"Your" game? Who ever said anything about modifying your Wii or your copy of Brawl? If you're going to pitch a fit about hacks then you should also be condemning every other Game Genie, Codebreaker, Action Replay, and any other cheat/modification devices in the history of video games for the same reasons. While we're at it, ban modchips, Freeloaders, and all other hardware modifications because that's not how the manufacturer designed it. In fact, no one should ever modify anything ever again because someone will inevitably dislike it.
Excuse me if I seemed a bit rash, as I was tired. It was foolish of me to post without further organizing my thoughts.
When I meant "my" game, I meant Brawl in it's purest state. Brawl unhindered by any hack and/or mechanic that would in any shape/manner/form/fashion change it from anything than what it is as of now. "My" game being "Competitive Brawl". That is the game that I play.
My argument is simple. Hacks are fine, as long as the competitive scene remains untouched. As in, hack all you like, it's your game, but please don't bring them into a tournament.
Furthermore, you tell me when a game genie/action replay/etc was used to modify a competitive game. And, if you do, was it a competitive game that is significant as Brawl?
Lastly, I do not mind people altering the game outside of the tournament scene for obvious reasons. Like people have said in this forum, who am I to tell others how to have fun? That is childish and stupid. However that isn't what I meant, but is again my fault due to me not thinking before typing.
However, wouldn't it make sense to keep the tradition of not changing the game in a COMPETITIVE tournament scene? If you wish to play competitive melee, then play competitive melee, but who are YOU or anyone else to tell me that this tournament scene is to be altered via hack simply because others cannot let go of the melee mindset?
I say keep the hacks to yourself, but out of the tournament arena. There's nothing wrong with having fun, but when your idea of fun clashes with another person's idea of fun, that's when problems arise, which is why hacks should stay out of tournaments, among other reasons.
Edit- Apologies to Ginger and to anyone else I came across as stupid in my post, lol.