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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
IMO a Big House announcement would show Nintendo attempting to embrace the competitive scene and be great PR.
Just follow it up the minute after with a Twitter announcement.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2018
Tallon IV
Would it really be that surprising for an announcement at Big House 8? Ive never heard about it till now, but it’s a huge tournament connected to smash yes? Smash fans will most definitely be watching it. Once it ends, boom direct announcement. Social media will do the rest of the work for them.
Exactly, their target market will be gathered there in spades for the whole weekend and the announcement would spread like wildfire very quickly. I'm not saying it's guaranteed but I'd still keep an eye out juuuuuuust in case.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018
Since there are so many roster predictions that is mostly based off on the Box, what I want to create is the most wanted yet expected rosters while ignoring the Box theory.

So here is my predicted roster!

69. Elma
70. Isaac
71. Geno/DQ Rep
72. Chorus Kids/Karate Joe
73. Incineroar/Decidueye (Wanted the latter more but the former is the most likely)
74. Banjo/Steve (I Like Both of Them and Either IS Fine)

- Sora is DLC in my eyes imo. I really love this character but SE and Disney can profit off of him more if he is DLC as many general audience will buy him.

  • Shadow (Sonic)
  • Ken (Ryu)
  • Impa (Sheik)
  • Felix (Isaac)
  • Black Shadow (Captain Falcon)
At this point I think we’re getting 7 more characters.

Incineroar and Ken (Echo) are essentially locks. Geno is extremely likely, as is Shadow (Echo).

In my dreams the last 3 are Impa, best boi Bandanna Dee, and either Skull Kid or Banjo-Kazooie

Deleted member

Well whatever happens at The Big House this year, I hope it doesn't end with some players wasting everybody else's time by holding the neutral B button for 2 solid minutes.

*Glares at EVO 2018 Grand Finals*
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Since there are so many roster predictions that is mostly based off on the Box, what I want to create is the most wanted yet expected rosters while ignoring the Box theory.

So here is my predicted roster!

69. Elma
70. Isaac
71. Geno/DQ Rep
72. Chorus Kids/Karate Joe
73. Incineroar/Decidueye (Wanted the latter more but the former is the most likely)
74. Banjo/Steve (I Like Both of Them and Either IS Fine)

- Sora is DLC in my eyes imo. I really love this character but SE and Disney can profit off of him more if he is DLC as many general audience will buy him.

  • Shadow (Sonic)
  • Ken (Ryu)
  • Impa (Sheik)
  • Felix (Isaac)
  • Black Shadow (Captain Falcon)
If this was the Roster, I would legit be fine with this. Elma, Chorus Men, Steve, And Incineroar are like in my top 5
Though I think having 6 more Unique New Characters is a little too hopeful...

Deleted member

Hey guys, this is my reboot roster for Smash. Feel free to like, comment, and subscribe! :reverse:

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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
either way gonna assume this is the "ADVENTURE thing life essence crap." but wotevers can't wait till smash bros 6 where we see Master Universe...
I am not sure if there will be an Adventure mode, but I would not rule it out. I would love to see one, personally.

Say, @TotsBS , when you said the Big House was "in the middle of the street.", don't ya mean it's Our House in the middle of OUR street? (Guess where that came from?)


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Well, that's great, but either way Steve still has massive appeal to numerous quarters of the Smash fanbase.

Younger players can be hardcore fans too, and they may love Steve just as much as any B&K supporter loves B&K.
Adults with fond memories of Minecraft.

List goes on.
The problem with this--and I should clarify, I'm not saying that's wrong necessarily--but there's virtually no evidence of this. Or if there is, I haven't seen it. While what we have isn't ideal, all we have are fan polls, SmashBoard supporters, etc. And on every metric, Banjo usually shows up, and Steve's barely a blip--while Steve's support has increased this year, it was much, much lower in 2015, based on everything I've seen. So, either we can't tell who's more popular among Smash fans, or if we can accept the polls as legitimate evidence, almost all point to Banjo being more popular, particularly in 2015. But there's nothing to indicate that Steve is more popular. It's just something that's said, but never shown to be the case.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
At this point I think we’re getting 7 more characters.

Incineroar and Ken (Echo) are essentially locks. Geno is extremely likely, as is Shadow (Echo).

In my dreams the last 3 are Impa, best boi Bandanna Dee, and either Skull Kid or Banjo-Kazooie
1. Incineroar
2. Banjo and Kazooie
3. Geno

4. Dixie Kong
5. Medusa
6. Ken
7. Shadow

Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
If there is going to be an Adventure mode, it would be more in the style of Melee than SSE.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Ha Ha Ha. Very funny. I get it. I suck at making Smash rosters, and I'll never make them again.
Everyone does.
You can't please everyone AND yourself.

I'm going to hazard a guess everyone here is tired of fan-rosters.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I'm not arguing against any of that. I believe you. I also have no horse in this race because I don't care about Geno or Isaac.

All I was referring to was your quote. Which, to me, doesn't really do anything but show that actual organization and effort can produce results. Which is a positive thing. The opposite can happen without it; I honestly believe that there is a lukewarm-to-very-excited fanbase for ARMS that would love character representation, but they're too disorganized and have no real rallying cry, since the game isn't that old and the competitive scene died off. They lack the "hey, I know him!" hipster fans that Geno receives for being a long-forgotten but trendy character pick.
With ARMS, its the fact that the franchise is very new and the fact that its a fighting game. For people who have never played the game before, Spring Man is a tough sell, and he is the closest thing to a "face" for ARMS. You also have the fact that the fanbase is splintered by the fact that there are various female characters that certain fans gravitate towards and feel passionate about (namely Twintelle and Min Min).

A lot of times its not even organization. The Ashley fanbase for both pre-Brawl and post-Ultimate unveil exploded out of nowhere and similarily vanished in a puff of smoke due to misreading signals (during pre-Brawl it was Ashley's song being an update on the Dojo, and during the Ultimatte unveil it was Ashley's Assist Trophy missing as well as the upcoming release of WarioWare Gold).

There was this thing during pre-Brawl called "Sakurai's poll". This was not a poll, but rather Sakurai put out a ballot of sorts for only the Japanese fanbase (he did this after 64's release too). After it was closed, Sakurai published some of the entries people submitted on the Japanese website. People misinterpreted these publically released ballots as being indicative of a poll (upon retrospect, it should have been obvious considering no character exceeded six mentions on it). Geno did well on this (there were four publically published ballots where Geno was mentioned). Many believed characters who received mentions were much more likely (especially those that received multiple ones) than ones who received one or none. While many characters that received multiple mentions did get in, there were some that made it in that did not, and some that had multiple mentions (namely Ridley and Geno) did not get in.

I think this was the inception for the Geno Smash fanbase, and I am pretty sure Fatmanonice made mention of Geno's performance on the "poll" is what spurred him to action. After Brawl's release, Geno's fanbase greatly contracted and it was down to only those who truly liked the character. It did not regain fervency until a direct endorsement from Sakurai that he wanted to see him playable for a long time (which was months after the ballot ended).

All this being said, I am still EXTREMELY confident Geno is getting in as a playable character (most likely as DLC). Even if Vergeben's Square-Enix character is not Geno, I am still confident Geno will eventually be added as DLC for Ultimate. Geno has something that no other prospective character has: Sakurai's own public favor and stated intention for playable status.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
Hey guys, im gonna sleep, so good night!
But before that, here my dream predictions:

-Black Shadow
-Bandana Dee
-Crash Bandicoot
-Skull Kid


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
It's blue, a Bear lives in it.
You can't miss it.
From Wikipedia:
Bear lives in the Big Blue House with his friends Ojo, Tutter, Treelo, Pip, Pop, and Shadow. He and his friends have many adventures together. Those normally include solving problems, sharing, cooperating with each other, and developing social/life skills.
Guess who's getting confirmed at Big House, boys and girls!

More seriously but off topic, I'm having all sorts of nostalgic memories flooding back to me lately. My mom used to call me and my little sister "Pip and Pop" when we were really little because we always did everything together. We're not actual twins but we're close enough to the same age that we often got mistaken for them.

I wasn't nearly this nostalgic during Smash 4 speculation. I'm starting to feel like an old geezer now. Now I'm starting understand why the older fans love K.Rool and Geno so much.
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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
My dream predictions are...

Dixie Kong
Black Shadow
Crash Bandicoot
Skull Kid
Galacta Knight from Kirby (I know he is a costume, but don't care)
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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Alright, how about this time;
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser:(Paper Mario):ultdk::ultdiddy::ultkrool::ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf:(Skull Kid):ultsamus::ultridley:(Sylux):ultkirby::ultmetaknight::ultkingdedede:(Bandanna Waddle Dee):ultfox::ultfalco::ultpikachu::ultmewtwo: (Gen 8 Pokemon):ultmarth:(Eldegaurd) :ultisabelle:(Rex & Pyra) :ultyoshi::ultness::ultfalcon::ultinkling::ulticeclimbers::ultgnw::ultsonic::ultmegaman::ultpacman:(Ryu Hayabusa) (Sora)
40 characters. I made it to model a Smash reboot after Ultimate as closely as I could.
(I'm still going to get roasted aren't I?)
I doubt Paper Mario, Skull Kid, and Sylux's inclusion in general. It lacks Robin, who represents Modern Fire Emblem perfectly, Villager, the face of Animal Crossing, Shulk, the Marth of the Xenoblade Franchise, and Pokemon Trainer, who represents Pokemon as a whole. I also doubt Ryu Hayabusa and Sora would be headliner third parties (as much as I love them both).

Also you're still missing Pit dude. He's more important than Ice Climbers in my opinion.
Hey guys, this is my reboot roster for Smash. Feel free to like, comment, and subscribe! :reverse:

View attachment 168169
Now THIS is a Smash reboot roster. Can't wait to play as Cool Spot.
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Deleted member

Link's Grandma better be Top Tier...
She loses pretty hard to Duck and Temple, which is a big deal. Thankfully, she beats Swanky Kong and Fire Flower, so she'll never be a truly irrelevant character. The big issue is why use Link's Grandma when Brawl Meta Knight does everything she does and more.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2018
I feel like Agumon isn't a complete 0% chance character. There's a history with Nintendo for the character, and there's certainly a Pokemon vs. Digimon history that would be great to play off of. (Almost reminiscent of Mario vs. Sonic history).

I think Agumon has more of a "Smash" vibe than some of the other hyped Namco characters. So you never know. When I make my bingo card, i'll probably slip him in as one of my dark horse characters. However, I can't deny that not only does he have competition from a bunch of Namco characters ... but also competition overall. There are a lot more characters I think have a better chance over him.

Still, count me in as wanting him in! I'll throw an easy 95% want score right there ;)
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
If nothing important happens at Big House, at least there will be some good gameplay showcasing more of what the current demo characters can do.

I'd be fine with that. As long as we don't get another Smash Tour I'm good.
I think Sakurai may have partly done that to discourage people from assuming Smash is a party game. Not too subtly, at that.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
She loses pretty hard to Duck and Temple, which is a big deal. Thankfully, she beats Swanky Kong and Fire Flower, so she'll never be a truly irrelevant character. The big issue is why use Link's Grandma when Brawl Meta Knight does everything she does and more.
But Cool Spot does everything Brawl Meta Knights better, so what's the point in using him?
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