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Should King Dedede's infinite chaingrab be banned?

Should King Dedede's infinite chaingrab be banned?

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Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
They don't negate DI, nor do they go forever.
Certain chaingrabs in Melee virtually negated DI (your ability to DI was negligible) and went on "forever" or at least 'til you were at KO-percentages. Did anyone call for a ban on those?

You STILL have no addressed that it breaks the game play by removing DI and that it can stall a match indefinitely. Both break fundamental aspects of standard game play. This "breaks" the game.
There are rules in place to prevent the indefinite stalling.

but when the infinite is over the D3 either forward, or back throws for the kill...
I'm sorry, this has what to do with what? You die, you come back, you try to hit DeDeDe again. It's a matchup you're not statistically supposed to win. No one is arguing this.

Stop trying to refute things people are not arguing.

is it just me, or all are the no ban arguments coming from ppl that dont really go to tourneys to begin with. none of the people against this ban that i can tell, have seen a really good DK/mario player get knocked out of a tourney or lose out on a lot of money because of some silly garbage like this.
I've been to plenty of tournaments where plenty of characters unviable because of insurmountable odds. People deal with it by switching characters. It's called Competitive gaming. I've been videogaming Competitively for 5 years (and not just Smash). How long have you been doing it?

if you had in person seen the effects that this has on high stakes games, than you wouldnt be against the ban.
Why? They are free to not pick a character which can be infinited. It is their choice to play a horrendous matchup.

Not every character is viable and not all matchups have to be fair. Anyone who doesn't realize this is dreaming and/or inexperienced.

Life isn't fair. Neither is Compeitive gaming.

i'm not sure how you can defend rulings against stalling though
Your grammar confuses me. Did you mean to say "Defend rules against stalling"? Why is it so hard to defend them? They exist for a reason.

and also claim that "skill" is a noob concept
Your lack of reading comprehension is equally confusing. I said that only n00bs talk about skill when demanding things be banned.

Things are banned if they are "too good". This includes if they yield too strong a result and how easy they are to achieve in an actual match, not on a technical level but at all.

It does not matter if something is hard to do. People will lean to do them if they are that good.

and that competitive games shouldn't try to make matchups viable[/quote9
No, we shouldn't. We do not ban things to make more matchups viable. We ban things that over-centralize the game. If you cannot understand this, then you do not understand the nature of Competitive gaming. Competitive gaming isn't some kind of fair fairytale land where every character must be viable.

also saying that all pro-ban ppl must have obviously never been to a competitive scene is beyond any logic that i know of....
Anyone who been to any other Competitive fighting game tournament would know that the things they whine about in this thread exist in all other fighting scenes and no one (credible) from those fighting scenes are demanding they be banned.

Character-specific infinites? Check. Several. None banned.

of course i'm still noobish enough apparently to believe in skill....
Whether or not something takes skill should never factor into whether or not it's banned. Because nobody cares about the lower levels of play.

Nobody cares if n00bs can pick D3 up and learn his Infinite to destroy other n00bs. We only care about the highest levels of play. And at those levels, it does not matter if something is hard to do. The players at those levels can do them, anyway. Or they can easily learn.

Therefore, difficulty/ease of technical performance is inconsequential when talking about banning.

But many people won't learn it if they deem it too hard to do for its payoff, which was my point. If a technique is nigh impossible to do, it won't have a large effect on the metagame because most people aren't capable of doing it, regardless of the power of the technique.
Inconsequential. Nobody cares about the lower levels of players, where people will shy away from techniques that are hard (but still humanly possible) to learn, even if they're really, really good.

We do not ban things to appease the lower levels of players. At the highest levels, the players are able to learn really had techniques. Thus, it's inconsequential if they are hard, as long as it's humanly possible to learn them, for if they're really, really good, good players will learn them and they will impact the metagame.

Nobody cares about the metagame of the lower skilled players.

Brawl is not Guilty Gear, nor was it intended for the audience of Guilty Gear. Hell, even classifying it as a fighter is a stretch. I don't believe Brawl's rules should be predominately approached from the angle of traditional fighting games because Brawl is not a traditional fighting game.
It's the old "Brawl is special"-argument. Since Brawl is different, nothing applies. Let's ban everything and anything people whine enough about! Let's make it the land of the Fair where most matchups are 50-50 by banning specific combos and tactics.

After all, the n00bs must be allowed to main their favorite characters no matter how sucky they are! Fanboyism must be allowed to flourish, because why switch to a character without horrendous matchups?

I want to be able to win as my favorite character! So what if they suck?! Ban everything that makes them suck!

Also, this had absolutely nothing to do with what I said. I brought up another example of something that was technically hard to do, yet any Millia Rage-player worth their salt can do it. She's not even the best character in the game or even one of them. But it's a pat of her character and Millia players learn how to do it.

Because it's humanly possible. Only lazy and bad players would shy away from learning something that is really good for their characters just because it's hard. That was the moral of the story.

Okay, I'll change my wording then.
Yes, let's not admit to us making a mistake and then yelling at the opponent for giving one flack for it.

If you are trying to attack DDD, on the ground or in the air, all of these characters are at a high risk of getting shieldgrabbed. The solution? Well, DK is boned. He has to approach. Mari and Luigi and shoot fire at him, but Mario's get stopped by Waddle Dees and Luigi's don't go very far. Bowser has fire, but that doesn't work very long. Samus is the only one who stands a chance in this aspect, but this just forces DDD to approach.
"Wah, wah, these characters have bad matchups against D3 and their chances of winning are very, very low."

I'm sorry, have I ever challenged this?

Hey, let me rewrite that. Fox, anything he does against Sheik, if he's anywhere near Sheik, can earn him an F-tilt, even if she's shielding! Voila, your own words used against you.

Moving on, the grab itself. Well, DDD's grab range is pretty big.
So is Sheik's F-tilt.

Another thing I think people fail to notice, is that Shiek's ftilt and Pika's dthrow, they don't combo into a kill move.
Usmash? Or can Fox Shine with great timing?

They also don't take away effects like DI, because Fox can still DI and Shine so it doesn't last as long as we used to think.
SDI. And Sheik can chase it. So can Pikachu, IIRC.

DDD's infinite can be done until you can simply kill them with a throw, It combos right into the kill move. It also take effects away like DI. You can't even do something like Plank to avoid a kill move or more damage afterwards, because you're already down a stock. The only TRUE way to avoid this IS by planking, and we all know that this is banned already in every tournament in the Atlantic North and many are expected to follow.
None of this answers: Why is it OK to ban this but not that other thing that also renders a character unviable.

Because, no, Fox is not viable.

Like I've said many times in this topic. It's not the fact that this is easy to do. The evil is that it's easy to GET that grab.[/quote9
I don't believe I've ever argued against this, ever.

So easy to the point that even at the highest level of play, the DDD WILL always win. Do I have a way to prove this? No. The only way to prove this would be something like, have Bum and M2K MM or something. But Common Sense and tournament practice dictates that through COMMON SENSE, not theory, DDD will always get that grab.
At the highest level of play, in practice Sheik will always win against Fox, it's a matchup that's just that much in her favor (even if he's got a chance, in theory).

We can't ban anything that renders a match unviable.

There are matchups without any infinites or locks that are horrendous. Ban entire characters because of it?

And how many times must I say that we tell many characters to eat dirt, every day?

There are many matchups that are horrendously skewed in favor of one side. It's a part of Competitive gaming. Tough luck. If you don't like having such a matchup, switch to someone without them. Don't demand certain things to be banned to change your horrendous matchups.

You chose your main, live with it or switch.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
I'd still like to know how this is different from Sheik's chaingrabs in Melee, she could zero-death a lot of characters and it was jokingly easy to do.

EDIT: **** Yuna, you took the words right out of my mouth, only explained them way more than I ever could.

Deleted member

for being ****ty they've held up really well over time and have resisted many of the arguments held against them.
Any argument can look good if you take a good template from a good argument and bludgeon your own ideals into it to fit it.

It's also the stuff we're trying to avoid.

And so long as you keep making ****ty or non-applicable comparisons, it is very obvious that you do not understand my argument at all. I've said that I want it banned because it removes DI and for stalling, or that if we limit it, we still have to assign some arbitrary determination as to when to stop it. It's suddenly not broken if it stops at 300%? But it's broken if it continues to 350%? These arguments hold no weight.

We have an easy solution available that eliminates further rulings, and we're going to have more rules regardless of the outcome. Why not pick the side that aids competitive play, hinders the tournament hosts the least, and doesn't just address circular arguments that come to no conclusion.


Certain chaingrabs in Melee virtually negated DI (your ability to DI was negligible) and went on "forever" or at least 'til you were at KO-percentages. Did anyone call for a ban on those?
Stop making ****ty comparisons. They never removed DI nor continued forever. Even fox's wall infinites allow you to smash DI out of the shines behind fox so he can't do it anymore.

You know better than this Yuna.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Infiniting Samus/Mario/Luigi from 130%-300% is still broken, and makes those matchups absolutely unwinnable. Like wtf, that's 170 damage off of one grab on those 3 characters! Also, it's clearly just some kind of glitch anyway despite him doing it repeatedly in the set after regrabs and the mashing being very audible, cuz i tryed myslef n cnat do it dat fast
I know the second part was sarcasm, but I couldn't tell with the first.:laugh:

@Shadowlink-Seriously, What is Bleach 2nd I want to know!!!


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I'd still like to know how this is different from Sheik's chaingrabs in Melee, she could zero-death a lot of characters and it was jokingly easy to do.

EDIT: **** Yuna, you took the words right out of my mouth, only explained them way more than I ever could.
She had to move forward to regrab, even if only slightly so, for each and every single one of them. But it was still 0-death from the middle of any respectably-sized stage.

A better example would the S(pace)A(nimal)S(layer). One uthrow to rest and the space animals (+CF) die, guaranteed, on almost any stage. You can argue that it's hard to get a grab in on them, but it still doesn't negate the fact that it's 1 grab = death. The fastfallers can be much more "skilled" and all, but one grab = death.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
i would also like to join in on the "I challenge anybody to play my D3 without getting grabbed three times per stock" group. i will put any amount of money on this.
the two people who are doing this now are in florida and texas i think. so if they are too far away from you, I am in NY, ready to take your money.

get at me.

and for the record, nobody wanted to ban MK without the SBR doing it first.
SBR isnt even close to a decision on this and its already banned in the entire state of new york, and its banned in texas as well.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
And how many times must I say that we tell many characters to eat dirt, every day?

There are many matchups that are horrendously skewed in favor of one side. It's a part of Competitive gaming. Tough luck. If you don't like having such a matchup, switch to someone without them. Don't demand certain things to be banned to change your horrendous matchups.

You chose your main, live with it or switch.
We've been through this before, Yuna. You don't seem to realize that we've saved a part of the cast from eating dirt, because WE wanted to. If it wasn't for a set of modifications and regulations we CREATED and enforced, D3 would most likely be reigning supreme right now. But WE chose not to let that happen. I say that WE SHOULD NOT have other characters eat crap because they're not a majority this time around. I mean no **** its not a majority, we already made sure a part of the cast was viable, why not finish the job? This isn't like your Honda vs. Ken matchup where the former simply has to deal with it. Our own actions have led to the shaping up of a metagame unlike any other. WE still hold the key to powers allowing US to shape it however we want. DK doesn't do badly against D3 because "its part of the game". DK does bad against D3 BECAUSE WE CHOSE NOT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

Why that is, I don't know. And nobody has given me a proper answer so far.

YOU don't get to choose who has bad matchups against who. That would defeat everything you've been advocating so far.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
so since everyone wants to bring up other games let me see if i can pull it off

soul calibur 4
ivys infinite, I believe it was rising verticle.
banned as soon as it was created.
does the same thing that D3s infinite does

but for some reason ppl think that just because it works on everyone as opposed to 5 characters, than those guys are just SoL?
thats dumb.

p.s. @yuna
just because things arent fair, does that mean that we shouldnt try and do something about it. If there is no point to even trying to make unequal things equal, than that must mean that you didnt have a problem with slavery.
"Well, they were born black, nothing you can do about it. life isnt fair, you are just going to have to deal with being hated neglected, and mistreated daily. life isnt fair, deal with it."

based on your ideals this has to be your logical line of thought.
racist prick


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
We've been through this before, Yuna. You don't seem to realise that we've saved a part of the cast from eating dirt, because WE wanted to. If it wasn't for a set of modifications and regulations we CREATED and enforced, D3 would most likely be reigning supreme right now. But WE chose not to let that happen.
No, we chose not to over-centralize the game around chaingrabs, jab-locks, laser-locks and various other ways to end a stock off of a walk-off. Marth, a character D3 cannot chaingrab, also has a 45:55 against D3, it's only slightly in D3's favour, but it's enough from preventing him from ever reigning supreme as well.

Also, you seem ignorant on the fact that Meta Knight, the best character in the game and a disadvantageous matchup for D3, cannot be chaingabbed by D3. Thus, D3 will never be able to reign supreme.

I say that WE SHOULD NOT have other characters eat crap because they're not a majority this time around.
Tons of characters eat dirt every day. They, too, suffer individual bad matchups against specific characters. You cannot deny this. Fox suffers several bad matchups due to general suckiness. He eats dirt, nothing is banned against him.

I mean no **** its not a majority, we already made sure a part of the cast was viable, why not finish the job?
For the 29th time: That is not why we write the rules. The rules are not written to ensure as many as possible being viable.

The rules are written to prevent over-centralization around either a character or tactic. That is why cetain stages and tactics (like stalling and the IDC) are banned.

This isn't like you're Honda vs. Ken matchup where the former simply has to deal with it. Our own actions have led to the shaping up of a metagame unlike any other. WE still hold the key to powers allowing US to shape it however we want. DK doesn't do badly against D3 because "its part of the game". DK does bad against D3 BECAUSE WE CHOSE NOT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
There is no logic here. DK does badly because it is a part of the game. How can you deny this?

No, Smash has never been about banning things to ensure maximum viability, ever. We have not created such a metagame. We only ban things that over-centralize things.

Walk-offs would over-centralize the metagame on just that, walk-offs. This does not over-centralize the metagame.

Why that is, I don't know. And nobody has given me a proper answer so far.
We have, you just refuse to listen. You also make stuff up in your head.

YOU don't get to choose who has bad matchups against who. That would defeat everything you've been advocating so far.
Hypocrisy at its finest. How is this not choosing who has bad matchups against whom? You're trying to change the matchups, thus choosing who has what matchups.

We're not choosing anything. We're only banning things to prevent over-centralization. Get that through your head, please!

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
Yes, let's not admit to us making a mistake and then yelling at the opponent for giving one flack for it.
and let's address this in a rude, disrespectful way. Yes I think that's what intelligent people do. Ohwait...

"Wah, wah, these characters have bad matchups against D3 and their chances of winning are very, very low."

I'm sorry, have I ever challenged this?

Hey, let me rewrite that. Fox, anything he does against Sheik, if he's anywhere near Sheik, can earn him an F-tilt, even if she's shielding! Voila, your own words used against you.
That sort of works, but it doesn't. Yes, there is a high probability of Fox getting ftilted by Shiek - but it ENDS. You also can't ftilt someone out of an attack. Fox can continue to play after he gets ftilted, because he doesn't just die automatically. Unlike DDD, whose infinite goes right into a throw for the loss of a stock

So is Sheik's F-tilt.
Like I said, grab has one of the highest priorities in the game, and can be done OoS, Try this with ftilt.

Usmash? Or can Fox Shine with great timing?
Usmash won't even kill him, if Pika even manages to land it before Fox gets a Shine out

SDI. And Sheik can chase it. So can Pikachu, IIRC.
It still exists and gives the possibility of getting out. You can't get out of DDD's like this.

None of this answers: Why is it OK to ban this but not that other thing that also renders a character unviable.

Because, no, Fox is not viable.
Unviable =/= unintelligent to pick. You may not enjoy playing against said characters with Fox, but I'll take a 90:10 over a 100:0 any day. If Fox outplays the opponent, he will have a chance at winning. This is not the case, at all, with DDD and the Sad Six.

I don't believe I've ever argued against this, ever.
I'm aware, but it's a valid point to bring up

At the highest level of play, in practice Sheik will always win against Fox, it's a matchup that's just that much in her favor (even if he's got a chance, in theory).
90:10 is winnable. Not very winnable, but winnable.

We can't ban anything that renders a match unviable.
Oh I'm sorry mr. SBR, didn't know you had the right to say "We don't have the power to ban this!" Besides, it's not making a matchup unviable, it's making SIX CHARACTERS unviable. With the Counterpick system, it's very easy to just pick DDD against these 6.

There are matchups without any infinites or locks that are horrendous. Ban entire characters because of it?
Since when did "Really Horrendous!" = "Impossible" ? And all due to one preventable tactic?


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
so since everyone wants to bring up other games let me see if i can pull it off

soul calibur 4
ivys infinite, I believe it was rising verticle.
banned as soon as it was created.
does the same thing that D3s infinite does

but for some reason ppl think that just because it works on everyone as opposed to 5 characters, than those guys are just SoL?
thats dumb.
Do not bring up facts you have only a loose grasp of. You have a penchant for this.

Unsurprisingly, I know exactly what you speak of. And once again, you are wrong.

Ivy's infinite does not do the same thing D3's infinite does. Because Ivy's infinite worked on everyone. Which means that it would over-centralize the metagame around her. D3's infinite only works on a select few characters, thus, it does not over-centralize the metagame.

(I wrote "worked" because it's since been patched out)

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
A better example would the S(pace)A(nimal)S(layer). One uthrow to rest and the space animals (+CF) die, guaranteed, on almost any stage. You can argue that it's hard to get a grab in on them, but it still doesn't negate the fact that it's 1 grab = death. The fastfallers can be much more "skilled" and all, but one grab = death.

I've uthrow->rested spacies right near the edge of Battlefield for them to DI and recover very effectively. It's also happened on FD, Yoshi's Story, and even Fountain of Dreams. Spacies and Falcon only die if they don't DI, or DI incorrectly.

I just had to say something about this inaccurate statement. That is all.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Inconsequential. Nobody cares about the lower levels of players, where people will shy away from techniques that are hard (but still humanly possible) to learn, even if they're really, really good.

We do not ban things to appease the lower levels of players. At the highest levels, the players are able to learn really had techniques. Thus, it's inconsequential if they are hard, as long as it's humanly possible to learn them, for if they're really, really good, good players will learn them and they will impact the metagame.

Nobody cares about the metagame of the lower skilled players.
Why not? The lower players are the only reason tournaments can exist. Piss them off enough and you lose the income which makes the whole idea of competitive gaming function.
I'm not saying the top level should be disregarded, but the majority of players aren't there and will never be there--especially with a game like Brawl that mixes casual and competitive audiences so much. Sweeping them under the rug isn't beneficial in the long run.

It's the old "Brawl is special"-argument. Since Brawl is different, nothing applies. Let's ban everything and anything people whine enough about! Let's make it the land of the Fair where most matchups are 50-50 by banning specific combos and tactics.
Land of the Fair would be banning everyone but Marth.

Maybe land of the Dolphin Slash.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I was called a scrub back in April for opposing this and other infinites aside from the Ice Climbers' and now that I've adopted a "play to win" mentality this is NOW being brought up by the backroom as a potential roadblock in the metagame? The irony is too great... Still, the five characters mentioned would probably become more viable but they still suck against King Dedede regardless. Really, why is this even being brought up if Metaknight is allowed? To me, that decision signaled to me that the backroom wanted to just "stay the course" and allow everything that was outlandishly gay that people frequently complained about thanks to mentality of competitive play that if it doesn't qualify as cheating, grin and bear it or turn the gay-ity to full blast if you truly want to have the leg up on your opponent. You want to camp your opponent to death as Snake or Olimar, go right ahead. You want to utterly destroy Ness while playing as Marth but doing the retardedly easy infinite, be my guest.

Overall, I just look at this and raise an eyebrow because the big issue was already decided on and trying to eliminate smaller "problems" won't help all that much. Let's face it, Metaknight's going to continue running away with competitions with Snake in a distant second and the rest of the top/high tier characters even farther back then that at this rate so does a decision like this really even matter? Alright, a few characters can now do slightly better against King Dedede but it really doesn't help that much and they all still get sodomized by Metaknight regardless! WOOT! :laugh:

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Do not bring up facts you have only a loose grasp of. You have a penchant for this.

Unsurprisingly, I know exactly what you speak of. And once again, you are wrong.

Ivy's infinite does not do the same thing D3's infinite does. Because Ivy's infinite worked on everyone. Which means that it would over-centralize the metagame around her. D3's infinite only works on a select few characters, thus, it does not over-centralize the metagame.

(I wrote "worked" because it's since been patched out)
why dont you read the whole quote, you would realise that i said that i acknowledge the difference in the number of characters that it works on, what im saying is that it doesnt matter whether its 5 character or 35. what matters is that it does centralise the metagame. and that you are using arbitrary, undefined numbers to dictate what is centralisation and what is over centralisation. but just in case you didnt read the whole thing, (and i know you didnt because you would have seen what i was saying if you didnt just skim the first few lines) ill repost it for you, with an extra edit in there just for you
so since everyone wants to bring up other games let me see if i can pull it off

soul calibur 4
ivys infinite, I believe it was rising verticle.
banned as soon as it was created.
does the same thing that D3s infinite does

but for some reason ppl think that just because it works on everyone as opposed to 5 characters, than those guys are just SoL?
thats dumb.

p.s. @yuna
just because things arent fair, does that mean that we shouldnt try and do something about it. If there is no point to even trying to make unequal things equal, than that must mean that you didnt have a problem with slavery.
"Well, they were born black, nothing you can do about it. life isnt fair, you are just going to have to deal with being hated neglected, and mistreated daily. life isnt fair, deal with it."

based on your ideals this has to be your logical line of thought.
racist prick


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
She had to move forward to regrab, even if only slightly so, for each and every single one of them. But it was still 0-death from the middle of any respectably-sized stage.

A better example would the S(pace)A(nimal)S(layer). One uthrow to rest and the space animals (+CF) die, guaranteed, on almost any stage. You can argue that it's hard to get a grab in on them, but it still doesn't negate the fact that it's 1 grab = death. The fastfallers can be much more "skilled" and all, but one grab = death.
Ya this isn't right. Sheik's chaingrab is a much better example. I've lived at crazy percents on the u-throw to rest.


First clip. Gets rested at 18% and easily lives.

Anyways, I still agree with you, this really isn't any different than Wobbling or Sheik's chaingrab, and at least this doesn't work against the whole cast like Wobbling does.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Still, the five characters mentioned would probably become more viable but they still suck against King Dedede regardless.
Wrong. Most of the matchups would be 60:40 Dedede's favor without the infinite, and with Luigi it could be argued that the matchup is in his favor.
DK in particular could easily move up the tier list if he wasn't rendered unviable because of this.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Stop making ****ty comparisons. They never removed DI nor continued forever.
They didn't have to. They only needed to continue to such a time where you could KO your opponent. There are limits in place to prevent people from infiniting forever. I personally employ a 300% limit.

Each TO is free to employ their own limit. So infinites do not continue forever, since we limit them.

I said virtually removed DI, as in you could DI very little, in such a way the chaingrab would continue anyway, to such a % you'll eventually get KO:ed.

That sort of works, but it doesn't. Yes, there is a high probability of Fox getting ftilted by Shiek - but it ENDS.
So does the infinite.

You also can't ftilt someone out of an attack.
O RLY? What do you mean exactly? If someone attacks you and you shield it, you F-tilt? Why couldn't you? Wait 'til the hitbox is gone and F-tilt. It's barely slower than a shieldgrab, slower by only a few frames.

Fox can continue to play after he gets ftilted, because he doesn't just die automatically.
What part of "It's less bad than DDD's infinite", which I've said multiple times, now was too hard for you to grasp?

Unlike DDD, whose infinite goes right into a throw for the loss of a stock
Yes, it's an entire stock. Now, tell me, why does 80% of a stock not present an unfair enough advantage we should ban it? It does, after all, still render Fox unviable.

Like I said, grab has one of the highest priorities in the game, and can be done OoS, Try this with ftilt.
Maybe you do not know this, but Brawl barely has any shieldstun and you can let go of your shield very fast. Sheik's F-tilt is also, what, 3 frames?

Usmash won't even kill him, if Pika even manages to land it before Fox gets a Shine out
Usmash might kill Fox from Sheik's F-tilt lock if it's sweetspotted. Doesn't change the fact that Usmash will kill Fox soon. Pika's CG to a hit or two and then one Usmash and he dies.

It's not 0-death. No one's saying this. However, it still renders him unviable. Why not ban it then?

It still exists and gives the possibility of getting out. You can't get out of DDD's like this.
It renders him unviable. But since there'sa miniscule chance of winning, virtually impossible is enough to not ban instead of conceivably impossible?

Unviable =/= unintelligent to pick. You may not enjoy playing against said characters with Fox, but I'll take a 90:10 over a 100:0 any day. If Fox outplays the opponent, he will have a chance at winning. This is not the case, at all, with DDD and the Sad Six.
That is not the point. The point is why it's not bad enough to ban.

90:10 is winnable. Not very winnable, but winnable.
But why is it not OK to ban things to artifically change such a match? It's 10% match. You will never see someone win such a set in a major tournament.

Oh I'm sorry mr. SBR
Are you aware of that I am not a part of the SBR?

didn't know you had the right to say "We don't have the power to ban this!"
See above. Do not assume.

Besides, it's not making a matchup unviable, it's making SIX CHARACTERS unviable. With the Counterpick system, it's very easy to just pick DDD against these 6.
Yes, and? Several characters in the game render several others unviable in Competitive play. It's a part of life. It's not over-centralizing the metagame. Why ban it?

Since when did "Really Horrendous!" = "Impossible" ? And all due to one preventable tactic?
Since when did I argue that? Read my lips:
What makes it so much less bannable?

Yuna FYI, D3 CAN chaingrab Marth.
OIC. I barely play as him, anyway. It's mostly Zelda, Pit and Shota-Link nowadays.


I've uthrow->rested spacies right near the edge of Battlefield for them to DI and recover very effectively. It's also happened on FD, Yoshi's Story, and even Fountain of Dreams. Spacies and Falcon only die if they don't DI, or DI incorrectly.

I just had to say something about this inaccurate statement. That is all.
Or if you hit with the non-sweetspot. Spacies die on smaller stages most of the time even if they do DI correctly. It doesn't always happen, though, I'll conceede to that.

So it's only a, um, 10-20% to death combo? I still say it's unfair and bannable under the same principle as this (especially since D3's infinite on several of the Big Suck cannot be started at 0%, either).

Why not? The lower players are the only reason tournaments can exist. Piss them off enough and you lose the income which makes the whole idea of competitive gaming function.
I'm not saying the top level should be disregarded, but the majority of players aren't there and will never be there--especially with a game like Brawl that mixes casual and competitive audiences so much. Sweeping them under the rug isn't beneficial in the long run.
Because the lower leveled players aren't even that good. And as already proven, they are lazy. They won't even go for the best in the game if it's hard to play as them. This is so few lower leveled players played Fox and Falco in Melee, despite them being two of the best characters in the game.

So what the lower leveled players want banned is irrelevant since many of them are n00bs and Scrubs. They want things they consider unfair and overpowered banned, things that might in reality not be unfair or overpowered at all on the higher levels, just to the lower leveled players who are unable to work around it.

Therefore, it is only important what is overpowered and unfair at the highest level of play when it comes to writing the rules. After all, if we wanted to appease as many lower leveled players as possible in Brawl and maximize attendance at tournament (by getting people would otherwise never attend to go), we'd unban Hyrule and allow items.

But we don't because we could care less what they want.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
you're outdated. ness can DI and stop the standing re-grab. Its in the ness forums. He can dash grab ness though which is why i call it a CG.
Don't believe everything you read.


That is the video. The Marth in that video does the regrab completely wrong, and shields each time. That video proved nothing.

If you come back to me with other video proof that has a competent Marth player, I might actually believe you, and the Ness boards too.

let alone that you basically just said we should not bring up any example to help prove our argument or any evidence.
Very nice.
No, I didn't. Actually read what I post. :ohwell:

Dk's death combo on Fox is a guaranteed kill when it is performed correctly.
Ho ****. Can you say theory craft? I wasn't aware theory was a strong hold in debates. Geeze, I am outdated.

Also, let's assume for a moment that the combo IS pulled off. Whether or not Fox dies from it is dependent on his percent. He won't die if his damage is too low, even if DK pulls off the combo. This isn't even taking into consideration different stages, or stage position. Some stages are larger and won't kill Fox immediately, and you may need to be on certain parts of some stages to pull it off. It's circumstantial. And again, this combo also doesn't stall.

Dedede however will kill you, regardless if you're at 0%, 30%, 80%, -124252%, or any other percent you wish to conjure up. And he does stall.

You should see BUM vs m2k's Fox. He does it twice in the beginning of the match. ills him each time.
Provide me with a video. If he kills him from 0%, I will correct myself is saying that it doesn't kill immediately. It is still irrelevant anyway. Melee was a completely different game, where throws could kill many characters and at many different percents. They also didn't stall the match.

Which ones? Except for Bowser all of them due at the edge of the stage from a throw at over 200%.
I cannot be sure, I haven't tested them all. Donkey Kong is very heavy as well, as is Samus. I am sure both of them could survive to very high percents as well. I cannot list examples off the top of my head, as I don't have a Wii next to me. But I'm sure tests can be done.

The point is that it is all subjected to circumstance. The only rational way to make a blanket number is to make a % limit in which no character can survive at all under any condition at the end of the throw. That would be a rather high number, I would assume. High enough that it wastes valuable time in a match to execute.

I addressed this earlier. I throw you off the stage, I Bair you, you DI. At such percents, a large number of moves WILL kill you.
So at that poit, DD has no need continously D throw. Again, stalling solved.
That doesn't solve stalling at all. Just because we put a number limit down doesn't mean that it isn't stalling. You're avoid conflict for a long period of time. It takes roughly a minute per 200% for the infinite. To go up to say 800% would be 4 minutes of a match. Are you telling me that if we decided to blanket the number at 800%, and if we in a match stop at 799%, it isn't stalling even though you just wasted nearly four minutes of that players time in order to get a percent lead? That's stupid. It doesn't matter what the limit is, no player should lose control over their character for an extended amount of time without their being reasonable motives to avoid the circumstance (Falco's laser lock, Ice Climbers CG, et cetera).

Then why do you continuously brush off those cases? When they are the same?
When have I personally brushed off any infinite excluding the IC CG's? I don't agree with any of them really. I even posted that to Inferno pages ago.

So the infinite destroys competitiveness of the entire game? How?
Again it kills those characters in that particular matchup only.
I'm sure I can find some items that we could allow in for competitive play that don't destroy competitiveness of the entire game. Mr. Saturn sound good to you? How about Food?

Just because something isn't ridiculously drastic doesn't mean we shouldn't put rules in place to better the competitive community regarding said matter. This community could very well thrive with items, but we choose not to because it is the intelligent decision to make. Banning Dedede's (as well as others) infinite will only help the community.

I'll take your challenge if you want, I'll practice with Samus since i like her best.
It really was supposed to be an example you weren't suppose to agree to, since you would never ever win. I have no wifi, so I couldn't play you anyway unless you live in Canada and go to tourneys, which I'm assuming you don't.

The outcome=death.
I sweetspot my Usmash and you're DEAD.
Same thing for DDD nor does he ened to go over 300% to kill.[/quote]

Again, you're ignoring the fact that it stalls. You also don't lose control to DI. And again, I believe you can SDI out of it (one would think anyway), but so many people use it as a valid tactic that it gives me the impression you can't. I'll test that later.

Read the above.

At earlier percents Falco is guaranteed to land a Dair which is fatal for several characters.
hence why I use more extreme examples since its easier to make the point clear.
Again, you're choosing best case scenario. I am choosing King Dedede's infinite, which is the best case in every scenario.

I can play the ace in the hole too, except I don't have to, because the infinite is broken, so the point proves itself.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
No, we chose not to over-centralize the game around chaingrabs, jab-locks, laser-locks and various other ways to end a stock off of a walk-off.


For the 29th time: That is not why we write the rules. The rules are not written to ensure as many as possible being viable.

The rules are written to prevent over-centralization around either a character or tactic. That is why cetain stages and tactics (like stalling and the IDC) are banned.


Hypocrisy at its finest. How is this not choosing who has bad matchups against whom? You're trying to change the matchups, thus choosing who has what matchups.
Now give me a proper reason as to why we can take all of these aspects and build rules to prevent an over-centralization around them, while taking the infinites apart. As if it was so different. None of these aspects you've listed alone generate an over-centralization on their own, its the culmination of all of these together that caused us to react. So again, why is it that D3's infinite cannot be a part of that group? What makes it so different?

Also, you seem ignorant on the fact that Meta Knight, the best character in the game and a disadvantageous matchup for D3, cannot be chaingabbed by D3. Thus, D3 will never be able to reign supreme.
So he would be #2. Ah, how much you love to argue semantics. This wasn't the point and you know it. And please do not reply to this.

There is no logic here. DK does badly because it is a part of the game. How can you deny this?
I'm saying DK does badly because of the competitive mold we've come to accept. It's not an universal truth. Characters that are prone to other forms are infinites would do badly too if we had decided not to act upon those. And the metagame would not have been over-centralized upon such strategies when you have the option to ban stages or pick a character that is not prone to chaingrabbing/infinites.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
the only reason that these five characters are doing as well as they even are right now, is that some regions already banned it and some regions just all agree to not do it because its just too gay.

even though thats basically a hard ban and a soft ban

either way, if everyone was like plank (play as gay as possible for the W) than these five characters would comprise the bottom tier in the order of who can last the longest with out getting grabbed


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
why dont you read the whole quote, you would realise that i said that i acknowledge the difference in the number of characters that it works on
I stopped reading when you claimed it worked exactly the same way D3's infinites work.

Oh, I forgot to mention that it's a move and not a grabbed and, thus, shieldable.

what im saying is that it doesnt matter whether its 5 character or 35. what matters is that it does centralise the metagame. and that you are using arbitrary, undefined numbers to dictate what is centralisation and what is over centralisation. but just in case you didnt read the whole thing, (and i know you didnt because you would have seen what i was saying if you didnt just skim the first few lines) ill repost it for you, with an extra edit in there just for you
Your logic eludes me.

D3's infinite does not over-centralize the game. Pray tell, how does it centralize the game, really? Are people flocking to D3 just to be able to infinites those Sucky 6? As opposed to Snake, G&W and MK for a higher chance of actually winning tournaments?

I mean, how many high level D3s actually exist that do well in tournaments, really? Over-centralization my tuchas. It renders 6 characters viable.

But it's not over-centralizing the game at all since D3 suffers disadvantageous matchups from several character, thus he is not the optimal choice if you want to win entire tournament.

It isn't over-centalizing the metagame, neither on paper or in practice. Or can you name 5 D3s doing really, really well?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2008
I think they should restrict it , just two chaingrabs. As long as the person doesn't keep chain grabbing throughout the whole match then its cools with me.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Wrong. Most of the matchups would be 60:40 Dedede's favor without the infinite, and with Luigi it could be argued that the matchup is in his favor.
DK in particular could easily move up the tier list if he wasn't rendered unviable because of this.
Bull. King Dedede would still have the running chain grab on DK, be one of the few characters who can reasonably deal with DK's range without the use of projectiles, and still have the much better offstage game that King Dedede excels at. Mario can still be reasonably be gimped by King Dedede as low as 50%, can get stuck in the chain grabs, and is outranged by most of King Dedede's attacks. Samus is still outranged, suffers against King Dedede's offstage game, easily has her projectiles blocked by Waddle Dee/Doos, and has among the hardest time of finishing him off than most of the cast besides probably Snake. Bowser has the same problems that DK has for the most part and Luigi has the same problems that Mario has aside from not being able to get stuck in the dthrow chain grab which can still be lead into tech chases like with Game and Watch and Zelda.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Now give me a proper reason as to why we can take all of these aspects and build rules to prevent an over-centralization around them, while taking the infinites apart. As if it was so different. None of these aspects you've listed alone generate an over-centralization on their own, its the culmination of all of these together that caused us to react. So again, why is it that D3's infinite cannot be a part of that group? What makes it so different?
How did they not present over-centralization? The over-centralization would be around the walk-offs. Camping, chaingrabs, various locks, everything would be about walk-off-KO:ing people.

So he would be #2. Ah, how much you love to argue semantics. This wasn't the point and you know it. And please do not reply to this.
That was just off the top of my head. I'm not an expert on D3's matchups and who he cannot effectively chaingrab but that also have good matchups against him, but I'm sure there are others who would prevent D3 from reigning supreme.

I'm saying DK does badly because of the competitive mold we've come to accept. It's not an universal truth. Characters that are prone to other forms are infinites would do badly too if we had decided not to act upon those.
Name these infinites we supposedly acted upon.

And the metagame would not have been over-centralized upon such strategies when you have the option to ban stages or pick a character that is not prone to chaingrabbing/infinites.
But it is not. The metagame isn't over-centralized around infinites. Or are you living in an altenate universe?

Deleted member

A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "set up a straw man," one describes a position that superficially resembles an opponent's actual view, yet is easier to refute. Then, one attributes that position to the opponent. For example, someone might deliberately overstate the opponent's position. While a straw man argument may work as a rhetorical technique—and succeed in persuading people—it carries little or no real evidential weight, since the opponent's actual argument has not been refuted.
If I see one more strawman argument, I'm going to start banning people. I'm not kidding.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
I stopped reading when you claimed it worked exactly the same way D3's infinites work.

Oh, I forgot to mention that it's a move and not a grabbed and, thus, shieldable.

Your logic eludes me.

D3's infinite does not over-centralize the game. Pray tell, how does it centralize the game, really? Are people flocking to D3 just to be able to infinites those Sucky 6? As opposed to Snake, G&W and MK for a higher chance of actually winning tournaments?

I mean, how many high level D3s actually exist that do well in tournaments, really? Over-centralization my tuchas. It renders 6 characters viable.

But it's not over-centralizing the game at all since D3 suffers disadvantageous matchups from several character, thus he is not the optimal choice if you want to win entire tournament.

It isn't over-centalizing the metagame, neither on paper or in practice. Or can you name 5 D3s doing really, really well?
Once again you don't need to main Dedede to do this.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Once again you don't need to main Dedede to do this.
this is what ive been trying to say.
i play sonic, lucario and wolf.

but if im at a tourney where this is legal, guess what, im spamming waddles and shield camping for that one grab, at which point the game is over.

any random link, pit, ganon, Zss, lucas, or PT player can do this, they dont have to switch characters, they just have to spend 2 minutes in training mode, which means every player should be able to do this.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
Bull. King Dedede would still have the running chain grab on DK, be one of the few characters who can reasonably deal with DK's range without the use of projectiles, and still have the much better offstage game that King Dedede excels at. Mario can still be reasonably be gimped by King Dedede as low as 50%, can get stuck in the chain grabs, and is outranged by most of King Dedede's attacks. Samus is still outranged, suffers against King Dedede's offstage game, easily has her projectiles blocked by Waddle Dee/Doos, and has among the hardest time of finishing him off than most of the cast besides probably Snake. Bowser has the same problems that DK has for the most part and Luigi has the same problems that Mario has aside from not being able to get stuck in the dthrow chain grab which can still be lead into tech chases like with Game and Watch and Zelda.
Umm Most of those matchups would be 60:40 without the infinite.

DK could even be less than 60:40 possibly 55:45.

Mario would be the only imo that would probably be 65:35.

Bowser would be 60:40, Vex Kasrani(best boozer on ec) even thinks bowser would have the advantage if it wasnt for infinite, thats just his opinion though.

Luigi would most likely be very close to neutral without the infinite.

Samus wouldnt be worse than 60:40 her only glaringly bad spot in the matchup is the fact she can't kill Dedede until extremely high percents.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
How did they not present over-centralization? The over-centralization would be around the walk-offs. Camping, chaingrabs, various locks, everything would be about walk-off-KO:ing people.


Name these infinites we supposedly acted upon.
The form under which a problem presents itself is irrelevant if the results are the same. D3's infinite on those 5 characters is in no way different than him being able to chaingrab 27 characters across Eldin. In both cases 1 grab = 1 stock (the initiation is the same), and suddenly, as you said, everything O-Cs around camping, CGs and whatnot. Hence why I personally think the infinite fits the mold perfectly, and should thus be dealt with accordingly.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Once again you don't need to main Dedede to do this.
This matters how? Are people flocking to D3 as a backup character just to take care of these 6 characters? Do you have any kind of proof for this?

And it's still not over-centralizing the game. It's just setting D3 up as a good counterpick against a set few characters. For the rest of them, people still go for other characters. It's not over-centralizing, it just makes him a good option for a counterpick.

Wow! Horrible.
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