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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Deleted member

Dream Predictions:
-Golisopod (But Incineroar is 98% percent likely and I am OK with that)
-Geno (The most likely SE Rep)
-Banjo & Kazooie (Much prefer them over Steve. 20th Anniversary mean anything?)
-Skull Kid (Zelda reps, we need a little more than triforce peeps)
Shadow (Lord please, Sonic Rival)
Ken (He is the original echo...)
Ninten (Mother rep, combo of Ness and Lucas)
EDIT: Honorable Mention: Isaac (Seriously, this needs to happen)
If I had to give my predictions for the final stretch, I think it would look something like this:
Unique Newcomers:
Incineroar: Duh.
Elma: I'm not ruling out Elma just yet. I think there may be a slight chance for her to become the 2nd Xenoblade character.
Either Geno OR A Dragon Quest Protagonist: I don't think Geno needs any explanation, as in addition to his cult following, Sakurai himself said he wanted Geno in Smash at one point. But if Geno doesn't make it in, a second Square character could easily be a Dragon Quest Protagonist, as Dragon Quest is massive over in Japan. Which one though, I'm not so sure.

Echo Fighters:
Ken: Also duh.
Shadow: Much as I loathe to admit it, he does seem like a huge possibility at this point.
Impa: Let me dream about a new Zelda character please?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2014
I'm awful at predictions, but I will say that Medusa has, I feel, a decent chance as an echo. (Yes I am biased and am projecting my personal desires but still)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2018
If I had to give my predictions for the final stretch, I think it would look something like this:
Unique Newcomers:
Incineroar: Duh.
Elma: I'm not ruling out Elma just yet. I think there may be a slight chance for her to become the 2nd Xenoblade character.
Either Geno OR A Dragon Quest Protagonist: I don't think Geno needs any explanation, as in addition to his cult following, Sakurai himself said he wanted Geno in Smash at one point. But if Geno doesn't make it in, a second Square character could easily be a Dragon Quest Protagonist, as Dragon Quest is massive over in Japan. Which one though, I'm not so sure.

Echo Fighters:
Ken: Also duh.
Shadow: Much as I loathe to admit it, he does seem like a huge possibility at this point.
Impa: Let me dream about a new Zelda character please?
I'd also throw Elma and Impa into the mix of potential last minute reveals. I can't rule either of them out just yet. A Dragon Quest rep would also be a good bet as that game is extremely popular in Japan.

I'm not sold on Shadow.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I am really glad Skull Kid has gotten so much traction as a character. He's the best suggestion for a new Zelda Character I've seen in a very long time. Impa was good but she always had that argument of whether she should be a clone or not. Skull Kid is a damn good choice even if he probably isn't happening. Shame, he could've been really interesting.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
So this coming Monday is Sports and Health Day in Japan and is a national holiday. So bearing that in mind, seeing as how Ken and Incineror are into sports and physical well-being....maybe we might see them revealed?

Or is that a stretch?

Deleted member

I am really glad Skull Kid has gotten so much traction as a character. He's the best suggestion for a new Zelda Character I've seen in a very long time. Impa was good but she always had that argument of whether she should be a clone or not. Skull Kid is a damn good choice even if he probably isn't happening. Shame, he could've been really interesting.
100% agree with you. Skull Kid would've been amazing to see in Ultimate, but it is what is.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
My Final predictions for Base game:
69 Incineroar
60E Ken
70 Geno
36E Dixie Kong
38E Shadow
71 Elma / Chorus Kids (It's gonna be one or the other... I'm just not sure which one it's gonna be..)


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
My Final predictions for Base game:
69 Incineroar
60E Ken
70 Geno
36E Dixie Kong
38E Shadow
71 Elma / Chorus Kids (It's gonna be one or the other... I'm just not sure which one it's gonna be..)
I’d hope it’s Elma and not Chorus Kids.

I don’t see 6 more characters though. 4 is the atmost max I see us getting in Ultimate.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
So this coming Monday is Sports and Health Day in Japan and is a national holiday. So bearing that in mind, seeing as how Ken and Incineror are into sports and physical well-being....maybe we might see them revealed?
Dr. Mario and Wii Fit Trainer confirmed. oh wait

Deleted member

So this coming Monday is Sports and Health Day in Japan and is a national holiday. So bearing that in mind, seeing as how Ken and Incineror are into sports and physical well-being....maybe we might see them revealed?

Or is that a stretch?
Have character reveals ever coincided with a holiday before? I don't think reveals have ever had such theming from Nintendo, but you never know. It's definitely an interesting possibility!

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I’ve been thinking about that WSJ thing from earlier and...I think it’s unsubstantiated (the Switch pro thing). They hire every Tom **** and Harry to write for them and it’s possible one of their new hires found the rumor and decided to write about it.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Hey guys, this is my reboot roster for Smash. Feel free to like, comment, and subscribe! :reverse:

View attachment 168169
I can't tell if it's the worst thing about this roster, or the best thing, but either way it's weird that most of my favorites were kept. Chrom, Little Mac, Marth (plus Marth, Marth, Marth, Marth, and Marth), Greninja, and R.O.B. all made it, and Mario kind of made it via Jumpman. Only Mewtwo and Pac-Man (and maybe Simon depending on how much he clicks with me) are sizable losses for me, but I get some great newcomers like Ezio, Cuphead, N, Anthony Higgs, Tigger, Pooh, Sebastian Toot, and Papyrus.

Why the hell am I okay with this surreal-ass roster? :laugh:


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Being driven and organized by a small group of people is completely different than inflating representation with bots and the like.

Not that I care for Geno at all. But that quote just sounds like a grassroots political campaign to me. Good for them.
I believe I was misinterpreted. By saying it was driven and organized by a handful of extremely passionate people, it shows why the Geno fanbase collapsed after Brawl's release. The activists built something, but without their continued presence and support, it collapsed. Compare that to other fanbases where they lost various champions and major supporters throughout the years, but gained new ones as well.

Again the Isaac fanbase is a good contrast. The closest thing that fanbase ever had to something being seen as hopeful was that Rathalos screenshot, and even before that Isaac had the largest support and managed to stay in the Top 10 throughout the pre-Smash 4 period.

Already we are seeing Skull Kid starting to lose steam due to discrediting of Loz. However, the conventional wisdom among the fanbase is that "Skull Kid was always among the most wanted characters in Smash Bros."

History is re-written to fit the spirit of the times. This goes outside of Smash Bros. speculation too.

Deleted member

I’ve been thinking about that WSJ thing from earlier and...I think it’s unsubstantiated (the Switch pro thing). They hire every Tom **** and Harry to write for them and it’s possible one of their new hires found the rumor and decided to write about it.
I mean, even without the rumor it's pretty likely a Switch revision is coming. Hardware revisions every two or so years is pretty common nowadays for technology, so I could easily see a revised Switch for next year's holiday season.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
So this coming Monday is Sports and Health Day in Japan and is a national holiday. So bearing that in mind, seeing as how Ken and Incineror are into sports and physical well-being....maybe we might see them revealed?

Or is that a stretch?
Announcement or not is that a holiday in Japan? Want to know if we should even expect an announcement/update/etc that day.

(Don't judge me but I base all my Japanese holidays off the Persona series and I don't remember if you get that one off lol)

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
I’d hope it’s Elma and not Chorus Kids.
I really wouldn't mind either way. Both them are two of my most wanted characters...
Though If I had to pick, I would want it to be Chorus Kids. That way, Smash can get another series represented.
We get anything new since yesterday?
Nope, Same old, Same old...


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
And thats the problem with the Smash community now. People mock others because they didn't believe a leak. They mock others because they dared to question something. "How dare you be skeptical about something. You must listen and believe." As I've said, there use to be a time where people were heavily skeptical of what others said. Even on Smashboards, post that actually had real information were doubted and were even deleted by the mods. Now, you have the exact opposite situation except now it's far more childish since everyone shuts their brains off and just except whatever is put on their plate. Look at where its gotten you all. You have YouTube channels that discuss every """leak""" with absolutely no merit to them just for click. You all think Skull Kid is definitely in because Bill made a tweet replying to someone else using an image from Majora's Mask. You guys buy into everything your told and you're critical of me because I say "You know, that could be wrong." All you've done is created a hotbed for fakers to come in and get their 15 minutes of fame.

And by the way, there is a link to my blog in my signature. Go to December/January. You know who I was writing about? Laura Dale and all the "leaks" she made. You know what happened? She was absolutely wrong. And who said she was wrong? I did. Despite everyone believing them. Despite almost every major game site hanging on her every word. If fact, I think I said it perfectly in that post

Sorry I'm not a good little sheeple.
You know the word hero gets thrown around a lot these days, but then we have people like you reminding us what it really means. It means saying no. Saying no when everyone else is saying yes. Saying no when the evidence is against you. Saying no when all sense drifts away.

Saying no, unless everyone else is saying no. Then, saying yes.

I wish I was as brave as you, Chu. Amongst herds of sheeple, you're truly a black sheep. And you know what, you keep on saying no, and one of these days you might just be right a second time. That'll show the mockers.



Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I’ve been thinking about that WSJ thing from earlier and...I think it’s unsubstantiated (the Switch pro thing). They hire every Tom **** and Harry to write for them and it’s possible one of their new hires found the rumor and decided to write about it.
I think there could be some merit to it. We just don't know what it would be. Could be a Switch Pro, but it could also be a Switch Mini to be a replacement for the 3DS, around the time Gen 8 comes around. Cheaper, maybe handheld only or sold handheld only. I mean, seriously, they could have sold the Switch handheld only for the same price the 3DS came out with--$250, technically $220 if you subtract the price of the dock, but that would net more profit. Why they didn't do that, I have no clue--guess it just conflicted with the branding. Doesn'tSwitchButStillPlaysSwitchGames might be the new branding.

Deleted member

Hey guys, this is my reboot roster for Smash. Feel free to like, comment, and subscribe! :reverse:

View attachment 168169
This is what happens when you hand Smash development over to Silvagunner. All it's missing is Grand Dad, HH Greg, and...

...Wait. *Sees playable Pearl*

Finally, our glorious gremlin queen gets the respect she deserves. 11/10 better than the real roster confirmed.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
When it comes to predictions the characters i'm most confident will be in the base game are-


I'm half and half on Steve, and Geno could be dlc, but I hope he's base game.

Honorable mentions to-
Elma and Chorus Kids
Who I feel like have good chances, but not as good as the top five.
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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
However, the conventional wisdom among the fanbase is that "Skull Kid was always among the most wanted characters in Smash Bros.
I have never seen anyone claim this. Nor even close to it. And I frequent the Skull Kid support thread, which has some... optimistic people to put it nicely.

Skull Kid had a small dedicated fanbase that exploded after the LoZ stuff. Everyone sees it that way. Zelda one offs have consistently seen large amounts of support and then fall offs when they don't make it in, moving onto a new Zelda character next Smash. Want to know why? My best guess is because every Smash game Zelda fans jump to the next most recent character to support because they feel that that's the best chance they have. You saw it with Midna in Brawl and in Smash 4 Ghirahim had some support running for him before he was deconfirmed.

Skull Kid does have things going in his favor, but I think even the most diehard, blinded by love for the character fan can admit LoZ is what made them blow up in the Smash community. What you'll see them argue most of the time is that MM is an iconic game/object that is incredibly popular sure, but that doesn't translate into Smash character support and most people realize that. I'd imagine most people would be fine with him in but don't outright support him.

I agree with the general sentiment of your post btw, I just feel like Skull Kid is a bad choice to represent what you're saying when you already have people turning on him and saying he's gone most likely.
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Apr 9, 2014
Wait, what happened with Skull Kid?

also the only smash reboot I'd accept is a dark and edgy one


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I have never seen anyone claim this. Nor even close to it. And I frequent the Skull Kid support thread, which has some... optimistic people to put it nicely.

Skull Kid had a small dedicated fanbase that exploded after the LoZ stuff. Everyone sees it that way. Zelda one offs have consistently seen large amounts of support and then fall offs when they don't make it in, moving onto a new Zelda character next Smash. Want to know why? My best guess is because every Smash game Zelda fans jump to the next most recent character to support because they feel that that's the best chance they have. You saw it with Midna in Brawl and in Smash 4 Ghirahim had some support running for him before he was deconfirmed.

Skull Kid does have things going in his favor, but I think even the most diehard, blinded by love for the character fan can admit LoZ is what made them blow up in the Smash community. What you'll see them argue most of the time is that MM is an iconic game/object that is incredibly popular sure, but that doesn't translate into Smash character support and most people realize that. I'd imagine most people would be fine with him in but don't outright support him.

I agree with the general sentiment of your post btw, I just feel like Skull Kid is a bad choice to represent what you're saying when you already have people turning on him and saying he's gone most likely.
I agree with the sentiment of your post, particularly on how Zelda fans seem to jump from character to character. Though on Midna, Toon Link also had a lot of support, particularly so in Japan (Phantom Hourglass was the last Zelda game to sell over a million copies in Japan until Breath of the Wild's release). In general, there were various notably sized Zelda character fanbases during the pre-Brawl period (Midna, Toon Link, Tingle, and Vaati).

After Brawl's release, there was basically no strong Zelda newcomer choice for years until Skyward Sword's release. Even with Breath of the Wild's release (the highest selling game in the series), is there a particular character from that game people have gravitated towards?

The problem with the Zelda series is that there are only three major re-occurring characters in it (Link, Zelda, and Ganon/dorf). Impa might be the next most re-occurring character, but most of the time she is just an old woman (with the exceptions of Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, and the spinoff Hyrule Warriors). I actually think Impa would be a fantastic choice for an echo fighter of Sheik.

However, I understand the frustration of Zelda fans seeing as the series has now gone over ten years without a newcomer (and 17 years without a newcomer that is not a derivative of Link). However, aside from characters, the Zelda franchise is very blessed in content. It has more items based off of it than any other series in Smash Bros. with the exception of Mario. It also has the second highest amount of stages in Ultimate (nine stages), which is more than even Pokemon, and the only series it has less than is Mario (which traditionally even from the first game in the series, has always had significantly more stages than other franchises represented in the game).

I do think Skull Kid is certainly a contender for a DLC character so long as he is not an Assist Trophy or a boss. I think him and Impa are probably the only plausible contenders for a Zelda newcomer right now.

Perhaps a better example would have been Ashley.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Wait, what happened with Skull Kid?
Just someone on mentioning a skull moon passing by the earth soon on Twitter.
Made a joke about gotta get an ocarina.
Bill Trinen replies "72 hours remain"
People loss there minds.

EDIT: How would people react if he had used a different quote?
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Deleted member

My prediction is that we'll get a character that punches people or uses a sword. They may also be from a video game.

I'm making the risky bets over here. :yeahboi:

...Nah, in all seriousness the next reveal is probably buff wrestle kitty man. Which I'm fine with at this point. He'll represent a type of fighter Smash has needed for a long time. Plus, I get to make Tony the Tiger memes, which is never not a good thing.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
I have never seen anyone claim this. Nor even close to it. And I frequent the Skull Kid support thread, which has some... optimistic people to put it nicely.

Skull Kid had a small dedicated fanbase that exploded after the LoZ stuff. Everyone sees it that way. Zelda one offs have consistently seen large amounts of support and then fall offs when they don't make it in, moving onto a new Zelda character next Smash. Want to know why? My best guess is because every Smash game Zelda fans jump to the next most recent character to support because they feel that that's the best chance they have. You saw it with Midna in Brawl and in Smash 4 Ghirahim had some support running for him before he was deconfirmed.

Skull Kid does have things going in his favor, but I think even the most diehard, blinded by love for the character fan can admit LoZ is what made them blow up in the Smash community. What you'll see them argue most of the time is that MM is an iconic game/object that is incredibly popular sure, but that doesn't translate into Smash character support and most people realize that. I'd imagine most people would be fine with him in but don't outright support him.

I agree with the general sentiment of your post btw, I just feel like Skull Kid is a bad choice to represent what you're saying when you already have people turning on him and saying he's gone most likely.
Is this what we’re going with now? People saying that Skull Kid likely won’t happen in the base game = people “turning on” him?
If you want people “turning on” a character, look at what happened to Ridley after Shokio started the whole “too big” craze. Look at what happened to Bayonetta upon her winning the ballot and then being incredibly OP. Look at what happened to Fire Emblem characters in general.
Hell, if you want an example of people turning on characters that aren’t in yet, just look at Bandana Waddle Dee.
It’s not that people don’t want Skull Kid. It’s that they simply don’t think he’s likely.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2018
Just someone on mentioning a skull moon passing by the earth soon on Twitter.
Made a joke about gotta get an ocarina.
Bill Trinen replies "72 hours remain"
People loss there minds.

EDIT: How would people react if he had used a different quote?
I'm sure no matter the reference he would've chosen to use would've been twisted into hinting at Smash in some way.

I love Skull Kid and really want him playable, but I doubt it's happening for base roster at least.

DLC could be possible, he gained a LOT of traction throughout Ultimate speculation.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2015
Can’t we all be friends?

View attachment 167996

These guys get along just fine. Though people have been skeptical of Elma lately (:(), I think this can very well happen in Smash too...

Some of you guys have been arguing about Xenoblade 1 and 2, and yet here we are, where Rex is best friends with Shulk now... and Elma.
lol, rex is a xenolet


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2018
Why do people think Skull Kid isn't gonna happen anymore? Does him being MIA suddenly not matter now? Loz never influenced my decision on him being in, and it shouldn't for any of you guys as well.


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2018
I'm sure no matter the reference he would've chosen to use would've been twisted into hinting at Smash in some way.

I love Skull Kid and really want him playable, but I doubt it's happening for base roster at least.

DLC could be possible, he gained a LOT of traction throughout Ultimate speculation.
At least the quote he did use gives people just 3 days of chasing their own tails, whereas something like "You've met with a terrible fate" would have people going crazy for longer.
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