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Social SGD: The hedgehogs are back in town.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
So, I've managed to quit Brawl and PSAS. Atleast this time around it didn't take me 4 years to figure out I wasn't going to amount to anything at PSAS.

Somehow, 1 game (Brawl) has single-handedly destroyed my love for competitive gaming. I mean ABSOLUTELY abolished it. I honestly don't think I can actually bring myself to give a **** and a half about ever playing video games in tournament as a hobby ever again. I guess I'm lucky that this community is still cool.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
PSAS? Cannot figure this acronym. And since im thinking soooo hard, it WILL elude me.

Also, why the sudden chage? Or was it more of a slow awakening?



Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
playstation all stars :battle royale

i knew it was bad the first time i saw gameplay, it honestly doesnt even look like casual fun like brawl has with all the wacky items, physics and stages

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
PSAS? Cannot figure this acronym. And since im thinking soooo hard, it WILL elude me.

Also, why the sudden chage? Or was it more of a slow awakening?

PSAS = Playstation All Stars.

Out of 4.5 years, I was in denial for about 1.5 years with Brawl. I thought PSAS would be THAT game. Nope. Everything that I was garbage at in Brawl carried over to PSAS. It's only going to carry over in other games, so why bother?

Sure, it's a ****ty mindset. But I'd rather be COMPLETELY honest with myself, than to let everyone tell me otherwise that I can actually do it and talk me back into torturing myself with mediocrity. I don't see it. Literally anything I've ever picked up, I've only gotten DECENT at. Competitive gaming, skateboarding, graphic design...you name it and I've only gotten to "He's aight" level. I am by far THE most average mother****er that has ever picked up a controller. I'm talking I'm mad grey area. If there were a numbered scale, I'm definitely a 5/10.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Excel, just play ****ing marvel. It's fun and it's hype.

I'll watch Marvel and I'll hang with the scene. I WILL NOT play Marvel competitively. I played P4A online twice and the two matches I played, I got my *** REAMED. Like the moment the screen flashed "FIGHT", I saw couldn't press a button. I just got decimated for free. The **** do I look like getting hit some bull**** (yet sexy) Dr. Strange loop? The sounds of "In flames!" repeating over and over just doesn't sound good.

If I can't get good at basic *** games like Smash, how am I supposed to get good at a game that requires you to actually be good at pressing buttons and do it in high stress environments?

I'm not playing competitive games for a long time. I've already cleared most of my contacts from my PS3 account. I'm selling PSAS back to Gamestop and I'm just gonna tell my roommate to keep Persona 4 Arena. I'm over it.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I mean, I'm not trying to hate or be a **** right now, but the fact of the matter is, theres only one M2K, theres only 1 ally, theres only one JWong, and theres only one Chris G. Someone has to lose...

if you have fun though, thats most important. theres no way that everyone that goes to a tournament goes in thinking theyre about to take some money home.. but if its fun enough to do it anyway, no reason to stop. plus, some dudes just stop caring and use it as a recreational hobby. 20 bucks plus food on a saturday is still less money than youd be spending in most places on a saturday. I recently learned, that due to my inability to practice, that im trash at marvel too. but ill still go to the events, cus the game is fun and I like the people. (plus I can still make money money matching and side betting people worse than me)

in short, do you, my dood.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
I mean, I'm not trying to hate or be a **** right now, but the fact of the matter is, theres only one M2K, theres only 1 ally, theres only one JWong, and theres only one Chris G. Someone has to lose...

if you have fun though, thats most important. theres no way that everyone that goes to a tournament goes in thinking theyre about to take some money home.. but if its fun enough to do it anyway, no reason to stop. plus, some dudes just stop caring and use it as a recreational hobby. 20 bucks plus food on a saturday is still less money than youd be spending in most places on a saturday. I recently learned, that due to my inability to practice, that im trash at marvel too. but ill still go to the events, cus the game is fun and I like the people. (plus I can still make money money matching and side betting people worse than me)

in short, do you, my dood.
Playing games competitively and being GOOD ****ING AMAZING at them is something I've wanted to do since I was a kid. When I heard about Fatality going around and *** ****** people in FPSes and making a living off it, it gave me something to look forward to. Now, 10+ years later I am sitting on a forum that I've spent 4 years on and have over 7,000 posts(because there are some subforums with disabled +1s) and I've become more jaded than ever at the fact that I CANNOT for the life of me, get to a formidable level in something that I once had a passion for. The fact that I had a tournament to look forward to on the weekend and the idea of getting to play new people motivated me. I was eager to play and learn and have fun. I enjoyed the competition and now I hate it. At this point, I don't want the competition...I just want the W.

I've literally jumped from 1 competitive game after the other while playing Smash, looking for something that I could pick up and pursue. Nothing, absolutely positively nothing has suited me. This, is what a broken dream is to me. Video games shaped me into the person that I am today and I don't have a passion for them anymore. Between my obnoxious ADD and the lingering thought of always being behind everyone else, I honestly don't think I'll enjoy them as much as used to. Yeah, it seems melodramatic as **** but the fact that I have friends that hyped me up to their friends about me being a competitive gamer was ****ing awesome. Now, I feel like a fraud every time someone does that. I don't win. I don't enjoy myself. I lose and feel like a failure...EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

There, you have my reasoning for why I'm the way I am every time I get crushed at something. Because I take an extreme amount of pride in my skill and the fact that I'm prideful of such a low level is absolutely pitiful. I do it for me and my friends. I feel like if I don't atleast pull Top 8, I've failed every person that has ever been like "Dariel's a pro gamer! He travels around the country going to tournaments!" Every person that has ever said I was awesome, I feel like I've let down in the worst way possible.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Excel, I exist, your point is moot.

No, seriously, I can't seem to pass best-on-the-block status on anything really, bar maybe musicianship (and privately, I think I'm overrated at that)--what keeps me going?

Other people, for one. Definitely wouldn't keep attending tournaments if it weren't for people like fosho, hari, carroll, etc. that keep me going. (Dat namesearch bait.) And I do genuinely enjoy playing Smash itself (though I've been feeling constrained while playing Brawl lately), so that's another.

But here's another thing, and I think it's why you're feeling down and I'm not so much: Smash is one of the few things I'm free to fail at. I can totally screw up whatever and it's no big deal in Smash. I mess up an audition? That's a job I could have had. I fail a few tests? I'm losing scholarship money. I lose to, like, some random MK and then space thing? So what? I'm out, what, fifteen bucks and I got to play Smash with people who are genuinely good at it for a day. There are far worse ways I could have spent that money.

Plus it keeps me humble. Sometimes I think I need that. :p


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
I get frustrated at WORST with it sometimes. I genuinley enjoy watching my own progression with Smash. I enjoy hrs upon hrs of friendlies.

I too get "alright". I have been good enough to make PRs wherever I go, but im no Hax (shoutouts to 2nd at NEC, dat Pink Falcon pride), and im no Espy in Brawl. Yet I find for casuals or no0bs who are unaware of the competitive scene, im good enough to teach, decent enough to analyze/critique, and when you can contend with me, we'll have solid skill level games.

I admit still, last "tournament" I played for Brawl, I was fighting MK and just gave up. I played it out, but went aggro and didn't care. same with a peach. It was so exhausting after 8+hrs of Melee, and I wasn't feeling it. Didn't even wanna friendly my Sonic. my group went to IHOP and back to the hotel.

I also don't like getting ***** when I pride myself in skill, but Life said it already: it's humbling. I like getting my **** handed to me with respectful criticism to strive to fix things. Then next time we play and its a LOT closer/I win a game, it feels good to hear "you've improved a lot"

A labor of love is still a labor...


True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
Thanks. :) i kinda wish you didn't say everyone thought you were weird now lol.

nah, i don't really care
Well by weird I mean that I process things differently. Like whenever I get hit by ZSS' down smash I end up usually saying "**** those Ivysaurs!" Cause someone taught me that the range of the down smash is the size of two Ivysaurs side by side. And if I get hit by eruption from Ike I say "****ing Snowman!" cause the hit box comes out in the shaper of a snowman. lol. It's a good weird that just makes me stand out as a funny person. lol

Sure, it's a ****ty mindset. But I'd rather be COMPLETELY honest with myself, than to let everyone tell me otherwise that I can actually do it and talk me back into torturing myself with mediocrity. I don't see it. Literally anything I've ever picked up, I've only gotten DECENT at. Competitive gaming, skateboarding, graphic design...you name it and I've only gotten to "He's aight" level. I am by far THE most average mother****er that has ever picked up a controller. I'm talking I'm mad grey area. If there were a numbered scale, I'm definitely a 5/10.
Man Excel a game is one thing but don't bring down other things in your life. Games are constantly changing and becoming different here and there and just some games are not meant for everyone. I was never good at Melee and never had the intention to go to tournaments for it and then Brawl came out and accompanied to my way of playing and I started playing in more tournaments, though I more in it for the fun than anything else. I know I can't play any of the games like MvC3 nor will I enter tournaments but I still find it fun to play people, even if I get sent into a Dr. Doom setup multiple times over lol.
But the main thing I meant to say is that just cause you feel crappy in a video game don't say everything about you is bad. I am probably just as average like you. I get the feeling everytime in class whenever I have to do a graphic design project and everyone is doing something better. But it doesn't matter to me. Cause I know that out of everyone in class my pinky is more creative them all of them, because I am never afraid to leave the box on any of the assignments we get. And I am sure you are like that too. And man I wish I could even get on a skateboard, l can't even get on one without almost falling. As people always say practice makes perfect and if you like it enough you will keep at it. Just stay persistent in the things you like. Video Games are not always that important but things in your life are. And if ya ever want some insight or help with Graphic stuff I can always help ya on Skype, hopefully. Whether I am on or not cause I always reply to any messages.

Okay so I kinda zoned out while typing all this so hopefully any of this was relevant and helpful. And sorry for typing a lot.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2012
And if I get hit by eruption from Ike I say "****ing Snowman!" cause the hit box comes out in the shaper of a snowman.
That reminds me. I sorta process things like that when if I see something even remotely similar to something, I immideately notice it. For example, take this guys intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGxw8xL5VXE.

The very first two notes remind me exactly of Mad Space, so I pick up on it, even though it lasts for like a half second.

The thing that seriously ****ing pisses me off, however, is when two songs sound exactly ****ing alike, and NO ONE notices it.

True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
Tails Doll. Lol

I am so bad when it comes to music. Like I don't know artist or bands usually and only listen to whatever comes on. So I would probably be that person to not notice songs sound similar unless someone played a bunch together and showed me the similarities like this one video I saw did.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2012
Yeah, i didn't really think you would. oh well. that's not what would piss me off. usually if parts of two songs sound exactly alike and nobody picks up on it.

Kupo Rose

It's what my cutie mark is telling me ♫
May 19, 2009
Scotland, UK
I thought that too but that character placement is throwing me off. 18's on the far right and he isn't next to her.

That might be Videl I dunno. :080:

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
We also have Piccolo right there in front of everyone when he's typically in the back row, Yamcha next to the Son kids, Bulma in the opposite situation as Piccolo, and the Ox King actually depicted in the shot.

It's like they put what they thought would look good, as long as Goku was center stage.


Kupo Rose

It's what my cutie mark is telling me ♫
May 19, 2009
Scotland, UK
We also have Piccolo right there in front of everyone when he's typically in the back row, Yamcha next to the Son kids, Bulma in the opposite situation as Piccolo, and the Ox King actually depicted in the shot.

It's like they put what they thought would look good, as long as Goku was center stage.

Oh I meant character placement differently, like...

Vegeta next to Bulma - That's fine
Roshi next to Oolong - Cool, makes sense
Tien and Pokemon - Always together
Goku, Chichi, Ox King - Family
Piccolo, Gohan, Goten - Piccolo did train both of them, I get it
Yamcha and Puar - Same as Tien

18 by herself far right and Krillin over on the left? :080:

Maybe I'm just looking too deep in the picture though.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Oh I meant character placement differently, like...

Vegeta next to Bulma - That's fine
Roshi next to Oolong - Cool, makes sense
Tien and Pokemon - Always together
Goku, Chichi, Ox King - Family
Piccolo, Gohan, Goten - Piccolo did train both of them, I get it
Yamcha and Puar - Same as Tien

18 by herself far right and Krillin over on the left? :080:

Maybe I'm just looking too deep in the picture though.
That's Roshi, Kupo.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
The character placement is kinda weird, but that is Krillin in green.

And judging by her position relative to Mr. Satan, the woman's likely Videl. Would be odd if the she was the one character from the Buu Saga left out. She just now basically looks like an adult GT Pan.

The position in the picture is just weird. Maybe they were put there to fill up that particular space.

Kupo Rose

It's what my cutie mark is telling me ♫
May 19, 2009
Scotland, UK
Now that you've posted that pic, yeah, definately Krillin and Videl. She looks weird.

edit: Gohan is super sayian but not mystic whaaaaaat.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2009
Montville Connecticut
I'm excited. That, initial D, and Samurai Champloo are the only anime shows I can tolerate for some reason lol. Dragon Ball is probably just because of nostalgia, Initial D is because of cars, and Samurai Champloo because it's freaking amazazing. Mugen is the man yo

ps: Nothing against anime tho, I'm simply not a fan of too many. That may be because kids in my high school gave anime a bad name sorta.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Dude, I was NOT about it for a long while. But seriously, its like... how cartoons are to american culture, anime is MORE to Japanese culture. You might not like Dora, but you probably LUL at family guy or futurama :p

Anime comes in all shapes and sizes. If you like S.Champloo, try Black Lagoon. Its pretty dope


Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Black Lagoon is my favorite of all time.
But that's also because I get aroused by philosophical thought. :applejack:

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I'd have liked Geass if I liked the art style a bit more. It's too much like Yugioh, except it takes itself seriously. :applejack:


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
I truly wonder about that too. Is there any info about it that's confirmed? What enemy/enemies, confirmed for post Buu (looks like it).

We all know its either: a: gokuu/vegeta fuse and ****, or B: goku gets the Z warriors energy and *****, or C: Spirit bomb.


Kupo Rose

It's what my cutie mark is telling me ♫
May 19, 2009
Scotland, UK
You missed out everyone fires their energy blast as one.

But yeah it's confirmed. http://www.dragonball2013.com/

[collapse="synopsis if you wanna read it"]
The story takes place a few years after the fierce battle with Majin Buu. Bils, the God of Destruction who maintains the balance of the universe, awakens from a long slumber. Hearing rumors that a Saiyan defeated Frieza, Bils goes on a search to track down the warrior who championed this feat – Goku. King Kai advises Goku to avoid a confrontation, however, Goku is ecstatic that a new opponent has appeared after many years and decides to fight. Unfortunately, Goku is no match for Bils’ overwhelming power and is defeated. Bils leaves, asking if “there is anybody on Earth more worthy to destroy?” Will Goku and the Z Warriors really be able to stop the God of Destruction?!

Source - http://www.saiyanisland.com/2012/12/dragon-ball-z-battle-of-gods-story-revealed/[/collapse]

Full size picture of what Josh posted earlier.

[collapse="pharaoh god?"]

I am so ready for this.
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