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St.Louis Area Discussion Thread


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2007
St. Louis, MO
that is so magically manly i don't think my brain can contain it. the idea of a 54 hour smash fest sounds amazing, although i might have to leave at some point for work and seeing either watchmen or street fighter. don't worry i know both will be bad for different reasons (watchmen: i've read the comic and will know what actually happens compared to the **** they will serve me... street fighter: there is nothing that will save the lack of thighs, street fighter fans understand that comment) anyway keep me posted.

everyone should go to metals for awesome smashfest tomorrow btw, you can ask ironboots and asc it is fun.

Also metal, nyus, legan, nuris, and radium i have something as good as if not better than (atleast in my opinion) "But i poop from there" i shall be bringing it over tomorrow on my hard drive. i would like to have all 5 of those people there before i show it, so let me know if you won't be there so as soon as the others show up i can just go ahead and show it.

man that was one of my longer posts, too bad i won't get credit for it cause it is in the social room.
There was extreme lack of thighs and D-charge + Up Kick moves. Seriously, there was like one. Wtf?? right?? But Kristin was pretty hot, not going to lie, and I hate her for it.

I have a test I'll be studying for on that day so I'll be there by 9 30pm. We can totally do that shindig then? Please?

Radium you play Kirby right? Kirby is my new main in Brawl. I even beat Thinkaman's Jiggs last Friday at Geno's LOLLLLLL
Fuuuuuuckkkk really? I can't beat Kyle because I've played him like a total 2-3 matches but since you're apparently good, dittos please? If this brawlsomeness actually happen??

I have gotten better!! I can do d-airs now and combo throws, as long as you don't DI out of them ;)

Edit: Omg, I loopholed the system. Will they yell at me for cursing??


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2009
St. Louis/ Gaithersburg, MD
Kyle: throw some 'Tussin on it. There comes a time.

Also, vitamins (as opposed to solely fried foods) can do wonders for the immune system. And don't give me none of that "I just ate a banana" baloney.


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
If I haven't eaten anything, what does that mean?

I can't decide if I am going to throw up a 4th time or not...


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2007
St Louis
This really isn't in response to anything. Sometimes I don't really know what to say in this thread, but I am always thinking how much I like St Louis smash. If only we all went to the same highschool together and went to the same person's house every day after school to smash until the day is done.

Why? I don't know.


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2008
megaman is SO Difficult T.T
It's just aggravating since it's mainly based on spikes and pitfalls. Seriously, the only time I die by losing all my energy is when I fight a boss I don't know how to beat.

Kyle, why are you getting sick all the time? You need to improve your diet or something. Also, I don't give a crap who you play, use the Downsmash. The 10,000th match should be finished with a fully charged Captain Falcon Downsmash (although a [Reverse] Falcon Punch would also be acceptable). If someone wins it with something lame like an Uair or Side Smash, worthless...

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Edit: Omg, I loopholed the system. Will they yell at me for cursing??
I think that's a joke, but they did say that rules aren't as tight in social threads nao. whatever that means.

They also said no brawl vs melee discussion, but we all know that won't work out.

Also megaman is like the only platformer(ish) game I didn't play on the snes, because it was too hard and I wasn't having fun.

Donkey Kong Country >>> captain falcon's nipples.

If you want difficulty just go to the hidden world in DKC2, animal antics is both difficult and fun. except for the bird part, wind is dumb.


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
This really isn't in response to anything. Sometimes I don't really know what to say in this thread, but I am always thinking how much I like St Louis smash. If only we all went to the same highschool together and went to the same person's house every day after school to smash until the day is done.

Why? I don't know.
<3 Toga!

lol dude the other day when you were at my work, I was like "That's one of the people who are better than me at smash!" and some of my co-workers were like "OoooOoOOooOOOOoooh!" lmfao. Good times.

Also, 5pm tonight childrens, bring your leetness! David if you don't come I will gouge out your eyes with a wooden spoon.


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
Also, 5pm tonight childrens, bring your leetness! David if you don't come I will gouge out your eyes with a wooden spoon.
whats this about?
I host smash every Tuesday at my place-- David (FutureWrestler) has missed the last few due to work (read: **** YO JOB, *****, GET YO SELF SOME SMAYASH, NYYAAAAHHH!).

... aaaaaannnndddd... that's what that's about.

... so who the hell are you, anyway?


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2008
Woo, after playing for about an hour and a half I beat all 8 the Megaman 9 bosses. I'm coming for you Wily!


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2008
I still do not understand how there was so much **** from two Lucases. NO COMPRENDE!
It didn't help that I couldn't play for **** last night. Meanwhile rauleen got stupid good out of no where. I just spent like 2 hours watching vids, I walked away with 2 things: 1)shoot things and run away, 2)hit things in the air and run after them. hopefully I can calm down some and actually implement some of that next time.

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
you and radium were both waaaaaaay overusing rolls. It was annoying (lol I think everything is annoying), and really punishable. Thats why like 1/2 of the time you approached people, you ate a smash attack.

You guys both have good reaction time and general spacing, you just do a lot of things out of habit which are easy to punish. Like kirby's down B, or rolling.

If you remember I think it was like the only match me and kolby lost it was down to you and me, and you pwntasticalled me because I couldn't approach with your projectiles. And so I couldn't punish your "omg he's close to me imma roll" reaction. Im not saying just run away and spam, but your game when you are right next to the person needs work more than anything if you are trying to improve. Don't just react by rolling in back of the person, predict what they are going to do and punish it.


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2008
you and radium were both waaaaaaay overusing rolls. It was annoying (lol I think everything is annoying), and really punishable. Thats why like 1/2 of the time you approached people, you ate a smash attack.

You guys both have good reaction time and general spacing, you just do a lot of things out of habit which are easy to punish. Like kirby's down B, or rolling.

If you remember I think it was like the only match me and kolby lost it was down to you and me, and you pwntasticalled me because I couldn't approach with your projectiles. And so I couldn't punish your "omg he's close to me imma roll" reaction. Im not saying just run away and spam, but your game when you are right next to the person needs work more than anything if you are trying to improve. Don't just react by rolling in back of the person, predict what they are going to do and punish it.
oh ok. see i know rolling is bad, if you go to the ROB forums like half the threads are devoted to "ROB roll LULZ don't use it". i think part of the reason i was rolling so much is that i was just having a bad day yesterday and reverted to how i was playing before i started playing with you guys.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2006
Kyle if you're feeling well enough on Friday to have people over I'm definitely coming. Don't take it personally if I show up wearing a mask or something. One of the great things about medical school is that it makes you a hypochondriac.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2006
Not gonna lie, I would have no idea what to do against Sonic; I imagine it's kind of like playing a Jigglypuff who only did Rollout.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2009
St. Louis/ Gaithersburg, MD
Not gonna lie, I would have no idea what to do against Sonic; I imagine it's kind of like playing a Jigglypuff who only did Rollout.
As an ex-Sonic main (read: current vegetarian) I think I can field this one. It is NOTHING like that. With Jigglypuff, you want to get into the air, or somehow avoid the roll. With Sonic, you want to shield. There is absolutely no incentive to do anything else, besides a down tilt. While he may be fun to watch, he is frustrating as heck to play (unless your opponents are incredible noobs that can't time a smash attack).

Lol, the last sentence applies to most Sonic games released in the past decade or so.


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
LOL I knew this a long time ago.

My Lucas + Kyle's Ness = Magic
I just had the greatest picture in my head ever...

So, Lucas does his SH dair spike thing, to d-tilts, right? Where he normally gets an f-smash when they trip? But instead, his Ness teammate hits the guy with PK fire--Lucas does PSI magnet and hits the opponent with the ending hitbox. Then just to be obnoxious Ness grabs him out of the knockback and f-throws to a Lucas u-smash.

90% damage dealt, 20% healed on Lucas.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2006
Haha I've only played one singles game and one doubles game against Sonic EVER so I don't know.

Singles: against Samantha, I lost
Doubles: I think it was your Sonic, I F-smashed with Ike for the win

I'm only .500 against Sonic lifetime (and have a losing record against Ganon.) :(
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