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Smashboards Creates: An Alternate Videogame Universe... And Its Smash Bros.

What Should Our Roster Size Be?

  • 45

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • 36

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • 30

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • 25

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Job #8: Flesh Out The Gamessoft System
In the information for Winstann the Gnome, I stated that the sequel Super Winstann would be on the Gamessoft system which comes out in 1980. So for this one we're going to be fleshing out what exactly the Gamessoft system is! I would like a brief description of how the console works and why it was created, how much it changed up the industry, and what the trends were for games on it. Have fun!

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
I’ll do a description:
Before 1980 most games were in arcades or computers and while some became more popular than others there wasn’t really much brand recognition. A company could make an extremely popular game and not have a single hit afterwards. It didn’t help that not very many games got popular outside their initial regions. That all changed with the Gamessoft system, a videogame console which was compatible with most computer games discs as well as new games developed by Gamessoft (even if they didn’t work very well) Now there was some confusion with many consumers believing it to be a computer which led to a lot of unsold stock once people were disappointed in it. This led to a big push to market it in America as the “ultimate fun system” and releasing Winstann the Gnome as a pack-in title. This also led to many Americans experiencing British computer games as well which they didn’t previously get to experience (a phenomenon known as the “Second British Invasion). Releasing a console at all was extremely risky but it paid off for Gamessoft, just not in their home country.

The console cost around 250 dollars at launch and Winstann the Gnome was a pack in title until Super Winstann released. The console resembled a black flat rectangle (promoting the nickname “the monolith”) with an insert on the side for discs and a small LCD screen displaying the game’s name and sometimes the level or number of lives. The design was infamous for not having that much of a personality and the marketing campaign in neither the US nor the UK really showcased the design, making both consumers very surprised when opening it up.

The console was notable for allowing 3D photographs to be displayed on a separate frame than the pixelized gameplay which led to many new games utilizing the effect even if it was very jarring and the two frames tended not to match up very often. Still though, at the time it was incredible to be able to play something that looked just as good as a movie even if it was just in the background. Text adventures fell to the wayside as strategic platformers like Winstann became more popular.

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Here are the results of the second generation voting:
Squidward Tentacles 6
One Winged Angel 6
Duncan Dorkly 2
Golby 5
Corsair Ann 6
Rush the Velociraptor 3
Captain Commando 2
The Talented Mr. Tinker 14

So… #TinkerSweep! Our second generation character and second character to be added to Super Smash Bros. is Mr. Tinker! I’ll start the next job in a bit.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Alright my information for the Gamessoft System will be used. With that I think we’re at about the start of when we can decide information on Super Smash Bros. and some of the movesets for it. For movesets I was thinking we could do the specials and perhaps a final smash and then sort of work backwards from there where you can write elements about a characters history and games by what is referenced in their moveset. So…

Job #9: Submit A Winstann Moveset
Submit a moveset for Winstann. Please submit the four specials and if you think we should include final smashes, the final smash as well. You can also submit some normals if you would like. I want you to submit each move and explain what it comes from if it’s a reference to anything in particular from the home series. Be creative with this part because this is where we’re going to flesh out more of the character’s histories and more about their home series so don’t be afraid to introduce some new elements to the gnome lore.

Deleted member

Winstann, like in his home games, is a speedy character. He doesn't have the best jumps. He's szied up, though is still smaller than the rest of the cast. His attacks mainly consist of using his fishing Rod

Nutural Special: Winstann uses his trusty fishing Rod. This is based on the power up introduced in the later Winstann games, which allowed him to pull enimies in order to get ahead of them. He'll fling it forwards and latch on to a fighter, pulling them towards him. It can also be used to grab items.

Side Special : Winstann pours from his watering can. This was a power up introduced in the later Winstann. Winstan could create spills to slow down his opponents and could also make flowers bloom to get power ups. Here it creates a spill, which trips opponents.

Up Special: Winstann bounces on a Mushroom. The Mushroom will just appear (Think Sonic's Spring). This is based on the mushrooms introduced in the semi open world Winstann 3D trilogy, which allowed Winstann to reach higher areas than his opponents.

Down Special: Winstann digs with his shovel. Fhd shovel was also introduced in the 3D trilogy, and allowed Winstann to dig holes in order to cross through certain areas. It would also allow him gk find hidden treasure. Here, the latter is true. Winstab can dig up items and use the holes to trap his opponents.

Final Smash: Winstann hops onto Samuel the Squirrel. A common garden Squirrel first introduced in Super Winstann RPG: Legend of the Golden Karp . A common garden Squirrel who was Hypnotised into attacking Winstann and his allies by the Dark Faries. He would later be freed and would become Winstsnn's noble steed, appearing in the mainline games. He's just a normal Squirrel, but here he appears as he does to the Knomes, Kaiju sized as Winstann rides him around as he swipes at the foes.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
I have a moveset as well so I’ll drop that then we can move onto the next job:

Neutral Special: Insecticide Spray
He sprays a cloud of Golden Insecticide, the cloud moves slow and doesn’t deal much knockback but can do lots of damage. It has a continuous damage effect just as long as an opponent touches it and there can be two on screen at a time.
Golden Insecticide is a recurring item in the series that used to be a mcguffin for Wistann to collect but transitioned to be more of a power up in the action focused titles of the 3rd generation.

Side Special: Hat Toss
He throws his hat forward which acts as a boomerang. It’s not a reference to anything in particular from the games

Up Special: Flower Punch
He jumps up with an uppercut and if it lands he floats down with a flower he’s holding by the stem.
The punch isn’t a reference to anything but the flower is a reference to the iconic box art of Super Winstann where Winstann floats down with an oversized flower.

Down Special: Gnome Dash
He runs in place for a second and then dashes in one direction, dealing damage to anyone ahead of him. This is an ability he’s had in the games ever since Super Winstann 2.

Now here’s a poll to determine whose moveset will be used:

Job #10: How Should Stages Be Handled?
How are we going to handle stages when we get to them? Should we have a set number of stages, a home stage for every character, a stage for every series, or even something else? That’s what you’ll submit and we’ll determine here.

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
The moveset of @Darkonedagger will be chosen. Now we’ll do a poll for how we’ll do stages:

Either way the poll goes the Winstann series is probably going to get a stage anyways so…

Job #10: Submit A Stage For Winstann The Gnome
Submit a stage from the Winstann the Gnome series. Please submit the stage’s layout and anything else pertinent to gameplay and explain the history of the location within the series.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 10:The Gnome Village

The Gnome Village is the a place that lives Winstann and his friends, the place makes his first appearance in Super Winstann 2, the place is a forest with giant plants,houses that are mushrooms and wooden street lamps. the stage is a hard platform with four moving platforms

Deleted member

RS357_The Grove (credit Penny Dixie) (4).jpg

Fairy Grove
A fairly standard stage. It has a Dreamland 64 layout. The Land of the Faries, both the Dark Faries and the mostly unseen good Faires who chose Winstann as their champion. There's the large tree where the Faries make their home and a lot of greenery and flowers.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
The idea with a stage per series and a few extras will be chosen. Here’s a stage poll:

Job #11: Submit A Rival Console To The Gamessoft System
Submit the main console rival to the Gamessoft system. Please submit the console, the company that made it, why it was popular, and any other pertinent details. It doesn’t have to be related to Mr. Tinker or SEGA. It can be but doesn’t have to.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Job #11: Blue Formica (made by Anthill)
Following the success of Gamessoft, between the 70s and the 80s the United States saw a lot of small gaming companies but very few of them could actually outlast Gamessoft. In 1984, Italian-American MIT student and avid Gamessoft fan Anthony DiNoto had the idea to use a cartridge instead of a disk to store data, as cartridges didn't require a disc reader and were easier to develop. At first, DiNoto tried to modify his "Monolith" in order to fit cartridges along with discs, but he didn't succeed. Eventually, with the help of his fellow MIT students and friends Simon McGee and Timothy J. Harrison, DiNoto managed to modify a pocket calculator and were able to play games using his newly invented system. At first, the three developed a simplified version of Bash the Badgers and it worked surprisingly well. It quickly became quite a novelty in the MIT and the three gained a bit of a reputation. As such, the trio quickly became a small group, which attracted more and more students and newly-graduated engineers and developers. After graduating, in 1986 they founded Anthill, debuting with their first console: Blue Formica. DiNoto came up with the name, combining the color of the console with "formica", the Italian word for ant, representing the console's small size. Despite not being able to match Gamessoft's "Monolith" in terms of graphic performance, the Blue Formica became an instant hit due to it being the first ever handheld console able to replicate a variety of unique and different games.
The first game released for the Blue Formica was Tesla's Trio, a collection of two games made by Tesla himself (Bash the Badgers and Bogey) along with Pigeon, an all-new game where the player controlled a pigeon and had to avoid obstacles, based on Tesla's obsession with these animals. Shortly after Tesla's Trio, three new games came out: Baseball, which was, as the name implies, a baseball simulator, Icicle Factory, a puzzle game where the player controls a penguin that has to match ice blocks, and Soup the Cat, a platform game where the player controls Soup in her quest to save her adoptive son. In 1987, the Blue Formica was released in Europe as well, where was well-received, although less than in the US. By the end of the 80s and the begin of the 90s, Anthill and Gamessoft were the two mainstays of field.

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Fairy Grove will be the stage and the content submitted by LoZ00 LoZ00 will be added too.

Job #12: Submit A Pre-Console Character
Yes so we’re doing another generation job but this time it’s going to be for characters from before the Gamessoft System in 1980. Please remember the information we already have for the industry of the time and make sure your character fits into what the industry was like at a time. Please submit the character, the company that made it and story of its creation, gameplay of the original title, influence, and a bit about the history of the character afterwards.

Job #13: Submit A Mr. Tinker Stage
Submit the home stage for Mr. Tinker. Please submit the location, explain its history in the games, and anything else pertinent to the stage.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Bomb-Robo is main protagonist of eponymous series made by Japanese Company Nihcom and he is a tiny white robot who has an ability to deploy bombs to kill the hunters (the enemies of the game).
The first game was released on arcades back in 1977.

Bomb-Robo's gameplay is mixture of Pac-Man's and Bomberman's due having PacMan-like maze levels and bomb deployment ability (this game also has semi-destructible environment, meaning that you could destroy some walls found in the game).

Bomb-Robo became a huge video game icon due to popularizing the Maze game genre, plus it has an addicting gameplay. After the first game's success, the game has spawned many sequels (heck, it spawned many clones from different companies).
This was to be meant as "Pac-Man" counterpart to the alternate universe.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
The Tinkershop

Mr. Tinker's iconic workshop, you fight shrunk down on a desk, and can see Tinker's bed in the distance - with Tinker sleeping there even if he's being played as. The layout is akin to Delfino's Secret from Project M or Tremorton Joyride from NASB

Dino Saw Sally (What the Dino Saw, Cement Co Ltd, 1978)

Concieved as a pun first and game later (or at least that's what Cement wants you to believe, "What the Dino Saw" board games with similar gameplay have been seen dating back to the 50s), What the Dino Saw was the first ever steath game - playing as a baby triceratops named "Dino Saw Sally", the player had to navigate a top-down jungle invaded by humans from the future and rescue bigger dinosaurs, using your small size to hide behind walls. The game used vector graphics a la Asteroids or Lunar Lander for everything except the kidnapped dinosaurs, who were portrayed as cardboard paintings a la a target practice game, collecting a key to rescue the dinosaurs triggered an infrared light that would make the dinosaur run off, back to the rest of the tribe. What the Dino Saw had a controversial attempt at a reboot in the 2000s that was moreso just an open-world dinosaur simulator with the IP attached, seen as quite a clever title in retrospect, but scorched at the time - since then WTDS has only lived in retro compilations and score attack "championship editions". Dino Saw Sally is often remembered as one of the first female protags in gaming, though a few did predate her.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
My submission will be Detective Reid Herring (or just Detective Reid)

Among Us (no relation to the one from our universe) is a puzzle game series starting with A Killer Among Us in 1975 which released on PC. Detective Reid does not appear in the actual game but he is on the box and appeared in the 1978 third entry in the series Lies Among Us which was the last one until the 1999 remake Something Among Us. A Killer Among Us features extremely simple text-only randomly generated mysteries with a format similar to these sheets. Hints are provided to the player and they must make guesses about certain clues about the killer:

The game was a hit and introduced a lot of older people to gaming since it was generally seen as a kids hobby at the time. PC sequels introduced more complicated mystery situations and the reboots are point and click adventure games.

The game was developed by the Texan company Doss-Einhard by Robert Doss, a long time aficionado of puzzles and brain teasers who wanted to bring the fun of them to the videogame world.

Reid’s origin story was told in the reboots, he’s obsessed with mysteries to a point that he sometimes neglects his home life, a character flaw that added a lot to the narrative of the game given that wasn’t in very many games at the time. The mysteries or stories were never very complicated in the mainline series but have introduced a lot of narrative elements to videogames that haven’t been seen much before.

In Super Smash Bros. he fights with attacks based on discovering clues and delivering justice to his opponents.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Job #12: Rocket Boy

Made by Japanese company Tsukihaba, Rocket Boy was a game released for arcade in 1978. The game featured Rocket Boy and was a side scrolling shooter with an emphasis on avoiding obstacles. Other than moving the spaceship, the player could also fire laser beams with Rocket Boy's gun and missiles using the starship. Unique to this game was the presence of three "High Level" encounters (essentially boss fights) that cycled through after the player had finished one level: the first of them was a living asteroid (which was later renamed Larry the Asteroid and became a favorite among fans), the second of them a very large UFO (whose sprite was extremely ambitious at the time) and the third a swarm of space bees. Rocket Boy was a success in Japan, but it struggled to live up to its name overseas. However, it managed to get two sequels: Rocket Boy 2 and Rocket Boy 3: Mission Black Hole, although the third one was not released in the West.
With the release of Gamessoft's "Monolith", Rocket Boy saw a resurgence in popularity due to the release of a brand new entry in the series, Rocket Boy Returns!, which was actually a compilation of levels from Rocket Boy 3 mixed with a few new ones. Following the success of Rocket Boy Returns!, Tsukihaba released the Rocket Boy Collection, a remastered version of the first three Rocket Boy games, as well as the new levels from Rocket Boy Returns!, and Rocket Girl, a game similar in concept to Rocket Boy but with an even stronger emphasis on avoiding obstacles. With extremely hard levels, Rocket Girl proved to be a very popular and influential entry in the franchise, even more so than any previous Rocket Boy game.
Rocket Boy was the first important side scrolling shooting game and was a cornerstone for the genre. It also introduced the concept of boss fights, as each new entry would add a few more to the roster. Some of its sprites, particularly the UFO boss from the first entry and the rendition of Larry the Asteroid from Rocket Girl were dubbed as the greatest and most ingenious ones for their times, although the game definitely lacked the charming and polished graphics that certain games had, particularly the Winstann the Gnome series.

Job #13: Mr. Tinker's Dreams

This stage is based on Mr. Tinker's dreams in the first stage of the game. As such, the stage features one large, solid platform and three smaller, light ones that slowly move around the main platform. Small and recurring enemies from the series (such as spiders, snakes, and frogs) come out from the houses in the background. They can be defeated with a few hits.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 12:Digger (Dig-a-Mole)

before Control The Robot, there is a character and he is the first Mascot of Square Universe (no,is not Square Enix),this character is digger

Digger is the protagonist from video game series called Dig-a-Mole,his first appearance was in 1979 ,Digger's appearance is a mole with a blue scarf, Dig-a-Mole is a game that have similarity with Dig Dug,but in the game the player can catch the vegetables and give the vegetables to the other moles, also the game has a enemy that is a gardener called McRage and he is attacking Digger with a shovel.

Digger's abilities is just digging and his claws,but Digger get weapons on other games, as a boomerang on Dig-a-Mole: Small Adventures, a rope with hook on Dig-a-Mole Worlds and a spoon on Dig-a-Mole RPG: A Legendary Adventure.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Job 13: Birdwatching (1973)

While in our timeline most games are developed in either the USA and Japan, this universe is far less centralized. While both of the aformentioned countries still produce plenty of games, countries like the UK, Ethiopia, Argentina, and the Byzantine Republic (game development isn't the only change here) are also key producers of classics. One of the oldest and most significant game companies in this universe is the Indonesian Maju Terus, and their marquee title was the 1968 title Birdwatching.

Graphically this game is very similar to Nintendo's Game and Watch games, but much larger as to be able to be played on a TV. In the top right corner, there's a colored square. Many birds fly by, and you need to press a button when you see a bird of the correct color; three mistakes and it's game over. As the game progresses it gets more difficult; more birds appear at once, the birds fly faster, and there are more color options (the game starts with RGB birds, but towards the end there are around 15 different hues the birds can come in). This game was very popular in Indonesia upon release, but didn't get much international acclaim for almost a decade; after the success of titles like Winston the Gnome, Maju Terus decided to bring it's titles to an international stage, and while the company had amassed a library of seven titles at this point, Birdwatching was the biggest hit (likely because it's simple graphics allowed many devices to run it). While the game never got a direct sequel, the birds from this game serve as the company's mascot, and almost every one of their games has a cameo from them in one way or another (similar to Pixar's Pizza Planet Truck).

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
I’ll submit a stage as well:

In the Mr. Tinker games, the Dreamscape is an area between dreams, nested in the subconscious of every human being in the world. It debuted in The Talented Mr. Tinker 2 where it was shown briefly and acts as a hub world in a few later 3D entries. In TTMT2 Mr. Needlemouse starts terrorizing the people of Egg Village (the village Mr. Tinker lives in) by causing nightmares and it’s up to Mr. Tinker to stop him so he invents a device called the Dreamcaster which allows him to enter the Dreamscape to try to stop Needlemouse which is how he’s able to access the Dreamscape. (this is also where he meets long time ally Knuckles, guardian of dreams.)

In Super Smash Bros. it’s a single long narrow platform with a bumper in the center. Occasionally other platforms will fly in from both sides providing a more random element and chances to recover.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020

January of 1971, A group of computer scientists and writers teamed up to develop Momotaro Monogatari a digital novel version of the story of Momotaro, These digital novels would be available in libraries and are essentially arcade cabinets for books, with Momotaro Monogatari being the first. With this, the group of Scientists and Writers became known as the Peach Collective and would create multiple more Digital Novels throughout 1971 and 1972 in March of 1973 the Peach Collective wanted to expand. so they went back to the story of Momotaro and created a Digital Novel about Robotaro, a futuristic version of Momotaro and created a several hour long interesting and unique story with many branching paths that would then hit libraries all across japan.

It flopped hard. but it caught the eye of an investor. This investor would bring it overseas where it would gain much deserved acclaim and the Peach Collective would then write many more original stories not only in the Robotaro universe but others as well

Sidenote: Can we get a timeline of game releases in this universe on the front page?
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Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2021

Mim The Rainbow Rat

The origin story of Mike The Rainbow Rat is a strange one to say the least. Originally, he was created as a part of a somewhat playful DOS virus. After it is successfully installed, about every 15-25 commands, a picture of Mim would pop up on the screen with a message taunting the user to find their file and delete it to get rid of them from their computer for good, with the location of the file changing randomly each time this happens. This could technically be considered a very primitive (and annoying) video game.

What was interesting though is that Mim is actually completely public domain. Not even technically, they are literally free for anyone to use however they like. While the original picture of Mim was traced, the general idea, design, and name of them was under the public domain as per a credits file in the original program. Because of this, Mim became a sort-of reoccurring character in the hacker sphere and underground games scene at the time. Games featuring him were really varied due to their nature of often being made by completely different people. From maze games, to text adventures, and more. The main thing that most games follow is that Mim is a mischievous rainbow colored rat that lives in cyberspace. (which is usually portrayed as a mostly black void with neon outlined objects and characters.)

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Here are the options for characters:
Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds Bomb-Robo
Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Dino Saw Sally
Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule Detective Reid
LoZ00 LoZ00 Rocket Boy
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 Digger
PeridotGX PeridotGX Birdwatching
cashregister9 cashregister9 Robotaro
Baysha Baysha Mim the Rainbow Rat

So please vote for your top three most wanted options in order. Your own submission can only be in second or third.
My votes:
1. Birdwatching
2. Reid
3. Sally

And we have a few options for Mr. Tinker's stage as well so I'll start a poll for that:
Which Stage Should We Add? - Online Poll - StrawPoll.com

Job #14: Submit What SEGA Is Like
So we have Mr Tinker who was made by SEGA so in this job we're going to do a job to flesh out the SEGA company and its consoles. Please submit any differences between it and the SEGA of our universe, how it started, notable releases, and how the consoles work. The Genesis is already a thing here but the Master System doesn't necessarily have to be as well.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
I’ll submit the SEGA origin story:
Service Games was a company founded after World War II to provide slot machines to US military bases, both domestically and in other countries like Japan and the Philippines. In 1951, while Japan was still under American occupation, Service Games Japan became extremely popular for distributing the Home Cowboy Adventure videogame console for public use. This led Service Games Japan to shift to developing consoles but their primary market was still gambling. By the early 80s some developers were jaded by their focus on gambling and so in 1988 developers broke away and formed SEGA Japan. This new company also developed text adventure games, most notably the space epic Space Harrier and Fantasy Zone games. Later in 1991 the SEGA Mega Drive was launched with the game Mr. Tinker which featured more of a focus on graphics inspired by what the Winstann series was doing at the time. The console was mostly popular in the regions of Southeast Asia and Latin America and didn’t really have a presence in other regions at all where the main contest was Gamessoft vs. Anthill. This was because Service Games Philippines and Service Games Panama, two still existing Service Games branches distributed the console. SEGA became more popular in the next generation as it started distributing to America and became one of the two biggest hardware developers after Gamessoft stopped console development in the fourth generation. Currently Service Games is defunct, Service Games Philippines and Panama have been absorbed into SEGA and Service Games Japan acts as a partner of SEGA, primarily developing slot machines and pachinko machines based on their IPs.

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Dreamscape will be added and my Sega story will be used too. Here are the results of the first generation character voting:
Bomb-robo 9
Dino Saw Sally 3
Detective Reid 9
Rocket Boy 7
Digger 3
Birdwatching 5
Robotaro 0
Mim the Rainbow Rat 0

So we currently have a tie between Reid and Bomb-robo. I’ll start a poll to decide which will be added:

Since this is pretty early on I figured I could add an option for both so you can vote for that too if you want.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
WE’RE BACK!!!!!!

Apologies for that wait, going forward I think I’ll be treating this thread a bit differently. Jobs will probably take longer and I’ll have more pauses in between them just to give more time for ideas. Sort of treating this less like a “creation thread” and more like any creative writing project. Wiki should work now so let’s get started again. These jobs will probably last about two days on average moving forward just so y’all know.

Job #15: Submit Mr. Tinker’s Moveset
Submit the four specials and final smash for Mr. Tinker. Like with Winstann, feel free to include details about what his series would be like moving forward after the first games we had jobs for. If information contradicts with what we already have I might need to ask you to change it though. Relevant wiki pages are here so if you’re not familiar do be sure to read them:
Mr. Tinker - Alternate Videogame Universe (miraheze.org)
The Talented Mr. Tinker (series) - Alternate Videogame Universe (miraheze.org)
SEGA - Alternate Videogame Universe (miraheze.org)
Movesets in Super Smash Bros. - Alternate Videogame Universe (miraheze.org)

Job #16: Submit Another Character From Gamessoft
Another character job! Even though the last job before the break was technically one. But anyways you’ll submit a character here who will essentially be the number two series of Gamessoft as well as information about what their series is and what the gameplay is like. This would have to debuted sometime during the first console by them: the Gamessoft System. After this we will move onto the next generation of game releases. Again here’s some relevant wiki pages:
Gamessoft - Alternate Videogame Universe (miraheze.org)
Gamessoft System - Alternate Videogame Universe (miraheze.org)
Winstann the Gnome (series) - Alternate Videogame Universe (miraheze.org)
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 16:
Janine the Adventurer (Treasure of Ancienterra)
Janine Goldtooth the Adventurer is the main protagonist of "Treasure of Ancienterra" action-adventure video game series made by "Gamessoft" and she is an explorer who got "Isekai'd" to a fantastic "ancient" world by entering the unknown temple found in Mexico and accidentally touching a golden idol shaped like a monkey.
In "Treasure of Ancienterra" (her debut game that was released in later half of 1982 on the same console as Winstann the Gnome), she falls out the the sky and lands in jungle area. The she starts to explore the world while doing various puzzles and she needs to defeat the king Gogonguma (A giant gorilla with "dark magic" powers). The in later games, she goes beyond the "aztec"-like area and explore various places based on history and mythologies.

(Her debut game was like Legend of Zelda and Atari's adventure, but it also included 2D segments similar to Zelda II and also mechanics from Pitfall)

She was inspired by Indiana Jones, Jeanne Baret (First female explorer) and Princess Leia from Star Wars.

She became an video game icon due to being a first female video game character ever created and she kickstarted the franchise that she debuted in. Also the franchise was so big that got movies, comics, cartoon and toys.

Her moveset in the game would references a lot of her games that were made during that time like usage of chain whip (Treasure of Ancienterra: Underworld dungeons), mechanical shovel (ToA: Forgotten dunes), machete (Treasure of Ancienterra) and subsonic gun (ToA: Gate of Zeus).
She could also do punches and kicks for her melee attacks.

She would be middleweight female fighter with ability to crawl, wall jump and wall cling.

I nominate her, because she should be the first female fighter in Smash and she would represent action-adventure video games. Also her explorer-themed moveset would be awesome for alternate video game history platfighter.
Also she could be great expy of Link from LoZ due to being both courageous adventurers that fight various threats.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Second Gamessoft series:
OK, I'm just gonna use this to make a game idea I've always wanted but have nowhere near enough connection to the genre to ever make a reality even if I did become a game dev... Not a funny one like my last subs, but still.

Gorilla (Wildlive)

Wildlive (pronounced as in "we live here" and not "live on stage") is a series of simulation titles - the original game was designed to highlight the Gamessoft System's ability to show both text and graphics at once, as well as the photo backgrounds. Each game lets you play as a variety of different animals as they try to survive in a harsh ecosystem, with the first title only featuring gorillas, later titles introducing other primates like lemurs and chimps, and, come the 3D age, a variety of different animals from all across the ecosystem, including sea creatures; domestic pets; and dinosaurs. As the games went on, they became more gamified and less like simulations, eventually becoming open world adventure titles with multiple silently-communicated plots.
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Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Job 16: El Muerto Fuego(Fiestaville)
Screenshot 2022-06-25 8.25.44 PM.png

El Muerto Fuego(Spanish for The Undead Fire) is a major character in the Fiestaville Series, a minigame collection made by Gamesoft in the early 2000s. He acted as the main host from Fiestaville(1989) to Fiestaville 4: Move it and Groove It(1997) then from Fiestaville 5: Worldwide(2002) onwards had other companions to host the minigames with him, Pinyahata(the former antagonist of Move it and Groove It), Loveland the Frog and Parasol(a living parasol ala Perry).

His games were very popular due to the fastpaced and fun nature of the minigames you had to play.

His moveset will be based on the types of minigames he introduces to the player

I nominate him to represent party games. Also I don't think we had a party game based fighter in Smash Bros so it'll be interesting to see where this goes
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