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I'll submit the next console for Sega, the Sega Saturn
The Sega Saturn was released by Sega in 1995 in it's primary markets of Japan and Latin America with one main goal: to finally capture the American audience. A massive push was made to try and market it to the United States due to Gamessoft's financial troubles and numerous attack adds were launched against Anthill's offerings of the time (in fact the name was party chosen due to wanting big imagery in contrast to ant imagery which was ironic since Sega tried handhelds later on.) This big push for an American audience might have left a few people in Latin America and Southeast Asia (the most popular regions for their previous console, the Sega Mega Drive) feeling left out but it did manage to get their foot in the door and they were being looked at as a potential Gamessoft "replacement".
At the time, Gamessoft's pre-rendered backgrounds and beautiful landscapes competed with a simpler yet cheaper look of Anthill's consoles but it was the Sega Saturn that was the medium between these two extremes, with mostly high quality sprite work and polygonal assets. This helped it to look more like the reasonable option even if some graphics-centered gamers considered it a worse choice than the graphics of Gamessoft's games.
Some of the more popular titles included:
Virtua Fighter (1995, mostly a graphical showcase if anything, it's a 3D beat-em-up featuring three characters: Jacky, Pai and Siba travelling across the world to defeat robots that invaded the upper eschellons of the world governments sent by evil alien robot Dural)
Knuckles: Dream Guardian (1995, a spin-off of the Mr. Tinker games starring side character Knuckles, Guardian of Dreams, this is an RPG that has Knuckles team up with Mr. Needlemouse to rescue Mr. Tinker and members of his village from the clutches of the evil Ghostly Six. While most RPG's (like Gamessoft's Winstann RPG: Legend of the Golden Koi) were more D&D inspired (considering the huge popularity of licensed D&D campaigns), Knuckles: Dream Guardian focuses more towards action while still keeping those elements.
Deep Avenger (1996, developed by Filipino company Tubo and published by SEGA as a launch title, this stars a merman saving the environment by destroying naval bases. However, it also lets you attack innocent civilians and even though you were punished for it, it was one of the first morally amiguous characters in the medium.
12 Classic Games (1996, developed by Capcom who were mostly known for their licensed games, this features 12 board, card, or other medium, games remade in video game form with a surprisingly in-depth story mode. One of the ported games is Bash the Badgers, being one of the many ports of that game)
Costume Party (1997, a multiplayer minigame party game based around clothing items to compete for the best stylist)
Tinker's Terrific Trilogy (1997, a collection of The Talented Mr. Tinker, The Talented Mr. Tinker 2, Mr. Tinker in the Land of Dreams, and The Talented Lady Tinker.)
Virtua Fighter 2 (1997, Essentially more Virtua Fighter but with some more RPG elements, a more complicated storyline and new character: Akira)
Sunset of Destiny (1998, an amalgamation of Western tropes, this was one of the few games to use light gun as the new Mr. Tinker game, which was mostly known for it, had no functionality for it.)
Mr. Tinker: Unconsious (1998, while it took some time to get a traditional Mr. Tinker game, this was seen as huge and influential one with fully explorable 3D environments and massive worlds. It even took inspiration moreso from Jungian psychology and the collective unconsiousness, with Mr. Tinker finding various myths and legends rather than just being in the dream world. While it was seen as a massive game worth the hype and went onto expand video games as a medium, some did see it's almost overly pretentious nature as a little much for a kids game. It also had RPG elements which was somewhat of a trend in Sega at the time.
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999, A platformer with beat em up elements developed by Capcom and released to coincide with the movie, many many people considered this a classic a lot better than the disappointing movie. Jar Jar was playable.)
Halo: Combat Evolved (1999, one of the last games released on the console, this was a 2D shooter that was on most consoles but more popular on the Saturn as it used a light gun (something packed in with it but more expensive for other consoles). It features protagonist Master Chief investigating a disturbance on a human colony on an alien planet known as Halo, only to discover an evil force called the Covenant living there, terrorizing humanity.)