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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Honest Slug

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2018
1. King K. Rool
2. Ridley
3. Inkling
4. Simon Belmont
5. Dark Samus
6. Richter
7. Daisy
8. Chrom

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Here is my ranking:
1) Simon Belmont: My second most wanted newcomer, and he brought freaking 34 songs and an amazing stage with him.
2)King K. Rool: an amazing character with great personality.
3)Inkling: Obvius choice, great series and great moveset potential.
4)Daisy: I've a particular attachment for Daisy since she was my grandma's favourite character when we used to played Mario Party together. Also I like Peach's moveset.
5)Ridley: Never really cared for him, but the moveset they gave him looks great.
6)Chrom: He totally deserved his chance, especially his fans. Also he seems more unique than other echoes, which is great.
7)Richter: I've yet to play Rondo of Blood, so I barely know him. Still cool than Castlevania got two characters.
8)Dark Samus: I really hated her guts in Prime 2 and 3, but at least I can beat her up again and again for many years.
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Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
There is no heros vs villains theme. It is marketing.nothing that affects anything else.
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Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2015
Heros vs Villains

Young Link vs Skull Kid
Chrom and Lucina vs Robin
Inkling vs Octoling?
Kirby vs Marx
Pikachu vs Pokemon trainer(because he slaves wild animalsjust kidding)
Isaac vs Waluigi


Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2018
1. King K.Rool
2. Ridley
3. Inkling
4. Simon/Richter
5. Dark Samus
6. Chrom
7. Daisy

(Although, I’m honestly really excited for all of them!)
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
Ultimate's clones, or Echoes, are easily the most similar to their base characters from any game. Be it melee, 64, or Brawl, clones in those past games had ample differences. Unlike ultimate, where they'd might as well be the same as Alph. Which is why I think we can expect at least another 5-7 echoes just because of how damn simple they are to make.

As for my picks, from most wanted to least:

Black Shadow
Dr. Luigi
Dry Bowser
Shadow Mewtwo
well no one has actually tried out the echoes, so we actually dont know their non aesthetic differences yet


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I'd rather split my "most excited for" between uniques and echoes because obviously the Unique characters are more interesting. If you must see them merged. Then imagine Echoes are 5-8


1. Ridley
2. Simon Belmont
3. Inkling
4. King K. Rool

Really like all four though. I mean no disrespect to K. Rool.


1. Dark Samus
2. Chrom
3. Richter
4. Daisy

Deleted member

I just now realized... This year is Banjo's 20th Anniversary, and B-K got a bunch of promotional stuff a few months ago. With how buddy-buddy Ninty and Microsoft have been lately... man, I'm starting to believe. It MIGHT just happen. He did do really well in the ballot polls.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Chrom to bury Palutena to low tier confirmed
She already is low tier...how low can she go until she hits rock bottom?
I just now realized... This year is Banjo's 20th Anniversary, and B-K got a bunch of promotional stuff a few months ago. With how buddy-buddy Ninty and Microsoft have been lately... man, I'm starting to believe. It MIGHT just happen. He did do really well in the ballot polls.
It would be true beauty


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007

I can stress how much I wanted a belmont and castlevania stuff in smash... and this guys certainly delivered... since they seem to be the same, i don't think i can pick one over the other. Having SOTN Ricther as an alt may break the tie though...
I love how they implemented ridley in smash, to the point that i'm hoping that Smash ridley kinda permeates into Metroid games...really loving him
4)Dark Samus.
I wasn't too sold into the idea of Dark Samus as an echo considering how... different she moves, but seeing how much effort it was put into the character to adress this Specific complain, I was insta sold.
actually i haven't paleyed splatoon.. but they are so fresh! aesthetical very pleasing and even among so much fan favorite veteran, is great to see somne new faces. plus gameplaywise they look fun.
I actually like a lot the DKC franchise, both the old and the new but i'm more invested in the gameplay, the stages and locations and the music than the characters themselves. wouldn't mind Krool and the kremlings making a return in the next DKC, but i don't think they are "Essencial". and i liked a lot the snowmads. Still, happy for him and certainly happy for their supporters.
7-8)Daisy and Chrom.
Particluary not a fan of neither... but honestly i can't be mad with echoes, and i'm honestly happy for their fanbases.

As for wanted characters?
honestly i'm very cool with the current roster. I already got in all my TOP TOP choices into smash. if i really need to ask for more though?

Disconfirmed: Shovel Knight, Bomberman, Alucard (heh I know that is stupid greedy, i'm actually very happy with him as an AT) Dracula, (same as Alucard), Lyn, Mimkyu Ashley (would been really fun having a witch type character besides bayo <3).

Unkonwn: Solaire (very unlikely but dark souls in smash may be my next pipe dream hehehe...), Lycanrock (love the idea of a quadruped and a rock type), Sylvally (Loved this pokemon, but super unlikely),Golisopod (same), Urbosa, Mipha, Skull Kid, Isabelle as an original character (feels like she could put a very cute and fun moveset), Mona, Someone from Rythm heaven and Chun-Li.

But then again.. I'm really satisfied with the current roster.
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Majestic Space Pirate
Jun 9, 2011
Florida, USA
1. Ridley
2. Dark Samus
3. King K.Rool
4. Daisy
5. Simon/Richter Belmont
6. Inkling
7. Chrom


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I know Banjo Kazooie have some hurdles to jump if they were to get in, but would anyone be kind enough to explain just what those hurdles are?
I never understood exactly what was stopping them besides Microsoft being Microsoft.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2014
Not sure how it's worded when precisely translated, but this is what Sak said during E3

"We've streamlined the conditions for unlocking fighters, and we wanted to make the process interesting so it feels like you're constantly recruiting popular characters to your side"

I really feel like Spirits will be a linear story mode where you fight characters, then take their "spirit", as it were, and absorb it into your roster. It would certainly be interesting and the terminology of "constantly recruiting popular characters to your side" feels specific, maybe we'll assemble a team of all the fighters to fight one foe as in the Subspace Emissary?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2014
1. King K. Rool (#1 Most want since Smash 4 speculation)
2. Inkling (Never actually had the chance to feel any anticipation for them since they were so obvious, but I would have been very disappointed had they left out)
3. Ridley (Highly deserving; opens up character supports for others; good choice of design)
4. Chrom (I like the character and he got a raw deal last time)
5. Simon (Not a personal choice, but deserving and looks great)
6. Dark Samus (Don't really care, but at least first party)
7. Richter (Don't really care)
8. Daisy (Not really a fan)
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Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Richter>Ridley>Simon>Inkling>K. Rool>Chrom>Daisy>Dark Samus

Dark Samus: I don't mind DS, but I really don't care about them tbh. Also, they were one of the speculated Echoes that really had a shot of having a unique/cool moveset (phazon stuff, etc.) which is a shame.

Daisy: I like Daisy a bit more than DS but then again, I don't care that much.

Chrom: IMO he was one of the best picks for an Echo, but he causes so much controversy. Controversy that I will have to deal with as an FE fan.

K. Rool: I couldn't care less but I'm happy for his fans. I just don't like his design (he's just grotesque to look at and with the personality of a Saturday morning cartoon villain he doesn't have much to back it up) and I never got into the DKC games.

Inkling: I haven't played Splatoon, but they're pretty cool. I gotta give props to a franchise that was a runaway success on the Wii U and managed to breathe a bit of design/mechanical variety into the Shooter genre. Maybe I'll get Splatoon 3 when it comes out in a year or two if I like them in Smash.

Simon: An optimal rep from a deserving third party franchise who has a very fun-looking moveset, with tons of great music to boot. The Conan design throughs me off though. Richter however...

Ridley: Before E3, I said that the only way to reveal Ridley would be at E3. And I was right. Ridley is a huge purple space dragon that isn't afraid to show off the more ruthless and cunning characters of Nintendo. Also, he beat the odds of multiple official deconfirmations, Ridley is the prime example of an "Impossible" character made real.

Richter: Wow, I did not expect this. I haven't even played a Castlevania game, but I absolutely love this guy in Smash. The moveset, the design, the personality, he has it all. Plus, his reveal in the already amazing Simon trailer looked stellar. I hope I can be good with him and play his games in the future. That's what I love about Smash, it exposes me to things I probably wouldn't have touched otherwise.

I guess I put a big emphasis on the presentation of a character because someone who I only knew the name of before Smash topped my list.

Also, I think Richter placed so high because he was the only real "surprise" character I've seen so far. The first thing I thought about after the E3 reveal was Chrom and DS Echoes, Daisy was a popular mainstream pick, Inkling duh, Simon/Ridley had been being leaked since April, and the echo chambers of deep Smash speculation made me expect K. Rool. I don't have much stock in any "likely" (Hector pls) potential newcomers so I want to be surprised.


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
I know Banjo Kazooie have some hurdles to jump if they were to get in, but would anyone be kind enough to explain just what those hurdles are?
I never understood exactly what was stopping them besides Microsoft being Microsoft.
popularity and relevance, honestly Thats literally all.
He kinda have both... but does he have enough of that to be in smash? honestly, we will see the answer in some months.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
They will knowing that they just dumped 5 characters on us yesterday

Okay so my Top 10 overall wishlist?

1. Crash
2. Wolf - confirmed
3. King K Rool - confirmed

4. Dixie Kong
5. Ridley - confirmed
6. Zelda rep
7. Pokemon rep
8. Ice Climbers - confirmed
9. Bandanna Dee
10. Isaac

So now it's the following since 4 of my Top 10 are in...

1. Crash
2. Dixie Kong
3. Zelda rep
4. Pokemon rep
5. Bandanna Dee
6. Isaac
7. Xenoblade rep
8. Shadow
9. Lip
10. Spring Man

Totally understandable there Swamp. Maybe consider the thoughts of putting them into DLC? There's a possibility that the highly requested characters that came in during this time period would be moved to DLC where people will want to get them.

So a game to play for everyone: Rank the newcomers in order of their appearance of most hyped for to least hyped. I'll start

K Rool, Ridley, Inklings, Dark Samus, Simon, Daisy, Richter, Chrom

Ridley > Simon/Richter > K. Rool > Inkling > Dark Samus > Chrom

Yeah; that sounds about right; Ridley was something so unbelievable that despite don't being my most wanted of the bunch; I feel so hype for his reveal.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Remember how much **** talking the Fire Emblem characters had between one another last game?

Imagine Chrom and Lucina.

I hope they're not supportive father and daughter and instead are just like ''Get riggedy rekt, daughter."


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2014
Planet Ultimate
Let's take a moment to appreciate how great the Assist Trophy list has become. Comparing it to Brawl's list, it's amazing just how far we've come.

And if you took all the Assist Trophies and made a fighting game with them, it would still be a bigger All-Star fighting game then Play Station All-Stars Battle Royale.
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Smash Lord
May 5, 2018

I thought Palutena had foresight.

Looks rather nearsighted to me.
Well, the All-Seeing Eye of Palutena was damaged by a botched laser eye surgery treatment, remember? :p (It’s implied that she might’ve just made that up, but still)

I wonder if Chrom is going to be in his own Palutena’s Guidance, assuming that it returns with new lines.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
My rankings:
1. Simon Belmont
2. Chrom
3. Richter Belmont
4. Dark Samus
5. Ridley
6. King K. Rool
7/8. Inkling/Daisy

Ask away, if you want!
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
We rankin' newcomers? Honestly I can barely choose

1. Ridley and K. Rool are probably #1 as far as hype goes. After a literal decade of waiting for and expecting them to be in every Smash game since melee they're finally here, and their designs look great. Ridley's grotesque Other M design got thrown out (thank god) to give us one of the characters best renders of all time, striking just the right balance between menacing and gangly, really accentuating the characters predatory nature. K. Rool looks fantastic, who knew all they had to do with exaggerate the Paon design's facial expressions and give it scales? His animation's are also pretty much perfect.

2. Inkling's look super fun but they were kind of a shoe-in and their reveal trailer was more exciting because of the game announcement than the character announcement. Still, I loved Splatoon and love the characters, so I'm excited regardless.

3. Simon looks awesome, but the leak kind of spoiled the fun and he wasn't on my radar really before that, despite being a fairly obvious pick. His playstyle seems cool as hell and I love his he-man-looking-ass design though.

4. Dark Samus is neat, and I'm happy to see Metroid getting more representation, but I'm really disappointed they're an echo. Love their animations and general vibe, so I'll probably still end up giving them a shot.

5. Daisy/Richter just don't really interest me as characters, but at least Daisy is expressive and Richter looks fun, and fairly important to his franchise.

6. Chrom is gross lol. Happy for anyone who supported him but I don't think they really did the character any favours, and Fire Emblem does not need more Marth's. More rep's is fine, but we have 4 Marth's.



I know they all play differently to an extent, but still. To make matters worse, he's probably the least expressive character in the entire game (B^U), and he's likely going to be the worst FE Swordie thanks to having the worst recovery out of all of them. No Ike Side-B or Shieldbreaker to offset Aether's terrible horizontal coverage and predictability, oops. I'd rather have him be a 1 to 1 echo of Roy honestly.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Inkling > Chrom = Dark Samus > K.Rool > Rickter > Daisy > Simon > Ridley

Unpopular opinion: None of these new characters really intrest me.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 9, 2018
Here are my Overall Thoughts following the direct:

-Isabelle (very likely) - If you believe Verge then this is a shoo-in, she hasn't been deconfirmed either
-Geno (likely) - he's one of the remaining "most requested" characters now that Ridley & K.Rool are in
-Dixie Kong (likely) - she seemed notably & suspiciously absent from the direct
-Shadow (maybe) - popular in Japan & makes sense after not being deconfirmed at direct
-Decidueye (maybe) - Vergeben says otherwise, but I didn't see it deconfirmed in the direct
-Incineroar (maybe) - Vergeben seems to indicate this as a possibility, not familiar with gen 7 so maybe it got deconfirmed and I didn't notice...
-Skull Kid (maybe) - as has been mentioned, he was suspiciously missing from the direct
-Bandana Dee (maybe) - longtime fan favorite and Ultimate seems to be focused on fan service
Banjo Kazooie (maybe)
Impa (maybe)
Sans (No clue) - after the Shovel Knight being deconfirmed, I'd expect Sans to be an AT
Sora (pipedream)
Goku (seriously doubt it)
-Kamek or a different Yoshi rep (decent chances) if they're doing the whole hero vs villain (or Rival) thing then Yoshi's series is the most deserving of a new character IMO (wish it could be Boshi, Poochie AT anyone?)
-Monster Hunter character (unlikely) - there's a Monster Hunter stage, boss, & AT. So it's a possibility
-More Final Fantasy reps (maybe) - If they go to the trouble of licensing for Geno, why not get licensing for some more characters while you're at it (I'd personally like to see Vivi but Squall [Leon] would be cool too)
Black Shadow or a different F Zero rep (unlikely)
Another Kirby rep (unlikely, but maybe Marx or Galacta Knight?)
- Will Sakurai continue to blur the line of what constitutes an echo when future echos are revealed? I personally hope he does. I'm glad he doesn't limit his creativity by arbitrary classifications.
- 6 more stages could fit on the stage select easily. There could be even more.
- I think we can trust Vergeben to a certain degree (i.e. he's probably more accurate than many leakers and deserves only a smidgen of credibility).
- Loz still seems credible
- Regardless, we should still take any leaks with a grain of salt
- It will be right before (less likely but it could be after) the online services launch, so early to mid-September
- I'd expect 1 unique (hopefully Geno, maybe Skull Kid?), and 1 echo reveal (Dixie, Isabelle, or Shadow?)
- Nintendo will further detail the online services and that will be the focus of this direct
- Nintendo will announce a global test smash (demo/online stress test) will happen before release but won't say when exactly it will happen
- It will happen either mid-October, late October, or early November (it could be early October, but given the post-E3 drought we had, I don't think it will happen that soon)
- They will announce the date of the Global test smash and further detail which characters will be available.
- 2-3 new character reveals (Geno, Skull Kid, Banjo Kazooie, Steve [pls no...], Gen 7 rep, Kamek, etc.)
- 2-3 echo reveals (Shadow, Black Shadow, Isabelle [she might not be an echo?], Dixie [also might not be an echo], Impa, etc)
- If there is a supposed "controversial character" reveal, then it will happen in this direct (will it really be Goku or Steve?)
- more stage reveals
- more music reveals
- The focus of this direct is the blurred out single player mode (Spirits? Subspace Emissary?)
- more boss reveals
- More AT deconfirmations (I don't even want to guess on this one...TT).
- more item reveals
- The direct will close with Sakurai saying there are 2 characters who won't be revealed until release day (This won't happen, but I wish it would...)

If you could add any combination (3 echos, 1 unique or 2 unique, 2 echos, etc) of 4 character, who would you add?

Personally I'd love to have

1. Geno
2. Skull Kid
3. Kamek
4. Bandana Dee

(Not putting Isabelle because I already think she's a lock, I hope Geno's a lock too)


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Honestly, Richter is the only character i didn't really want. I feel simon was good by himself. But hey, at least it's a new fighter.
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