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Social SGD: The hedgehogs are back in town.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
yeah, but good like actually being able to get past exhaling. there is a reason why his a top tier lol.

everyone can ToD zero easy, but that doesnt mean they destroy him.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
1. Mega Crash was the greatest system to ever be implemented in a fighting game, I woiuld have traded Mega Crash for X-Factor, in a HEARTBEAT.
2. Virgil severely out ranges zero, in the air and on the ground. and its very very easy to catch zero with his pants down by teleporting behind him, since all of his usefull moves last a bit too long and only hit forward.

Virgil definitely beats zero in the neutral game, consistently.

3. ANd virgil is not mk level. its not even universally agreed that hes the best character (yet) and he still has holes in his gameplay (whiffing normals leaves him really open, and hes really reliant on meter/assists)

you need to keep up with the meta bro, that whole 'Zero cant lose!!" train got derailed a few months back.


Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2009
Holding side-B against Cheese until he quits.
Basically it goes like this.
Vergil: *activates the gucci belt*
Zero: Aww ****.

Vergil is currently THE answer to zero right now. Vergil is a stupid and easy character to play, moreso than most other characters in the game, and with an otg assist he can kill the majority of the cast in one combo.


Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2009
Holding side-B against Cheese until he quits.
He's still viable in pretty much any position on the team. He's not a bad character, but people have found ways to deal with him. Only problem is that his metagame pretty much stopped advancing because people found the easy way to play him and dont care to try to take it to the next level. Anchor wesker is a bit more risky now, but still just as deadly.
I picked Wesker back up on anchor and he's been working much better for me than strider.



Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
1. Mega Crash was the greatest system to ever be implemented in a fighting game, I woiuld have traded Mega Crash for X-Factor, in a HEARTBEAT.
2. Virgil severely out ranges zero, in the air and on the ground. and its very very easy to catch zero with his pants down by teleporting behind him, since all of his usefull moves last a bit too long and only hit forward.

Virgil definitely beats zero in the neutral game, consistently.

3. ANd virgil is not mk level. its not even universally agreed that hes the best character (yet) and he still has holes in his gameplay (whiffing normals leaves him really open, and hes really reliant on meter/assists)

you need to keep up with the meta bro, that whole 'Zero cant lose!!" train got derailed a few months back.
well i never said that zero cant lose. i believed that vergil has advantage. i just dont think it's anywhere near close to "destroys"

But your points are fair enough. :V

Basically it goes like this.
Vergil: *activates the gucci belt*
Zero: Aww ****.

Vergil is currently THE answer to zero right now. Vergil is a stupid and easy character to play, moreso than most other characters in the game, and with an otg assist he can kill the majority of the cast in one combo.
fair enough, once again.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
How's Wesker doing nowadays?
Wesker is basically the bottom of top tier.

He still has everything. He still has the go-to low/otg assist. he still has amazing normals. he still has solid mix ups. and he still has a really good command grab, along with an X factor can WILL ALWAYS give you a chance to win the game.

His only problem is 2-fold. His combos only do 600K Max and his super is really awkward to dhc into and out of. and in a game where every touch needs to at least kill zero (825K) it forces people to play a reset game, and when you go for resets, theres always the chance that the guy gets out of your set up, and then kills you with his 1 mil damage combo.

The reason that his combos arent maxed out are because people have stopped trying to develop him. every one does the same tired old, "hard knockdown palm - to pistol otg - to wall bounce - to launch -bring them back down - into pistol team super" combo from day 2 of the game. Once people actually start trying to really work and really be super gay with him the way virgil, zero, and viper can be and start doing stuff like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twpA1wPrm7E
then the character will start improving again.

Eventually, people will realize that Sentinel is a legitimately good character.
Ive been telling people this for months, and nobody believes me. These people will continue to rock sentinel on tournament winning teams abusing drones for all theyre worth, yet nobody wants to admit that the character is actually good, just because he gets opened up easily. BUt then you try to go in on him and hit him with all those instant overheads you have, only to realize you cant really get past the 15 full and half screen normals he has with no lag.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Jun 26, 2008
Rhode Island
Kid Craft 24
The next tourney I'm going to isn't until November. ATM I'm strapped for cash and i have no way to get there and no way to make the $$ needed to go within a week like.

That and i also don't feel i'm ready yet to play OoS so soon after i've been to an OoS tourney. I need time to think about the stuff i'm doing wrong attempt to fix them. A lot of factors really that add up to me not going to GUTS.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
You didn't notice he replaced Espy as our mod? Ofcourse he is around here alot now. He has to keep us in line.

Reflex, how good do you think Squirtle is in 1 stock matches? With fatigue and everything, just the possibility of just Squirtle (ive noticed you seem to keep squirtle out even with fatigued). Would you ever start with charizard in that case?

I might actually bring back the PT secondary if that was the case, but the other 2 just suck soooooooooooooooooo much.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Squirtle's amazingly strong if the opponent doesn't wall him out or just run away for a minute. He loves that bruiser mentality because he can juggle, has an awesome tilt that links into setups and edge guards, and just really fast and long ranged attacks in the air to keep people away out of his pocket while simultaneously invading theirs. Spaced properly it's incredibly hard to punish it. It's ridiculous. :applejack:


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
I wish Wario has Squirtle aerials. That would be hilarious. His Dair is better but thats basically it. Both nairs are alright. His fair/bair are sonic quality, just trash supported by awesome mobility.

@ Quest, fatigue is a mechanic that reduces the pokemon's power on all moves as time passes. I think they were trying to mimic PP like in Pokemon games when you can't just keep using moves forever because they have limited uses. But w/e it is it sucks in competive brawl.

Basically you have like 90 points, every second you lose 1 point, every time you use an attack you lose one point (doesnt matter if it hits, this includes charging water gun even if you dont fire). At some point before you reach 0, all of your attacks only do 80% damage, hitstun and knockback. At 0, it goes to 70%, making it very difficult to kill with Squirtle. You can also fatigue below 0% forcing you to spend a longer time recovering from fatigue.

You can only regain these "points" by switching the pokemon out and letting it rest (recovers 2 points per second while in the pokeball) or dying (takes a huge chunk off of your fatigue.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
200 points. When you get to 80, it goes to 80% knockback/damage and steadily lowers until 0, where it's at 70% knockback/damage. When you're KO'd, the KO'd Pokémon instantly gets 70% of the amount that was gone from fatigue, and you gain 1.67 "energy" every second that Pokémon isn't in.

1-stock, three minutes? Squirtle would probably be Borderline tier; maybe slightly higher. He can camp extremely well and racks up damage, no problem. Has niiiice traits to make the most of. F-Tilt is beyond ********. Has a couple matchups where he really struggles, but, much like Wario, he has camping potential and can get really powerful combos early on.

There is a certain appeal to Squirtle's U-Air, but he would MUCH rather have that ridiculous KO move on top of a strong damage racker.

My Squirtle usually takes one-and-a-half stocks, then I work around the other two to get Squirtle to finish the game on my last stock. Starting Charizard might not be a bad idea in order to stall with Flamethrower or get some easy damage with throw shenanigans/Rock Smash stupidity. I'd rather just use the ideal Pokémon for the matchup, though. No matter how many stocks, I think that's always the best decision.

Also, Excel, I volunteered to be the Sonic boards mod. You guys are alright. Better than most of the PT crowd. :p

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Reflex is smart so i would assume he already has a better sonic than almost everyone in here.

Also reflex, using signature moves like squirtles/ivysaurs up smash, and rock smash use up energy from the pokemon too right?

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