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Social SGD: The hedgehogs are back in town.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
I'll respect your opinions on the matter, but I say this as nicely as I possibly can after hearing your reasonings.

It honest to goodness just sounds like a tl;dr example of "We don't like change!"

I want some diversity in my games sometimes. I like the formula to remain similar though. Super Mario Galaxy for example. Familiar but different. Sonic 2006? I got Sonic, but it was mixed up with Silver's awesome psychic powers and Shadow fighting using Chaos energy. And of course, the game still blew as far as physics went, but the idea behind it? Awesome. I like change, with some familiarity to it.

If I wanna live in the past, I'll keep playing the old games and just ignore what's out there. If the new games are like the old? Cool. If they're new and different? Well, it's worth a shot.

See. here's the thing. You took what I said to an extreme.

You think I said, "WE DON'T LIKE CHANGE!" when I said, "We don't want too much change."

Again, if you browsed sites like Retro, you'd know this.

Retro as a collective loves Colors, loves Unleashed, loves Generation, likes Advance series; and has generally positive, but mixed reactions for SAdventure 1/2 and Rush.

Your Sonic 06 example is pretty much what i said we want (but not bad and not as radically different). The Shadow and Silver story were great concepts but I feel like they went a bit too far to make their game play different and unique, making them feel less Sonic-esque and more like tacked on gameplay modes.

Unleashed night time was super fun, but it didn't feel like a Sonic game. If they cut the stretch gimmicks, but kept the platforming, fighting, and replaced the werehog with Knuckles ie Sonic and Knuckles 2: World Adventure; the game, to me, would feel a lot more like a Sonic game.

We're not asking for the same exact thing. We're asking for different, but familar ala Mario formula. Games like New Super Mario Bros are at the core, practically the same as the NES days, while Galaxy is at the core the same as Mario 64. They also reuse characters and outside the sports games, have a relatively small cast of main characters.

Main series Sonic games didn't really do this. Adventure 1 and 2, Heroes, Shadow, 06 had many strong depatures from the Sonic formula and it's stuff like that, that was frowned upon. Addition of one-time/two-time characters were also frowned upon, since again, they werent well received personality wise.

If you look at Sonic colors, the game is amazing, but one of the reasons why is because it's familar, but different in the sense that wisps were a unique part of the game that enhanced and added to the experience without completely changing up the sonic gameplay formula. Same thing with generations. Unleashed day time stages were like this too. Sonic Rush series was also like this. Sonic Advance series was also like this. They kept the sonic formula going while adding unique things without really deviating by a large degree.

The games that did deviate weren't all bad, but they deviated hence why they're the games that were met with the most mixed reactions.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX


I have to agree with you and KID on this. I don't mind change, its needed to advance the series. Werehog was waaaaay too gimmicky for me when I played Unleashed, but I 100% everything for daytime stages. Loved Generations and have purposley taken a break so I can enjoy the platniuming process come december (when hrs at work are cut back ;) lol).

Its all going to be opinion, but Sonic has had some trash alternative characters. SA 1/2 did a good job at mixing up the gameplay, but I only loved the Sonic/Shadow stages. The rest felt like a chore. Knuckles/Rouge were nifty imo tho.



Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
No. We want high speed platforming aka what made us fans in the first place. Original sonics had numerous sections where you had to slow down, stop, and platform, but once you mastered the layout, you could platform at higher speeds preserving more of the "gotta go fast" feel that sonic is known for.

Dude. We criticize Rush for too much running because all you do is boost.

Advance is generally well spoken about because it plays well, the biggest critisms of SAdvance is the level layouts are ****ty and filled with death pits.

We don't mind deviations, but we mind when it goes too far.

Mario has been nothing but running, jumping, and platforming since its inception. Very few main series games deviate from that, and when they do it's still not to the xtreme that some sonic games have gone. The worst offender of deviation in mario is US SMB2, and it still feels a lot like Mario lol.


da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
sonic 06, the story book series and the like are all basically to sonic what luigis mansion was to mario. except luigis mansion was better then all of those games. and it still doesnt sit well with mario fans because it was so much of a far cry from the original concept.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
tbh, Luigi's mansion is accepted because it's not a mario game. They used a different main character so that Mario's formula is preserved while giving Luigi his own formula, so really, it's essentially a brand new IP.

Like how no one hates Tails' Sky Adventure or Knuckles Chaotix because they're not "Sonic games" but games of the respective main characters, so they don't have pre-established expectations or w/e. But then when you go into games like Sonic Labyrinth or Sonic Chronicles (Ughhhhh); the reaction is more harsh and dejected.

Mario spins offs also don't really feature Mario as the main character, but the Mario series cast themselves, which is generally the opposite with Sonic.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
S3K is a perfect example of this. Tails' and Knuckles' unique abilities and exclusive routes ADDED on top of the original game play. We were still playing Sonic, but slightly different, but it still felt like the same game.
Totally agree with this. S3K still has the best balance imo.

I still wish Genesis physics would come back. Classic Sonic in generations isn't bad, but the genesis games' physics were just so good, you notice any deviation immediately :/

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
ToonySonic/Quest is all grown up now.

If I move up to PA in January, I suppose I'll try my shot at it.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2010
San Antonio, Texas
the eff? how are KC24 and Quest below Mike Ray? the way Goggles and Wedge made it out on facebook, he's bad and never took Esam, winner of WHOBO 4 to game 3, nor done anything worth mention like beating MalcolmM in tourney.

Either way, props to both KC24 and Quest making top 10 in New England :)

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
the eff? how are KC24 and Quest below Mike Ray? the way Goggles and Wedge made it out on facebook, he's bad and never took Esam, winner of WHOBO 4 to game 3, nor done anything worth mention like beating MalcolmM in tourney.

Either way, props to both KC24 and Quest making top 10 in New England :)
1. I beat Esam in a 3 out of 5 set, taking one game off him doesnt impress me.
2. As much as I like malcolm and respect him. Beating him isnt a braggable accomplishment.
3. What I said on facebook is that Mikeray is the fifth best snake in his own region, which is true. Everyone on that pr above him has a better snake than him


da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I remember when i was the only sonic that wasnt actively attempting to time people out.

People still made me do it every now and then though



Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2008
Long Island, NY.
Today I played sonic in round one of a brawl tourney and it was live streamed.

I lost. First time playing in two years and I fought the supposed best tl on the east coast. Was really boring and stupid, never playing again.



Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
I remember when i was the only sonic that wasnt actively attempting to time people out.

People still made me do it every now and then though

I love the passive aggressive approach to Sonic. In my opinion it's the best one. I just need the character experience with a few top players and I'll be all set to go.

Then again, I'm using a little bit of Pit too, so... lol


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2008
1. I beat Esam in a 3 out of 5 set, taking one game off him doesnt impress me.
2. As much as I like malcolm and respect him. Beating him isnt a braggable accomplishment.
3. What I said on facebook is that Mikeray is the fifth best snake in his own region, which is true. Everyone on that pr above him has a better snake than him


I'm 5th best snake in my region? out of 3?


#name searching like a pro


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Mikeray almost got that one hit wonder KID status at WHOBO4.

So close...


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Kurado, could you fill me in on Solaris, I couldnt find a thread for him or anything.
Solaris was a friend of mine (and many) and a member of our local Smash community with a case of autism. He went missing two weeks ago (Sunday), as we tried to find him with search parties, and then,


He was found dead in the river. Initially we had a Project: M tournament lined up for the weekend for the heck of it, but it was reorganized into a charity drive in Jarrett's honor. For Singles and Doubles, we raised $600 all towards the Edmonton Autism Society; all the proceeds went to it. I got prizes donated from my work for the top 3 in singles, in which KillLock won using Solaris' white Marth color and his tag of 'SOL' in his honor.

Quiet person, great dancer, and above all else? A phenominal Samus in Melee with great potential. His Brawl Samus was really something to watch too.
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