Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey... Hey.... Hey.... hey... hey..
Um guys?
what are your mains?
I'll keep it short and boring. In no particular order...

- Been my Main since Brawl. Never dropped ever, and never will.

- Childhood hero. I wish his options were more consistent, but I'm too loyal to drop him.

- Childhood crush? I grew up with the NES and SNES, and I used to play Alttp every day. I picked up Zelda in SSB WiiU/3DS and stuck with her since.

- Just a lot of fun to use, though I do miss her jab->down grab set ups.

- My favorite of the quick-moving Fire Emblem characters. Sucks about the jab thing as explained in Palutena's entry.

- Another Main I had since Brawl. They made him scary in 4 and he's just as obnoxious to fight against. I love the shout-out to his home game effects in his move-set.

- It's fun jumping into arenas and starting **** with Villager, lmao.

- Even funnier hopping in a match with characters like Bowser, Ganondorf, Dark Samus, Wolf, K.Rool, Ridley, and winning.

- I like the new changes with him. I'd like to learn how to use him more since his nair is pretty scary now. I also only ever ran into so few Shulks, so I may as well learn him myself.