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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Not open for further replies.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
There is no smash after ultimate. Just ultimate. Ported forever and ever.
Real talk, if Nintendo makes a 4K supported system I’d be ok with Ultimate being ported and given a shiny dope ass coat of 4K paint

Just imagine how beautiful it would look
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Does anyone here remember Nintendo out of nowhere acknowledging the anniversary of Super Mario RPG as well as Geno and Mallow, similar to how Daisy was randomly acknowldged?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2018
Newcomer rankings:
1. Ridley- one of my favorite game characters, awesome design
2. King K. Rool- love DKC, love villains, great personality
3. Simon/Richter- so happy to see Castlevania reps. Definitely gonna try to main one, but have no preference.
4. Dark Samus- love Metroid Prime trilogy, love villains, love her design in this game. Pocket mained Samus in 4, might try to pick up DS
5. Daisy- thought Daisy would make it into Brawl honestly, neat to have her now
6. Inkling- never played Splatoon but really root for the series. Probably won't ever use them, but happy to see them and love their playstyle.
7. Chrom- no FE sword users in the house Sakurai. Bad Sakurai. Bad.


Sep 26, 2013
So I have a question for those who think Skull Kid has a chance, or even those who don't.

I'm assuming most people think he got in because of his popularity and that he probably did at least decent-great on the ballot. 2 of the 4 unique newcomers have also been all time wants . But here's my question, why Skull Kid and not Midna?

Imo she has everything Skull Kid has, and even has better moveset potential. But clearly she wasn't chosen and Skull Kid is still no where to be seen. Thoughts?
For me, Majora's Mask is one of those games that's not for everyone, but for the people that it resonates with, it sticks with you.

Majora's Mask is weird since it was for the longest time the 'black sheep' of the series, but now more than ever the game's become more and more popular.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Like most of you, I simply can’t get enough Smash. I’ve been rewatching videos of gameplay and the Direct from yesterday. I can’t help but get really excited about it.

I promised that I’d really go through some sort of analysis, or at least my outlook on the game from this point forward. Some of you may like what I’m thinking, some may not. I am not basing the following thoughts or predictions on anything in regards to inherent bias against some characters. This is simply what I think going forward.

I'd really love to see what you think of my thoughts here, but please read through it!

  1. Shovel Knight being an Assist Trophy and being given extended screen time seems like it was meant to be a surprise. I’m really excited for Yacht Club and their character to make it into Smash. Despite him not being playable, I think it’s really cool that we have Shovel Knight in this position. That said, I firmly do not believe any Indie character will get into Smash as a playable character.

While he isn’t necessarily “Mr. Indie” worldwide, he’s a big enough indie icon to not only be across every single platform and already have a few crossovers under his belt, but he has his own amiibo line. Star Fox doesn’t even have an amiibo line of its own. Shantae for example might have been a big pick, but I don’t see her getting a playable spot if Shovel Knight of all Indie characters didn’t.

  1. Based on the fact that Chrom is an Echo fighter and appears to be a mix of Roy and Ike or sorts, he seems more like the equivalent to a “Semi-Echo”. Yes, that’s a fan-made term. YOU CAN’T HAVE IT. IT’S MINE.

Anyway, because of this, I firmly think we’re going to get Dixie Kong as an Echo (or semi-echo) of Diddy Kong. Based on the scope of the game and the at least centered focus on the addition of Echo Fighters, I think Dixie is a prime candidate for the role, and would in my humble opinion cap off the Donkey Kong series roster rather solidly.

  1. With Simon Belmont being accompanied by Richter Belmont, I must admit I was astounded. I was of the opinion that 3rd Party series wouldn’t get Echo fighters. That said, I believe the 3rd Party Echo Fighter, or at least the one that would not only make a lot of sense but also be considered the most popular choice, is Shadow the Hedgehog. Again, based on the way that Chrom is different than Roy despite being considered an Echo Fighter, Shadow being similar yet different to Sonic makes a lot of sense.

In addition to Shadow, the only other 3rd Party on the base roster I can see us getting is Ken from Street Fighter as an Echo of Ryu. Not only would this be a classic usage of the “Echo” idea, but I’m sure Ken would be a decently popular pick. Ken is an icon in his own right as well. Maybe not to the level of others, but he’s up there.

  1. The way Sakurai worded the “103 stages” thing, I have to wonder if we’re not getting any further characters who would be supplemented with stages. There is the Monster Hunter stage with the Rathalos boss, but there’s no real indication if that’s going to have a stage to itself. As seen with Dracula, despite it being from Castlevania, it’s a completely different stage than the actual “Dracula’s Castle” stage we saw originally. It’s an entirely flat terrain. This makes it seem like it would be a “Boss Rush” type mode, which could only be supplements by one thing…

  1. That thing is a potential story mode! It’s my understanding that the blurred out image said, “Spirits”, and that sounds honestly creepy with no context (poor Luigi!). I have a feeling it’s some sort of story mode, but I can’t really predict what it would be like. It can’t be similar to the scope of SSE simply based on the data on the cartridge being 16GB (or whatever it was that made it vastly smaller than Brawl), but it is going to have to be somewhat similar if we have not only Dracula, but Rathalos as well.

  1. Something that I think people are missing is the fact that Sakurai said, “We have a few more newcomers to get too later on”, and how they’re going to share details on all characters prior to launch. This brings me to my biggest point, and I think it’s actually pretty important. It isn’t going to get a number, but a whole section to itself.

This next part is, to me, the more mind blowing part. Somebody else might have mentioned this, but I'm freaking out about it if I'm right.


This mode was presented as a party mode in which up to 4 players pick from the roster and fight until there’s nobody left. From the description of the website, it says, “You and a friend can play through the full roster to see who comes out on top in Smashdown.” Based on this description, it would appear that you might be able to play with 2-4 players. I think if you look more closely at it, we may have an idea of how large the roster is going to total out to be.

For this mode to work properly, the total number characters on the Character Select Screen would need to be divisible by not only 4, but 3 and 2 as well. While we already have 73 total characters including echoes, that doesn’t apply to the CSS. Directly from the website:

Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at 6.57.51 PM.png

This Character Select screen is made up of every single character in the roster except for the Mii Fighters and 2 out of the 3 Pokemon for the Pokemon Trainer, as Pokemon Trainer only takes up one slot on the Character Select Screen. After subtracting the Mii Fighters and 2 of the Pokemon, we’re down to a total of 68 characters on the Character Select Screen. (my guess is, btw, that you can't combine Echo Fighters for this mode.)

Sakurai said we still have a few newbies left. Again, for Smashdown to work properly, the roster mathematically must be divisible by at least 2 and 4 (I’m still unsure if the mode can be played by only 3 players, but I don’t really see why it wouldn’t be).

We’re already in the 60’s, just below 70. We’re getting a few more as Sakurai already said. This would imply that the roster would at least be a number over 70 that is divisible by 2, 3, and 4.

Because I’m wonderful, I already did that.

To be clear, the rules of division for 2, 3, and 4 are as follows:

2- divisible if last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8
3- sum of digits is divisible by 3
4- number formed by last two digits is divisible by 4

These three rules indicate that there are only a few options in terms of what is possible with this roster. In a roster that excludes Mii Fighters and ⅔ of the Pokemon Trainer, the only total amounts that allow for Smashdown to play all the way through the roster by 2 players, 3 players, AND 4 players are: 72, 84, and 96. This would leave us with 4 newcomers left, or 16 left.

Mind you, these 3 totals are without the 5 characters we’ve removed. In total, these would respectively leave us with a roster of 77, 89, and 101 respectively.

Obviously, when Sakurai says, “a few” he doesn’t mean something like 30 more characters. I also have a hard time viewing “a few” as over 20 newcomers in total. He means a few. He’s also said to not expect as many newcomers this time. However, we’ve already gotten 8 newcomers, with 4 of them being Echo Fighters.

Compared to previous games, Melee added 14 newcomers, while Brawl added 18. If we get 4 more characters, not only would that be less than Melees 14, but it would also give us a roster that completely works with Smashdown regardless of having 2 players, 3 players, or 4 players.

This all assumes that Smashdown isn’t always 4 players, and that the matches aren’t filled with CPUs that pick their own characters when not filled to capacity with human players. If that is the case, and CPUs always fill out Smashdown to 4 players, then that opens up the possibility to 76, 80, 84, 88, and 92.

Once again, respectively we’d have a full roster of 81, 85, 89, 93, and 97 when you add in Ivysaur and Charizard, and then all 3 Mii Fighters. The upper numbers are unrealistic in base roster if you ask me, but possible after DLC.

I’m still not done toying with what I’ve seen thus far, but I’m also thinking we need to temper expectations in regards to how many we’re projecting to get.

I’ll have some sort of prediction roster ready soon! Thanks for reading, I hope you didn’t get bored!

So what do you think? Is there something I've missed? Would you be fine with a roster of only 4 more characters added? Who do you think they'll be?
Last edited:


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
Pyra Pyra Wyoming Wyoming

Since I'm too lazy to edit my other post, there have been a couple of concerns regarding stage morphing such as:

  • The game dropping below 60 frames.
  • Changes to platforms and blast zone layour mid-game and how that affects advantage/disadvantage states (see point 4), etc.
  • The way stages transition could be a problem some people, especially for epileptics.
  • The potential for the game to bring you up to ground level in a transition while trying to recvoer, essentially getting out of disadvatage free
...Among others. Not saying I agree with all of them, but there's been some points made against it so far.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2018
As far as my excitement for the confirmed newcomers goes:
Unique Newcomers: Inkling > Ridley > King K. Rool > Simon
Echo Fighters: Dark Samus > Richter > Chrom >>>> Daisy

Aside from Daisy I've liked all the newcomers so far, Richter wins out over Chrom because he's so far the only character to catch me completely off guard and it was an amazing feeling. Also I thought I'd take part in the game of predicting the remaining characters.

36e: Dixie Kong
38e: Shadow
45e: Isabelle
60e: Ken
68: Lycanroc
69: Rex & Pyra
70: Bandana Waddle Dee
71: Skull Kid


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Where did the Skull Kid hype come from. One day he’s no where to be found and the next he pops up everywhere.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
Like most of you, I simply can’t get enough Smash. I’ve been rewatching videos of gameplay and the Direct from yesterday. I can’t help but get really excited about it.

I promised that I’d really go through some sort of analysis, or at least my outlook on the game from this point forward. Some of you may like what I’m thinking, some may not. I am not basing the following thoughts or predictions on anything in regards to inherent bias against some characters. This is simply what I think going forward.

I'd really love to see what you think of my thoughts here, but please read through it!

  1. Shovel Knight being an Assist Trophy and being given extended screen time seems like it was meant to be a surprise. I’m really excited for Yacht Club and their character to make it into Smash. Despite him not being playable, I think it’s really cool that we have Shovel Knight in this position. That said, I firmly do not believe any Indie character will get into Smash as a playable character.

While he isn’t necessarily “Mr. Indie” worldwide, he’s a big enough indie icon to not only be across every single platform and already have a few crossovers under his belt, but he has his own amiibo line. Star Fox doesn’t even have an amiibo line of its own. Shantae for example might have been a big pick, but I don’t see her getting a playable spot if Shovel Knight of all Indie characters didn’t.

  1. Based on the fact that Chrom is an Echo fighter and appears to be a mix of Roy and Ike or sorts, he seems more like the equivalent to a “Semi-Echo”. Yes, that’s a fan-made term. YOU CAN’T HAVE IT. IT’S MINE.

Anyway, because of this, I firmly think we’re going to get Dixie Kong as an Echo (or semi-echo) of Diddy Kong. Based on the scope of the game and the at least centered focus on the addition of Echo Fighters, I think Dixie is a prime candidate for the role, and would in my humble opinion cap off the Donkey Kong series roster rather solidly.

  1. With Simon Belmont being accompanied by Richter Belmont, I must admit I was astounded. I was of the opinion that 3rd Party series wouldn’t get Echo fighters. That said, I believe the 3rd Party Echo Fighter, or at least the one that would not only make a lot of sense but also be considered the most popular choice, is Shadow the Hedgehog. Again, based on the way that Chrom is different than Roy despite being considered an Echo Fighter, Shadow being similar yet different to Sonic makes a lot of sense.

In addition to Shadow, the only other 3rd Party on the base roster I can see us getting is Ken from Street Fighter as an Echo of Ryu. Not only would this be a classic usage of the “Echo” idea, but I’m sure Ken would be a decently popular pick. Ken is an icon in his own right as well. Maybe not to the level of others, but he’s up there.

  1. The way Sakurai worded the “103 stages” thing, I have to wonder if we’re not getting any further characters who would be supplemented with stages. There is the Monster Hunter stage with the Rathalos boss, but there’s no real indication if that’s going to have a stage to itself. As seen with Dracula, despite it being from Castlevania, it’s a completely different stage than the actual “Dracula’s Castle” stage we saw originally. It’s an entirely flat terrain. This makes it seem like it would be a “Boss Rush” type mode, which could only be supplements by one thing…

  1. That thing is a potential story mode! It’s my understanding that the blurred out image said, “Spirits”, and that sounds honestly creepy with no context (poor Luigi!). I have a feeling it’s some sort of story mode, but I can’t really predict what it would be like. It can’t be similar to the scope of SSE simply based on the data on the cartridge being 16GB (or whatever it was that made it vastly smaller than Brawl), but it is going to have to be somewhat similar if we have not only Dracula, but Rathalos as well.

  1. Something that I think people are missing is the fact that Sakurai said, “We have a few more newcomers to get too later on”, and how they’re going to share details on all characters prior to launch. This brings me to my biggest point, and I think it’s actually pretty important. It isn’t going to get a number, but a whole section to itself.

This next part is, to me, the more mind blowing part. Somebody else might have mentioned this, but I'm freaking out about it if I'm right.


This mode was presented as party mode in which up to 4 players pick from the roster and fight until there’s nobody left. From the description of the website, it says, “You and a friend can play through the full roster to see who comes out on top in Smashdown.” Based on this description, it would appear that you might be able to play with 2-4 players.

For this mode to work properly, the total number characters on the Character Select Screen would need to be divisible by not only 4, but 3 and 2 as well. While we already have 73 total characters including echoes, that doesn’t apply to the CSS. Directly from the website:

View attachment 156689

This Character Select screen is made up of every single character in the roster except for the Mii Fighters and 2 out of the 3 Pokemon for the Pokemon Trainer, as Pokemon Trainer only takes up one slot on the Character Select Screen. After subtracting the Mii Fighters and 2 of the Pokemon, we’re down to a total of 68 characters on the Character Select Screen. (my guess is, btw, that you can't combine Echo Fighters for this mode.)

Sakurai said we still have a few newbies left. Again, for Smashdown to work properly, the roster mathematically must be divisible by at least 2 and 4 (I’m still unsure if the mode can be played by only 3 players, but I don’t really see why it wouldn’t be).

We’re already in the 60’s, just below 70. We’re getting a few more as Sakurai already said. This would imply that the roster would at least be a number over 70 that is divisible by 2, 3, and 4.

Because I’m wonderful, I already did that.

To be clear, the rules of division for 2, 3, and 4 are as follows:

2- divisible if last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8
3- sum of digits is divisible by 3
4- number formed by last two digits is divisible by 4

These three rules indicate that there are only a few options in terms of what is possible with this roster. In a roster that excludes Mii Fighters and ⅔ of the Pokemon Trainer, the only total amounts that allow for Smashdown to play all the way through the roster by 2 players, 3 players, AND 4 players are: 72, 84, and 96. This would leave us with 4 newcomers left, or 16 left.

Mind you, these 3 totals are without the 5 characters we’ve removed. In total, these would respectively leave us with a roster of 77, 89, and 101 respectively.

Obviously, when Sakurai says, “a few” he doesn’t mean something like 30 more characters. I also have a hard time viewing “a few” as over 20 newcomers in total. He means a few. He’s also said to not expect as many newcomers this time. However, we’ve already gotten 8 newcomers, with 4 of them being Echo Fighters.

Compared to previous games, Melee added 14 newcomers, while Brawl added 18. If we get 4 more characters, not only would that be less than Melees 14, but it would also give us a roster that completely works with Smashdown regardless of having 2 players, 3 players, or 4 players.

This all assumes that Smashdown isn’t always 4 players, and that the matches aren’t filled with CPUs that pick their own characters when not filled to capacity with human players. If that is the case, and CPUs always fill out Smashdown to 4 players, then that opens up the possibility to 76, 80, 84, 88, and 92.

Once again, respectively we’d have a full roster of 81, 85, 89, 93, and 97 when you add in Ivysaur and Charizard, and then all 3 Mii Fighters. The upper numbers are unrealistic in base roster if you ask me, but possible after DLC.

I’m still not done toying with what I’ve seen thus far, but I’m also thinking we need to temper expectations in regards to how many we’re projecting to get.

I’ll have some sort of prediction roster ready soon! Thanks for reading, I hope you didn’t get bored!

So what do you think? Is there something I've missed? Would you be fine with a roster of only 4 more characters added? Who do you think they'll be?
i am going to remember this lost for my predictions.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Simple Midna is already a Assist, no point in hoping for a deconfirmed character.
Skull kid is also just more iconic.
For whatever reason skullkid actually destroyed the place he was torturing. He is dark. Would like both midna and skull kid, but midna is already an assist
For me, Majora's Mask is one of those games that's not for everyone, but for the people that it resonates with, it sticks with you.

Majora's Mask is weird since it was for the longest time the 'black sheep' of the series, but now more than ever the game's become more and more popular.
I'm sorry I wasn't clear. I meant why do you think Sakurai would choose Skull Kid over Midna. Obviously people want him more now because she's already deconfirmed.

Still like reading your reasons why you want him! I think he's a really cool antagonist character that could be added.
The simple answer to that question is that Skull Kid trumps Midna by miles, being the most requested Zelda newcomer ever since Brawl. When it came to popular characters in the period of Brawl speculation, Skull Kid and Geno get frequently mentioned non-stop. He was at the very top of Smash VG Tribune poll that was sent to Sakurai during the time of Smash 4 project planning, outclassing even Ghirahim in the finals. The number of requests Skull Kid has is not to be underestimated.
I didn't know about that poll...I don't have the numbers on it so it's totally possible he's more popular. He's defintely been requested for a longer time.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2018
As for predictions, I must say that so far I have gotten four of the eight picked right, that being the actual newcomers but none of the Echoes. Once Ridley got in, and with Prime 4 coming next year, I figured Dark Samus was likely though.

For now I'll say four more of each is my guess.

Bandana Dee (or Skull Kid, I'll lean Bandana though)
Gen VII rep, I'll say Incineroar though I'd love Buzzwole so much more
Banjo Kazooie

Dixie Kong
Aaaaaaaaaand Impa I guess?


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
One thing I LOVE is that “relevance” has fallen by the wayside. It gets a little boring hearing the same 5 characters being called shoe-ins because of “sales” and “development windows”. Awesome retro characters for the win!


Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2014
K. Rool > Simon = Richter > Ridley > Inkling > Dark Samus = Daisy > Chrom

Chrom so far is my least liked newcomer.
Interesting. As for mine:

Simon =Dark Samus > Inkling > Richter > K. Rool = Ridley = Daisy = Chrom

I really like Simon, Dark Samus, Inkling, and Richter. The other 4 I have no care for but they seem fun.

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
From highest to lowest:

  1. King K. Rool
  2. Simon
  3. Inkling
  4. Ridley
  5. Daisy
  6. Dark Samus
  7. Chrom
  8. Richter
The addition of Chrom and Richter upsets me. I'm not upset about Daisy and DS being added, but I am disappointed with the idea of Echoes in general, and with how many of them are being thrown on the roster.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2018
I'm sorry I wasn't clear. I meant why do you think Sakurai would choose Skull Kid over Midna. Obviously people want him more now because she's already deconfirmed.

Still like reading your reasons why you want him! I think he's a really cool antagonist character that could be added.

I didn't know about that poll...I don't have the numbers on it so it's totally possible he's more popular. He's defintely been requested for a longer time.
He might have chosen him for this supposed Villains vs Heroes theme (yes I know this isn't a set in stone thing) with YLink coming back it would be a perfect time to include him, he must have also seen the demand of skull kid and he probably has a bigger following then Midna(I have no solid proof for this, these are just my assumptions )


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
That's what I wanna know. I think it has something to do with the Moon being an Assist Trophy, but I don't know why.
I've always wanted him.

But it's probably a combination of the Moon existing with no Skull Kid in sight and Loz18 for some people.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
I never did get the hype behind Midna. She was cool, but I can't help but figure her true form garnered her a good mass of her funs. She's easily the most promiscuous Zelda character to date as well.

A great personality once you get past the annoying belittling and selfishness about halfway through the game, which is neat development we hardly get in Zelda.

We already have a hair lady though


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2015
Like most of you, I simply can’t get enough Smash. I’ve been rewatching videos of gameplay and the Direct from yesterday. I can’t help but get really excited about it.

I promised that I’d really go through some sort of analysis, or at least my outlook on the game from this point forward. Some of you may like what I’m thinking, some may not. I am not basing the following thoughts or predictions on anything in regards to inherent bias against some characters. This is simply what I think going forward.

I'd really love to see what you think of my thoughts here, but please read through it!

  1. Shovel Knight being an Assist Trophy and being given extended screen time seems like it was meant to be a surprise. I’m really excited for Yacht Club and their character to make it into Smash. Despite him not being playable, I think it’s really cool that we have Shovel Knight in this position. That said, I firmly do not believe any Indie character will get into Smash as a playable character.

While he isn’t necessarily “Mr. Indie” worldwide, he’s a big enough indie icon to not only be across every single platform and already have a few crossovers under his belt, but he has his own amiibo line. Star Fox doesn’t even have an amiibo line of its own. Shantae for example might have been a big pick, but I don’t see her getting a playable spot if Shovel Knight of all Indie characters didn’t.

  1. Based on the fact that Chrom is an Echo fighter and appears to be a mix of Roy and Ike or sorts, he seems more like the equivalent to a “Semi-Echo”. Yes, that’s a fan-made term. YOU CAN’T HAVE IT. IT’S MINE.

Anyway, because of this, I firmly think we’re going to get Dixie Kong as an Echo (or semi-echo) of Diddy Kong. Based on the scope of the game and the at least centered focus on the addition of Echo Fighters, I think Dixie is a prime candidate for the role, and would in my humble opinion cap off the Donkey Kong series roster rather solidly.

  1. With Simon Belmont being accompanied by Richter Belmont, I must admit I was astounded. I was of the opinion that 3rd Party series wouldn’t get Echo fighters. That said, I believe the 3rd Party Echo Fighter, or at least the one that would not only make a lot of sense but also be considered the most popular choice, is Shadow the Hedgehog. Again, based on the way that Chrom is different than Roy despite being considered an Echo Fighter, Shadow being similar yet different to Sonic makes a lot of sense.

In addition to Shadow, the only other 3rd Party on the base roster I can see us getting is Ken from Street Fighter as an Echo of Ryu. Not only would this be a classic usage of the “Echo” idea, but I’m sure Ken would be a decently popular pick. Ken is an icon in his own right as well. Maybe not to the level of others, but he’s up there.

  1. The way Sakurai worded the “103 stages” thing, I have to wonder if we’re not getting any further characters who would be supplemented with stages. There is the Monster Hunter stage with the Rathalos boss, but there’s no real indication if that’s going to have a stage to itself. As seen with Dracula, despite it being from Castlevania, it’s a completely different stage than the actual “Dracula’s Castle” stage we saw originally. It’s an entirely flat terrain. This makes it seem like it would be a “Boss Rush” type mode, which could only be supplements by one thing…

  1. That thing is a potential story mode! It’s my understanding that the blurred out image said, “Spirits”, and that sounds honestly creepy with no context (poor Luigi!). I have a feeling it’s some sort of story mode, but I can’t really predict what it would be like. It can’t be similar to the scope of SSE simply based on the data on the cartridge being 16GB (or whatever it was that made it vastly smaller than Brawl), but it is going to have to be somewhat similar if we have not only Dracula, but Rathalos as well.

  1. Something that I think people are missing is the fact that Sakurai said, “We have a few more newcomers to get too later on”, and how they’re going to share details on all characters prior to launch. This brings me to my biggest point, and I think it’s actually pretty important. It isn’t going to get a number, but a whole section to itself.

This next part is, to me, the more mind blowing part. Somebody else might have mentioned this, but I'm freaking out about it if I'm right.


This mode was presented as a party mode in which up to 4 players pick from the roster and fight until there’s nobody left. From the description of the website, it says, “You and a friend can play through the full roster to see who comes out on top in Smashdown.” Based on this description, it would appear that you might be able to play with 2-4 players. I think if you look more closely at it, we may have an idea of how large the roster is going to total out to be.

For this mode to work properly, the total number characters on the Character Select Screen would need to be divisible by not only 4, but 3 and 2 as well. While we already have 73 total characters including echoes, that doesn’t apply to the CSS. Directly from the website:

View attachment 156689

This Character Select screen is made up of every single character in the roster except for the Mii Fighters and 2 out of the 3 Pokemon for the Pokemon Trainer, as Pokemon Trainer only takes up one slot on the Character Select Screen. After subtracting the Mii Fighters and 2 of the Pokemon, we’re down to a total of 68 characters on the Character Select Screen. (my guess is, btw, that you can't combine Echo Fighters for this mode.)

Sakurai said we still have a few newbies left. Again, for Smashdown to work properly, the roster mathematically must be divisible by at least 2 and 4 (I’m still unsure if the mode can be played by only 3 players, but I don’t really see why it wouldn’t be).

We’re already in the 60’s, just below 70. We’re getting a few more as Sakurai already said. This would imply that the roster would at least be a number over 70 that is divisible by 2, 3, and 4.

Because I’m wonderful, I already did that.

To be clear, the rules of division for 2, 3, and 4 are as follows:

2- divisible if last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8
3- sum of digits is divisible by 3
4- number formed by last two digits is divisible by 4

These three rules indicate that there are only a few options in terms of what is possible with this roster. In a roster that excludes Mii Fighters and ⅔ of the Pokemon Trainer, the only total amounts that allow for Smashdown to play all the way through the roster by 2 players, 3 players, AND 4 players are: 72, 84, and 96. This would leave us with 4 newcomers left, or 16 left.

Mind you, these 3 totals are without the 5 characters we’ve removed. In total, these would respectively leave us with a roster of 77, 89, and 101 respectively.

Obviously, when Sakurai says, “a few” he doesn’t mean something like 30 more characters. I also have a hard time viewing “a few” as over 20 newcomers in total. He means a few. He’s also said to not expect as many newcomers this time. However, we’ve already gotten 8 newcomers, with 4 of them being Echo Fighters.

Compared to previous games, Melee added 14 newcomers, while Brawl added 18. If we get 4 more characters, not only would that be less than Melees 14, but it would also give us a roster that completely works with Smashdown regardless of having 2 players, 3 players, or 4 players.

This all assumes that Smashdown isn’t always 4 players, and that the matches aren’t filled with CPUs that pick their own characters when not filled to capacity with human players. If that is the case, and CPUs always fill out Smashdown to 4 players, then that opens up the possibility to 76, 80, 84, 88, and 92.

Once again, respectively we’d have a full roster of 81, 85, 89, 93, and 97 when you add in Ivysaur and Charizard, and then all 3 Mii Fighters. The upper numbers are unrealistic in base roster if you ask me, but possible after DLC.

I’m still not done toying with what I’ve seen thus far, but I’m also thinking we need to temper expectations in regards to how many we’re projecting to get.

I’ll have some sort of prediction roster ready soon! Thanks for reading, I hope you didn’t get bored!

So what do you think? Is there something I've missed? Would you be fine with a roster of only 4 more characters added? Who do you think they'll be?
Sakurai actually does the hand gesture for a few too which I noticed. I think 2-4 brand new characters (not echoes) are still behind the curtains. I believe Sakurai is using echoes to pad out the roster like he did in Melee.
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Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
I never did get the hype behind Midna. She was cool, but I can't help but figure her true form garnered her a good mass of her funs. She's easily the most promiscuous Zelda character to date as well.

A great personality once you get past the annoying belittling and selfishness about halfway through the game, which is neat development we hardly get in Zelda.

We already have a hair lady though
We don't speak of true form Midna.


Let's Mosey
Jul 29, 2014
Los Angeles
Switch FC
Where did the Skull Kid hype come from. One day he’s no where to be found and the next he pops up everywhere.
It's not that the support is just popping up now, it's that all his supporters are realizing there's hope again and coming back.

He was decently big prior to Smash 4, that's basically why he was an Assist Trophy in the first place. He wouldn't have had huge ballot support because most people assumed it was for Smash 4 DLC, but his fans have always been there. And before the last few Ultimate reveals, there wouldn't have been much reason to expect he'd have a chance in this game, so there wasn't much clamoring for him. But now people are realizing this game is For The Fans, so they're getting excited at the prospect.


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
You see, I'm still trying to catch up with this speedway, I'm at 2845 or something, and I try to read up all, but I want to ask you one thing!

You could choose only 1 bundle. The Smash Cult-pack, or the New Additions-Pack;

The Smash Cult-Pack;
- Isaac / Golden Sun.
- Skull Kid / TLoZ Majora's Mask.
- Geno / Super Mario RPG
- Banjo & Kazooie.


New Additions-Pack;

- Gen 7 Poké / Pokémon Sun & Moon.
- Captain Toad / Mario Universe.
- Elma/Rex / Xenoblade.
- Bandana Waddle Dee / Kirby.

Which one would you pick, and why?


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Like most of you, I simply can’t get enough Smash. I’ve been rewatching videos of gameplay and the Direct from yesterday. I can’t help but get really excited about it.

I promised that I’d really go through some sort of analysis, or at least my outlook on the game from this point forward. Some of you may like what I’m thinking, some may not. I am not basing the following thoughts or predictions on anything in regards to inherent bias against some characters. This is simply what I think going forward.

I'd really love to see what you think of my thoughts here, but please read through it!

  1. Shovel Knight being an Assist Trophy and being given extended screen time seems like it was meant to be a surprise. I’m really excited for Yacht Club and their character to make it into Smash. Despite him not being playable, I think it’s really cool that we have Shovel Knight in this position. That said, I firmly do not believe any Indie character will get into Smash as a playable character.

While he isn’t necessarily “Mr. Indie” worldwide, he’s a big enough indie icon to not only be across every single platform and already have a few crossovers under his belt, but he has his own amiibo line. Star Fox doesn’t even have an amiibo line of its own. Shantae for example might have been a big pick, but I don’t see her getting a playable spot if Shovel Knight of all Indie characters didn’t.

  1. Based on the fact that Chrom is an Echo fighter and appears to be a mix of Roy and Ike or sorts, he seems more like the equivalent to a “Semi-Echo”. Yes, that’s a fan-made term. YOU CAN’T HAVE IT. IT’S MINE.

Anyway, because of this, I firmly think we’re going to get Dixie Kong as an Echo (or semi-echo) of Diddy Kong. Based on the scope of the game and the at least centered focus on the addition of Echo Fighters, I think Dixie is a prime candidate for the role, and would in my humble opinion cap off the Donkey Kong series roster rather solidly.

  1. With Simon Belmont being accompanied by Richter Belmont, I must admit I was astounded. I was of the opinion that 3rd Party series wouldn’t get Echo fighters. That said, I believe the 3rd Party Echo Fighter, or at least the one that would not only make a lot of sense but also be considered the most popular choice, is Shadow the Hedgehog. Again, based on the way that Chrom is different than Roy despite being considered an Echo Fighter, Shadow being similar yet different to Sonic makes a lot of sense.

In addition to Shadow, the only other 3rd Party on the base roster I can see us getting is Ken from Street Fighter as an Echo of Ryu. Not only would this be a classic usage of the “Echo” idea, but I’m sure Ken would be a decently popular pick. Ken is an icon in his own right as well. Maybe not to the level of others, but he’s up there.

  1. The way Sakurai worded the “103 stages” thing, I have to wonder if we’re not getting any further characters who would be supplemented with stages. There is the Monster Hunter stage with the Rathalos boss, but there’s no real indication if that’s going to have a stage to itself. As seen with Dracula, despite it being from Castlevania, it’s a completely different stage than the actual “Dracula’s Castle” stage we saw originally. It’s an entirely flat terrain. This makes it seem like it would be a “Boss Rush” type mode, which could only be supplements by one thing…

  1. That thing is a potential story mode! It’s my understanding that the blurred out image said, “Spirits”, and that sounds honestly creepy with no context (poor Luigi!). I have a feeling it’s some sort of story mode, but I can’t really predict what it would be like. It can’t be similar to the scope of SSE simply based on the data on the cartridge being 16GB (or whatever it was that made it vastly smaller than Brawl), but it is going to have to be somewhat similar if we have not only Dracula, but Rathalos as well.

  1. Something that I think people are missing is the fact that Sakurai said, “We have a few more newcomers to get too later on”, and how they’re going to share details on all characters prior to launch. This brings me to my biggest point, and I think it’s actually pretty important. It isn’t going to get a number, but a whole section to itself.

This next part is, to me, the more mind blowing part. Somebody else might have mentioned this, but I'm freaking out about it if I'm right.


This mode was presented as a party mode in which up to 4 players pick from the roster and fight until there’s nobody left. From the description of the website, it says, “You and a friend can play through the full roster to see who comes out on top in Smashdown.” Based on this description, it would appear that you might be able to play with 2-4 players. I think if you look more closely at it, we may have an idea of how large the roster is going to total out to be.

For this mode to work properly, the total number characters on the Character Select Screen would need to be divisible by not only 4, but 3 and 2 as well. While we already have 73 total characters including echoes, that doesn’t apply to the CSS. Directly from the website:

View attachment 156689

This Character Select screen is made up of every single character in the roster except for the Mii Fighters and 2 out of the 3 Pokemon for the Pokemon Trainer, as Pokemon Trainer only takes up one slot on the Character Select Screen. After subtracting the Mii Fighters and 2 of the Pokemon, we’re down to a total of 68 characters on the Character Select Screen. (my guess is, btw, that you can't combine Echo Fighters for this mode.)

Sakurai said we still have a few newbies left. Again, for Smashdown to work properly, the roster mathematically must be divisible by at least 2 and 4 (I’m still unsure if the mode can be played by only 3 players, but I don’t really see why it wouldn’t be).

We’re already in the 60’s, just below 70. We’re getting a few more as Sakurai already said. This would imply that the roster would at least be a number over 70 that is divisible by 2, 3, and 4.

Because I’m wonderful, I already did that.

To be clear, the rules of division for 2, 3, and 4 are as follows:

2- divisible if last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8
3- sum of digits is divisible by 3
4- number formed by last two digits is divisible by 4

These three rules indicate that there are only a few options in terms of what is possible with this roster. In a roster that excludes Mii Fighters and ⅔ of the Pokemon Trainer, the only total amounts that allow for Smashdown to play all the way through the roster by 2 players, 3 players, AND 4 players are: 72, 84, and 96. This would leave us with 4 newcomers left, or 16 left.

Mind you, these 3 totals are without the 5 characters we’ve removed. In total, these would respectively leave us with a roster of 77, 89, and 101 respectively.

Obviously, when Sakurai says, “a few” he doesn’t mean something like 30 more characters. I also have a hard time viewing “a few” as over 20 newcomers in total. He means a few. He’s also said to not expect as many newcomers this time. However, we’ve already gotten 8 newcomers, with 4 of them being Echo Fighters.

Compared to previous games, Melee added 14 newcomers, while Brawl added 18. If we get 4 more characters, not only would that be less than Melees 14, but it would also give us a roster that completely works with Smashdown regardless of having 2 players, 3 players, or 4 players.

This all assumes that Smashdown isn’t always 4 players, and that the matches aren’t filled with CPUs that pick their own characters when not filled to capacity with human players. If that is the case, and CPUs always fill out Smashdown to 4 players, then that opens up the possibility to 76, 80, 84, 88, and 92.

Once again, respectively we’d have a full roster of 81, 85, 89, 93, and 97 when you add in Ivysaur and Charizard, and then all 3 Mii Fighters. The upper numbers are unrealistic in base roster if you ask me, but possible after DLC.

I’m still not done toying with what I’ve seen thus far, but I’m also thinking we need to temper expectations in regards to how many we’re projecting to get.

I’ll have some sort of prediction roster ready soon! Thanks for reading, I hope you didn’t get bored!

So what do you think? Is there something I've missed? Would you be fine with a roster of only 4 more characters added? Who do you think they'll be?
Impressive math, mate. I'm glad someone took the time to do this, because I was wonderin' myself if the roster we had now could be divisible by 4 for this mode.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
You see, I'm still trying to catch up with this speedway, I'm at 2845 or something, and I try to read up all, but I want to ask you one thing!

You could choose only 1 bundle. The Smash Cult-pack, or the New Additions-Pack;

The Smash Cult-Pack;
- Isaac / Golden Sun.
- Skull Kid / TLoZ Majora's Mask.
- Geno / Super Mario RPG
- Banjo & Kazooie.


New Additions-Pack;

- Gen 7 Poké / Pokémon Sun & Moon.
- Captain Toad / Mario Universe.
- Elma/Rex / Xenoblade.
- Bandana Waddle Dee / Kirby.

Which one would you pick, and why?
The cult pack.

Isaac because I've been supporting him for 10 years.

Skull Kid is the villain of my third favourite game of all time and my favourite Zelda game.

Geno is deserving of a spot and an adorable puppet boi.

B&K would break the internet.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2018
Switch FC
So here’s how my wish list is turning out. I’ll add my chance opinion and if they’re unique or an echo to the side. It’s kinda wishful thinking and I don’t expect all of them but here:

King K. Rool

Isaac - U, 55% chance
Masked Man - U, 10% chance
Banjo - U, 35% chance

Chorus Kids - U, 25% chance
Geno - U, 60% chance
Bandana Dee - U, 40% chance
Skull Kid - U, 50% chance
Isabelle - E, 70% chance
Ninten - E, 10% chance
Black Shadow - E, 10% chance
Dixie Kong - E, 50% chance
Impa - E, 40% chance
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2018
You see, I'm still trying to catch up with this speedway, I'm at 2845 or something, and I try to read up all, but I want to ask you one thing!

You could choose only 1 bundle. The Smash Cult-pack, or the New Additions-Pack;

The Smash Cult-Pack;
- Isaac / Golden Sun.
- Skull Kid / TLoZ Majora's Mask.
- Geno / Super Mario RPG
- Banjo & Kazooie.


New Additions-Pack;

- Gen 7 Poké / Pokémon Sun & Moon.
- Captain Toad / Mario Universe.
- Elma/Rex / Xenoblade.
- Bandana Waddle Dee / Kirby.

Which one would you pick, and why?
The Smash Cult-Pack sounds amazing and would please the most fans, the new additions pack is the boring and predictable route IMO.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018

I'm not usually the one to fawn over Robin, but she really struck me here. Her model looks so good, as in better than SSB4.

Chrom is either bored, or traumatized because of a certain bounty hunter.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2018
You see, I'm still trying to catch up with this speedway, I'm at 2845 or something, and I try to read up all, but I want to ask you one thing!

You could choose only 1 bundle. The Smash Cult-pack, or the New Additions-Pack;

The Smash Cult-Pack;
- Isaac / Golden Sun.
- Skull Kid / TLoZ Majora's Mask.
- Geno / Super Mario RPG
- Banjo & Kazooie.


New Additions-Pack;

- Gen 7 Poké / Pokémon Sun & Moon.
- Captain Toad / Mario Universe.
- Elma/Rex / Xenoblade.
- Bandana Waddle Dee / Kirby.

Which one would you pick, and why?
Cut pack. Far more iconic characters. Without specifications on Gen VII Mon, despite being a HUGE Pokémon fan, I would only want Bandana Dee from new additions


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
You see, I'm still trying to catch up with this speedway, I'm at 2845 or something, and I try to read up all, but I want to ask you one thing!

You could choose only 1 bundle. The Smash Cult-pack, or the New Additions-Pack;

The Smash Cult-Pack;
- Isaac / Golden Sun.
- Skull Kid / TLoZ Majora's Mask.
- Geno / Super Mario RPG
- Banjo & Kazooie.


New Additions-Pack;

- Gen 7 Poké / Pokémon Sun & Moon.
- Captain Toad / Mario Universe.
- Elma/Rex / Xenoblade.
- Bandana Waddle Dee / Kirby.

Which one would you pick, and why?
I’ll take 2 from each and make my own pack.

- Isaac / Golden Sun
- Banjo & Kazooie
- Elma / Xenoblade X
- Gen 7 Pokémon / Pokemon Sun and Moon


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
The cult pack.

Isaac because I've been supporting him for 10 years.

Skull Kid is the villain of my third favourite game of all time and my favourite Zelda game.

Geno is deserving of a spot and an adorable puppet boi.

B&K would break the internet.
Steve would also break the internet.

in the bad way. Not the Good Way


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
You see, I'm still trying to catch up with this speedway, I'm at 2845 or something, and I try to read up all, but I want to ask you one thing!

You could choose only 1 bundle. The Smash Cult-pack, or the New Additions-Pack;

The Smash Cult-Pack;
- Isaac / Golden Sun.
- Skull Kid / TLoZ Majora's Mask.
- Geno / Super Mario RPG
- Banjo & Kazooie.


New Additions-Pack;

- Gen 7 Poké / Pokémon Sun & Moon.
- Captain Toad / Mario Universe.
- Elma/Rex / Xenoblade.
- Bandana Waddle Dee / Kirby.

Which one would you pick, and why?
New additions. Sorry Geno, but a healthy balance of old and new favorites sounds better to me than nothing but nostalgia. Though the best timeline is a mix of both.
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