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SiiS5! STrEAM UPPPP Unlimited arcade gaming! avg:100+ attendees

When should SiiS4 be?

  • December 18th or earlier

    Votes: 38 34.5%
  • January 1st or later

    Votes: 72 65.5%

  • Total voters
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Mister Eric

Twitch.tv/MisterbeepEric Twitter: @MisterbeepEric
Nov 24, 2008
Louisville, KY
update the title that the venue has been moved.
I wouldnt have known if i didnt see Atomsk's blog on AiB

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
[COLLAPSE=Attendance List]
  1. Today
  2. Hilt
  3. Clowsui
  4. TKO
  5. Kel
  6. KBizzle
  7. JiffyBoob
  8. Technical Chase
  9. Juu
  10. Auspher
  11. Sai
  12. Squid
  13. Ally
  14. Joey
  15. Oreo
  16. Zephil
  17. Th3Composer
  18. Links
  19. Shugo
  20. Jayford
  21. Krystedez
  22. Infern
  23. Sole
  24. Y.b.M.
  25. TheKiest
  26. Blue Rogue
  27. Overswarm
  28. SneakkyTako
  29. Coney
  30. What's The Pointf
  31. KassandraNova
  32. Quivo
  33. Broccoli Kong
  34. Luminoth
  35. 4Bidden
  36. SMash64
  37. King~
  38. Calebyte
  39. Hael Phael
  40. Mister Eric
  41. Xisin
  42. Radium
  43. mudkyp
  44. Madcow
  45. Vinnie
  46. XeroXen
  47. Sombra
  48. Roller
  49. Technical Chase
  50. Fuujin
  51. DJ Iskascribble
  52. Rowan
  53. Legan
  54. Hylian
  55. Tmacc
  56. Teh Future
  57. Fizzle
  58. Oro?!
  59. DLA
  60. narutoakatyrell
  61. Judo
  62. Arty
  63. Tyr
  64. Nicole
  65. Silhouette
  66. Mew2King
  67. Smoke
  68. Logic Pyronic Star
  69. Dajayman
  70. spongejordan
  71. fromundaman
  72. Sago
  73. Quik
  74. Xyless
  75. Zwarm
  76. Atomsk
  77. Gio
  78. Blackanese
  79. Akashi
  80. Meneil
  81. Scyth
  82. Vare
  83. Kirk
  84. Corms
  85. fZk
  86. KT Kasrani
  87. Rikku
  88. jetzger
  89. Steep
  90. GIMR
  91. Aposl
  92. xzax
  93. BlazingKatakiri
  94. Jowii
  95. Twilight Prince
  96. Cook
  97. Ripple
  98. MX778
  99. Enrish
  100. Umashi
  101. Yogehi
  102. AlphaZealot
  103. Z
  104. Lyric
  105. SoraSin
  106. SlimJim
  107. Xero
  108. Levantine
  109. Peep
  110. Fonz
  111. Tutu
  1. kellyk
  2. Ares
  3. HadiesLadies
  4. JTsm
  5. Reset
  6. Not Corey
  7. gantrain
  8. falco03
  9. Spin
  10. Lou
[/COLLAPSE]The people on the unconfirmed list are those that have mentioned interest, or those that others said might be coming. I didn't see confirmation that those people would not be going, but it wasn't for sure that they would, so they're listed in that group. If someone would like to clarify for each person, that would be great. I did not do a setup list, and I'm not going to tonight. If I have the time to tomorrow I will, but seeding was what was mostly important, because we'll need it to pre-seed players so that the tournament runs faster. If I have time, I'll work on a setup list tomorrow, but I'm going to have other stuff I'm going to need to take care of, both related and unrelated to the tournament, haha.

Anyways, look over the lists and see what I missed. I'm sure I messed up somewhere because I mean c'mon. The list is easy to edit so I'll just fix it where I need to. As for pool captains, I appreciate those that have offered themselves. I'll probably contact you tonight or tomorrow about it, we're going to need all the help we can get.


Edit: Chi is awesome and fixed it up.


Smash Hero
Nov 9, 2008
Mount Prospect, IL
[COLLAPSE=Attendance List]
  1. Today
  2. Hilt
  3. Clowsui
  4. TKO
  5. Kel
  6. KBizzle
  7. JiffyBoob
  8. Technical Chase
  9. Juu
  10. Auspher
  11. Sai
  12. Squid
  13. Ally
  14. Joey
  15. Oreo
  16. Zephil
  17. Th3Composer
  18. Links
  19. Shugo
  20. Jayford
  21. Krystedez
  22. Infern
  23. Sole
  24. Y.b.M.
  25. TheKiest
  26. Blue Rogue
  27. Overswarm
  28. SneakkyTako
  29. Coney
  30. What's The Pointf
  31. KassandraNova
  32. Quivo
  33. Broccoli Kong
  34. Luminoth
  35. 4Bidden
  36. SMash64
  37. King~
  38. Calebyte
  39. Hael Phael
  40. Mister Eric
  41. Xisin
  42. Radium
  43. mudkyp
  44. Madcow
  45. Vinnie
  46. XeroXen
  47. Sombra
  48. Roller
  49. Technical Chase
  50. Fuujin
  51. DJ Iskascribble
  52. Rowan
  53. Legan
  54. Saviors Legacy
  55. Hylian
  56. Tmacc
  57. Teh Future
  58. Fizzle
  59. Sumer
  60. Oro?!
  61. DLA
  62. narutoakatyrell
  63. Judo
  64. Arty
  65. Tyr
  66. Pink Fresh
  67. Lou
  68. Nicole
  69. Silhouette
  70. Mew2King
  71. Rapture
  72. Smoke
  73. Logic Pyronic Star
  74. Dajayman
  75. spongejordan
  76. AlphaZealot
  77. fromundaman
  78. Sago
  79. Quik
  80. Xyless
  81. ZombieSwarm
  82. Atomsk
  83. Gio
  84. Blackanese
  85. Akashi
  86. Meneil
  87. Scyth
  88. Vare
  89. Kirk
  90. Corms
  91. fZk
  92. KT Kasrani
  93. Rikku
  94. jetzger
  95. Steep
  96. GIMR
  97. Aposl
  98. xzax
  99. BlazingKatakiri
  100. Radium
  101. Jowii
  102. Twilight Prince
  103. Cook
  104. Ripple
  105. napZzz
  1. Zucco
  2. Inui
  3. Kreggins
  4. GoadMoose
  5. Anti
  6. DarkLouis
  7. Vex
  8. Crow!
  9. Triple R
  10. YoshQ
  11. MurdaMoe
  12. kellyk
  13. Ares
  14. HadiesLadies
  15. JTsm
  16. Takeover
  17. Reset
  18. Not Corey
  19. gantrain
  20. falco03
  21. Spin
  22. SoulPech
  23. SASSY
  24. Kenrawr
  25. Umashi
  26. Yogehi
  27. MX778
[/COLLAPSE]The people on the unconfirmed list are those that have mentioned interest, or those that others said might be coming. I didn't see confirmation that those people would not be going, but it wasn't for sure that they would, so they're listed in that group. If someone would like to clarify for each person, that would be great. I did not do a setup list, and I'm not going to tonight. If I have the time to tomorrow I will, but seeding was what was mostly important, because we'll need it to pre-seed players so that the tournament runs faster. If I have time, I'll work on a setup list tomorrow, but I'm going to have other stuff I'm going to need to take care of, both related and unrelated to the tournament, haha.

Anyways, look over the lists and see what I missed. I'm sure I messed up somewhere because I mean c'mon. The list is easy to edit so I'll just fix it where I need to. As for pool captains, I appreciate those that have offered themselves. I'll probably contact you tonight or tomorrow about it, we're going to need all the help we can get.

ZombieSwarm = Zwarm, if that could be changed, please. It probably doesn't affect seeding either way, but yeah.

Also, Umashi and Yogehi will be there, they are both confirmed.


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
No... I talked to him tonight. He should be coming with Amy, Z, and Z's wife.

Btw, someone else from Columbus needs to come..


LV 20
Dec 20, 2007
Blazing, you live 45 minutes out of the way : /

If you could get a ride to columbus, or meet me on the way to Cincy or something.. I wouldn't have a problem. I don't really want to end up driving 3 hours for a 2 hour drive.. Sorry bud.

and yes KT, i'm going to be there.
I can probably get a ride to Columbus. I'll have to check today. It's around 30 minutes to get to south side Columbus from here so hopefully it won't be too much trouble.


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness
Also, Hilt. There are a handful of people that are coming but didn't post in this thread like M2K, who's important for seeding.
Edit: whoops. I think he's there. I'll have to give you the others who PM'd me, though.
Edit~: I'll just take those and re-work them.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Thanks Hilt for putting me on the attendance.

Day, you should update the OP/tourney information or whatever with this new information, including on the venue change, I'mma copy paste it down for now... Thanks for the last minute giant post! XD

Also, Hilt, I'd like to be a pool captain, drop me a pm if you need more help.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
So, I looked far and wide throughout this thread for setups. Here's the list so far.

1. Zwarm
2. Composer
3(?). Composer
4. Auspher
5. Spongejordan
6(?). Spongejordan
7. Hylian
8. DLA/someone combo
9. Crash
10. Hilt
11. Spin
12. Calebyte
13. Jayford/Kryz combo
14. Kiest
15. Sombra
16. Knees of Justice
17. Knees of Justice
18(?). Knees of Justice (I forget how many TVs they usually bring lol)
19. Hilt
20(?). Today
21. Lyric (he usually brings a TV to events like this)
22(?). Overswarm (he usually brings TV)
23(?). AZ (usually brings TV)
24. Mister Eric

So at minimum we are looking at something like 18 setups, maximum 24, based on the information given so far. Tell me if I missed anybody or included one too many.

Analysis: This is not enough setups, considering the average tournament condition of people slacking during pools. Even if people don't slack this time around, we are going to be pressed for time. Efficiency is key, as Today said. Let's hope we have more setups than this so that this event isn't crazy.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
^ Are you kidding me? Look at my setup post and tell me how many TVs there are available for this kind of stuff.

If this sounds like I'm mad, it's less of being mad and more of being incredulous.

Flawless Fan

Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2009
Isn't there that flat screen TV in that one room? I remember at Stones it had xbox and stuff set up in there.

Also if Kenny's really going then I'm way sad that I can't go ;;


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
speed is a no, he can't make it sadly

i don't know if he told you clow but we're gonna be getting there kinda late apparently :/

might wanna call TK if you have an issue with it

our car is tko coney sassy kenny pink fresh

with only me and tk staying at your place obv


LV 20
Dec 20, 2007
I'm bringing a setup.

Wario in a top hat & tux hack stay on. Deal with it.

~Pink Fresh~

Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
speed is a no, he can't make it sadly

i don't know if he told you clow but we're gonna be getting there kinda late apparently :/

might wanna call TK if you have an issue with it

our car is tko coney sassy kenny pink fresh

with only me and tk staying at your place obv
Wha... kay. lol

I'm done trying to understand >_<

Edit: Apparently, I can't go because of some storm in the north east. I'm not sure what that has to do with Midwest but... w/e *shrugs*


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
Wha... kay. lol

I'm done trying to understand >_<
we're taking one car

tk has to take his stepmom's car to work, then i meet him at his dad's house to take you (apparently you live close to hear so i'm picking you up then) and him to pick up HIS car at the auto shop, then we're all going home and getting in HIS car and leaving for ohio

**** is going to suck

Edit: Apparently, I can't go because of some storm in the north east. I'm not sure what that has to do with Midwest but... w/e *shrugs*
wait WHAT
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