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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
Listen to this guy. The CGI trailers are probably just for marketing.
You cannot sit there and try to justify pairs of characters being added for a villian/hero deal.

We are not getting lloyd and heihachi because heroes/villains. They are not adding shadow for villains. He is a cheap clone.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
How many of you that frequent this thread share newcomer predictions here? Lately, I have been seeing less and less people willing to predict, with a decreasing number roster speculators over time. There used to be a lot of predictions prior to the Smash Ultimate reveal, but now it is just kind of silent. Who is still predicting?


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
You cannot sit there and try to justify pairs of characters being added for a villian/hero deal.

We are not getting lloyd and heihachi because heroes/villains. They are not adding shadow for villains. He is a cheap clone.
Think you're using the wrong word.

Can be a friendly rival, an ambivalent rival, an antagonistic recurring villain... rival.
There's a reason why Kirby was seen fighting Meta Knight in K. Rool's trailer.

I normally wouldn't pay attention to something like the theme, but this time it's either actually a thing, or the newcomers just happen to fall into the Hero / Rival or Villain theme. Either way it's not a shocking thing to think about.
How many of you that frequent this thread share newcomer predictions here? Lately, I have been seeing less and less people willing to predict, with a decreasing number roster speculators over time. There used to be a lot of predictions prior to the Smash Ultimate reveal, but now it is just kind of silent. Who is still predicting?
Almost all of my non-****posts are predictions or meta-conversation about predictions.
I like talking about it, and talking about talking about it.
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Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
How many of you that frequent this thread share newcomer predictions here? Lately, I have been seeing less and less people willing to predict, with a decreasing number roster speculators over time. There used to be a lot of predictions prior to the Smash Ultimate reveal, but now it is just kind of silent. Who is still predicting?
I am i posted my guess before.

Will post again later when i update with echo predictions.

I predict 4 more unique characters.

Bandanna dee


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I'm sure this question got asked already after the Direct, but I want to ask again, because I know how much everyone loves it.

With the announcement of 5 characters this past Direct, plus Sakurai's confirmation that they do indeed still have more to show, how many more new characters are you expecting now (including echo fighters)?

Honestly, my answer keeps changing constantly because I just can't predict Sakurai anymore.
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Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
How many of you that frequent this thread share newcomer predictions here? Lately, I have been seeing less and less people willing to predict, with a decreasing number roster speculators over time. There used to be a lot of predictions prior to the Smash Ultimate reveal, but now it is just kind of silent. Who is still predicting?
Someday I'll make a prediction list...


Sep 26, 2013

A ****ty picture meme that sums up my feelings about the newcomers(barring Inkling) thus far.

Honestly, I can't even imagine what they have left if they felt confident in blowing Ridley and K.Rool THIS early before launch.... the thought intrigues and frightens me, to be honest.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
Think you're using the wrong word.

Can be a friendly rival, an ambivalent rival, an antagonistic recurring villain... rival.
There's a reason why Kirby was seen fighting Meta Knight in K. Rool's trailer.

I normally wouldn't pay attention to something like the theme, but this time it's either actually a thing, or the newcomers just happen to fall into the Hero / Rival or Villain theme. Either way it's not a shocking thing to think about.

Almost all of my non-****posts are predictions or meta-conversation about predictions.
I like talking about it, and talking about talking about it.

Fair. But someone was trying to justify double character admissions with this logic. It is false.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2007
My rankings:

1. Ridley: The only Metroid I've played was Samus Returns but I love everything about this guy. The design, the trailer, the moveset, its all looks fantastic.
2. K. Rool: My one true dream pick. I am now completely satisfied with the roster.
3. Chrom: Was a Robin supporter back in Smash 4 but now happy to see Chrom get his chance. Being Roy without a tipper is making me seriously consider him as a secondary.
4. Dark Samus: Her animations look amazing and the design like Ridley's is fantastic. Nice to see the Metroid Prime trilogy get some more love.
5. Richter: Barely know anything about the guy but great design and looks fun. Definitely trying him out.
6. Inklings: Nice to see them. Will give them a spin.
7. Simon: Less appealing design than Rictor but good to see another classic NES character. Dude's trailer was definitely the best.
8. Daisy: Happy for her fans. Hope she has her trademark "Hi, I'm Daisy" catchphrase for maximum trolling.
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Honest Slug

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2018
I guess I can give my reasoning.

Chrom is just kinda boring. He's another Fire Emblem character from a game already repped twice with a moveset similar to characters that already have clones. He doesn't bother me and I'm kinda glad he got some respect after Smash 4 but he does little for me personally.

Daisy is never I character I liked, she always annoyed me tbh. With that said she has fans and is a worthy addition as an echo.

Richter is cool but he's an echo so not much to say about him lol.

Dark Samus is definately the best of the echoes to me. Amazing design and it gives Metroid even more love.

I've actually never played Castlevania but Simon looks super fun to play as and he's one of the last NES icons not represented. A great 3rd party choice.

I love Inklings and the games they come from. Didn't really get hyped since they were so obvious, but they were absolutely needed and look to have fantastic movesets.

Ridley and King K. Rool speak for themselves. Do I even need to explain? I'm going to be lazy and just assume you know why.

This roster is incredible so far, already has blown away Smash 4's roster with only 4 unique newcomers! And we don't even know all of them yet!


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
I know Banjo Kazooie have some hurdles to jump if they were to get in, but would anyone be kind enough to explain just what those hurdles are?
I never understood exactly what was stopping them besides Microsoft being Microsoft.
I think the big one fans are worried about is the fact that Microsoft is one of Nintendo's competitors in the console industry, much like how SEGA used to be that way. But since they're so buddy-buddy with crossplay and on Twitter, I get a good feeling that ol' Mr. Billy Gates would be more than happy to negotiate a deal with the Big N on the bear and bird, and with beloved favorites like Snake, K. Rool, Ridley, and more getting in on the action, I'd say that we could see at least something in the next 4 months.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2014
Your nearest Pizza Hut
Sorry if this has been said before but I just noticed something.

At the end of the K Rool trailer we see K Rool bury both DK and Diddy Kong into the ground.

Is this a throwback to DKC3? Are we finally getting kween Lanky Kong?


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
To beating Jigglypuff, Zelda, and Ganondorf in the P tier for Palutena :troll:
So Chrom was so offended by what Palutena and Viridi said about him, he sent them both to a place worse than last place...damn they need to learn to be respectful to humans like Pit


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
How many of you that frequent this thread share newcomer predictions here? Lately, I have been seeing less and less people willing to predict, with a decreasing number roster speculators over time. There used to be a lot of predictions prior to the Smash Ultimate reveal, but now it is just kind of silent. Who is still predicting?
I mean, in my head, I think of Shadow, Tails potentially ( KMDP KMDP ), and Impa. Lip and Geno have really good chances too, considering the love they receive from Sakurai himself.

Lady Byakugan

Smash Ace
Sep 3, 2014
I'm sure this question got asked already after the Direct, but I want to ask again, because I know how much everyone loves it.

With the announcement of 5 characters this past Direct, plus Sakurai's confirmation that they do indeed still have more to show, how many more new characters are you expecting now (including echo fighters)?

Honestly, my answer keeps changing constantly because I just can't predict Sakurai anymore.
imo 5-7 more echoes depending on how different they are from their base. And 4-5 more newcomers.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
In before to kill Peach off in a trailer? Sakurai adds Rabbid Peach as a playable character and has her literally murder Peach to replace her in the roster.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
A ****ty picture meme that sums up my feelings about the newcomers(barring Inkling) thus far.

Honestly, I can't even imagine what they have left if they felt confident in blowing Ridley and K.Rool THIS early before launch.... the thought intrigues and frightens me, to be honest.
God those renders look so good. This game looks so good... I love Nintendo lmao

Idunno though, I think after what we've got, we're probably in for 4 more characters, and I don't see anything being as massive as those two, literally and figuratively. If I had to guess characters who would match the hype though I would say Banjo & Kazooie and (don't shoot, I know it's unlikely but with the way this game is playing out...) Goku. Also expecting Geno and Isaac, but while they're highly requested, they're a bit more niche.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Newcomer rankings? Aight.

1. Richter
I swear, if I knew this was even a possibility, I would have supported Richter over Simon in a heartbeat. Best Belmont from the Best (Classic) Castlevania game. I honestly don't think I'll be touching Simon all that much thanks to him. MAN he looks fun.
2. Inkling
Having actually gotten the chance to play Inkling and Ridley, Inkling has me really excited. Love Splatoon, and I love how Inkling plays.
3. Simon
I mean, I still love Simon, you can't like Castlevania and NOT like Simon. And just like Richter he looks like SO much fun. It's literally just personal preference as a Castlevania nut at this point.
4. Chrom
Yeah, I know, Fire Emblem, WEH, I really don't care. This boy deserves to finally be here. And if he actually becomes a better Roy than Roy, than even better. One of the best Lords of the series, if not THE best.
5. K. Rool
I like all the DKC games, but I'm by no means a super fan. Still, K. Rool is great to have and has obviously earned his spot. Heavyweights aren't really my cup of tea, nor are Villains actually (I'm a good two shoes), but hey, he looks fun.
6. Daisy
Peach's style is fun, and I like Daisy enough. But I have Rosalina, so both her and Peach are pretty much invalid to me. Still, like her spunk.
7. Ridley
I played Ridley a few times at E3 and... Meh. Again, like I said with K. Rool, heavies and Villains aren't really my thing. Of course I'm still glad he's here, though.
8. Dark Samus
Samus' Moveset has never really appealed to me, and I doubt Dark Samus will change that much. Dig her animations, though.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
My favorite render is going to be K. Rool's by far.

He just looks like a sassy woman who is about to tell someone off and I will forever love Sakurai for that.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Had a thought. what if the early leaker saw the artwork done for K. Rools trailer and that's where the "There's a Heroes & Villains theme" thing came from.
I mean, in my head, I think of Shadow, Tails potentially ( KMDP KMDP ), and Impa. Lip and Geno have really good chances too, considering the love they receive from Sakurai himself.
As BluePikmin11 BluePikmin11 said, speculators seem to be going quiet as time goes on. I'm still doing predictions, but that's just because I love doing that kind of thing.

Either the speculators are going quiet because they got what they want (Ridley) or Sakurai's original comment ("don't expect too many new fighters") has lowered some people's enthusiasm for speculation.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Newcomer rankings? Aight.

1. Richter
I swear, if I knew this was even a possibility, I would have supported Richter over Simon in a heartbeat. Best Belmont from the Best Castlevania game. I honestly don't think I'll be touching Simon all that much thanks to him.
2. Inkling
Having actually gotten the chance to play Inkling and Ridley, Inkling has me really excited. Love Splatoon, and I love how Inkling plays.
3. Simon
I mean, I still love Simon, you can't like Castlevania and NOT like Simon. And just like Richter he looks like SO much fun. It's literally just personal preference as a Castlevania nut at this point.
4. Chrom
Yeah, I know, Fire Emblem, WEH, I really don't care. This boy deserves to finally be here. And if he actually becomes a better Roy than Roy, than even better. One of the best Lords of the series, if not THE best.
5. K. Rool
I like all the DKC games, but I'm by no means a super fan. Still, K. Rool is great to have and has obviously earned his spot. Heavyweights aren't really my cup of tea, nor are Villains actually (I'm a good two shoes), but hey, he looks fun.
6. Daisy
Peach's style is fun, and I like Daisy enough. But I have Rosalina, so both her and Peach are pretty much invalid to me. Still, like her spunk.
7. Ridley
I played Ridley a few times at E3 and... Meh. Again, like I said with K. Rool, heavies and Villains aren't really my thing. Of course I'm still glad he's here, though.
8. Dark Samus
Samus' Moveset has never really appealed to me, and I doubt Dark Samus will change that much. Dig her animations, though.
Props to your icon btw, I see I'm not the only Wario Ware fan here.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
I'm sure this question got asked already after the Direct, but I want to ask again, because I know how much everyone loves it.

With the announcement of 5 characters this past Direct, plus Sakurai's confirmation that they do indeed still have more to show, how many more new characters are you expecting now (including echo fighters)?

Honestly, my answer keeps changing constantly because I just can't predict Sakurai anymore.
Gonna be optimistic and suggest between 5-10. Echoes are gonna make up the majority of that.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2018
Madrid, New Mexico
Switch FC
Man the stage morph is a feature I never knew I wanted till I saw it. I want to morph mushroom kingdom into mushroomy kingdom kind of like a time machine (I guess this would also work with other stages to some extent like 75m and New Donk City Hall, geurudo valley and pirate ship, etc.) I'm also planning many pranks where I assure my friends that while they were in the washroom I picked Fountain of Dreams and then watch their faces when the stage changes to Pac-Land part way through the match :4bowserjr:

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
How many of you that frequent this thread share newcomer predictions here? Lately, I have been seeing less and less people willing to predict, with a decreasing number roster speculators over time. There used to be a lot of predictions prior to the Smash Ultimate reveal, but now it is just kind of silent. Who is still predicting?
Well It's been a while since my last one, so here I go:

4 remaining original newcomers:
-Bandana Dee
-Rhythm Heaven
-Gen VII Pokémon. Personal pick: Tapu Koko

Echo fighters:

Captain Shwampy

Smash Master
Jul 20, 2014
tbh i would of rather had a Zelgius/Black Knight echo of Ike over Chrom

But Chrom was probably more popular so oh well
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"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
Alright, since you bring up mid-transition shenanigans, take a look at this video:

The second stage swoops in from the bottom while the first stage is still there.
So, if swapping between two "legal" stages, what shenanigans are there to be had other than someone SD'ing cause they made a mistake, which could happen at any point in the rest of the match?
You can set a timer (we'd need a standard time for this, yes) and which stage it transitions to. People would be fully aware of when the transition would happen - essentially an easier to guess Pokemon Stadium in that regard.

Since people would know what stage it would go to and when it will happen they can adjust accordingly. The transition doesn't kill anyone either, since the second stage's layout loads before the first one disappears.
Should've been more specific in my first post: I definitely want stage transitions to be a thing for the first couple of months/year of Ultimate's life cycle, since, afaic see, there'd be no problems with stage transitions outside the occasional mistake on the player's part and/or rare glitch (*cough* Melee Pokemon Stadium *cough*) because of the way they work.

I'm all for it changing up the formula big time with stage transitions and chargeable Final Smashes, it's just that people aren't going to be very receptive to big changes after what many consider to be a gimmicky game with Smash 4 (ZeRo included, though he's said he's down for experimenting with Ultimate). It's clear to me that many want something more... mundane and less gimmicky (or a lack of better terms), and I think that other people need to be aware of that while theory crafting Ultimate's potential as a competitive game.
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
My favorite render is going to be K. Rool's by far.

He just looks like a sassy woman who is about to tell someone off and I will forever love Sakurai for that.
When you said that I immediately thought of this.
"Oh, you do not tell me how to rule mah kingdom!"
Hope you're happy.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
Can you clarify what you mean by stating that Shadow "is a cheap clone"? Because I have a strong feeling that you might not even know what you're talking about.
In the context of echo fighters, he is basically dark sonic. Cheap. Give him his signature skate walk, make him edgy and put his gun in his taunt. Cheap echo. Like chrom.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
So I have a question for those who think Skull Kid has a chance, or even those who don't.

I'm assuming most people think he got in because of his popularity and that he probably did at least decent-great on the ballot. 2 of the 4 unique newcomers have also been all time wants . But here's my question, why Skull Kid and not Midna?

Imo she has everything Skull Kid has, and even has better moveset potential. But clearly she wasn't chosen and Skull Kid is still no where to be seen. Thoughts?


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Also, thanks to Chrom, I think I'm willing to go a LITTLE easier on Shadow than I was a few weeks back.

If Chrom can have a different Up Special and still be considered an Echo, I can see the same thing happening to Shadow. But only for MAYBE his up B being a teleport and his Side B acting like another character's projectile. That's about it.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
How many of you that frequent this thread share newcomer predictions here? Lately, I have been seeing less and less people willing to predict, with a decreasing number roster speculators over time. There used to be a lot of predictions prior to the Smash Ultimate reveal, but now it is just kind of silent. Who is still predicting?
I am. In fact my predictions are more focused in reality now that my most wanteds were deconfirmed.
Right now i'm predicting-
Incineroar (Or another Gen 7)
Bandanna Dee
Maybe Isaac.
for newcomers and Isabelle and Shadow as echoes.
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
tbh i would of rather had a Zelgius/Black Knight echo of Ike over Chrom

But Chrom was probably more popular so oh well
But Chrom is a Roy echo.

We can still get Black Knight.
I vote for him being the Chrom opposite (mostly Ike with a slow Double-Edge Dance, Eclipse, as his Side Special)

Chrom is mostly Roy, except he has Aether and no tipper.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
What if all these newcomer trailer end up having most of the original 12 either die or freak out over something?
:ultmario::ultluigi: are dead, :ultsamus: had her PTSD kick in at a bad time and :ultdk: expanded his eyes extremely far seeing someone he hasn’t seen in a decade...so besides the already dead :ultfalcon:, :ultfox::ultjigglypuff::ultkirby::ultlink::ultness::ultpikachu::ultyoshi:must face their fates


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
As of right now, how is everyone's Want Lists looking?

Ice Climbers
King K. Rool
Dark Samus

Decidueye (or any decent 7th Genner)
Rex & Pyra
An ARMS character

It should be noted, I did want Chrom during SSB4...

Dixie Kong

Lara Croft
Bandana Dee

Really get the feeling I'm gonna be coming out of this a second time with practically none of the newcomers I actually want... :(

At least I got Ridley


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
My favorite render is going to be K. Rool's by far.

He just looks like a sassy woman who is about to tell someone off and I will forever love Sakurai for that.
Happy i wasn't the only person who saw that.

Looked more like an emotional teen to me though...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2018
So I have a question for those who think Skull Kid has a chance, or even those who don't.

I'm assuming most people think he got in because of his popularity and that he probably did at least decent-great on the ballot. 2 of the 4 unique newcomers have also been all time wants . But here's my question, why Skull Kid and not Midna?

Imo she has everything Skull Kid has, and even has better moveset potential. But clearly she wasn't chosen and Skull Kid is still no where to be seen. Thoughts?
Simple Midna is already a Assist, no point in hoping for a deconfirmed character.
Skull kid is also just more iconic.
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Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
What if all these newcomer trailer end up having most of the original 12 either die or freak out over something?
:ultmario::ultluigi: are dead, :ultsamus: had her PTSD kick in at a bad time and :ultdk: expanded his eyes extremely far seeing someone he hasn’t seen in a decade...so besides the already dead :ultfalcon:, :ultfox::ultjigglypuff::ultkirby::ultlink::ultness::ultpikachu::ultyoshi:must face their fates
Speaking of this, I would have really liked if Chrom had a trailer and killed Captain Falcon. "GUESS WHO IS BACK!!! TODAY I WILL GET MY CHANCE!!!!"
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Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
So I have a question for those who think Skull Kid has a chance, or even those who don't.

I'm assuming most people think he got in because of his popularity and that he probably did at least decent-great on the ballot. 2 of the 4 unique newcomers have also been all time wants . But here's my question, why Skull Kid and not Midna?

Imo she has everything Skull Kid has, and even has better moveset potential. But clearly she wasn't chosen and Skull Kid is still no where to be seen. Thoughts?
For whatever reason skullkid actually destroyed the place he was torturing. He is dark. Would like both midna and skull kid, but midna is already an assist
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