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Smashboards Creates: An Alternate Videogame Universe... And Its Smash Bros.

What Should Our Roster Size Be?

  • 45

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • 36

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • 30

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • 25

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
A while ago I had a thread going on called The Super Smash Bros. Of Another Universe. Now I was thinking about it and I thought it could be cool to do a successor leaning more heavily into the alternate universe angle. The first thread was all about a celebration of the gaming industry so how about one in an alternate universe where the video game industry evolved differently. The icons of the industry the way we know them now don't exist and instead it was spawned from different companies, different people, and different games. This will be a massive project where we decide how the industry and world would be changed in this universe.

How we'll go about this is that we'll make up original characters (or repurpose existing characters to have been made for video games instead) to be added to the Super Smash Bros. of this universe. We will then do jobs to decide the story of this character and how they innovated the videogame industry. So we'll basically be doing both a Super Smash Bros. and a whole universe for it! Here are some rules:
  • You can make up companies or get existing companies to be our videogame companies in this thread. It has to be electronic companies or toy companies or at least a company it would make sense to be innovators in video gaming.
  • Similarly, famous people who worked outside videogames can be repurposed into being videogame developers if you feel it makes sense within the world we established and their personality. We can also use people who worked on videogames but I would like us to do it sparingly and they can't just make the same IP's the same way because that would just defeat the purpose of this thread
  • We will eventually be incorporating how the world was changed by these games. Just make sure it is realistic don't be like "the world was plunged into world war 3 because of this videogame"
  • Have fun and don't take it too seriously. A big part of videogames in our universe was the feud between an Italian plumber and a blue hedgehog on a console named after a bible book, remember sometimes silly things can push the medium forward. At the same time, remember to keep these realistic,

The first jobs will be arriving shortly so I'd like to welcome you all to this thread!

Information from this site will be catalogued on a wiki here:
Alternate Videogame Universe (miraheze.org)

No release dates: Super Mario Bros., Winstann: Attacks of the Robo-Ducks, Treasure of Ancienterra: Underworld, Treasure of Ancienterra: Forgotten Dunes, Treasure of Ancienterra: Gate of Zeus, Drawing with Winstann, The Talented Lady Tinker, Mr. Tinker in the Land of Dreams
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Job #1: Submit A First Videogame
This will be our most important and most open-ended job. Submit the first ever videogame and what its gameplay is like and a basic summary of how and when it was created (including the company, main creator, and inspiration/reason for making the game). This will not be related to our Super Smash Bros. game as planning for that will come a bit later, for now we just make the base of what a videogame is here. Please make it relatively distinct from early videogames in our universe but realistic enough to make sense.

If you have any questions about this or any other future jobs feel free to ask.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2021
The Virtual Poker Machine

In this universe's 1953, computer scientist and avid Poker fan George Pollenstroff had changed the world with his creation "The Virtual Poker Machine." It was just 6 screens. (5 players and 1 "dealer") According to urban legend, Pollenstroff had gotten a little too annoyed with his roommate "borrowing" his set of poker cards, so he responded by creating a poker set "that could never be stolen." due to the incredibly bulky nature of computers at the time.

Players were shown their hand on their screen with a series of acronyms (such as C3 for 3 of clubs, DK, for king of diamonds, etc.) with buttons for calling each opponent (their screens labelled 1-5) and the other actions you can take in Poker. When it's time to reveal the cards, both hands are revealed on the universal "dealer" screen. This was also touted as a "cheater-proof" way to play Poker. And, in hindsight, was technically the first video game.

The machine saw relatively high success and fame in the world of 50's computing. Though not really anything mainstream and definitely nothing compared to the size of video games today.

I know pretty much nothing about Poker so if I got anything wrong... uh... that's how it works in this universe. Yeah.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2020
Balatro Brainrot
Escaping A Haunted Museum (2001)

In 1998, technology and computers were still used primarily for convenience. All until a website designer, Mario Pong, who was a fan of chose-your-own adventure books picked up another (Idk, Goosebumps Escape from The Carnival of Horrors maybe) and thought to try replicating that on a computer. So he grabbed two of his friends, Edwin Madden (in charge of lot of writing) and Mel Griffith (in charge of art) to help Mario Pong (who did most of the coding) to create what we'd commonly know as a Point and Click Adventure. The, in hindsight, game was made and released in 2001

In the game you play as an untitled MC who is trying to get a job anywhere after "tragedy happened" (not explained much, assumedly to either allow you to self-insert or because Edwin is a lazy writer), when he gets a job as a Night Guard at a museum. Gameplay consists of puzzle solving, choices of where to go and paths to take, dialogue options with some of the more friendly attractions that came to life, and holds up surprisingly well all things considering.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
Bash The Badgers (1890)

The War of the Currents has come to an end. Thomas Edison has successfully invented the light bulb, besting Nikola Tesla in both speed and notability. After his loss, Tesla, in this universe, does not move onto the next invention - rather, he wondered if his AC electrical system and differing light bulb from Edison's could be used for another purpose. If his rival were to conquer the market of electric light as a utility, he would occupy a different corner - entertainment.
He wondered, if one could manipulate dozens, maybe hundreds, of small bulbs in a grid, could they present a picture? Or, even better, interact with it? Thus, we have the first videogame developer - Nikola Tesla.

(It's not crazy to think he might've had the opportunity to come up with videogames. He did invent the first drone and the first remote control, after all.)

Tesla's first game is quite simple, only consisting of 5 rows and 5 columns of light bulbs that utilize AC energy - and they're all average sized, meaning they take up an entire wall of his house. It's called Bash The Badgers (an equivalent to our universe's Whack-A-Mole). There are four "holes", or diamond shapes made up of four lights each, with a dormant one in the center. A "badger" will "appear" from one of the holes every so often (light turns on inside diamond). The audience member (Tesla had yet to use the term 'player' for this new form of entertainment) would press one of four buttons, each indicating a different diamond, to turn off the light inside of the diamond when it appears, also known as...well, bashing the badgers. Said badgers popped in and out at differing intervals, due to another set of buttons behind the wall that would be pressed by small seesaw-like contraptions that Nikola attached to cooking timers (which existed just a few decades earlier in this universe).

Tesla invited some friends and fellow inventors over to try it, and to his delight, Bash The Badgers was a hit, and because of this Tesla hosted several parties where the main attraction was his very invention. Quite a few large news publications recorded on the "light game", but it was not seen as a huge breakthrough by the scientists, analysts, critics, and local politicians - rather, a waste of time. No more important than rock-paper-scissors or tic-tac-toe. But Tesla disagreed. Why? Because he saw the delight on the faces of his friends and colleagues as they simply pressed a button and saw a fun response. There was skill and reaction time involved, and people got better as they played more.

It had its rough spots. For instance, the game was boringly easy for Tesla after he invented it, knowing the badgers' intervals by heart. Soon, others would find it easy as well - but they enjoyed the challenge that came from figuring that out. Computers hadn't been invented yet, so Tesla couldn't implement a reward or punishment system (though he did offer shots of his notably expensive scotch to anyone who bashed 30 badgers in a row). The wires were messy and resulted in at least 15 recorded tripping accidents for the poor guy and some of his guests (in this universe, this is how he got the motivation to start inventing wireless electrical power!) But Tesla saw much potential in the light game, despite all the obvious issues.

He would work on improving it - removing the wires, making smaller bulbs and attaching them to boxes with the mechanisms inside, which he would sell for $5 each, incredibly expensive for the time, but worth the price, he felt. Bash The Badgers saw pretty much no commercial success, though Tesla himself made enough money to afford to pursue his endeavors further, and was able to fully fund his Wardenclyffe Tower by dipping into funds from Bash The Badgers' sold copies. This would greatly advance communications by allowing for transatlantic telephony and faxing, meaning those across the ocean would soon hear word of the revolutionary game Tesla had invented.

Today, you can still play free versions of Bash The Badgers on basically anything, or visit Tesla's own home/museum and try out the original yourself. It's pretty boring by today's standards and completely blown out of the water by games like it (see Whack-A-Mole). Still, though, you can't really call yourself a true gamer if you haven't experienced even a single version of Nikola Tesla's iconic light game.

(to take a page out of Baysha Baysha 's book, if I got anything wrong, historically or scientifically, just chalk that up to another difference in this universe)
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Superman: First Flight (1958)

Veteran and Scientist Louis Longstreet was a big fan of Superman and the character helped him through the 2nd World War. Louis as a scientist was pursuing Computation and Cathode Ray Tubes and how they can be minimized and used for many other aspects. Using his knowledge Louis created a large box with a CRT screen inside of it, and a cutout of his favorite character, Superman, on the side of the cabinet. Louis was able to create a unique experience where moving the Superman cutout up and down could interact and change the images on the screen. Louis ended up creating an experience where you would guide superman through cutouts in large pillars, hitting a pillar would cause the game to turn off, getting through the pillar would send another one in, the game would become a large test of endurance and Louis' friends would come over and have a blast playing it. Louis ended up presenting it to Detective Comics who fell in love with Louis' work and would then hold an exhibition where people would be able to play the game "Superman: First Flight" for only a penny.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
A while ago I had a thread going on called The Super Smash Bros. Of Another Universe. Now I was thinking about it and I thought it could be cool to do a successor leaning more heavily into the alternate universe angle. The first thread was all about a celebration of the gaming industry so how about one in an alternate universe where the video game industry evolved differently. The icons of the industry the way we know them now don't exist and instead it was spawned from different companies, different people, and different games. This will be a massive project where we decide how the industry and world would be changed in this universe.

How we'll go about this is that we'll make up original characters (or repurpose existing characters to have been made for video games instead) to be added to the Super Smash Bros. of this universe. We will then do jobs to decide the story of this character and how they innovated the videogame industry. So we'll basically be doing both a Super Smash Bros. and a whole universe for it! Here are some rules:
  • You can make up companies or get existing companies to be our videogame companies in this thread. It has to be electronic companies or toy companies or at least a company it would make sense to be innovators in video gaming.
  • Similarly, famous people who worked outside videogames can be repurposed into being videogame developers if you feel it makes sense within the world we established and their personality. We can also use people who worked on videogames but I would like us to do it sparingly and they can't just make the same IP's the same way because that would just defeat the purpose of this thread
  • We will eventually be incorporating how the world was changed by these games. Just make sure it is realistic don't be like "the world was plunged into world war 3 because of this videogame"
  • Have fun and don't take it too seriously. A big part of videogames in our universe was the feud between an Italian plumber and a blue hedgehog on a console named after a bible book, remember sometimes silly things can push the medium forward. At the same time, remember to keep these realistic,

The first jobs will be arriving shortly so I'd like to welcome you all to this thread!

I will be making a wiki to catalogue what we have decided here on this thread so I'll put it here once it's up.
Metagon Royale (2005)
The flashship franchise of Fire Pearl Inc, this first entry was the brainchild of Hirohiko Akari, who after ending the popular manga series Jojo's Bizarre Adventure with Part 6, Stone Ocean, began to grow weary of the growing popularity of edgy and realistic vehicular combat games and so used his art design to create a lighthearted and tounge and cheek parody of the genra, which eventually became an iconic racing game franchise in its own right. Mixing the turning system of the OTL Crash Team Racing, the ability to choose between various planes, cars, and hovercrafts from Diddy Kong Racing, and the ability for each character to have their own signature item in Mario Kart Double Dash. Metagon Royale features characters, each from a different tribe, which then represent a different elements, those being:


From these tribes come 3 characters each, bringing the total roster to 24, each character can then choose a control style each with their own strengths and weaknesses:

Balance-class has average stats across the board
Speed-class has high top speed and acceleration but poor drift
Drift-class has the smoothest drift but the slowest acceleration
Combat-class has good acceleration and fast recovery from hazards but subpar handling
Trick-class has the best boosting speed and off road speed but the worst drift

Each character has 8 items, 4 shared among all characters, two unique to each tribe, and two unique to themselves. This gives a lot of customization, which is increased further by the ability to create custom tracks and share via online servers. Overall a very unique and influential brand with some iconic characters including main heroing Primodia of the Shadow Tribe, assassin Spines of the Corrosion tribe, reincarnated messiah Galvanox of the Storm tribe, and big bad Purity of the Light tribe

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Realistic Computer Companion (1968)
A pet simulator told entirely through text, essentially an early text adventure without the "adventure". Realistic Computer Companion was tested at trade shows using a typewriter hooked up to a computer, but was only produced for a very small sample of museums and not arcades. You could pet the dog, bathe the dog, feed the dog, and give the dog toys - the dog would grow bored if you did the same thing over and over; but grow impatient if you refused to do a certain activity for too long, giving the game a very primitive AI. It was very easily cheated by just doing the activities in order on repeat.
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
First game submission:
Tank war! (1960)
Tank War is a 1960 video game made by american scientist Robert Morris Page who was responsible for radar technology. He used stuff like radar screen to build up the console for the game. The game is shown on radar-like screen. The red dots represent tanks and while lines represent the borders of the map.

The gameplay is like Wii Tanks, but it's seen from bird view and it's more primitive in terms of graphics.
The objective of the game is to kill all opponents while shooting at them in the tank. The player amount ranges from 2 players to 4 players.
(In this universe, this game was one of first multiplayer games)
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Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Job 1: SIMON(1970)

You control a square. Then you hear a sound in a certain direction (either left, right, up and down). Then you press a button to go in that direction. Ad infinitum

I think that this will be designed to help program computers
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Deleted member


Aviation (1956)
Developed by a team of developers lead by iconic business magnate Howaed Hughes. This game takes Hughes own love of flying and has the player control a classic plane (really just a simple rectangle with some smsller rectangle for wings) through fairly simple obstacles, collecting points along the way. It gets harder with each run.

After discovering the technology at a trade show, Hughes became obsessed and dove into it, starting up a game development studio, RKO games, a spin off of his entertainment empire.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Metagon Royale (2005)
The flashship franchise of Fire Pearl Inc, this first entry was the brainchild of Hirohiko Akari, who after ending the popular manga series Jojo's Bizarre Adventure with Part 6, Stone Ocean, began to grow weary of the growing popularity of edgy and realistic vehicular combat games and so used his art design to create a lighthearted and tounge and cheek parody of the genra, which eventually became an iconic racing game franchise in its own right. Mixing the turning system of the OTL Crash Team Racing, the ability to choose between various planes, cars, and hovercrafts from Diddy Kong Racing, and the ability for each character to have their own signature item in Mario Kart Double Dash. Metagon Royale features characters, each from a different tribe, which then represent a different elements, those being:


From these tribes come 3 characters each, bringing the total roster to 24, each character can then choose a control style each with their own strengths and weaknesses:

Balance-class has average stats across the board
Speed-class has high top speed and acceleration but poor drift
Drift-class has the smoothest drift but the slowest acceleration
Combat-class has good acceleration and fast recovery from hazards but subpar handling
Trick-class has the best boosting speed and off road speed but the worst drift

Each character has 8 items, 4 shared among all characters, two unique to each tribe, and two unique to themselves. This gives a lot of customization, which is increased further by the ability to create custom tracks and share via online servers. Overall a very unique and influential brand with some iconic characters including main heroing Primodia of the Shadow Tribe, assassin Spines of the Corrosion tribe, reincarnated messiah Galvanox of the Storm tribe, and big bad Purity of the Light tribe
This is intended to be the very first video game ever made so you can’t include details on other games in your pitch

Job 1: SIMON(1970)

You control a square. Then you hear a sound in a certain direction (either left, right, up and down). Then you press a button to go in that direction. Ad infinitum
Can you include more details about why/how this game was created in universe please?

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Question: will thread be all new Ips or will we also do radically different versions of existing jp and how they'd be changed?
We will probably eventually do some jobs for existing IPs but for the majority of the thread it’ll probably be open-ended wether they’re existing or original. As for how they’ll be changed, if the IP is not originally a videogame usually the conversion to being a videogame will be enough but if the IP is a videogame it’ll have to be changed to the point it pretty much barely resembles the equivalent from our universe at all. It is a case by case basis though.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 1:Control The Robot (1982)

Control The Robot is a 1982 game released on arcades and after on ported by consoles and created by an american former Apple worker Johnny Burton(this man doesn't exist),after Donkey Kong's success,Burton also wanted to create your own game,he literally thought a robot being the playable character because on the interviews,Burton said he had a toy from his childhood that is a robot and he thought like this:"what if i created a game based on a robot that i had when was a boy?" and the robot is inspired by Astro Boy.

The game the main character is a robot called Control,Control's design is literally a robot with round body and without torso,similar to Pac-Man and Kirby,and Control is a robot that has blue eyes with white pupils. The game is a mix of Pac-Land,Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong,on the game story Control will defeat a mutant dog called Feral Dog that is invading a futuristic city called New Tec York City,and the game has 7 levels on total,each level takes place in a different location,the goal of these levels is destroy all enemies that is some different robots and after defeat the boss that is Feral Dog himself,the enemies can be defeat by stomp or a power-up,the power-up is a box,when Control touches the box,he gains a power-up of shooting energy balls.

in our universe,Control is a mascot of a video game company called Square Universe (no,is not the Square Enix)
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Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Alright...in any case, time for my first video game since this thread sounds hella interesting.

Chuck E. Cheese (1977)


We all know the famous video game developer Nolan Bushnell. This man helped create the Atari and Chuck W. Cheese. Most know one of the games on Atari was Adventure, the game that popularized the concept of the "easter egg" in media. Well...in this world, his famous rodent mascot creation, Chuck E. Cheese just so happens to be a video game character! In fact, he will be the groundwork for our video game universe.

The gameplay of Chuck E. Cheese is similar to Adventure. You play as a red dot going through the pizza place exploring the arcade and even the stage. You can beat the game by going to the main stage through a maze. Heck, even Chuck E. Cheese hid his name in the game as an Easter Egg as well as Warren Robinett as well. The game would be on the Atari and therefore start the Chuck E. Cheese video game franchise. Atari would be the main developers of the game thus making adventure games and Chuck E. himself a huge success.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Here are the options for our first video game:
Baysha Baysha The Virtual Poker Machine (1953)
CheeseAnton CheeseAnton Escaping A Haunted Mansion (2001)
Janx_uwu Janx_uwu Bash the Badgers (1890)
cashregister9 cashregister9 Superman: First Flight (1958)
Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Realistic Computer Companion (1968)
Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds Tank War! (1960)
Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP SIMON (1970)
@Darkonedagger Aviation (1956)
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 Control the Robot (1982)
AlteredBeast AlteredBeast Chuck E. Cheese (1972)

These are some really good submissions everyone! For this one please vote for your top three most wanted in order.
My votes are:
1. Bash the Badgers
2. Virtual Poker Machine
3. Superman First Flight

Job #2: Submit A Roster Size
We’ll get to the actual Super Smash Bros. game in just a minute but before that I’d like to have a job for how many characters it will have. Please submit the roster size and why you think it would be the best pick.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
Depends on when this Smash comes out and whether it’s the first one. I’m gonna go for an in-between-ish number of 45.

As for the video game vote…
1. Chuck E. Cheese
2. Superman
3. Badgers

Deleted member

1. Bash the Badgers
2. Aviation
3. Virtual Poker
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Here are the results of the first game voting:
The Virtual Poker Machine 5
Escaping A Haunted Mansion 2
Bash the Badgers 16
Superman: First Flight 10
Realistic Computer Companion 3
Tank War! 2
Aviation 8
Control the Robot 2
Chuck E. Cheese 4

So the first videogame in this timeline will be Bash the Badgers!

I've put a poll on the front page for the roster size. Now we'll do a job for the first character.

Job #3: Submit A Mario Equivalent
Submit our Super Smash Bros. game's first character and Mario equivalent. This was a character who came early on and was heavily influential in the video game world to the point that they're now seen as the definitive video game character and mascot for their company. I only want you to submit who this character is, when they debuted, what company made them and a one to two sentence description of what they're known for in the modern day. Don't go too in depth with specifics such as what games they were in, gameplay, or how they were created as that will come in a job later. If this character ties into Bash the Badgers that's fine but we'll have some jobs to bridge the gap between this character and that game (including some games that released between them) so that is not necessary. You also don't need to specify if it is on consoles or arcade as we'll have a job for that too. Be creative and have fun!
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Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
Felix the Cat (1919)

As tech quickly advanced, so did animation. A drawn character taking after many vaudeville traits, but with an anthropomorphic, simple, stylized design for broad appeal. His first game, Felix the Cat in Feline Follies, is a simple one, a quick “get to the end” game using tech similar to a nickelodeon (not that one), but the charming character and fast pace quickly draw people in.

Over the years, Felix develops more and more abilities and traits, first weaponizing his tail as his games gain more advanced obstacles and mazes. Due to the complexity of shapeshifting animations in games and a quick move to full-color, though, they quickly start using a bright yellow Bag of Tricks to give Felix a wider arsenal, from bursts of magic to boxing glove guns to various vehicles, and much more. His success also prompts competing animated games, using early comic strip characters like Popeye and Superman (go figure), as well as original animated ones like Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and Daffy Duck.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Lady Bow (Leventweldo) (Debut: 1984, Modern Debut: 1986)

Created by fledging American toy manufacturer turned gaming giant Leventweldo, Lady Bow was originally the antagonist of "Haunted Hogs", a pig-themed title blatantly made to cash in on the Ghostbusters craze. The title was a financial failure, but the merchandise - that would've been cancelled if not for contractual obligation - became a huge hit, with Lady Bow being the most popular toy among people unfamiliar with her villainous role in the source material. Realing they had made a pop culture sensation, Leventweldo launched their LES with a title starring the character as a hero - reworked from a seductive (or at least as seductive as a green 5x5 pixel circle can be) demon from Hell to a more lovable, family-friendly aristocrat character. Over time, the Lady Bow universe has grown completely detached from the concept of ghosts; horror; and pigs, with her ghost-like design as a leftover (similarly to how a certain plumber no longer fixes pipes often) but either way has greatly impacted the INSERT WHAT GENRE WE DECIDE ON HERE genre and gaming as a whole for the better, temporarily turning INSERT WHAT GENRE WE DECIDE ON HERE into the biggest gaming genre up until the early 90s

I was gonna submit Vivian, but that felt a little... on the nose as to what my intent is here. Hope I didn't go too in-depth here, heh.

how the **** are we going to make her a shoto
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Winstann the Gnome

By 1978 almost no games used graphics at all. That all changed with the release of Winstann the Gnome. Gameplay was painfully simple (even for the time) but featured absolutely beautiful backgrounds of forest settings due to using FMVs. The original game had next to no story too besides being a gnome and having to beat some other gnomes. After the immense popularity of the first Winstann the Gnome the British company Gamessoft released the Super Winstann game for the Gamessoft System in 1980. The graphics of those games were certainly nice but this series struck the perfect balance between graphics and extremely influential [genre] gameplay. Later Winstann games give more context to the story and world of this game, Winstann is an immortal garden gnome with the duty of protecting humans from the evil Gnome Mafia, Pink Flamingo Mafia and Dark Fairy Forces. He has many friends to help him out on his quest such as Yoogi Gnome and Pinky the Flamingo who have magical powers like him. This incredibly rich story combined with riveting gameplay was what turned Winstann into a household name and videogame icon.
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Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Job 3: S.A.M.(1981)

S.A.M.(Swiss Army Man) was a war-robo designed to adapt to its environment(Like Megaman). He fights other war-robos( Blindshot, Paraba, Chamo, and The Spy for the first game) to gain powers to fight Governor Dyrk Redson, leader of terrorist group Black Twilight who've taken over the factory that made S.A.M. This game is responsible for setting up rules of the platformer world such as "Putt-Mutt" a trope designated to the most numerous and weakest enemy in a game.

Deleted member




A Puppet brought to life by a magical spell, Puppino (1984) was an extremely basic platformer taking on a one room per level structure. The game inoved the titular wooden puppet, who had to solve basic puzzles in order to defeat the minons of the Jester, an evil clown who wanted to spread fear to children, with a Puppet being brought to life to act as a guardian. Later games would deepen out the lore and add more characters.
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 3:Control The Robot

(i know,it's looks like a cheap i'm submiting a thing that i already submit,but i will submit just the character,and i think this my submission can't be in the options list)

Control The Robot is the eponymous protagonist from a video game series,Control was debuted on 1972 having his first game released by Arcade and ported by consoles, he is a robot that was created by a scientist called Dr. Edison, Control was created for being city protector,the city is futuristic and it's called New Tec York City,more or less a superhero,Control always is determined to put an end to Feral Dog's evil plans

Control's games is just a platform games,his art style is a cartoony robot (yes,control is a scrimblo bimblo),but Control is a round gray robot with arms and legs and blue eyes with white pupils,his abilities is stretching his arms and steal the ability (he's kinda a mix of Kirby or Megaman with Ristar),his arms transforms into weapons as a cannon arm,a chainsaw,a flamethrower,a claw and etc. and some abilities that is not arm transformation as a Jetpack,a helipoter,a hammer,a axe and etc.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Alex Ape

In the early 80s a home computer manufacturer named Techsoft Enterprises started to dabble in the burgeoning Video Game market and made a few moderate arcade successes such as "Airplane Fight" and "Battle For The Hill" but then 1987 brought us the first Alex Ape game, It was an arcade platformer about a gorilla that goes through the jungle and later the city swinging from vines and breaking through trees and buildings to collect bananas and destroy a group of poachers. It was also notably the first game where the character had 2 different appearances depending on your Gender Selection.

These Banana collecting Poacher Smashing apes punched their way into the hearts of arcade goers everywhere and eventually the first Alex Ape got a port to Techsoft Enterprises new home console, the Arcade-in-a-box or the ArcBox for short. This home console port sold better than anyone was expecting and was the best selling game of all time for the longest time and the ArcBox had solidified itself as a juggernaut in home video game consoles. After the first Alex Ape port multiple sequels were made adding to the Alex Ape mythos with new characters, items and abilities.
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