Frogfucius, when in truth he's the Prince of Nimbus Land. In Smash, Mallow will do one of the following abilities:
  • Thunderbolt: Mallow calls delayed bolts of lightning down on all enemies on the stage tracking the foe's position. This attack deals 7% damage and stuns on hit.
  • HP Rain: Creates a smiling cloud over the summoner that releases healing rain atop them. This heals 1% per 1/2 a second.
  • Shocker: You can't escape Mallow, he'll chase you to the ends of the Earth! ...or at least the stage. This is effectively a single-target version of Thunderbolt that deals double the damage and higher knockback.
  • Snowy: Mallow drops a large snowman on the ground that lingers as a 100HP construct for the remaining duration that Mallow is summoned. The drop itself deals 14% damage and freezes on contact.
  • Star Rain: This is essentially a variant of the Moon Assist Trophy, except it deals a single hit of 50% damage and is near-guaranteed to KO on hit.
  • Psychopath: Occasionally, there's a chance that Mallow will instead try to read a foe's mind, revealing an amusing (and usually nonsensical) quote regarding that foe.

Third-Party JP Assist Trophy:
View attachment 377724
Laharl (Disgaea, Nippon Ichi Software)
The villain-protagonist of the first Disgaea game, Laharl gets summoned to give Smash a serious punch in the throat. When summoned, Laharl will do one of the following attacks:
  • Overlord Barrage: A flurry of punches identical to Knuckle Joe's attack. This deals a total of 15% damage. When winding up for this attack, there's a chance that he will counter the foe that struck him for 1.3x the damage, and there's even a chance to counter any counter he triggers for doubles the reflector modifier of the counter he triggered.
  • Blazing Knuckle: Laharl performs what is basically Ken's Shinryuken Final Smash before performing a final downward smash that creates a large explosion, dealing multiple hits totaling at 27% damage and medium-high vertical knockback.
  • Overlord's Wrath: Laharl creates several balls of pure energy surrounding the nearest congregation of fighters before releasing it in a barrage that racks up 33% damage and high knockback.
  • Meteor Impact: Laharl summons (and actually hops onto) a meteor on the stage that explodes at the point of impact, dealing 40% damage and strong knockback. There is time to react before the meteor falls, however.
Pete the Farmer (Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Marvelous)

Farming RPGs have become a successful genre in their own right & this was the series & original protag that started it all & have a long history on Nintendo platforms.

There are 3 major components to these games that i wanted to represent Farming, Ranching, & Socializing. Pete will spawn 3 areas on the left, center, & right of the stage with each element being randomly placed in these 3 areas & Pete only interacting with 2 of them.

Farming - Pete is growing some hot peppers which burn players who touch them. If Pete interacts he will water, then harvest, then toss a cooled off pepper which can heal the summoner.

Ranching - A Chicken will spawn & attack any opponents who get too close, If Pete interacts he will pet, collect an egg, & toss to the summoner to use as a projectile. Sometimes this egg will be golden & do even more damage.

Socializing - A Harvest Sprite will spawn & give any passing opponent a negative status effect. If Pete interacts a possitive status effect will be given to the summoner.

Currently brainstorming ideas for a 1st party assist although not sure it will be quite as detailed.

EDIT - Didnt have any other 1st party ideas I really liked so will guve Yunaka & Micaiah another shot if thats allowed.
First Party Assist Trophy

Okeano’s Guardian (Endless Ocean)

View attachment 377746

We should use the assist trophy slots to add some of the nicher/more obscure Nintendo IPs in the game in some form. For this one, why not go with something from Endless Ocean? Okeano’s Guardian will swim back and forth across the stage. The danger sign will appear and when that danger sign starts to blink, get out of the way! This mighty shark can give you a nasty bite causing tons of damage and knockback. Also, you can KO this assist trophy as well.

I will possibly do a third-party assist trophy later.
View attachment 377778
Assist Trophy: Ring Fit Trainee

The Ring Fit Trainee will run around while performing feats of exercise and endurance. The longer they are left to run and exercise, the more powerful the shots they fire from the Fit Ring item. This concept is to keep the Ring Fit Trainee going until they can build up enough power. It doesn’t matter how many times they fire it but then being damaged decreases the damage output. The damage increases by 3% fir every second with a total of 45% with each blast if the trainee isn’t damaged at all

Assist Trophy: Felyne (Monster Hunter)

The Felyne appears and follows the player along as a comrade. During this time, it will unleash powerful strikes using its unique cat paw club. The Felyne is designed to prevent the opponent from stringing combos together by allowing the Felyne to interrupt attacks due to having a higher priority. The Felyne will generally attack but will increase the rate of attacks by targeting opponents who are attacking the character that summoned them. The idea is the Felyne prevents the opponent from pulling off combos.
First Party Assist Trophy:

Stella (Mario)

A screen shot of Stella from the Princess Peach: Showtime! Keyart

Princess Peach's new sidekick in Princess Peach Showtime. She will summon ribbons to attack opponents on the stage.

Third Party Assist Trophy

Frogger (Frogger)


Frogger will hop around the stage, and occasionally summon a car or truck to drive through the stage and ram opponents. He will summon around 3 cars or trucks, one at a time before disappearing. Cars are faster, but are smaller and do less damage, trucks are slower, but are larger and do more damage. Each of the three attacks has a 75% of being a car and a 25% of being a truck.
View attachment 377777
Eshop Bag
A little tribute to the now defunct 3DS Eshop, the Eshop Bag is a simple assist trophy all things considered. Its main gimmick is that you need to protect it rather than have it protect you as it is downloading data for a special purchase. When fully downloaded the Eshop Bag can give you either a free final smash, a full Dragoon, a full Daybreak, a Heart, an extra point in timed matches, or an extra life in stock matches. But again you need to protect it before it can give you the good stuff, otherwise you'll waste an assist.
View attachment 377773View attachment 377774
Bill Rizer (Contra)
Aka, the player character in Contra, he has two unique gimmicks, one cosmetic and one gameplay, if he is summoned by either a character debuting in the 1980s or a Konami character he will appear as an 8-bit sprite from the NES game, however, anyone else who gets him will get his modern design from the upcoming remake. Now onto gameplay, most assist trophies have to be hit multible times to KO them, however, dies in one hit, just like in the original game, however he has a unique lives mechanic where he will respawn up to 5 times before finally being KOd. To make up for his frailty, he is easily one of the most powerful assist trophies damage-wise. He can swiftly switch between a wide spreadshot, a heavy damage-inducing flamethrower, and a piercing laser beam on the fly. These attacks deal much more damage than what is of the norm for attacks of this caliber, but again Bill is one of the frailer assist trophies to KO, so summoning him has some risk.
Flyfish (Splatoon)

Once summoned the Flyfish will appear in the background and fire a volley of powerful missiles onto the stage

Ikaruga (Ikaruga)

Once summoned Ikaruga will appear at the bottom of the screen and all the players (aside from the summoner) are marked with a White or Black marker above their head. Ikaruga will then start to fire bullets upwards at the stage and switch between white and black bullets

Those marked with White will take damage from Black Bullets

Those marked with Black will take damage from White Bullets
View attachment 377768

Ashley Robbins
The star of the just announced to be remade another code. when summoned Ashley will flash her camera to stun foes. Unlike Yuri, this will be multiple times and can be done in multiple direction, she will also run around while doing it. Her flashes are weaker than Yuri's but quicker and there are more of them.

View attachment 377769
The main character of the cult classic SNES platformer Umihara Kawase and it's sequels. The game had a unique gimmick in that the main character would use her fishing rod to get around and attack enemies. when summoned she will run around and fling her rod out to grab a row and reel them in, stunning them and pulling them towards her. a bit of an obscure pull but her games have a cult following and she has been a guest in games like Balde Strangers and Crystal Crisis

First Party Assist Trophy
  1. Mallow (Mario)
  2. Yunaka & Micaiah (Fire Emblem)
  3. Okeno's Guardian (Endless Ocean)
  4. Stella (Mario)
  5. Ring Fit Trainee (Ring Fit Adventure)
  6. Eshop Bag (Eshop)
  7. Flyfish (Splatoon)
  8. Ashley Robbins (Another Code)

Third Party Assist Trophy
  1. Laharl (Disgaea, Nippon Ichi))
  2. Pete (Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Marvelous)
  3. Felyne (Monster Hunter, Capcom)
  4. Frogger (Frogger, Konami)
  5. Bill Rizer (Contra, Konami)
  6. Ikaruga (Ikaruga, Treasure)
  7. Kawase (Umihara Kawase, Success)


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
In other news, I'm doing a WIP draft of the boxart for SSBIB. It's...a little awful at the moment but I'll try to improve.
View attachment 377516
My plan ATM is to have the first characters of all the previous entries (Mario, Peach, Meta Knight, Villager, Inkling and Isaac) square off against the Infinite Beyond newcomers (So far Saki, Gholdengo, and whoever becomes our Pikmin Echo from the looks of it) with Master Hand in the background. Sounds fun, right?
Boxart update incoming: added Inkling and Isaac.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Boxart update incoming: added Inkling and Isaac.
View attachment 377781

Game Mode: Submit Our First Episode

We will be submitting a story mode which is in episodic formats that are largely self-contained segments. The idea is that episodes should take about 2 to 3.5 hours to complete and should have a particular theme to it. While it is perfectly fine to have all of the roster available in the segments, the idea is to shine the light on unique crossovers while creating a creative and developed story that utilizes the universes that Smash brings into its fold. In addition, this is the first episode that will be made available to players so it needs to be one that has a lasting impact on players that doesn't only show the mode off but the game as a whole. While silly-nilly themes are fine, please try to mold your episode in a way that all players will get something out from.

Here is what we need to submit:

  • Name of the Episode
  • Characters you can choose from (no more than 10)
  • Characters you encounter in battles
  • Sypnosis of the Episode (this is the meat of the submission)
  • Final Boss
  • Any other notes
Here is an example:

Save Mario!

Characters: :ultsnake::ultlink::ultluigi:
Characters you encounter in battles: :ultmetaknight:Nightmare, DJ Octavio, :ultridley::ultbowser::ultkrool::ultsephiroth::ultwolf:Louie, :ultmewtwo::ultdarksamus::ultenderman::ultmario:

Sypnosis: Mario has been taken captive by a band of villains as ransom against an organization named S. Luigi enlists the aid of Luigi and Link to infiltrate the fortress that lies in a frozen mountain secret facility where secret weapons are underway. Battles that are fought here are zany with all sorts of different properties to battles. This includes sudden shifts between stages, opponents growing in size, etc. Fight through the wave of villains and enemies to finally face against a mutated Mario.

Final Boss: Mutated Mario


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Episode One: The Quest for Apple Pie!
Characters: Kirby, Link, Louie
Battles: King Dedede, Joker, Bowser, Crash, PAC-MAN, Enderman, Wario, Sephiroth, Louie

Synopsis: A very hungry trio - Kirby, Link and Louie - have been baking a delicious apple pie in Kirby's house all day! (Even if Louie has been trying to sneak bugs into the recipe wherever possible.) However, with the apple pie finished and cooling off on the side, a knock is heard on Kirby's door! Whilst all three of them are distracted... the apple pie has disappeared? Where could it have gone!? Setting off in search of the apple pie, the trio go on a quest to try and find once and for all who took it, or where it is - following leads or advice from each person they do battle against on their quest. They first visit King Dedede given his history of stealing food, but he's apparently got nothing to do with it... maybe it could be another thief of some kind? After travelling from place to place with seemingly no end in sight, and even fighting Sephiroth, they end up coming up empty-handed... but the very last battle reveals that Louie stole the pie for himself at the very beginning! H-how could he?!

Final Boss: Heavyweight Louie (Louie, but significantly heavier and heavier-hitting than normal. Basically, "Metal Louie", but without the metal effect. Presumably, he ate the WHOLE PIE all to himself. How greedy!)

Additional Notes: I feel like a more light-hearted story would work pretty well for the first Episode, and it's a good way of introducing players to the concept without raising the stakes too high from the off - whilst also allowing different characters to be introduced in a slightly comedic fashion, and poking a bit of fun at different elements of the games being referenced (like the Enderman's tendency to pick up blocks potentially being mistaken as kleptomania, the Kirby series' tendency to have final bosses against god-like beings, and Louie's deceptive nature). Plus, it shows off a variety of different worlds in the process!

That said, there's a couple of big players here too, setting up future Episodes in the process. Maybe Bowser's busy overseeing the construction of a Super Airship, for example, and he's slightly annoyed that the trio are bothering him - that could set up a fun future conflict. Plus, Kirby, Link and Louie being a trio sort of works gameplay-wise - Kirby's really approachable as a newcomer, Link's a little more complex but still understandable, and Louie's a little more cerebral, which interestingly kind of fits into how he's kind of the traitor of the group. Plus, each of them are related to cooking in some way - Kirby has a ravenous appetite, Link's BotW/TotK series features cooking as a central mechanic, and Louie's constantly eating bugs.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021

Game Mode: Submit Our First Episode

We will be submitting a story mode which is in episodic formats that are largely self-contained segments. The idea is that episodes should take about 2 to 3.5 hours to complete and should have a particular theme to it. While it is perfectly fine to have all of the roster available in the segments, the idea is to shine the light on unique crossovers while creating a creative and developed story that utilizes the universes that Smash brings into its fold. In addition, this is the first episode that will be made available to players so it needs to be one that has a lasting impact on players that doesn't only show the mode off but the game as a whole. While silly-nilly themes are fine, please try to mold your episode in a way that all players will get something out from.

Here is what we need to submit:

  • Name of the Episode
  • Characters you can choose from (no more than 10)
  • Characters you encounter in battles
  • Sypnosis of the Episode (this is the meat of the submission)
  • Final Boss
  • Any other notes
Here is an example:

Save Mario!

Characters: :ultsnake::ultlink::ultluigi:
Characters you encounter in battles: :ultmetaknight:Nightmare, DJ Octavio, :ultridley::ultbowser::ultkrool::ultsephiroth::ultwolf:Louie, :ultmewtwo::ultdarksamus::ultenderman::ultmario:

Sypnosis: Mario has been taken captive by a band of villains as ransom against an organization named S. Luigi enlists the aid of Luigi and Link to infiltrate the fortress that lies in a frozen mountain secret facility where secret weapons are underway. Battles that are fought here are zany with all sorts of different properties to battles. This includes sudden shifts between stages, opponents growing in size, etc. Fight through the wave of villains and enemies to finally face against a mutated Mario.

Final Boss: Mutated Mario
Um since you submitted a custom boss for your example, are custom bosses allowed in this mode, if so what are the limits.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Um since you submitted a custom boss for your example, are custom bosses allowed in this mode, if so what are the limits.
Custom bosses would be more or less the same fighters but with power ups, stat changes, and what not. One way to look at it is heavily expanded Event Matches.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Episode 1: Heister La Vista!
:ultjoker:, :ultwario:, Anna, :ultkrool:, :ultsteve:
Battles: :ultsheik:, Dr. Eggman, DJ Octavio, Waluigi, :ultridley:, Lara, Officer Howard, Leon, Reimu, Gholdengo

Synopsis: Rumors of a treasure worth lifetimes in money has circulated across the scene. A band of unlikely thieves have come together in an attempt to steal it: Joker, the charismatic leader. Wario, the muscle of the operation. Anna, the mischievous little charmer. King K. Rool, the big man with surprising genius. Steve, the surveyor with eyes as far as Redstone can reach. But rumors...tend to spread like wildfire among the populace. This ragtag band of misfits must band together to fight off rivals such as Waluigi and Lara Croft who also searching for the treasure, evil scientists like Eggman and DJ Octavio who seek to use it for their own purposes, and protectors of the law like Leon and Reimu who would seek to take them in and keep it safe to reach the goal. Survive just enough, however, and you'll find your prize...

Final Boss: Treasure Gholdengo (The battle against Treasure Gholdengo is an HP-based battle. Giant and redundantly covered in gold, Gholdengo is hard to take down, but the reward is ever-so-worth it.)

Notes: Each battle has a sort of gimmick based on who you're facing:
  • The Rival Thieves (Sheik, Waluigi, Lara) are faster than you in speed and attack frame data.
  • The Evil Masterminds (Ridley, DJ Octavio, Eggman) spawn sci-fi items that can be used against you.
  • The Protectors of Law (Officer Howard, Leon, Reimu) have the stages lined up with traps that will debuff you should you trigger them.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are the results of voting! Thank you to everyone for taking the time to submit and vote!

First Party Assist Trophies
Name5 Points4 Points3 Points2 Points1 PointTotal
Mallow6 (30)5 (20)1 (3)0150
Yunaka & Micaiah02 (8)02 (4)113
Okeno's Guardians1 (5)1 (4)3 (9)1 (2)323
Stella1(5)2 (8)1 (3)2 (6)224
Ring Fit Trainee04 (16)2 (6)3 (6)129
EShop Bag4 (20)1 (4)4 (12)0338
Flyfish1 (5)003 (6)213
Ashley Robbins2 (10)1 (4)3 (9)4 (8)132

We will be accepting the top two submissions which are:

Mallow from Super Mario RPG and the EShop Bag from the Nintendo EShop

Third Party Assist Trophies

Name5 Points4 Points3 Points2 Points1 PointTotal
Laharl1 (5)1 (4)03 (6)419
Pete1 (5)4 (16)2 (6)2 (4)431
Felyne2 (10)4 (16)2 (6)1 (2)134
Frogger5 (25)1 (4)5 (15)1 (2)046
Bill Rizer3 (15)3 (12)3 (9)2 (4)141
Ikaruga1 (5)1 (4)1 (3)3 (6)220
Kawase2 (10)1 (4)2 (9)3 (6)228

Konami is eating well in this game with a total of two Assist Trophies: Bill Rizer from Contra and Frogger from, well, Frogger. Needless to say, Konami probably won't be getting any further representation via assist trophy.

I will be keeping submissions open for a while longer for our episodes. Probably for another 12 hours.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here is my submission

The Festival of Smash

Characters: :ultmario::ultkirby::ultlink::ultpit::ultvillager::ultinkling::ultolimar:
Battles: :ultpiranha::ultrob::ultsteve:Crash:ultsephiroth::ultincineroar:DJ Octavio:ultdk:Ashley:ultbyleth:Red:ultsnake::ultbowser:
The Festival of Smash is about to commence and the universes meet to welcome the rebirth of the festival! On this day, a shining Final Smash Orb is erected above the festival square. Plans are underway with Peach and Daisy heading the construction of the festival for this year. They are waiting for a very special guest. However, they a short of a number of things and they seem to be missing from the Princess Peach's storerooms. The Princess tasks you with finding items on her list to complete the festival preparations. The list indicates where the item can be found but, unfortunately, it seems certain individuals are hoarding the item for their own.
  1. :ultpiranha:: Flower pots and bouquets
  2. :ultrob:: ROB servers and waiting staff
  3. :ultsteve:: Construction materials
  4. Crash Bandicoot: Crates of Wompa Fruit
  5. :ultsephiroth:: JENOVA-branded Cocktails
  6. :ultincineroar:: BBQ-cooking materials and food
  7. :ultdk:: Wood for Construction
  8. Ashley: Magic show
  9. :ultbyleth:: Tapestries, rugs, and other decorations
  10. Red:Games to Play
  11. :ultsnake:: Boxes
  12. :ultbowser:: Power Star to Power up the Festival
Some result in battles between the fighters in order to get the item while others are more of a competition such as a race, break the targets competition, 100-man Melee, and so on. Once the players gain every item needed, the Festival commences which then segways into the opening trailer for Infinite Beyond.
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