Sleepwalk our lives away.
I'm not sure why you are being leaked info from the BBR :\ This probably would have been better for a PM, but I suppose it's all out in the open now anyway :\
Anyway, I really would like to be able to say nicer things about you. I've had a few conversations / meetings with you that were perfectly pleasant. The problem is that the vast majority of them are outweighed HEAVILY by your incredibly poor behavior NUMEROUS times in the past.
I have seen good in you and even enjoyed seeing you, but you've started SO MUCH drama, caused so much unnecessary bickering, been extremely rude and offensive to SO MANY people SO MANY TIMES. I always used to stand up for you because I knew you weren't really a bad person, but you just kept making me look like a fool for believing in you.
So now you say you've reformed. I applaud that, and hope it is true, because I believe you could be a great asset to the community. You will understand however that I have significant reservations about believing this new attitude will stick.
Admittedly I haven't seen you in a year or so, but you only have yourself to blame for my, and anyone else's, negative perceptions toward you. You've built up a mound of negativity for yourself over YEARS.
I am, of course, very open to the idea of you changing. You have to realize though that if you intend to change people's perspectives of you, you'll have to outshine your previous actions. Suffice to say, you have a lot to work towards in terms of getting back into the positive with a lot of smashers, not just me.
To be blunt, I don't think there is anything you can do to convince me to vote for you this round. I look forward to talking to you in the future and hope that I will be able to recommend you at some point, based on your attempts at reformation.
Anyway, I really would like to be able to say nicer things about you. I've had a few conversations / meetings with you that were perfectly pleasant. The problem is that the vast majority of them are outweighed HEAVILY by your incredibly poor behavior NUMEROUS times in the past.
I have seen good in you and even enjoyed seeing you, but you've started SO MUCH drama, caused so much unnecessary bickering, been extremely rude and offensive to SO MANY people SO MANY TIMES. I always used to stand up for you because I knew you weren't really a bad person, but you just kept making me look like a fool for believing in you.
So now you say you've reformed. I applaud that, and hope it is true, because I believe you could be a great asset to the community. You will understand however that I have significant reservations about believing this new attitude will stick.
Admittedly I haven't seen you in a year or so, but you only have yourself to blame for my, and anyone else's, negative perceptions toward you. You've built up a mound of negativity for yourself over YEARS.
I am, of course, very open to the idea of you changing. You have to realize though that if you intend to change people's perspectives of you, you'll have to outshine your previous actions. Suffice to say, you have a lot to work towards in terms of getting back into the positive with a lot of smashers, not just me.
To be blunt, I don't think there is anything you can do to convince me to vote for you this round. I look forward to talking to you in the future and hope that I will be able to recommend you at some point, based on your attempts at reformation.