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Q&A Sheik Strategy & QnA


Sonic main since 08'
Mar 15, 2008
Debug Menu
Sup guys.

I pretty much use fox, falco, and marth, but I've been trying to pick up shiek. The techchase chaingrab is really hard for me to react on it, I get scared thinking the enemy is going to get up attack, roll left, or roll right. It's hard to predict at first.

any tips or tricks on this on how to improve this? or is it just straight practice it and ****?


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Learn the animations in training mode on slower speeds so you can discern the tech stand from the rolls. The non-tech is notified by the big green impact bounce that occurs, so that one's easy, but the others have distinct animations.

That's how I learned it.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2008
Learn the animations in training mode on slower speeds so you can discern the tech stand from the rolls. The non-tech is notified by the big green impact bounce that occurs, so that one's easy, but the others have distinct animations.

That's how I learned it.
holy crap, how the hell has this not been discussed before????
that is friggin amazing, imma get on that ASAP

ive seen the question asked a whole bunch of times, but this is better than
"just react"

i got a question, im starting to not even try to sheildgrab fox/falco when they come down with ariels that are followed with SHINE........ is that a smart decision?
its been a big habit of mine and im starting to
-WD OoS away from them
-roll away

ive had pretty good succes cause trying to sheildgrab that crap would get my *** comboed.... n now i can get back into a groove where i can try again for an opening
top level spacies are just too fast


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
falco's gay at high level

you gotta put damage on him when you grab him or knock him down

that means tech chase him or gimp him or get a big combo going

i find u-throwing him to platform is becoming useful again


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2008
what do u mean by "again"???
i thought it was almost always a good thing to do since there is less space for them to go


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
what do u mean by "again"???
i thought it was almost always a good thing to do since there is less space for them to go
DI and edge-canceling ***** Sheik's U-throw nonsense.

But I'm finding Falcos are, by and large, a very stupid people so stuff that shouldn't work is worth trying once against them to see if they know the counter.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
nica, you gay

I came to this thread to critique DJ Mirror and ended up laughing at this

tl;dr version:
1. don't shieldgrab her float cancelled aerials
2. don't jab when she's on the ground
3. force her to land near the edge of the stage when she's recovering, don't worry about protecting the edge so much

#1 just wait and roll/jump/wd out of shield at a safe time
#2 you usually do this after you fair her. you have many options other than jab but one is to just immediately jump again and fair again, another is to fair, dashdance back and come back again, another is to just dsmash, etc etc
#3 stay on the stage, push her back towards the edge with spacing, if your back is to her you will be threatening with bair even if you never do it, so peach will be forced to back up

you actually played pretty well on FD at least, good stuff


very picky and unorganized version:

- when macd's on a platform, you usually use fullhop bairs or fairs to hit his shield. but he expects this most of the time, plus it's relatively unsafe. shorthop fairs/bairs work better (better space it in case he decides to CC dsmash), or uptilts (at low percent on like yoshi's he can actually dsmash this too). Or you can waveland on the platform to other mixups, or if you do fullhop an aerial, do the aerial as you're coming down rather than as you're going up

- don't jab peach. you should've been dsmashed through this a lot more than you did, mccain is usually pretty good about that. you like to do fair to jab jab, i would fair then jump again and fair again. not a lot of payoff, but much safer than getting dsmashed. examples: 3:30, 3:41, 4:36, 6:40, 7:36, 2:42 is okay because she's in the air (aka she can't CC). I honestly wouldn't jab ever unless it's a reset, jabs are pretty bad most of the time.

- you're rolling from the ledge a lot. i like what you do at 8:47

- if he DI's your dthrow away at low percent just regrab, dont ftilt

- in most cases i wouldnt challenge his float canceled aerials, you attempt a lot of shield grabs. lots of risk, little reward unless he's at high percent and you punish with grab. nair oos isn't good against peach shield pressure. examples: 3:13, 4:45, 5:19, instead do what you did at 2:49. 8:38 you got lucky. i get lucky a lot too against mccain though so i dunno

- 3:53 force him to go toward the ledge, not the middle of the stage. at this time he was floating really high, but if he wasn't then you definitely want to be on the stage. you can feint wd to ledge from there and he has few options compared to him just landing on the stage, and if you're on the ledge and he's on the stage then all of a sudden you gave up your advantageous position and he's in control. 4:06, 7:04, 9:23 are other examples

- i like your bairs at 3:01, and 4:01, you end up doing 2 really good bairs at each time

- 4:17 this is a mango move, run up shield and react to spacing, good to do

- i know this is a tech skill or warm up issue, but missing stuff like the upair at 2:56, or the slap at 4:09, 7:13 (slap would have killed, you got an extra 78% on you after because you missed this), will cost you matches.

- 3:36, your ftilt/dtilt will reach, her dtilt will reach


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
sheiks **** on peach wtf. I love that match. jigs is dumb let me get my shot against hbox again!

anyway shiek dittos are dumb. no matter how much better you are vs the other person if they so happen to het that grab it makes you very :(


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
Kira how does a slight light shield work vs Peach pressure?

You're going to help me learn this matchup vicariously.
I don't ever use it, your normal shield is good enough to block everything.

Sometimes I'll light shield near the edge so that I get pushed back onto it, but I do that against a lot of characters, it's not Peach specific. Actually against Peach it's the most dangerous because she can push you off and dsmash as you're falling. Have you found any good uses for it in other matchups?

KK I remember watching you play Vwins a long time ago and being impressed, that was probably the first time I thought you were a good player. I took your playstyle on Brinstar and was able to beat Hitsugaya that way, camping hardcore on the platforms.

hey Tec0 did you do any Sheik vs Peach against McCain when you were here?

Oh also I'll light shield on platforms or if my shield is wearing down, but again that's not matchup specific. It's just to avoid shield pokes


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Sometimes I'll light shield near the edge so that I get pushed back onto it, but I do that against a lot of characters, it's not Peach specific. Actually against Peach it's the most dangerous because she can push you off and dsmash as you're falling. Have you found any good uses for it in other matchups?
Expanding the hard shield a little bit can push you away from Fox/Falco pressure sometimes and give you some easy shield grabs if they're trying to pour aggression on you, but otherwise not really.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
I jump all the time..:(
Hahahaha... noob.
I don't ever use it, your normal shield is good enough to block everything.

Sometimes I'll light shield near the edge so that I get pushed back onto it, but I do that against a lot of characters, it's not Peach specific. Actually against Peach it's the most dangerous because she can push you off and dsmash as you're falling. Have you found any good uses for it in other matchups?
What characters would you recommend doing that to as an edgeguard? Marth is the obvious one here, but other then that?


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
Expanding the hard shield a little bit can push you away from Fox/Falco pressure sometimes and give you some easy shield grabs if they're trying to pour aggression on you, but otherwise not really.
Oh yeah, I've never used that cause the shieldstun timing is weird or something, I should get used to it

What characters would you recommend doing that to as an edgeguard? Marth is the obvious one here, but other then that?
Lol I don't use it as an edgeguard. I'm near the ledge, they are protecting the middle of the stage. If I don't think I can get through I'll just light shield and their pressure will eventually knock me onto the ledge, and I like being on the ledge because I'm sheik.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Lol I don't use it as an edgeguard. I'm near the ledge, they are protecting the middle of the stage. If I don't think I can get through I'll just light shield and their pressure will eventually knock me onto the ledge, and I like being on the ledge because I'm sheik.
Oh my bad, I misread what you put. But it makes sense now :D


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
The lightshield hog is okay vs Doc's pills. He throws one, you grab the edge after it collides with your shield, you then go to work.

You can usually just edgehog --> poof stall --> whatever and basically get the same result but this way is okay if you're lazy or awkwardly positioned on the ground or w/e.
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