Its really not a ****-swinging contest.
If you place where you are at and make a PR with your Sonic, idc what scale you use, your probably a good or decent Sonic. Espy has been #1 since day one and over the span of brawl has posted the best results.
Everything else past that gets skewed. And KC24, I watched ur vids, your Sonic is solid, but it's like KID said its experience more than anything your lacking. You ARE a good Sonic, don't trip...
Im good to and I essentially don't play anymore, yet I made PRs and swept all my tournaments here, as small as it is. And I DID win 1st in a 31 man tourney with ppl from ND as well as SD coming down (just as far as I know, only a handful use smashboards, and only 1 Diddy nearly beat me flat out. He took me to last hit last stock all 3 games)
Still take pride and post your results. I wish ppl recorded here so I could post stuff so you guys can see some of the **** I do right, and collectivley critique and point out flaws. I still seek to improve. That's my goal at least. Im still proud and bust out my "+8" tag from the glory days of all of the Sonic main's grassroot efforts and making him place top 4 pretty much at every local, and Espy beating at Whobo (dunno what number now... :/)