About characteristics = equivalence, my argument was more like you have one eye, cyclops' have one eye therefore you are a cyclops.
See, you're missing a step. You need to show that there does not exist a creature with one eye that is not a cyclops. In other words, you're saying, If P (Cyclops), then Q (one eye.) Q. Therefore P. This is flawed. It's incorrect reasoning. You need to show either 'If Q then P' or 'If not P then not Q'. Then and only then does Q -> P.
There is nothing flawed in that. Granted my argument was more complicated than this but for you to have one eye and argue that you are not a cyclops I did feel that his point warranted repeating over and over again.
I think you need to take a logic class
It appears you're obviously very ignorant on the zoophilia and zoosexuality, and if that is the case then don't argue the topic and don't pretend to know what you are talking about. Not all sex with animals is ****, animals are capable of giving consent in this manner, and you obviously seem to believe that the human is always the penetrating partner, not true at all, male animals readily have sex with female humans when encouraged to do so.
Lots of citation needed. How, pray tell, can an animal give consent? Can you talk to them?
Animals like humans have sex drives which is something people unjustly ignore as to have to confront an awkward situation. Almost every species of intelligent mammals have been documented to masturbate and engage in homosexual behavior. Don't tell me something as stupid as all sex with animals is **** because it just isn't true.
Why don't you try providing evidence to support your claim. I'll give you this though: if you can have sex with an animal such that it isn't ****, then it should be morally okay. Big burden on you to show that's the case though. And even then, you're only helping my point.
Now I ask again, please tell me what makes homosexuals inherently better than Zoophiles?
There's several differences besides consent, (which you still haven't given any evidence of.) For one, different species opens the door to various health concerns. Two, the animal is likely dependent on its owner, which creates an unfair power struggle ('do it or I won't feed you'). Three, there's also the maturity problem in that an animal is incapable of understanding the consequences of sex like a person would, but that's sort of tied in with consent. Regardless, I don't have any problem with cross-species relations, provided the animal isn't being *****.
So what's the problem with homosexuality again?