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SQUAT Mafia - Game to Restart

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Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008



Just trying to do something until everyone comes back.
Also Alex, get on irc for a little bit :]


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Life is too short, and we are in dire straights.
Mafia should have a job description such as God or JESUS (revive power).
We are already well aware how much of an ******* God is. The real question is who is the GOD [maybe father?]. Why is there an omnipresent being able to do such terrible things.

My words are riddle-filled in nature. Hopefully they be a catalyst for interesting explosions of DATA.

Yuki.n> DATA.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
a good mafia wouldn't joke around to much

i think zero is town. based on his posts, even tho they can be sus at times. such as the previous one.
i think summonner and vlade and on to something
especially summonner, shaya does seem sus.
ill wait for his reply to summonners post.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!

Nothing has happened other than clear babble.
Obviously we have seen several votes for lynching; no one has really claimed real reasons. Up until now of course.

This started off with Lord Bowser targetting myself.
His reasons were of course random.
Obviously this is suspicious to me.
If he is in fact Mafia, my random remarks raise query with others, his vote becomes hopefully apart of a crowd. However, not many people have yet to rush into voting.
Other than three people: Lord Bowser, Summoner and Vlade.

At the same time, before my remarks, a potential bandwagon was started by Vlade as well; following on with a vote from Seig.

Summoner has also been voted twice, by Melancholy and Zero.
In essence, Vlade is to me, being sly in his votes and questions.

Summoner @ Me: Why are you mentioning mafia so much? Some might consider someone asking the mafia to claim are in fact mafia trying to throw people off. Why should people not consider your actions to be akin to these

I can only answer this in an abstract, or paranormal way. I feel slightly possessed as of late by something that seems to naturally procure my words in an unorthodox and arguably suss manner. I hate it so. I either have to remain quiet or somewhat become a highlight.

Im worried that both Muzga and Toshi have been relatively quiet. Muzga, another player of Perth contingency has been nearly postless whilst both Vlade and Lord Bowser are active, and mind you, very abrupt in passing on a vote of lynch to myself.

For the time being, until I feel the two coincidences are not merely just that:

Vote: Vlade


Atemon Game
Aug 7, 2008
confiirmed, sending supplies
So the first vote of the game (mine) was random, and that makes me suspicious? I can't exactly post extensive reasoning and it was a vote to get stuff moving more so than anything else. You're posting habits are strange to say the least surely you can understand you're under suspicion know for a reason.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Im worried that both Muzga and Toshi have been relatively quiet. Muzga, another player of Perth contingency has been nearly postless whilst both Vlade and Lord Bowser are active, and mind you, very abrupt in passing on a vote of lynch to myself.

For the time being, until I feel the two coincidences are not merely just that:

Vote: Vlade
Shayas worried about me! im touched:D
Well perth has been postless because three of us were at a 2 day smashfest/tournament which was awesome!
You must understand, all ive tried to do so far is get the ball rolling at the beginning stages of the game.

Also i really don't understand why you type like a crazy person


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Nothing has happened other than clear babble.
I disagree. You're the one that has been demonstrating clear babble so far whereas there are people playing proactively and actually trying to pick out the scum. We've also learnt bits and pieces of players' approaches to this game which is vital.

Obviously we have seen several votes for lynching; no one has really claimed real reasons. Up until now of course.
I believe otherwise. There is no need to claim reasons for voting, some motives are sometimes best kept secret for various reasons.

This started off with Lord Bowser targetting myself.
His reasons were of course random.
Obviously this is suspicious to me.
Who said they were random? Like arrow said, many votes that may appear to be 'random' may not necessarily be so, Lord Bowser's included. You suspect him for a random vote yet you vote for me instead when I provide rational reasoning.

If he is in fact Mafia, my random remarks raise query with others, his vote becomes hopefully apart of a crowd. However, not many people have yet to rush into voting.
Other than three people: Lord Bowser, Summoner and Vlade.
I believe that the only way to pick out the scum is to play proactively. Sitting around and 'waiting for opportunities' is not going to achieve anything and is definitely the incorrect mentality to have when approaching this game. I realise that this can be interpreted as WIFOM however, which side you choose to go with is up to you.

At the same time, before my remarks, a potential bandwagon was started by Vlade as well; following on with a vote from Seig.
I'm going to state for the record that there was no reasoning behind my vote bar Muzga's potential response, or lack of response to my action. I deem his response to Sieg's vote rational given the circumstances.

Summoner has also been voted twice, by Melancholy and Zero.
In essence, Vlade is to me, being sly in his votes and questions.
What gives you this impression? Please give reasoning.

I can only answer this in an abstract, or paranormal way. I feel slightly possessed as of late by something that seems to naturally procure my words in an unorthodox and arguably suss manner. I hate it so. I either have to remain quiet or somewhat become a highlight.
Highlight > Quiet. By a long way.

Im worried that both Muzga and Toshi have been relatively quiet. Muzga, another player of Perth contingency has been nearly postless whilst both Vlade and Lord Bowser are active, and mind you, very abrupt in passing on a vote of lynch to myself.
I agree with this, though I'm not necessarily abrupt in passing on a vote against you, this is merely an assumption you have made with no reasoning to suggest why you have made this assumption.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Im just well aware you cant go by anything at all on the first day.
Unless this version of mafia has something truly unique, we have to wait until night time until we know anything.

Im bad at being crazy. I wish Jesters existed.


Atemon Game
Aug 7, 2008
confiirmed, sending supplies
Im just well aware you cant go by anything at all on the first day.
Unless this version of mafia has something truly unique, we have to wait until night time until we know anything.
If last game taught me anything it was that you can definitely go by things on the first day as Vyse and Summoner have shown me.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
For every new game I play I throw myself in what I consider the deep end.
You either learn fast or die fast.

How do you really go by things on the first day by a players words though?
The way someone rallys lynches is one thing however.

I agree this will definitely sound like WIFOM but I have no intention of going after a lynch at this time.
I am definitely curious of patterns emerging though.
At the moment I believe I have 3 votes against me to Lynch. Summoner has two.

I agree that I have no solid foundation of voting for Vlade other than coincidence. But in what is currently a pretty quiet town, there is not much else to go by.
For the time being:



Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2009
Newcastle, AUS
Shayas worried about me! im touched:D
Well perth has been postless because three of us were at a 2 day smashfest/tournament which was awesome!
You must understand, all ive tried to do so far is get the ball rolling at the beginning stages of the game.

Also i really don't understand why you type like a crazy person
Seriously, what is this?
Ok, you (and many other players) have been away and unable to post, so we expected a quiet few days. Upon your return, this is the best you could come up with?
Actually make a post of substance instead of skirting around the current issues in the game.

Muzga, I want to know what you think of the game so far, and who are your main suspects for todays lynch. You claim that you were trying to get the ball rolling, well it's rolling now, lets see what you make of it.

All I see at the moment is you avoiding the issues, which seems very scummy to me.

FoS: Muzga

Shaya, posting cryptically will only put further suspision on yourself. There's no need for it.
Also, there can be plenty to go off for the first day. As Lord Bowser pointed out, in Xiivi loves America Mafia, town was able to weed out the Mafia Godfather on the first day. From there it was really quite simple for them to catch the final mafia. Making the right lynch first day can have a huge impact on the game, so lets get it right.

At the moment, it seems like you're trying to restrict towns information by posting weirdly and writing off Day 1.

Having said that, at least you are posting :ohwell:
Zero, Toshi, Leish, Seig, Moose, Arrow,
Where you at?


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Whole weekend tournament involving Jackie Chan: Fists of Fire was where I was at.

I got 3rd. <3


I've got nothing to say really. My votes been placed until something else comes up that may differ my response.

Things I've seen. Shaya is posting like a ******. Leish is gone but atleast she's posted. Same with Zero.

Moose hasn't posted at all.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008

Shaya's either being silly or has a posting restriction that makes him posts crazy. So, who talked crazy at SQUAT guys?


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
I've been around, just yesterday I had a tourney :3 Should be active now, no worries

Okay, so I thought at first that Shaya was being a lil bit strange with his posts, but summoner brpught up a very good theory that this could be related to a posting restriction. He seemed a lil sus at first, but ill let that pass now since I never thought of that in the first place.

People I'm watching out for right now would be mugza, and would like to see more feedback from toshi and moose.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2009
Newcastle, AUS

Shaya's either being silly or has a posting restriction that makes him posts crazy. So, who talked crazy at SQUAT guys?
S.D - The Commentator? Kas (Sirias) again?
I hadn't really thought of it that way. If he persits in posting weirdly even though it's heaping suspision on him, it could very well be a flavour thing.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I can only answer this in an abstract, or paranormal way. I feel slightly possessed as of late by something that seems to naturally procure my words in an unorthodox and arguably suss manner. I hate it so. I either have to remain quiet or somewhat become a highlight.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Yeah, I know Alex (although I tried to use it as a town thing in Rocky mafia. get at me)

So Perth guys, who did you talk to at SQUAT who talked like Shaya does now?


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Although I can agree with Summoner's post, I can also disagree with it.

Remember to not get too bunkered down with the suggestion that Shaya may have a passive like that.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
What does this mean? What patterns?
Only that of Vlades initial random vote following having Sieg cast a vote quickly after. Sieg giving no reason at all.
And that Vlade was quick to revote for me after a critical post by Lord Bowser.

Theres little to go on at the time other than mannerisms.
The mafia, like god, work in mysterious ways, I would hope that they would be more respondant to my prayers so as to reduce the amount of town peoples lives lost. I do not wish to mourn for more of my friends such as S.D and Vyse.

Whos side is God on? Ours, the town people, or the Mafia? UGHHHHHHHH


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2009
Vote: Muzga

I believe Muzga may be hiding something.

You doesn't post often. When you do, your posts usually contain little or no information, which makes it seem like you're avoiding the issue altogether. So Muzga, I'd like to ask you a few questions:

1. Judging from previous posts, who do you think is most likely mafia and why?
2. What are your thoughts on Shaya's situation?

I think Shaya is townie, as it would seem odd for a mafia to be posting that often with such a weird posting restriction. If a mafia had such passive ability, they would try to avoid standing out from the crowd and only post when necessary.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
mmm i was getting the vibe shaya was mafia tho... i didn't like his unvote and the way he posted (lol)
i dont know if its a passive or not but if its not i would not be hinting my role.
@shaya are you hinting your role? -,-

he also forgot to mention me, i haven't been 2 agressive with voting. partly away at lansmash and still deciding.

kas would be a good guy.. unless pete sees him as evil.
so either the perth guys are heroesc, or evilesc.
if i made the game the OOSers and the trollin locals would be the mafia.
i dont have much to go on, cant metagame pete well enough.

btw i feel melacoly is maf due to post 79
he says the vote was random but i am betting its not. summonner has proved to be pro-town enough. i think a mafia that iniatlly voted him would change and rather go for the night kill. only stupid town would stay on XD. also the language he uses in his posts are very hmm persasive? (like "to be honest"). he doesn't have to say that town should always be honest.


ide need more decent arguements to hop on someones bandwagon, such as the vlade sedan and the summonner hatchback.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
Vote count:
Lord Bowser - 0
SummonerAU - 1 (Zero)
Muzga - 2 (Sieg, Toshi)
Sieg - 1 (Muzga)
Vlade - 0
Shaya - 2 (Lord Bowser, Vlade)
Arrow - 0
Leisha - 0
Melancholy - 1 (Arrow)
Moose - 0
Toshi - 0
Zero_ - 1 (SummonerAu)

Deadline for Day 1 is 15th Feburary 10:00pm(2200) AWST (sorry guys, but I won't be able to keep track well in AEST :p). With 12 players alive, it takes a vote of 7 to lynch!


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Seriously, what is this?
Ok, you (and many other players) have been away and unable to post, so we expected a quiet few days. Upon your return, this is the best you could come up with?
Actually make a post of substance instead of skirting around the current issues in the game.
Wow. Well i didnt expect the first post after i got back to have so much stake. Dont rush me, im a busy man. Making this game go quickly wont necesarilly increase your chance of figuring out who mafia is. You seem to have a lot of stake in how i'm posting and the only reason why you think i'm suspicious is pretty much because i havent been around. You're treating it like i'm more likely to be mafia then anyone else but the only real reason is because you can't find anyone more suspicious then that. That is also the reason why, aside from yelling, when i see this thread i don't jump in yelling. I pointed suspicion and voted for sieg and there was what i thought was a somewhat rational reason for that at the time, for example.

Muzga, I want to know what you think of the game so far, and who are your main suspects for todays lynch. You claim that you were trying to get the ball rolling, well it's rolling now, lets see what you make of it.
At first i thought and i still do kinda suspect shaya. He seems to be dodging questions instead of adressing them a lot of the time. I also think that sieg was quick to shut up after i suggested he may have been trying to start a bandwagon, but maybe thats because as a player he also wants to avoid suspicion. There is still a lot in this game that we dont know and it would be unwise to llynch someone without first hearing them out. You guys did a good job of finding mafia last time this way but the chance is that we have better mafia players this time around. Sorry trav but you didnt really do anything

All I see at the moment is you avoiding the issues, which seems very scummy to me.

FoS: Muzga
Youre wrong and it makes me sad

Vote: Muzga

I believe Muzga may be hiding something.
Well you are right, Im hiding something.
So is everyone else if you think about it XD
Everyone has got something to hide. At this point for all you know I could be mafia, I could be the doctor. You don't have enough information to discern, even if im hiding something important, what it is

For the record im not mafia.

You doesn't post often. When you do, your posts usually contain little or no information, which makes it seem like you're avoiding the issue altogether. So Muzga, I'd like to ask you a few questions:

1. Judging from previous posts, who do you think is most likely mafia and why?
2. What are your thoughts on Shaya's situation?
Well ive already answered those questions but until sieg does something or i see someone do something more suspicious im not moving my vote off of sieg. Id like to see what sieg does next.

I think Shaya is townie, as it would seem odd for a mafia to be posting that often with such a weird posting restriction. If a mafia had such passive ability, they would try to avoid standing out from the crowd and only post when necessary
I wouldnt just dismiss shaya outright like that. Im very untrusting, im not going to vote for him but keep in mind that that could be his strategy


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Muzga you should be more bold than that. Actually place a vote on him rather than FoS :p

And I just realised the pun I made >_> Please excuse me


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
i am not convinced by that post muzga.
but then again i dont find you suspicious to begin with.

yeah i agree not with placing to much trust in shaya. but he has mine atm.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Because it's Zero.

Zero must be voted off Moose. My logic is undeniable.
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