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Q&A Sheik Strategy & QnA


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Twin I want to sleep with you.
Flattered :D

If your spacing is awesome your aerials don't lose to CC D-smash.
Thats why I stuck with mostly back airs until i started learning the match up more. It's not hard to space well and most peaches have a hard time getting around it. It helped me almost beat Vanity Angel, MacD, and I beat every other peach I played at pound and apex with it. The only person it didn't work on: Armada XP

The best thing you can do vs him is set down your controller and ask him to make the combos memorable.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
My question for you guys:

What are some overall good strategies for the luigi matchup? I know D-throw nair works well and needle his wavedash approaches to frustrate them.

I beat a luigi player at our recent tourney in winners semis but then lost to him in losers finals >.<
(in part because everytime I chased him off the stage he misfired. And I mean EVERY time! Jerk >.>)

sorry for the double post


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Wow noob learn to Luigi

God this is like when that noob nicaboy couldn't beat Blea Gelo all over again

D-throw Nair sucks

You can D-throw Uair him at every percent (until like 145%+) against every DI he does so like do that a lot because it ***** like nothing you've ever seen. Then you prey on Luigi players having a dependency on the Green button and shield grab the Nair after you Uair. Oh yeah don't Uair until 15 because he'll break out before you land, before like 15 you have to F-tilt and then do it if he DIs away, at like 0 you can U-tilt but otherwise don't.

If they don't Nair to try and combo break because they double jump you just go under them and wait because Luigi sucks when people are beneath him. If they don't Nair to try and combo break because they air dodge you just wait for the dodge and **** him because Luigi sucks. If they do nothing to try and combo break you Nair OOS or U-smash OOS if you're baller. Or make something hilarious up and it'll probably work because he's DOING NOTHING.

Needles ****


Dash into shield *****

DI his throws behind him unless you like being combo'd for some weird reason

It can be dangerous to get above him with simple jumps because his WD U-tilt ***** so don't be stupid with your aerials but they're really good against him if you use them carefully

Platform camping alright and by that I mean it's pretty **** but don't be a dumb dumb with it

Don't tilt when he's grounded. Tilts are actually not that good vs Luigi.

Edgeguard with awesome ****, so basically do Needles and invincible Bair/Nair, you can jump off but if you do then do your move kind of early so if he misfires you'll beat it because you're FAWKIN SHEIK

D-throw Fair to put him offstage is nasty

If you're baller after the D-throw Uair/F-tilt you can gamble your timing skills against his Nair and D-smash and try to get the invincible hit and then **** through his Nair and he'll be like "whoa" and you'll be like MOTHERFAWKER

Oh yeah never D-smash his shield for any reason unless you like being Up+Bed or D-smashed into combos


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Dude I grew up with fawkin Luigis.

Don't let his identity as a clown fool you - he only has a few good jokes. The rest of his act is stand-up garbage.


If you're facing offstage and are kind of close to the edge when you D-throw Luigi and he DIs behind you at a decent percent (like, 50+) then just dash into Bair or Nair so you hit him offstage, or jump back and Fair him so he goes offstage. Don't be scrubby and Uair lol. And don't do garbage like F-throw lol.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Just read the revised version of it. Good stuff kk.

If you're baller after the D-throw Uair/F-tilt you can gamble your timing skills against his Nair and D-smash and try to get the invincible hit and then **** through his Nair and he'll be like "whoa" and you'll be like MOTHERFAWKER

Too good :D


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
Getting 4 stocked by macD and flirted with by kirbykaze. Can this day get any better!? :D

I love typing in people who names search BANKS and just seeing if they pop up.

Thanks for the luigi advice KK :D
and here i am


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
West Frankfort, IL
This thread has over 9000 posts basically and I don't feel like reading them all to see if this question has already been answered, if that's okay.

My question is this. Sheik's NAir is a sex kick. Is her BAir also a sex kick? If so, it almost seems like 3/4 top tier characters have two sex kicks. Coincidence? I think the two sex kicks is what makes Falco/Fox so good, even moreso than the shine in some cases.

Edit: Not quite 9000, but almost.
Didn't feel any love the first time.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Her Bair is a sex kick.

A sex kick is any move that stays out for a while and gets weaker the longer it's out. Usually done with Nairs.

Sex kicks are good.

kira is a bidoof. I want to play him.

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
Luigi is pretty simple imo.

The biggest part I really think is as KK said, WD OOS into stuff. Luigi can't really use anything to beat what you do except maybe f-tilt and even then I don't know, so just WD OOS and grab him. Any time they're below a percent that you can dthrow them into a move, just sit there and wait because chances are they'll nair 100% of the time so then just run in and slap his ***** ***.

Needle him when he's recovering. Do this and he will not make it back. I don't care how much he misfires, needles **** everything. Also as KK said dashing into shield is rly good because Luigi's if they're smart will space ftilt a lot on people and when they do that and u run in and shield u get the "power" part of the shield. it's not like u powershielded the attack but ur shield is just stronger as u dash in it seems. you can grab them. make sure that when u get luigi off the stage he NEVER comes back. im also like 99% sure that spacing fair on him works effectively even if they CC it and try to grab(KK can correct me on this if im wrong =D).


Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Space Animals, Florida
Down smash if they don't Sweet spot. Sheik can bair gimp pretty well too so depending on the amount of room given just drop off the ledge, rising bair, get the ledge before them. Needles to fair worked for me once...

If you're getting hit out of the dsmash back away from the edge a little. You want your feet to stick out but not your body.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
um that blea gelo kid beat plank so i hear.... **** you kk

after playing him stoned i got some new tricks. if your a campy sheik(me :)) you can platform camp with needles. also if your really good (not kirbykaze :)) you can full hop n air above luigi ang begin to pull out as the attack ends. luigi has no move to trade if your above him with nair. he will lose almost every single time.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Plank also lost to Kage. But beat Ka-Master. :confused:

Whatever though. I'll MM Blea at the next event we're both at lol.

Also his U-tilt, Uair, and U-smash all eat through your Nair but sure if you want to try that you can.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
its hard to explain. you can platform camp so hard and use n air as a method to escape safely. if its full hopped up tilt/smash cant hit you. blea tried up air and that **** wasnt working. gotta love that sex kick.

anyway so who here is going to to6? Im going to make everyone so proud!


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
ive never played blea, but i would never lose to a luigi. sheik ***** her way too badly lol and i know that matchup. i mostly lose matchups i dont know XD


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
its hard to explain. you can platform camp so hard and use n air as a method to escape safely. if its full hopped up tilt/smash cant hit you. blea tried up air and that **** wasnt working. gotta love that sex kick.
I assure you at least one of his aerials can be positioned to beat it pretty easily. Either his Fair or Uair.

Nair is still okay against him though because for him to Uair or Fair it means he has to jump and when Luigi jumps around he can't CC or, well, move for that matter.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Alright my bad :p


IC's match up. Pretty tricky but not impossible.

I saw Plank plank Kyupuff at apex and time him out to win their pools match. Is playing defensive (not necessarily planking but just staying back) the way to go in this or would an aggressive playstyle also work?


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Conversation with Fly Amanita on it...

kirbykaze3038 12:41 am
kirbykaze3038 (12:41:37 AM):
I should move to Irvine and play smash with you a lot
kirbykaze3038 (12:41:54 AM):
Also quick ICs question
kirbykaze3038 (12:42:12 AM):
Does Sheik absolutely have to run super heavy defense in the matchup?
kirbykaze3038 (12:42:29 AM):
Someone was asking about it
kirbykaze3038 (12:42:45 AM):
I said that it's usually better to play safe vs characters like ICs because of punishment disparity
kirbykaze3038 (12:43:05 AM):
You do less by camping, so you have fewer chances of being death combo'd by their grab
Fly Amanita 12:44 am
Fly Amanita (12:44:28 AM):
I think Sheik should actually be kind of aggressive.
Fly Amanita (12:44:52 AM):
She shouldn't be rushing in headstrong or anything, but she should try to stay close enough to keep the ICs on their toes.
Fly Amanita (12:45:26 AM):
The thing with running away from ICs is that Sheik isn't that great at applying pressure from a distance.
kirbykaze3038 12:45 am
kirbykaze3038 (12:45:43 AM):
Her air needles don't fire horizontally
Fly Amanita 12:46 am
Fly Amanita (12:46:14 AM):
Well, yeah. If Sheik is doing that, then ICs can usually just sit outside of the needles range and wait for an opening.
Fly Amanita 12:46 am
Fly Amanita (12:46:59 AM):
Needles on the ground aren't that bad, but I feel like if you're in a position to be using them, then it's better to try to fight for a better position than camp
Fly Amanita (12:47:16 AM):
Like, most of the time I see Sheik's go for standing needles, they're near the side of the stage.
Fly Amanita (12:47:48 AM):
ICs can just waveshield in repeatedly to get close to her. Even if they can't punish the needles, they still gain a pretty good position relative to her
Fly Amanita (12:48:16 AM):
and I think ICs can wavedash OoS -> grab Sheik after she throws needles if she gets close enough, too
Fly Amanita (12:48:17 AM):
*if they get close enough
Fly Amanita (12:48:49 AM):
Also, back on the topic of platform camping;
Fly Amanita 12:49 am
Fly Amanita (12:49:11 AM):
I think Sheik still has more to lose from that than she has to gain, although I'm not positive about that
Fly Amanita (12:49:26 AM):
She can hit ICs with isolated needles for minor damage here and there
Fly Amanita (12:49:44 AM):
and she might be able to get an aerial off every now and then, which actually can lead to pretty good momentum shifts
Fly Amanita (12:50:11 AM):
but I think ICs more often than less will win in the long run against that sort of thing
Fly Amanita (12:50:34 AM):
They can usually just maneuver around until they coerce the Sheik into going back onto the ground, in which case they're playing on their own terms again
Fly Amanita (12:50:43 AM):
well, not necessarily, but most of the time;
Fly Amanita (12:51:04 AM):
Or they can try to uair Sheik, which typically combos into bair/uair/nair
Fly Amanita 12:51 am
Fly Amanita (12:51:23 AM):
and that tends to do a lot of damage and can put Sheik in a terrible position
Fly Amanita (12:52:26 AM):
So, yeah. Every time I feel like I'm having trouble with a Sheik, it's because the Sheik is keeping me in my shield, not letting me get under her short hops easily, and pushing me to the side of the stage often.
kirbykaze3038 12:52 am
kirbykaze3038 (12:52:42 AM):
Do you mind if I post that?
Fly Amanita 12:52 am
Fly Amanita (12:52:48 AM):
Go ahead.
kirbykaze3038 12:52 am
kirbykaze3038 (12:52:51 AM):
You phrased it very nicely
kirbykaze3038 (12:52:56 AM):
I don't feel like editing it
Fly Amanita 12:53 am
Fly Amanita (12:53:08 AM):
That's fine.

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
Best edgeguard vs spacies' UpB from below? I always panic and Fair-suicide. -_- Or Dsmash and get hit.
A nice option is to run off and bair them and they'll hit the side of the stage and if they dont tech you just grab the edge and they'll die. If they do tech you can jump immeadiately after the bair and slap them, it's pretty cool.

I would also usually say to grab the edge and fall back WITHOUT JUMPING and slap them. This works similarly to how bair does in that if they hit the stage and tech you can jump and BAIR LOL. So yeah, really useful stuff. If you learn to space the dsmash really well like Drephen does then you can do that too :p

Alright my bad :p


IC's match up. Pretty tricky but not impossible.

I saw Plank plank Kyupuff at apex and time him out to win their pools match. Is playing defensive (not necessarily planking but just staying back) the way to go in this or would an aggressive playstyle also work?
Space fair on the tip of their shield, jump back with the fair though. This way if they try to WD oos after u land from the slap u should be able to shield or just run away from them. I also think spacing nair the same way works pretty decently, a combination of those comes in hand well. I'm also like 90% sure you can dtilt after you space fair and hit them and then proceed to separate them through that. Do use needles on platforms imo but also mix it up. The worst thing you can do in any matchup is be predictable but it's especially important in the case of ICs because their attacks are so powerful and do so much damage and with Sheik's somewhat floatyness you die really early.

This MU is also kind of annoying because it's one of the few where ftilt doesn't **** as much as the Sheik would like :(


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
I don't think nair is very good against ICs. On the topic of ftilt/dtilt, you only want to do it in the following cases:

- If ICs have just started a wavedash or an initial dash animation so that they can't CC it.
- If you just spaced an aerial into their shields and want to continue pressuring them, although I think jabs or more aerials are probably just as good for this purpose
-If Popo is at too high a percentage to CC it.

There are probably other cases I'm forgetting, but you really need to be careful about when you throw out tilts against ICs.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
West Frankfort, IL
Her Bair is a sex kick.

A sex kick is any move that stays out for a while and gets weaker the longer it's out. Usually done with Nairs.

Sex kicks are good.

kira is a bidoof. I want to play him.
That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure if her B-Air was like Falcon's B-Air. Not like a sex kick, but only a sweet spot and sour spot. Does this mean that Falcon's B-Air COULD, if slightly altered, be a sex PUNCH? Wtf, Falcon is sex incarnate.

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
I don't think nair is very good against ICs. On the topic of ftilt/dtilt, you only want to do it in the following cases:

- If ICs have just started a wavedash or an initial dash animation so that they can't CC it.
- If you just spaced an aerial into their shields and want to continue pressuring them, although I think jabs or more aerials are probably just as good for this purpose
-If Popo is at too high a percentage to CC it.

There are probably other cases I'm forgetting, but you really need to be careful about when you throw out tilts against ICs.
In the case of dtilt like I mentioned I meant it mainly for the 2nd point you just outlined, in which I thought of it like Falcon where you can continue pressure with jab, dtilt, or more fairs :p.

And yeah I wasn't thinking nair was that good but I wasn't completely sure. I have faced IC players before but I almost never use Sheik on them for the purpose of matchup hate aha.

This MU is stupid because there isn't really any videos Sheik players can watch to go off of =/


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure if her B-Air was like Falcon's B-Air. Not like a sex kick, but only a sweet spot and sour spot. Does this mean that Falcon's B-Air COULD, if slightly altered, be a sex PUNCH? Wtf, Falcon is sex incarnate.
Sheik's Bair has a sweetspot and a sourspot. The higher foot and lower foot respectively. Her move also behaves like a sex, kick, however. The move gets weaker the longer it stays out (to a point).
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