Whee. First shoutout post.
Scar - Always a great tournament. Probably shouldn't have entered and just done the friendlies though. Guess I should have found out about the pools earlier. Anyway, finally got my set with you. Thanks for keeping melee alive and strong. After this tournament I realize just how much I like it better than brawl. (Even if I'm probably better at brawl.)
Vex!: Thanks for being patient with the complaining I did about money. (that goes for pretty much everyone though.) Thanks for letting me bum that one money match, but I think if we're both at the next one I owe you five bucks. Seeing as how I took your money with no problem the first time. Thanks for chilling with me on and off most of the day. Good stuff. PM your friend code on brawl.
Hax or however you spell it: Good money match. You're a tad cocky though aren't you? Doesn't make me feel that "honored" to fight you. (his words, not mine)
WoZ: Epic brawl money match. I lost way too much money at this tournament, but that one was the most worth it. I was really hoping I'd win though. Heh. Ended up even more behind in my funds.
Clai: DON'T PSYCHE YOURSELF OUT! Confidence is so key. Don't sell yourself short to someone you've never even seen play. Just do your best. Your MGAW is a lot scarier than I thought he was gonna be, and you did pretty stellar against my Link. I didn't expect any of this because you started with, "You'll probably beat me." You're better than you think you are man. Or... wait. Maybe I got mindgamed and you knew it all along. >_>
VaNz: I don't feel I played as well at this Link ditto as I did in the previous one. Even so, the low tier goodness is always fun. I wish I played more matches with you.
Sensei: Hah. I don't know why I even did that money match. I knew I'd lose. Even so it was really fun, and the prize was too big to pass up. When you get back, please tell me I'm the only one who tried that money match, even if it's not the truth. The bravery is all the dignity I have left.
Tec0: I don't really know if we played, and I'm not even really sure if it was you, but if you were the Shiek that took on and beat that Marth with 4 more stocks than you in a crew battle, awesome job. Just amazing.
KCS: Wow man. Wow. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever do money matches again until you're 400% sure you can beat the person, or until you're as good as M2K.
Everyone else that I played today... I never gathered names. I feel bad about that. There was this blond curly haired person I played about seven doc dittos with. And then a Falco player I played my doc against. Said something along the lines of, "Let's make this computer explode with crappy gameplay."
If you played a doc player with a mustache and long hair, it was probably me. Identify yourself if you want a shoutout.
Also, anybody feel like teaching me some things at the next one? I think I've gotten as far as I can practicing alone and with the people that live around me.
Edit: Oh yeah. And sorry I didn't say bye to a lot of people. My ride was illegally parked so I needed to get out fast.