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SQUAT Mafia - Game to Restart

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Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2005
Oh well. I guess he's just.. Different
EEP 4 hours till the deadline

I refuse to vote sieg because of a bad week he had at work

I am pretty sure he is town.

Im going to keep my vote on Melancholy

WTB activity from the people who haven't voted on either wagon

What are your reasonings for this


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
I don't want to vote Melancholy or Sieg because I believe neither to be scum, Sieg moreso than Melancholy though after reading Melancholy's latest post he has pointed out key facts which will help town no matter how you look at it.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2009
Newcastle, AUS
11) If a majority has not been reached, then there is a forced No Lynch.
Quoting this for emphasis.

DEADLINE IS VERY CLOSE, as in, a couple of hours.

Get voting people, the mafia would just love to have a no lynch first day, check out Rocky mafia :urg:


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2009
Newcastle, AUS
Well I think it's clear who it's between today, I'd like to see Sieg's reasoning why we should we vote Melancholy instead of him as Melancholy has essentially done the same.
I'd also like to see this.

Zero, the main reason I've been suspicious of Sieg is that he was flying under the radar. Now you're doing the same. I want to see you actually make some sort of relevant contribution to the game. It's all too easy for the mafia to blend in if players like yourself also go unnoticed. Hence the bandwagon on Leisha right now. Toshi has been quiet as well.


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
If only I were psychic, then I could make a significant contribution.

So far I notice Arrow is eager to vote randomly, to start and participate in bandwagons. I think the Sieg/Melancholy thing is ********.


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
To be honest I don't want either of them lyched today

Everyone should vote Leisha :D
Trying to start another bandwagon, this wont get us anywhere by shuffling between people constantly. very suspicions.

To be honest i dont think there should of been a a deadline extension

And that is because look at the activity of late. Expect 2 more days of this

I doubt we will get 2 more pages of activity.

I thought the results already reached a majority right now

Anyways, sorry for not being around. Been suffering depression, work being gay the fun stuffs.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
I know ive been kinda lurking but thats because this last minute discussion seems unneccesarry. trying to create a last minute lynch bandwagon on someone who hasnt already been voted only makes it more likely for no lynch to be declared. I think the chance is that you wont enough votes to constitute a majority. We need to lynch someone unless you WANT mafia to get a free kill, Consider that before you guys changed your votes we still didnt have a majority. By going off and doing your own thing at this point you are reducing the already small likelihood of anything getting done by the end of the day.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2009
I'm still keeping my vote on Sieg. He hasn't posted in ages and he should at least try to convince me that he's not mafia.

The whole Leisha bandwagon is pretty weird. Yes, I do agree that Leisha is a bit sus, but do we really need a deadline extension? We can use the information from today's lynch to help find the mafia. I mean, we basically got people into two groups. We just need to use the information to seperate the mafia from the townies.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
we got a small one. hurry up and lynch someone. town shouldn't be able to get an extension.

if u haven't noticed i have almost given up on reason for today -.-
Vote: Sieg


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
FoS: Arrow
Quick to jump onto bandwagons.

Melancholy, My first vote on you was more non-serious like your first vote on me with Zero. I didn't expect people to jump on at all. I'd like to vote Arrow right now but I don't want to add to the confusion right now and get a No Lynch. Melancholy, I don't like how you were silent until close to the deadline, is there any reason as to why you didn't post your defense sometime beforehand? I think you might just be adding to the confusion and trying to get a No Lynch happening in the confusion.

To everyone: Please post a list of your top 3 suspicious people before the deadline so that we can get more information out of you just incase you die :] Feel free to add as much detail as you like as to why.

Melancholy: I would like to see your list in particular.

My own list is:
1) Arrow - Keeps jumping onto bandwagons without much reasoning.
2) Shaya - Seems to want to continue lurking even after being asked not to.
3) Melancholy - He isn't reacting as I'd expect him to from how he was posting Day 1 of Rocky Mafia. Not really all that much to go on.

So, I'll vote Arrow if people are happen with another deadline extension.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
also at muzaga u sus bucket. we will get less info if we dont kill. even if its a townie, some mafia will have or not voted for him and this info will stack in the later stages of the game.
town has a few free guesses, so use them


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2009
Newcastle, AUS
Melancholy, I don't like how you were silent until close to the deadline, is there any reason as to why you didn't post your defense sometime beforehand? I think you might just be adding to the confusion and trying to get a No Lynch happening in the confusion.
I hardly think this is justified. If anything I was one of the more active people up until the deadline. I was about to request the deadline be extended myself until Vlade did it. Besides, I had already detailed my thoughts on who I thought should be lynched, I didn't have much else to say besides defending myself, which I did with plenty of time before the deadline. Yourself and Zero are more suspicious on that count as neither of you posted until after we got the extension. Sieg as well, but he hasn't posted in a while.

I took my time writing a "defense" because
a) I wanted to let the bandwagon play out somewhat.
b) I felt I needed to back off a little as I was sticking my neck out by gunning so hard for a Sieg lynch.
c) I needed time to write an adequete response.

I felt I posted it at the right time. I had hoped it might get town discussing again, especially on the day of the deadline, but apparently not.

To everyone: Please post a list of your top 3 suspicious people before the deadline so that we can get more information out of you just incase you die :] Feel free to add as much detail as you like as to why.

Melancholy: I would like to see your list in particular.

My own list is:
1) Arrow - Keeps jumping onto bandwagons without much reasoning.
2) Shaya - Seems to want to continue lurking even after being asked not to.
3) Melancholy - He isn't reacting as I'd expect him to from how he was posting Day 1 of Rocky Mafia. Not really all that much to go on.

So, I'll vote Arrow if people are happen with another deadline extension.
1) Sieg- Pretty obvious. He's been flying under the radar and continues to do so even with votes on him. When he posts he avoids the issues. I've said all this before.
2) Zero - Mostly the same reasons as Sieg. Never makes any sort of useful posts for the town, is generally very quiet.
3) Arrow - Too quick to jump on any bandwagon that presents itself, and is always flip-flopping with his vote. Usually with no reasoning, as summoner has said.

My suspicion for Muzga has somewhat abated, mostly due to his increased activity, and the fact that he is willing to answer any and all questions put to him.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Yeah, flying under the radar with votes on me. How is that flying under the radar? Pretty sure you've all got me in your sights already.

I don't know what you want from me really, I'm just trying to protect myself from getting lynched.

I voted for Muzga at the start because I wanted to get a reaction out of him with two votes on him at the start of the game. Pressure.

I voted for you because you voted for me. It's easier to counter-act one's claims and it adds doubt to both people when they're both voting for each other, because it looks ********. I voted for you to sway votes around me.

Zero, Summoner, Shaya were all inactive WAY before I stopped posting for a bit, and yet I'm your only suspect? The one who votes for you and was getting pressured by Muzga for voting him? I thought it was pretty funny too.

I've been at a school for the past 4 working days, working in 45+ degree heat, in a small server room without any sort of aircon/fan/exhaust fan. I'm not taking **** from you just because I wasn't posting at the time.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2009
Newcastle, AUS
I just said I found Zero and Summoner suspicious, are you even reading at all?

If you cant be involved in the game, replace out, you're only hurting town.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
How about I don't replace out and just annoy the **** out of you endlessly?

Yeah, you said YOU did.

You asked for my opinion on it and I said what I saw. I read it pretty clearly.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2005
Oh well. I guess he's just.. Different
Sieg does make a point tho melancholy.

Those 3 were way inactive before him

I know you have said they were sus

But you put your vote onto sieg

Thats like a police officer arresting someone who stole a candy bar and letting the guy who robbed the cash register at knife point off with a slap on the wrist.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
also at muzaga u sus bucket. we will get less info if we dont kill. even if its a townie, some mafia will have or not voted for him and this info will stack in the later stages of the game.
town has a few free guesses, so use them
You clearly didnt read my post at all.
I was saying to make a decision instead of wasting time playing the pressure game. I never said i wanted a no lynch, Only to warn people and remind them that we DO have a deadline so we should probably make a decision on who to lynch.

Also the way you're playing this game seems really suspicious. Youre rushing into all kinds of bandwagons and you seem to have a tendency to change your votes heaps and generally act like a huge loose cannon. Im not sure about whether thats just because youre poking for suspicious people or you're just really unconvincing as mafia, or you just want this day to be over or whatever. At this point Im not sure what to make of you
FOS: Arrow


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
not a loose cannon.
i gave my list of who i think is possibly mafia.
and ive been voting all of those 4. not random. but the rate of it is frantic since i do want a lynch today.

well sry muzga if i interpeted it wrong >.<
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