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Q&A Sheik Strategy & QnA


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
reverse needle canceling is just using needles to turn around in the air, you press away on the control stick and then use neutral b and it it turns you around in the air, press shield to cancel the needle charge and then you can bair in the direction you were jumping, its only marginally useful, but hey its there.

As for peach turnip camping, you have 2 options, stay EVEN further and needle her, or stay about Marth's fsmash range close to her and hit her whenever she tries to do stuff. I like option 2.
when you say press away on the control stick i'm assuming you mean that if sheik is running right you would press left then needle charge cancel and do a bair to the right?

as for staying close up close on peach I normally just get stuffed with her nair and try to sheild grab it or WD away and then grab... what other ways can i beat peach's aerials? I have seen some sheiks uses dair at low percents but it seems to easily punished


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2007
Slowly starting to enjoy my mothertongue again. :)
The best way to beat aerials you can't outprioritize is to not get hit by them. Sheik is faster than peach, she can stay out of Peach's aerial range and just punish her for doing anything. It's a bit like what Marth does, only you're using your long limbs and sexually smooth speed to kill peach instead of a sword.


Smash Hero
Jan 24, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
when you say press away on the control stick i'm assuming you mean that if sheik is running right you would press left then needle charge cancel and do a bair to the right?
dont press away, "flick away", unless u wanna DSF (aka chain), but that's jus how i do it.

peach is easy. use needles, then if she floats at that middle height, do a long dash forward, pivot wavedash back into fullhop back air. It stuffs anything she tries.

kick her everytime she floats, trap her on the ground with spaced aerials and grabs. I try to be aggresive cuz camping her is boring and just lets her get good spacing on u eventually.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Hey guys, would y'all be willing to take a look at my Sheik and tell me anything I need to improve? I'm picking her up as a secondary or a main or w'e, I play to many characters as is, but since I'm new to her I'm looking for any advice at all. I didn't want to create a new thread cause no one would give a ****, so hopefully y'all can help me out.


There are two matches there, anything you see that needs improvement, throw it out.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
dont press away, "flick away", unless u wanna DSF (aka chain), but that's jus how i do it.

peach is easy. use needles, then if she floats at that middle height, do a long dash forward, pivot wavedash back into fullhop back air. It stuffs anything she tries.

kick her everytime she floats, trap her on the ground with spaced aerials and grabs. I try to be aggresive cuz camping her is boring and just lets her get good spacing on u eventually.
so when you say "flick away" im assuming that the stick has to return to the neutral position?


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Hey guys, would y'all be willing to take a look at my Sheik and tell me anything I need to improve? I'm picking her up as a secondary or a main or w'e, I play to many characters as is, but since I'm new to her I'm looking for any advice at all. I didn't want to create a new thread cause no one would give a ****, so hopefully y'all can help me out.


There are two matches there, anything you see that needs improvement, throw it out.
Grab the edge + back air when they're recovering low will defeat everything a space animal does. There is no sense waiting on the stage for them to recover and tech + illusion to grab the edge. Even terrible space animals can do this now. If you don't have time to setup Bairs from the edge, it's not a bad idea to grab the edge anyways. Space animals often go for M2K angles simply on the notion that it'll allow techs and avoid certain edgeguards, so if you just edgehog them, they'll die. And if they do go above the stage, you can still do Uair or whatever and try to keep your edgeguard going, or turn it into a combo or whatever. Either way, it gives options that standing on the edge doesn't.

Don't come down with Dair when you're launched, it commits you too much and you get hurt for it. Ideally just wait and react to whatever they're doing. If you feel yourself getting antsy and wanting to toss out a move, Bair or Nair are safer, but what's even safer is seeing what they're doing first and then choosing.

You go over him a lot with FJ needles when he's right in front of you and get Naired. Needle approach isn't necessarily bad, but you need to protect yourself better. Maybe in close range do SH needles instead. Mix in some aerials and you can probably pressure adequately.

Grab more and grab more accurately. Fewer dash attacks into his shield, too, would also be good.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
I miss talking about Sheik theory with KirbyKaze :(

KK - Yea... you're right... no one cares to click on the first page T_T.

Well.. so much for bothering to update it.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Good times to use needles: when you are on a platform above your opponent you can use needles to harass them and get them to approach you. You have several mix ups on platforms you can use to try and chip away for some damage or land something solid that could lead into more, including by not limited to, falling through the platform and fairing instead of doing a needle if you predict they will try to get under you, can be risky depending on spacing but payoff is decent, running off the platform on either side and wavelanding or covering with a bair. Using the top platform to run away EVEN more and camp like a homo.

They are also good in limited edgeguarding situations, if you just aren't quite close enough for anything else, you might as well toss one out, you could get lucky and it could mess them up into an SD, screw up recovery spacing, or just add some pressure so they worry about angles more and limit some options.

They cancel samus' fully charges shot, you know cause we don't have enough advantages in the match already ^_^. And needles to grab, the more you have charged the more often you will successfully grab (that's been my experience)


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
I haven't seen your sheik in maddd long vanz.. lol. i thought u quit her and is going all fox? you're such a flip flopper, like john kerry.

anyway, my sheik has gotten slower lol~~


Smash Hero
Jan 24, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
i havent seen vanz sheik since he failed to finish off kage in crews.

he'll prolly john, but i was impressed with it and thought it plays real smart


Smash Hero
Jan 24, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
i was doing upb to ledgedash>rev utilt> dsmash on cpus.

i think DI makes this combo false.

but u ever try just ledgedash reverse utilt dsmash on recovery lag?


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
i havent seen vanz sheik since he failed to finish off kage in crews.

he'll prolly john, but i was impressed with it and thought it plays real smart
thanks and yes i am going to john. i died at like 46% and messed up a million edgeguards. with the exception of how i played vs Azen, my sheik blew the entire time at RoM. so i just put her down for a while. but it REALLY ***** today so i'm probably going to bring her back :colorful:

and regarding you're last post.. i don't even have half the tech skill to pull something like that off.

*btw, teco is at anime boston and will be there until saturday? (i think) so i will be the interim teczero :)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
i have noticed that i have a really bad habit of shielding a lot instead of mixing it up with wavedashes, spot dodges, or rolls. And because of this im getting grabbed way more than i should be. any suggestions on how to break that habit?

also 2 other questions

when trying to set up a needle->grab, what are the heights that you want to consider throwing the needles? Are there several to mix it up with so one doesn't get punished?

also with the "drephen" style of down smash for edgeguarding falcon what part of the hitbox do you want to try to hit with and what way should I be facing? It also seems on some stages I can hit under the stage but does it only work on certain ones?


Smash Hero
Jan 24, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
i wouldnt downsmash edgeguard. They can tech it and upb u.

needles can be used from a full hop short hop doesnt matter as long as they are on the way down. the more needles the higher u can start.

if u r really high u can fastfall first then shoot as well

in related news, haruhi season 2 is ****.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
i wouldnt downsmash edgeguard. They can tech it and upb u.

needles can be used from a full hop short hop doesnt matter as long as they are on the way down. the more needles the higher u can start.

if u r really high u can fastfall first then shoot as well
1) Soap's correct (duh, just about everybody who posts in this thread generally is). A really good player is going to tech the downsmash and keep making a play for the stage. It becomes a really, really dumb battle of attrition that'll more than likely end up with you missing the edgeguard altogether (unless you have good prediction skills). Or if all else fails, well, what else would a manly gaybear like Falcon do? He's gonna use his C4-laden pelvic thrust and do some damage. The latter is more likely to happen.

I generally tend to needle Falcon's recovery if he's coming on a little low so that way I have room to jump out there and slap him with an f-air (<----Insurance policy. Granted, the people I play against are dumb sometimes and play characters with crappy recoveries, so usually I finish them off the stage with purely needles. There are times, tho'). Back air works here too, but I couldn't say which one is better. Just remember at the lower percentages you're probably gonna have to hit Falcon a lot to kill him.

If they avoid needle gayness and they're high enough to make it back, edgeguard with b-airs like a mofo. Remember there's only one direction Falcon can go with his recovery: Up and forward.


Smooth Criminal

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
i assume you tried animesuki but I'm going to suggest it anyway because it *****.
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